Beiträge von Quasimodo & Esmeralda

    Aloha hey you ♥

    It is pretty nice that the game was so fluently and you caught a wolf.:schmieg:

    But my biggest problem is to put myself into the game again. I hope it will we easier in a few hours!!

    I have read everything again now ;( And i'm trying to do my best!

    I didn't like that while reading. Thinking of pearl and coco as a villager at the moment was a very easy conclusion at the moment.

    This post doesn't seem to be really selfmotivated for me. And according to that: H/she/it wasn't the first one, who used exactly the same argument. Maybe he/she/it didn't want to give so much information at that point of game? Maybe because he/it/her was in the focus and was scared to die.

    Rusty. Are pearl and coco still your most likely villagers?

    Maybe I can convince him being not as manipulative as it seems in the first place?

    What do you mean? Why manipulative? ;(

    I would never do something like that!

    What a mean accusation....:(

    But on the other hand, he askes intrusive questions I don’t know what the intention is.

    Good. But they shall not help you- they are for me!

    And sometimes i don't even know why i'm asking. I'm just hoping to get an informative answer.

    In one of my latest posts I cited where I got that feeling.

    Was it so hard just to answer my questions, dear Dinah:(

    I'm disappoited... I've seen that post. But you ment in general?

    So this couldn't be the only example.

    I don't know what your problem is here.... You could have answerde my question quick. Your reaction is so over......

    That makes me depressive.

    Greaseball, Dinah, Flat Top, Jugolas and also Coco and Pearl I guess.

    Why Jugolas? Is this a joke? If yes i don't like that.

    :( I don't know what you expect here. Is this a joke? Is this serious? Do you want to get reactions? You confuse me....

    Besides that i liked electra. She/he/it had some fresh new thoughts and she or whatever got constantly new thoughts over the game.

    Rusty is suspicious because Ashley says that. She is new so she has an objective view. What do you think?

    ?( coco?

    What is this? It can't be serious.

    I also kind of dont like the two early votes against Rusty. Maybe there could be made a team exclusion - but I will still have to think about this at another time.

    Although I have to admit that in my opinion Rusty is also the most suspicious player if you only take the "inactive" people into account. But I dont understand, why we should focus on the rather inactive ones. Furthermore I dont think that you get so much out of one post to build a great foundation for an early vote.

    Has it changed? Have you thought about it ?

    Something else: Electra's longer post activated eight out of ten alarm bells. So much relativizing. So awkward to read. Really gives me wolf vibes.

    The post where he calls Jugolas a villager-like person doesn't improve the situation.

    I can't understand Joule here. What kind of alarm bells? Is relativizing one alarm bell? Or was it the only reason?

    I share your Jugolas point but atm i think it was a joke :(

    Especially Electras last post sounded like: „Oh originally I liked Ruhrgolds post but now everyone says that’s not villager like so I will also say that“.

    I don't think he would say something like that to his/her/its cowolf. It was so outstanding. And it hadn't really other conclusions in my opinion.

    Also I kinda not liked Ashleys early vote on someone with nearly no posts. Has someone else an opinion on that they want to share with me?

    Maybe the same? But why is he so unsure here? And so sure with electra? I come to the conclusion electra is a villager.

    , but after it I only thought: "Oh god, what do you do in this game! You understand nothing!"

    ;( that was mean. I cried a lot.

    I don't even get why you said that at that point? Dou you just wanted to call out silly/inactive people? What is your thought behind that here? It just make sense for me if you want to put them into the focus and i don't like the way you do that.

    Ruhrgold I really liked, that he likes Electras Introduction and I really with him concerning that. Also, I liked the reactions he gave, as somebody questioned that decision.

    I didn't like his post in general. But this was really shady. I didn't think he realised that rouhrgold will be voted.

    I didn't like that as well. I totally share pearls opinion here.

    The post tendencies are just about a feeling/no feeling, weird reasons for example those abut pearl and coco.

    Turnov post seems a bit fuller with evaluations and thought that it acutally is which leaves a slightly bad feeling. Any opinions on Turnov @all?

    You can read above :)

    what do you say about buffys - ruhrgold tendency?

    Okay, more happend.

    I like Coco's post again.

    I didn't really like Rusty's post. His criticism towards Buffy is completely justified, and his opinion about Pearl and Coco is something I share. Nevertheless I would have hoped for more insight into his thoughts. As of now, it all seems a bit shallow, and also I got the impression that the question to Buffy about Turnov is a bit out of place. I had the thought that Rusty might be wolf with either Turnov or Buffy and tried to create either mindgames (If Turnov) or interaction (If Buffy) with one of his furry friends.


    PS.: And the topic between Dinah and Ruhrgold was of all topics Greaseball's village standing. I wonder whether twi wolves would talk about their future target like that? However, this was yesterday morning, so it does not weight that much I admit.

    I like that point.

    Do you think it is worth to read what others said about Ruhrgold

    Why not?

    Schoko should be villager

    Perle should be villager too

    'Schokoperle' is in the village lol

    I have a strong feeling if coco is a werwolf some of the persons who called him out has leveled with him.

    But at the moment i don't have negative vibes there.

    I still like pearl and the vote makes it clear as a villager for me. I also agree that electra is a villager.

    I didn't like Buffy and Rusty..

    And Ashley but i don't know it could be here aggressive style :(

    Someone was asking: I can not answer that quaetion. I have not read yesterday.

    So now i'm biased by the result. But i think my vote could have been Rusty or Buffy.

    I think it was Killua, who was asking? I'm sure you will not like my answer but it is honest :)

    @all If you want yo can talk to me now. I would appreciate that :) My time shouldn't be so limited anymore.

    And now worries i don't have a hangover anymore.

    So of course this is my general way to play, besides the fact that I am not called Pearl. I wouldn't say I am really good in roleplayes or that I actually try to. I want to have fun and it's not fun to just guess which wwo user might be which Starlight Express character. I rather look for werewolfs. How about you? What do you actually want to know from me by asking me these questions?

    I just tried to gain some new information about you and your style.

    Tickling you. Something like that..

    Just wanted to be really convinced to vote for you as Hd.

    But i like your reaction and i could sign you arguments. Sure i rather look for werewolfs lol xD But atm i'm trying to concetrate me a little bit mor on my choice for my vote. And then after this day, i hope i will have a lot of information about all the players so it will be easier to concentrate if they aren't noble-minded.

    What do you think of Wrench? You asked him some questions and it seems like you are also not super convinced of him yet?
    He seems quite relaxed to me but all in all, as menntioned before, but besides that I can't see any villager sign.

    Well i'm not convinved by Wrench.

    But it could be also his general style. Idk

    I have to look another time maybe. I will give him/her some time.- for now not positive at all. It doesn't seem like he's really into the games flow.



    Stand Tag 1

    Coco (2): Greaseball, Joule

    Joule (1): Coco

    Pearl (4): Pearl, Dinah, Wrench, Flat Top

    Verbleibende Zeit: 01:16:47

    Here we go again!

    I drank my coffee but unfortunately: I didn't calm down.

    Lucky me thought while reading: Everything stayed as it was. & nothing has shaken.:)

    He seems to be a macho which his way of presenting his thoughts. Maybe it based on his assume that I am a macho while he praised himself very high.

    And his reaction on my reaction on the effects of his posts, anyway I am not a friend of players who a very egocentric. I am sure in the end he will be not able to be a better HD as Coco or someone else. And his extraordinary volunteer might be dangerous.

    Okay, so i guess it was a little bit selfdefense?

    Interesting thought and i can understand why you assume something like from your point of view.

    But i can not share your perception objective. But maybe it's because the word 'macho' has a difficult meaning for you.

    Well, anyways: Who are/is your mostley villagery player/players at the moment?

    I can tell you that I am the very best player you have ever played with but thats not an objective opinion ( and not my opinion anyway). I am sure that I would be a good choice since I have time, I am motivated and I would love to be the leader. I can't promise to find all the werewolfes at once, but I am sure I will give my very best to find them. Especially when the other villagers are also eager to find the werewolfes.

    Well i trust you with that. And this would share my impression.

    Is someone here whose gamestyle matches yours the most?

    I like the way you present yourself as a special snowflake here. And that is exactly why i think you are villagery. I just want to make clear if it's your general way to play that werwolve game or are you playing a really good roleplay here;)

    Why? In general it would sound weird but Dinah is reffering to Starlight Express and due to this I found it quite ok to say that. The "girls" haven't participated in the game much when Dinah asked them so that its a good idea to include them in the game and ask others for opinion.

    Well didn't get that reference. Just thought she wanted to focus here. That would be strange.

    It reminded me of dubious American campaign workers before an election.

    Unlike other players, her thoughts do not sound as forced and I can relate to most of what she is trying to say.

    I would share that feeling.

    In general Dinah is getting more an more villagery i like that. It is totally concentrated & active and its quastions are really advancing.

    Year, I am a doubter and he might be not serious with his promises. So, I am not voting for him. I have the feeling of repeating myself.

    Why do you assume him/her/whatever for not beeing serious with his promises? And why not the other participants?

    Especially Coco. That is why I described them as pre-determined, which I'd say is a wolf-like attitude.

    Is it possible to show a significant example. Where did you get that feeling?

    Okay Guys - Finally i arrived and i'm totally happy about playing again in such a nice group. I hope i haven't forgotten how to play!:thinking:

    Firstly: I hope you all brought enough toilet paper with you.
    Otherwise there could be unsightly bottlenecks.

    As you see, it's a little bit to early for me and i am still trying to concetrate me while reading. I have a big hangover, sorry. Drunk to much sparkling whine the last night.

    The biggest problem for me is not writing in english- No! It's more like i am having a problem with telling the names apart.

    I'm a little bit unsure in using grammar and I'm not too keen on checking to much for spelling and grammar. I'm sorry for mistakes. I would candidate for the leadership, if you want to elect me.

    Do you think that your chances are good at the moment?

    Would you prefer yourself to the other participants?

    I would think, we should stick to the words village-like and wolf-like and use them. (Or maybe you have other suggestions). In my oppinion it doesn't make sense, if everyone uses different words.

    I like that. But i wouldn't judge that (in any specific way)

    So feel free to elect me as your leader. Since I am a first class wagon, I am perfect for this job and will definitely lead you comfortable and in the right direction! So take a seat and enjoy the ride!

    Would you say you are the best choice in that game?

    I got it.

    I like greaseball. His play is understanding and in a postive way very communicative.

    I like how he brings together his thoughts

    I think he might be a trustworthy person. What do you think?

    Forgot that :( i'm sorry. I should drink less...

    Girls, what do you think about Pearl possibly becoming our new leader?

    I like her start, to be honest. She seems to be quite determined to find the wolves.

    Sounds very weird.

    I don't like the way Dinah is asking that question here.

    Well you don't know that, maybe I am a native speaker? At least some of us seem to be quite confident in writing in english. But thats not the point. I am quite sure that most werewolf player use similar words in every game even though they might know more words. But everyone has it's own style which is usually similar in every game. I can see already different styles here and I think that it is possible to judge a bit the style and the words that are used. It can be missleading but thats something that can happen in every language.

    Pearls play is very conspicously from the beginning and he/she isn't afraid of confrontation. I like that. -Same for coco.

    This makes it easier to clear them. And they won't sink in the crowd.

    I would give a villager tendency for that. But it is not solid, since they could be some really good leading and manipulating players.

    But at the moment that's enough for a village-tendency.

    Sorry, you will be disappointed, but after having two beers with him I think I like him.

    I'm more diappointed that you didn't leave me any beer. Rude boy.

    In a nutshell, I currently feel that Dinah is a quite manipulative person since what he says in is quite hidden in his posts. In other words: I have the feeling that he is scared of taking a stand both in negative and positive terms, I don’t trust him at all!

    I would tally agree with that. That was my first impression too.

    But on the other hand: Isn't your style manipulative too?I would say it could be even more manipulative.

    At that point i like coco and Pearl. & grease (just a little bit)

    Joule seems to be a nice guy.

    So for now i have to put on a pair of pants and drink a coffee to get fresh. :)

    I don't think we have to worry about the wolves. They probably have no chance! They will get corona if they eat someone.....!:):)

    I hope we all will have a nice game together!


    Hat niemand gemerkt, dass ich ausversehen ins LW gepostet habe und dadurch das LB Cover eigentlich komplett zerstört war xD

    Doch :ugly: Ich hatte dich nach deinem LB-Like-Einschätzungspost als LB und bin nach dem LW-Post dann recht sicher davon abgekommen^^

    Hab nur noch immer nicht rausgefunden, wer du bist..

    Spoiler anzeigen

    Könnte nur raten und wenn ich raten würde, wegen LW...Fayks? :thinking:

    Ich fand das Spiel auch super toll, ist was ganz anderes anonym^^ Beim Start ist es mir - vlt auch deshalb -sehr schwer gefallen reinzukommen und hatte leider nicht immer so viel Zeit wie erhofft..

    Ich finde auch, dass Ede ein gutes Spiel gemacht hat und mit der Positivität teilweise sogar ansteckend war. Das mochte ich ^^

    Sirius hat das super gehandhabt mit dem Scan und auf Dorfseite fand ich auch ansonsten viele Spieler zml stark.

    Danke auch an Alo und Arduinna für die tolle SL, Story und auch das interessante Setting!

    Meine Tipps, hab leider nicht so viele:

    Spoiler anzeigen

    Gmork = LB

    Ede = Lark

    Akela oder Sirius = Torge

    Wolwerock = MalloN

    Ursula Ich verstehe deine Paranoia bei mir, aber der NK von Wolwerock passt -glaube ich zumindest- nicht wirklich zu mir.. Ich hatte ihn ja gestern als 2. Lynchkandidat und wollte heute auch eigentlich gegen ihn gehen, noch wegen der Scangeschichte mit den Zwillingen. Deshalb hat mich der NK eig sogar "gefreut" :D

    Den Vote von Gmork finde ich gerade seltsam, eher dorfig...?

    Mein Fazit:
    Nymeria schließe ich recht sicher als Mensch aus.

    Ede Wolf sollte auch Dorf sein, außer ich schätze ihren Spielstil völlig falsch ein, dann wäre hier tatsächlich noch ein Mensch möglich. Will ich aber nicht so recht glauben :bunnyteeth:

    Bei VOTE:Gmork habe ich jetzt zwar auch keine starke negative Tendenz (so viel hat er ja auch noch nicht gepostet), müsste dann aber der letzte Mensch sein - ist also zum Teil auch Ausschlussverfahren.

    Ursula  Rapunzel  Yzma Wie sieht es bei euch aus? (Ich werde am späteren Nachmittag nämlich wieder nur kurz on kommen können.)


    Stand Tag 5

    Gmork (2): Nymeria, Fenriswolf

    Verbleibende Zeit: 06:23:13

    So, dann also Ede Wolf...

    Ihre Spielweise selbst finde ich dorfig und authentisch, habe aber etwas Angst, dass ich da etwas durch ihre Positivität beeinflusst werde^^

    Unabhängig davon finde ich den HD Vote eher dorfig, als sie nach Sirius Selbststimme die 2. Stimme auf Sirius gesetzt hat:

    Ich mach mal VOTE:SIRIUS

    Ich schätze Ede nämlich eher so ein, dass er bei einer HD Wahl eher vorsichtiger/bedachter wäre, einen Mitmenschen überhaupt zu voten bzw. wenn dann diesen zumindest näher zu begründen als dieses "Ich mach mal".

    Trotzdem muss jemand gelyncht werden und da Akela gerade mein ehester Böser ist, VOTE:Akela

    Das wiederum ist ein Punkt, der mich aktuell noch etwas verunsichert. Die Analyse fand ich zwar gut, der Zeitpunkt gefällt mir aber nicht ganz, da Carcharoth da schon eine Stimme hatte und sie damit (mit der langen Begründung) Akela in Führung gebracht hat.

    Folgende zwei Zitate finde ich dann aber recht interessant. Dies war zu dem Zeitpunkt "Sirius vs Wolwerock" nach dem NK der Zwillinge, als es um die Scansuche ging und Mensch Sirius recht vehement den Scan auf Wolwerock schieben wollte und umgekehrt.

    Hier aber genau so bitte ein bisschen freundlicher sein, dann haben wir auch Spaß, vielleicht sogar noch mehr, weil es nicht so ein emotionales Arousal gibt. Ich weiß, du wirst grade ziemlich in die Ecke getrieben, aber versuche vielleicht rationalere Fakten zu finden, anstatt die Meinungen anderer anzugehen. (ich weiß du hast das auch versucht und das fand ich auch toll, also weiter so :D )

    [an Wolwerock]

    Das finde ich zu dem Zeitpunkt schon ziemlich dorfig, wie sie hier versucht, Wolweruck in der Diskussion weiterzuhelfen.

    Folgendes ist eine Antwort auf Sirius Aussage: "Man kann das VM ja auch zwei Arten spielen; entweder, man versucht, immer bei einem Dorfi ("Gutem") zu übernachten, um möglichst lange zu überleben, oder, man versucht unsichere Leute zu scannen."

    Wirklich? Die 2te Art finde ich nicht sehr zielführend, weil man will ja möglichst viel Informationen bekommen und wenn man möglichst oft nicht gefressen wird, dann hat man mehr Infos, als wenn man von einem "unsicheren" gefressen wird. Ich würde mich daher auch eher an die positiv Bewerteten denken, wenn es darum geht, bei wem er übernachtet hat.

    Durch diese Aussage stellt sie sich argumentativ auch eher auf die Seite von Wolwerock und argumentiert gegen eines der Hauptargumente von Sirius. Finde ich auch sehr dorfig, weil ich nicht denke, dass Ede in so einer entscheidenden Phase so gegen den letzten Mitmenschen argumentieren würde.

    Es könnte ja auch die Überraschung ausdrücken, dass nicht derjenige gefressen wurde, der vorgesehen war. Denn der NK fiel ja insofern aus, weil Hati/Skalli bei einem Bösen übernachtet hat und dadurch das eigentliche Opfer verschont blieb.


    Naja, viel nehmen wir uns alle nicht wegen Aktivität, außer Gmork selbst

    Naja, laut Postanzahl ist Wolwerock halt schon recht weit vorne und das ist Gmork auch aufgefalle:

    Ich habe dich doch dorfig, weil du dich eben nicht zurückhältst.

    Deine Aussage hat mich jetzt auf noch einen Gedanken gebracht:

    Wolwerock würde ich sogar ein wenig im Rudel stehen, da ich glaube, dass gute Spieler sich eher einen argumentativen Aufwand machen, während die Bösen einfach zusehen, wie sich dieses zerfleischt.

    => Ist Gmork so dreist, dass er sich da selbst beschreiben würde?

    Yzma Wieso gehst du davon aus, dass die Bösen sich stark zurückhalten? Aus Erfahrung oder hat das was mit diesem Spiel zu tun?

    Ich les mir vor Ede mal Gmork nochmal durch - ist nicht so viel :D

    dies hier ist mein erstes anonymes Spiel, das heißt, ich werde sicherlich ordentlich ins Klo greifen, falls ich die Spieler nicht erkenne.

    Akela scheint etwas trollig zu sein, aber im Kontext vom Spiel zu bleiben.

    Durch sein Trollen wirkt Sirius sehr sympathisch...

    Weil dies am Anfang sehr auffällig war, ich kann hier nicht, wie in einem normalen Spiel auf Erfahrungen zurückgreifen, deswegen sage ich nur dass, was ausgesprochen auffällig ist, bevor ich mich in eine Gesinnung äußere.

    Bei dem Einstieg gefallen mir 2 Aspekte nicht so ganz:

    - Er rechtfertigt sich bereits vorab, dass er sich dieses Spiel schwerer tun wird, weil er nicht auf Erfahrungen zurückgreifen kann. Ich verstehe auch insbesondere das "deswegen sage ich nur dass, was ausgesprochen auffällig ist, bevor ich mich in eine Gesinnung äußere." nicht bzw. wirkt das auf mich etwas versteckend und zurückhaltend.

    -Wohl auch deshalb geht er bei seinen ersten 2 kurzen Tendenzen nur aufs Trollen ein.

    VOTE:Isegrim weil Bauch

    Den Vote mit der Begründung finde ich eher dorfig als menschlich.

    Interessant. Damit hat man zumindest mal Material...

    Das finde ich zumindest seltsam. Der Post war nämlich recht kurz nach dem Nachtpost und dann hat er bei der gesamten Diskussion an dem Tag nicht mitgemacht bzw. nicht mitmachen können (vielleicht war er ja verhindert).

    Würde den Satz aber eher nicht werten.

    Wolwerock würde ich sogar ein wenig im Rudel stehen, da ich glaube, dass gute Spieler sich eher einen argumentativen Aufwand machen, während die Bösen einfach zusehen, wie sich dieses zerfleischt.

    Ich habe dich doch dorfig, weil du dich eben nicht zurückhältst.

    Die beiden Zitate finde ich noch recht interessant, wenn man bedenkt, dass der heutige NK ausgerechnet Wolwerock war - also die einzige Person, die er explizit als dorfig bezeichnet hatte..

    Das ist immerhin die 1. mögliche und konkrete Erklärung, die ich zum NK gefunden habe^^ Ede muss ich mir dann halt noch durchlesen..

    Der NK rückt vor allem Nymeria mMn noch weiter ins Dorf, sodass ich sie mittlerweile so gut wie sicher als Mensch ausschließen möchte. Aus ihrer Sicht hätte nämlich ein NK von Ede Wolf viel mehr Sinn ergeben, weil es wohl nicht unwahrscheinlich gewesen wäre, dass sie dann den HD bekommen hätte.

    Ede Nachlesen folgt noch.. Jetzt erstmal Mittagspause.