Beiträge von Hiro

    Von Kjeks und Mel würde ich stark abraten. Kjeks siehe oben und Mel ist vielleicht sympathisch, aber was da gestern abgelaufen ist, war schon verdächtig. Kann sein, dass das alles nur Täuschung der Wölfe war, aber ich würde lieber auf Nummer sicher gehen und Mel nicht einladen, solange es brauchbare Alternativen gibt.

    Ansonsten kann ich LB empfehlen. Sky vielleicht auch.

    Danke für den Rat. Bitte nimm es mir aber nicht überl, wenn ich ihm nicht folge, ich glaube nämlich nicht, dass ich dem Konsenswolf vertrauen sollte :D

    Sky oder Kjeks :D

    Und alle anderen kommen nicht infrage?

    Huhu, ich bin wieder da, die liebe Fee :)

    müssen wir dich verstehen?

    Ja, das wäre schon nicht schlecht, wenn ihr mich verstehen würdet ;)

    Offensichtlich ist Amanda böse. Geburtstagsfee hat das bestimmt auch kurz vor Lynchende erkannt und deshalb auf Meliha umgestimmt. Vermutlich ist übrigens auch Feles böse und hat mit dem Start des Zuges auf Mel ein Ablenkungsmanöver gestartet, damit wir die Wahl von Amanda nicht zu sehr hinterfragen.

    Wie kommst du denn darauf ?( Ich sehe keine Grund, weshalb man Amanda negativ sehen sollte, ich habe nu umgestimmt, weil ich Mel sympathischer finde :love:

    Ich habe jetzt mal Elena nachgelesen und ich glaube, dass sie zusammen mit Kjeks Wolf ist!

    Wie kommst du denn jetzt darauf?

    @all hat jemand eine Empfehlung, wen ich heute zur Party einladen soll? Ich bin mir so enorm unsicher :/

    Huhu liebe Mitspieler <3 eure Lieblingsgeburtstagsfee ist wieder da.

    Geburtstagsfee Was ist die Lieblingsfarbe deiner Lieblingsjeans?

    Ich bin eine Fee, ich trage keine Hosen. Aber wenn ich eine häte, wäre ihr Lieblingsfarbe sicherlich regenbogenfarben.

    muss man dich auch einschätzen? wenn ja, hast du schon Tendenzen oder i-was, was du uns sagen kannst?

    Ob ihr mich einschätzen wollt, ist euch überlassen, aber jedenfalls kann man mich nicht zur Party einladen, daher ist es wohl nicht zwingend notwendig :)

    Wirkliche Tendenzen habe ich noch nicht, ich versuche jetzt erst mal ein wenig nachzulesen und dann kann ich hoffentlich mehr sagen.

    Hast du auch eine Stimme bei der Wahl?
    Kann man dich auch zur Party einladen?

    Oh ja, ich habe ich darf auch abstimmen, habe es leider gestern voll verpennt :(

    Ich habe leider nicht so viel Zeit, wie ich dachte, werde aber versuchen heute aktiver mitzuspielen und auch eine Stimme abzugeben. Zur Party einladen, kann man mich nicht.

    Geburtstagsfee darfst du uns über deine Funktion aufklären? wurdest ja auch in der Anmeldung separat behandelt.

    Ich denke, das würde unter Outing fallen, wenn ich euch sage, wozu ich hier bin ;)

    Am besten, ihr behandelt mich wie ein normalen Spielen, nur dass man mich halt nicht zur Party einladen kann.

    Geburtstagsfee bist du dazu da um Partygäste wieder auszuladen?

    Oh nein, so etwas böse, wie Leute wieder ausladen, würde ich doch niemals tun, ich bin doch eine gute Fee :)

    Ashley why did you voted Ruhrgold?

    Why not? To this point of time, Caboose had the most votes and I didn't thought you will kill Ruhrgold, so I can level.

    And after you did I had a really good standing.

    And funny fact, third night I would have crashed at Ashley her place. Sad. Kinda had mixed feeling, some people said she is on the good side. Personally I was still confused by the way she played early on, picking me out while there have been different option. And the back off later seemed too easy.

    Oh, that would be hard

    yeah thank you all for the game, i liked it :) especially of course my wolf team

    and i felt quit lonely in the wolves conversation :( we rly didnt talked that much. And i just sugested to random kill Greaseball (sorry for that) bc of his number of posts and i just joined so i didnt had any clue on who to kill

    Sorry, normally I'm a active wolf in the conversation, but this time I tried to ignore being wolf as far as possible. Not because of you, just another way of playing, i tried.

    My guesses (probably I'm really wrong, but than you can have fun xD )

    Spoiler anzeigen

    Pearl = Sunny
    Buffy = Blacky
    Joule = Michael
    Wrench = Fayks?
    Caboose = oh my god, I'm so sure I know you really good, but I still don't have a plan

    Electra = Dave
    Dinah = Daro
    Flat Top = Lark or Jewel
    Turnov = LB
    Ruhrgold = Doubter
    Greaseland = Kimberly

    Myself I will tell you tomorow (if Jugo spoilers you not to much :ugly: ) but I want to see who you think I am. Maybe I was intelligent enough to make myself to one of my guesses, maybe not :ugly:

    I assume that at least one of Joule and Turnov is an active person, otherwise he would have given the leadership to any of those persons. I fear that Ashley understood the roe of the sleepless wrong since Pearl only knows whether at least one person is active. First, this should have been the case every night. Second, this doesn't hint towards wolf but also to important roles in the village. Thus, I don't think that Pearl used that knowledge actively but only decided according to his evaluations.

    Oh yes, as I said it's my first time with the sleepless and I missinterpretated the role description. But however, it doesn't change much.

    I'm unsure what to think. Turnov will be lynched anyway, but maybe we need to discuss the remaining persons? Caboose, Buffy and Ashley. I would be eager to know what their team is at the moment. Actually, I would also be interested in everyone's opinion in this regard.

    I would still see no team in Turnov and Caboose. I don't see your reason for a Wrench townie actually.

    If I need a third wolf I would be on Buffy for some reasons.

    For example at the second lynch there was a situation he had three votes on him and all of them are from villagers/thirt parties and I don't see a reason why a werewolf shouldn't go on him if he is a villager. But all in all it's still more exclusion than that my own opinion, I still liked his play in this game so far.

    Just so you know, since I'm not super motivated to put more effort in this already lost game, I'm just saying

    VOTE: Turnov and bye.

    I can feel with you in this point. But I think, especially if Turnov is really a wolf, we have a chance.

    Do you think that rereading Pearl gives any information? Sounds complicated to get something out of that.:/

    I have to say the sleepless is an interesting role. I have never played with her before. If I understand it right Pearl knows the activity from the people up and down her and only people who are allways active are werewolfes.

    Spoiler anzeigen

    I am really unsure what to do, but I think I will go for VOTE:Ruhrgold

    I think the reaction of Joule before we knew that he was a wolf, made her a villager. I think she should be quite safe now, unless she is really good in faking that and call a lynch neutral where a wolf comes out in the end.

    I can't really follow your thoughts. Rusty might be a wolve (although I am asking myself why he wouldn't be able to participate more as a wolf in the game instead of not being able to get into it better... I mean being a wolf is hard but you have teammates that can help ya and there should be always something to say even with less time. ). What I don't understand is how you think that Joule could be a wolve? Her posts seem quite logical to me and maybe the one before the lynch can be faked but the rest? I am thinking a lot about her and Electra since I am unsure whether both of them might be good in manipulating others and doing unpredictable things, but for me yesterday evening and their posts speaks for them being a villager. Probably I am now a more favourite of Electra than joule ( yesterday was the other way around), but I do think that Joule is positive.

    So villagers for today: Joule, Electra, wrench, Dinah, Ashley,

    I think I will go for VOTE:Rusty
    Allthough I think I am really wrong with that. I really should vote earlier to not be the one who has to decide

    Why can't Joule be a wolve?

    I also realised that now. When I wrote my post yesterday and reflected my thoughts about the four possible lynches that had some votes, I was also thinking that I have some points for Turnov and I really wish I would have relied on them. I mean there nearly couln't have been a worser candidate for the lynch then Rusty.
    But Ruhrgold did not criticise Turnov weird thoughts he just laught about them. For some reason I felt unsure there yesterday and I am still not sure which of my first impressions I should follow. I will let you know when I come to a conclusion.

    For a start, I have been thinking a lot about Joule and I will think more about her today since she seems really hard to categorise. I haven't reread her completely yet, but so far I haven't found a definite villager sign and probably there is none. But I started to go through Ruhrgold again. Ruhrgolds first evaluation that he did was about Joule... which made me really sceptical. All in all he only left an opinion on Joule, Greaseball (but unsure), Electra, said something to Dinah and asked her about me, and he didn't liked Ashleys first vote. If Joule is a villager he only had positive feelings about three villager and a negative one about Ashley who also voted him... It is possible for a wolve to only say something and interact with five villager ( including dinah as a third party). The way I would assume Ruhrgold plays, I don't really think that the first thing he does is saying on saturday morning his co wolve Joule seems to be a villager. But this is the only thing I can actually get out of Ruhrgold and that he criticised Ashleys first vote on Rusty. If I remember correctly, Ruhrgold was not the first player criticising Ashleys start so he was kind of swimming with the crowd here or am I wrong? Ashley just started in a unusual way, I would say it gives Ashley a villager point that he criticised one of her first actions. On the other hand protecting Ashley would not have fitted to the unsure way he presented himself. But he could have just said nothing aswell and thats what is probably more likely in case Ashley would be co-wolf. Not sure about that though.
    -> Ruhrgold seems to set Ashley and Joule in a rather villager light would be my conclusions at the moment. But I might not weight that too much since I am quite unsure on that so far. At least it gives a first direction.

    What did you like so much about Joule on that post btw?

    MHm iirc Caboose had Turnov already longer as a suspicious person and not really another one so negative. Correct me if I am worng but I found it logical that this was the only person he could have voted. I am anyway thinking that there are some leveling wolves here since the situation for them besides the Ruhdgold lynch doesn't look too bad, depending on who they are and how much.

    But that would mean that Joule, Caboose, Turnov and flattop are the wolves... of which I am not sure.

    And I am not convinced by wrench. Sorry to say that but I still consider him. At least depending on whether we will find a wolf today or not. I really hope we do, otherwise this game is gonna get worse. There is also still a point where I am doubting about Joule but I guess there are other candidates first that will be more likely werewolves.

    It's nice that Joule wants to vote with us but I am not sure how I should evaluate that

    Well technically anyone of us could be? I was also thinking about that, but it doesn't matter much since there are many reasons why not to go on Turnov.

    I mean we can question coco but in the end it is still us who decided aswell. I changed my vote and coco would have also voted on Turnov if I would have stayed there. But I was unsure and I am still. It gets easier when we have another wolf who leaves informations for us. But well it can easily happen that we get the wrong person. I will try to figure out who might have been manipulating today. We don't know whether Turnov is a wolf. I mean there is still the possibility of Ashley, Joule and whoever to be the wolves.

    You have a point but I rather believe in Joule being evil than coco.

    I have just quoted some quotes of Pearl about her neighbors.

    Joule allways have been her neighbor. At day 1 and 2 she defended him really constant so I have been sure she scanned her as a good one, but on day 3 she was one of the less people who had really doubts about her. I don't really know what I should do with this information.

    More interesting are her downside neighbors. First of all it was Ruhrgold, she killed him on day 1, but she was saying that she doubts about him. Her new neighbor after his lynch was Rusty, also an allways active special role (WM). She also killed him. And yesterday she voted for a long time for Turnov, than she changed to . She haven't say so much to him, but I also don't see any sign about a good role so far.

    Todays lynch should be VOTE:Turnov in my opinion.

    In my opinion a second wolf would be Wrench. Caboose doesn't really fit to Turnov, also I feel a little bit he's excited about the game. Buffy and Joule are my most likely villagers, if I ignore the seeing roles. With Joule I have no idea, what to do with the informations from Pearl, but she will definitely not be my lynch today. I thought a long time about the Coco-helper-idea, but if she really is a helper we would have allready lost in my opinion, so I will ignore this paranoia.


    Stand Tag 5

    Turnov (2): Joule, Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 06:57:44