Beiträge von Tine
Tine I'm guessing the names you mentioned where your potential wolfs. Any preference who could be an villager
I think I disregarded the fact that Leon and FMlii can also be wolves. maybe xsi and Sky just seemed a bit aggressive to me. It's the same in the RL, whoever is the loudest is the first to be kicked out.
I'm pretty sure that Noira is a villager. I'm not sure about you and Alexa. I can imagine both.
Thank you for the great start. Unfortunately, I have no experience with online werewolf or mafia. But I want to do my best.
You are welcome
how do you normally try to find the wolfs in RL? Are you more the observer or do you ask direct questions, or you rather trying to find other villages first? What do you usually do, if you don't mind me asking
I'm first observing. I find it interesting how you do it here. It's a difference to RL. And then in a foreign language