Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora | wolves win

  • Hi, I'm 24-year-old , and after finishing my studies I'll be profesisonal layman. During my free time I love to run and swim

    Wait, what? You swim in your free time?

    I'm a little bit tense because I've never played an Outing active game.

    Notice: My English isn't very good and some words like "tense" or "notice" are from Google Translator.

    Partien gespielt: 8

    Vielfalt: 6

    Achtung - Verrückter Spielstil im Anmarsch!

  • Oh no, I should have looked at the times!

    I still have no idea who we should lynch.

    But of course I hope that we meet hit a wolf.

    Partien gespielt: 8

    Vielfalt: 6

    Achtung - Verrückter Spielstil im Anmarsch!

  • I just want my name to be displayed in the stand, so UNVOTE

    An assessment will follow tomorrow.


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Leon (1): Alexa

    Stimme zurückgezogen: Xsí, Jadio

    Verbleibende Zeit: 22:32:33

    Partien gespielt: 8

    Vielfalt: 6

    Achtung - Verrückter Spielstil im Anmarsch!

  • Alohomora 1. Mai 2024 um 20:47

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora [12/12]“ zu „Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora [9/12]“ geändert.
  • I'm very sorry, I didn't have time earlier. Tomorrow I'm going to read everything and I'm going to post an assessment. But... Here is my role:

    Spoiler anzeigen

    I am... Vanilla town

    Partien gespielt: 8

    Vielfalt: 6

    Achtung - Verrückter Spielstil im Anmarsch!

  • I posted two minutes ago.

    Partien gespielt: 8

    Vielfalt: 6

    Achtung - Verrückter Spielstil im Anmarsch!