Beiträge von Rapunzel

    sometimes it felt a little bit played imo. but i like his reaction to buffy

    This is just a placeholder to say that it's striking how often Wrench says things I totally agree on. Still, his style is somehow too neutral to make me sure of him being a villager (and some people just have the talent to spot many truths as a wolf too).
    Obelix: Do something crazy please.

    But whoever said that my vote was pure luck, thats not nice at all! Especially since half of the people that person listet, I would not have votet. Nevertheless, I wasn't sure with Ruhrgold, but I can ensure you that I was thinking about everything quite long so that my vote was not out of the blue.

    Maybe you mean me, but I think you even called yourself lucky after the lynch. I don't think it's pure luck btw, there are certainly factors that lead to you voting Ruhrgold instead of someone else. I just tried to explain some point and for that I listed some people that were (in my point of view) in a similar position than Ruhrgold. Maybe for you that was a different set of people.
    Anyway, sorry if you took it personally. I'm very happy about your decision :D

    :hug: No i'm not mad. It is okay, if you think so.

    As is said i tried my best!

    And I think your a villager. That is enough for me at the moment. :)

    Okay for me it seemed a little bit like a dagger in the neck when you turned my caution into a wolfsign.

    Maybe we can put aside that for a while.

    What ist your opinion about carboose at that moment?

    This gave me a feeling of Flat Top villager again. I'm seriously confused by him. His mood seems so inconsistent and I really don't know why he would act so strongly. I don't even think it makes a lot of sense as a werewolf.
    In any case, Flat Top is probably just a really strange person and I might start just going for pure content instead of reading something into the tone.

    Can me say somebody some striking point about Dinah. She's a little bit out of my focus today.

    Furtermore I like Flat tops actual activity

    About Dinah: Nothing striking, but in my opinion, she has too much of a villager-label for what she has actually done in this game. Compared to you for example (I think you have done much more.) Maybe that's just my opinion, but anyway. I find that suspicious.
    What do you think about Flat Tops content?

    untypical for who or what? xD a villager, a wolf, my as a person?

    so enough "pretty"s from me at that point

    Buffy seems so self-centered (which is normally a small villager sign) but also incredibly self-aware about her post (which I know from myself rather as a werwolf). I don't like it.

    can you explain, what you like about buffy?

    Yeah, I had just been scanning all the posts at that point and it seemed to me as if Buffy exposed herself a lot and put herself in the middle of a conversation. After reading more thoroughly, I don't really like her anymore.

    Beside of this I think I would actually vote on VOTE:Volta

    Yeah, I have to say that Volta is someone who really didn't do a lot so far. I hope she can start actually doing something. I still have a plus from the very little content she has created, so I don't want to kill her today. But it might be inevitable that Mulan is lynched soon.

    Also, I wanted to say that Rusty has something to him that I find villagery. He is somehow very confident and critical at the same time. He doesn't create that much content but tbh, I think the density of actually useful stuff is higher than in the post of some other people.

    if you think its artificial, what does it says about ashley then?

    (that was about Rusty's reaction to Ashley's accusation)
    I don't think it has to say a lot about Ashley. This kind of reaction makes sense in each scenario, so I don't want to exclude the possibilty that he reacts like that to a team member. But apart from that, I like Ashley very much this game and it seems not likely to me that she's a werewolf.

    Im unsure who i would have voted yesterday, but honestly probably electra over ruhrgold.

    Can you quickly say why? What's your opinion about Electra? And what's your opinion about Electra's opinions?

    so if its completly understandable in both roles, do you think we can even get informations from the votes?

    First of all, Ruhrgold turned out to be a wolf and second of all, only very few players are responsible for this. It is a huge plus for Pearl and it makes Electra look better, because both of those players had almost equivalent other choices at this point. If Pearl was a werewolf and already explained her issues with the Caboose-Lynch, she might as well throw in really anyone with a similar standing than Ruhrgold (I think I explained that thought before), and most likely she could have chosen a villager among these people. Also, most of us already saw her as a villager, so she doesn't even need to risk something in order to prove herself. I conclude that the move from her part would not make any sense as a werewolf (furthermore, her reaction to the lynch is very authentic.)
    Concerning Electra: If Caboose is NOT a werewolf and she already found an excuse to vote on Caboose, there is no real need to switch again (since, if I recall correctly, she didn't express unease towards a Caboose-Lynch besides justifying it as "better him than me"). So for me, a Caboose-villager makes Electra-wolf more unlikely. If Caboose is a werewolf, it might still be that Electra is one as well, but the possibility for that is lower than for the other case in my opinion.

    This is the information i get from the votes. In case that Ruhrgold died as villager, I wouldn't get much information I think (that's why I was criticising it in the first place).
    Btw, Ashley doesn't get special credits for her vote, rather for general good play, I think.

    Sheesh even reading it now, gets me chills.

    Sounds a bit exaggerated. Also the second time she writes this in her post.

    So why not voting them, especially if you do not have another person that negative? And that you now make the statement that you maybe would have switched to Ruhrgold seems a bit shady to me

    As I said, I completely understand the Ruhrgold vote.
    How should this statement be shady? I don't get it. Obviously it's just the truth (else I wouldn't write it, because of course someone like you comes around the corner to tell me that this is shady)
    I think that a lot of people just didn't understand what I was trying to say about this matter.

    Is this a joke? Is this serious? Do you want to get reactions? You confuse me....

    What kind of alarm bells? Is relativizing one alarm bell? Or was it the only reason?

    I share your Jugolas point but atm i think it was a joke

    Flat Top is extremely 'on needles'. I don't like it, because confusion is something wolves often use as a protection. Also, there is not even a good reason to be confused in my opinion.

    ;( that was mean. I cried a lot.

    I don't even get why you said that at that point? Dou you just wanted to call out silly/inactive people? What is your thought behind that here? It just make sense for me if you want to put them into the focus and i don't like the way you do that.

    This seems like bad acting. It can't be sarcasm because from the two quotes above, I conclude that Flat Top probably would not the best person to detect it.

    I like that post from Flat Top. Seems totally authentic

    I really think the opposite, but yeah...

    Pinned. I will not forget that. I'm curious now.

    This is something I liked from Flat Top.

    and she voted 6 minutes before the lynch ended, provoked with that action an draw, (which wolves don't bother at all) and there was no real sign, that there are some ninjas coming.

    Okay, I understand your thought, but what should a villager do in her situation if she doesn't want to kill Caboose or Electra?

    So atm I like Pearl,, Ashley and a little bit Buffy, Electra, Coco.

    I don't really like Turnov, but also Flat Top and Rusty.

    I read positive opinions about Flat Top (from Electra and also Ashley) and would like to know what exactly? He really didn't convince me today.

    As always, I'm taking more time towards the evening. Right now I appreciate the content that is being generated. Keep going!

    I don't know whether I agree to you all that Rusty's complaint is suspicious. When I read it for the first time, it seemed more likely to me that he was an annoyed villager, but now I have to say that the post really seems artificial.

    Obelix: What's your opinion on Buffy, Dinah and Turnov again? Who would you vote if you had to decide now and for what reason? Who do you think you would have voted yesterday?

    Also, why should I actively advertise for a different lynch? The Ruhrgold votes were really understandable (and in fact I even think I would have switched to save Caboose if Electra hadn't done anything), but in the worst case, we just lose a villager and don't even gain information, because voting Ruhrgold in this situation is completely sensible in each role. So I was rather criticising the tactics behind the move and I still stand behind that. I can't imagine that every person that was in a similar position as Ruhrgold (say, Rusty, Volta, maybe Flat Top, Buffy, Turnov) is a werewolf, so Pearl was pretty lucky to pick the right person, but obviously that's not clear before the lynch.

    On my radar today are mainly Turnov, Buffy and Rusty, maybe Dinah. I definitely want to read more from Volta, Flat Top and also Caboose.

    I mean, Electra is indeed less likely a werewolf after this lynch. Yes, coldly sacrificing a werewolf is indeed a valid strategy, but after already voting on Caboose this at least doesn't seem like a forced move for her.

    One possibility is that she wanted to simply make herself look better, but also this would be kind of risky since this move by no means guarantees that she will be able to sneak through the game as a safe villager.

    The last possibility is of course that Caboose is a werewolf as well, but this also seems highly unlikely. Before joining the conspiracy theorists, I'd rather assume that my impression on Electra was simply wrong and treat her as a villager from now on.

    Obviously, the lynch also makes Pearl even more trustworthy, although she was also pretty safe before. Reading Ruhrgold did not provide much insight for me. I think that his suspicious comment to Electra was the most outstanding thing. It fits to the image of Electra villager, since it was s pretty conspicuous statement which some wolves (and I would count Ruhrgold to that group given their content) tend to not make about their fellow wolf colleagues.

    Coco, why do you trust Wrench and Turnov? I don't really see a good reason.

    Okay, more happend.

    I like Coco's post again.

    I didn't really like Rusty's post. His criticism towards Buffy is completely justified, and his opinion about Pearl and Coco is something I share. Nevertheless I would have hoped for more insight into his thoughts. As of now, it all seems a bit shallow, and also I got the impression that the question to Buffy about Turnov is a bit out of place. I had the thought that Rusty might be wolf with either Turnov or Buffy and tried to create either mindgames (If Turnov) or interaction (If Buffy) with one of his furry friends.

    Not so much happened in the meantime.

    A few more posts from Volta. If she was a wolf, it would be quite strange to talk to Coco like that (I have the sentence "I hope you are smarter than that if you're a villager" in mind) and also her reactions to Electra seem quite authentic.

    I didn't like Turnov's post. He evaluates everyone without actually saying a lot, which I don't like. Also I don't like his opinion, on Caboose for example. Turnov seems quite passive and not pro-active in this game. I really hope his headache is not so terrible.

    It also occured to me that Wrench has a pretty special position in this game. She seems much more in the questioning mode. The comments are usually quite good in my opinion, but I would wish for more opinions.

    Also I'm looking forward to Rusty's post.

    Btw, I still don't have a good feeling for Dinah. I don't know what it is, but it's there from the first day.

    Sorry, as usual I will have more time in the evening. For now, I'd like to express that

    VOTE: Electra is the most suspicious person to me at the moment, despite me changing back and forth on this yesterday. I also don't understand how Pearl finds his posts authentic.

    It's interesting to read what Buffy thinks about the game. There is not really much I would agree on, but at least her opinion seems quite original and I think it's likely that it originates from a villagers mind.

    Ashley is very motivated and her content is good, so I tend to trust her for now.

    I don't like that Coco votes for Buffy after that post. He seems either too self-centered (My feeling still doesn't say she's a wolf though, but since day 1, she has really disappointed me a little bit)

    I hope that I can read everything before the deadline and then make a good decision.


    Stand Tag 2

    Buffy (1): Coco

    Caboose (2): Buffy, Turnov

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Electra (1): Joule

    Rusty (1): Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 03:13:21

    Just to clarify this:

    My famously quoted "personality-read" on Pearl has less to do with her identity or her alignment even. It's more something for myself that helps me telling apart the stuff I should evaluate in her posts and the things I shouldn't, and also gives me a guideline for how to evaluate things. Small, unrelated example: If someone considerate who usually doesn't like to position themselves in the center of attention suddenly puts down a lot of conspicuous content, it makes them much more likely to be villager. This is not necessarily true if a notoriously careless person does the same.

    Something else: Electra's longer post activated eight out of ten alarm bells. So much relativizing. So awkward to read. Really gives me wolf vibes.

    The post where he calls Jugolas a villager-like person doesn't improve the situation.

    Dinah: How is it hurtful what Coco wrote? I don't quite understand that.

    Yeah, obviously I agree on the fact that Coco and Dinah don't fit into one evil team. A more interesting insight should be that a Wrench/Rusty team seems unlikely.

    - I understand Dinah's concerns about Coco. There are some serious problems with Coco's interpretation of some situations. I agree that there are some flaws in his reasoning, but to be honest, I can hardly imagine a werewolf deliberatly trying to force a bad picture on someone in such a way. I find it a bit surprising that Dinah finds that suspicious. It seems like a too easy conclusion to me.

    But how can that conclusion be too easy, when no one else besides me evaluates it that way?

    You were the one to start criticizing me for being over the top and Coco just took the easy road going against me. I mean it wasn't an unpopular opinion in the beginning. and that dynamic of just following is what I find wolf-like about her. and as I've already expressed, I just think their style of playing seems to be kinda planned. While villagers often overthink certain situations, wolves are often more stringent in their way of argumentation, I also see that here.

    However, if you understand my concerns but do not share my conclusion. What is your conclusion?

    To me it seemed as if you argue along the lines of: Coco tries to put me in a bad light with super weak (and partly wrong) arguments, so he must be wolf. For me, it would not be the first time I see a villager using shady ways to express their gut feeling. Also, wolves would be more cautious about the correctness of their justifications, wouldn't they?

    Btw, why should the fact that you're the only one raising this change my opinion about the quality of your argument?

    My conclusion about Coco in general is that he just has a highly subjective playstyle. It would kind of surprise me if Coco put himself in a special position like that as a werewolf.

    Hi Ashley!

    What is shady about Caboose?

    I'm back! Time to summarize some random thoughts:

    - I really understand the Pearl-villager train. Her attitude is very positive, her posts are good in quality and she makes some serious efforts to push the game forward. I have to say that I'm glad to have her as our leader.

    - I understand Dinah's concerns about Coco. There are some serious problems with Coco's interpretation of some situations. I agree that there are some flaws in his reasoning, but to be honest, I can hardly imagine a werewolf deliberatly trying to force a bad picture on someone in such a way. I find it a bit surprising that Dinah finds that suspicious. It seems like a too easy conclusion to me.

    - Flat Top's introduction somehow striked me as very unusual, which I noted slightly positive in my head. I will have to go back to see what exactly it was.

    - I don't like Ruhrgold's overly cautious comment about Electra's introduction. I don't share his opinion and it seems hardly necessary to state that it might change, unless he wants an insurance for the future.

    - Volta seems a bit lost. Strangely enough, it invoked a feeling in me that he might be a villager. I would like to hear some impressions of Mulan though. Just drop me some opinions. About Coco, Pearl, Dinah, I don't care.

    The rest didn't stand out to me.

    Stella: Yes, of course we somehow have to get discussions going, but I still think that people should think about how useful their content really is. In Buffy's example, it really seemed like a generic post which wolves write if they want to seem present and interested in the game without actually saying a lot.

    Yes, I know that it's hard to apply a general measure to all players because everyone is different, but I have to start somewhere.

    And sure, you could also argue that a wolf might think about their posts more carefully but in my opinion, this is doesn't apply here, since there is nothing obviously wrong with that post.

    I like Buffy's second a bit more, but it's still not convincing. I didn't like that he didn't even bother sharing a gut feeling about people with less than 5 posts. Seems a bit lazy and furthermore, I really don't think that people with less posts are automatically harder to evaluate.

    It's actually quite funny that you mention Pearl, and I have to agree that she's over the top. I didn't take it into consideration though, because I somehow instantly attributed it to her personality. Do you disagree?

    Kakuzu: Yeah I don't really agree to your thoughts about Turnov. The difference between him and Buffy is that his first post is more obviously irrelevant to the game which makes him seem less tense, but at the end of the day, it's not something that I would give the villager-attitude label.