Beiträge von Yoshi
Coco, how did you guess it?
but I can guess the part where you got me, might have been early in the game, right?
And funny fact, third night I would have crashed at Ashley her place. Sad. Kinda had mixed feeling, some people said she is on the good side. Personally I was still confused by the way she played early on, picking me out while there have been different option. And the back off later seemed too easy. -
xplained with the word shady. Furthermore „bit“ - seems like its connecting random dots with each other, and throwing shady into it.
Sheesh, "bit" short for "a bit" (thought that would be clear) and shady=wolfish
If that helps u xD (u=you)
you don’t need to translate the words, I am quite fluently with the words.
I am talkin about it on a meta-level.
Still shady and bit are vacant, furthermore generalized hence the exactitude what you exactly mean is shady about me. -
Cause, both of them seem bit shady to me, but I've also a TE so only one of them could be. But that's just me and my stupid theories xD
well it seems like you didnt read her post, regarding Joule, cause i think she stated that
Yoda, I am reffering to the top quote.
explained with the word shady. Furthermore „bit“ - seems like its connecting random dots with each other, and throwing shady into it.
Shady can mean so much, it’s not specific.But keep dubios with Buffy, lol.
Regarding Buffy, never explained why Turnov is villager, it’s still out of the blue.
Regarding Dinah, I kinda liked her post where she is argumenting, why Joule Wolf right now wouldnt make and sense. At least for now.
She explained further, which I really liked.
So, if I had to vote one of them, it would be Buffy over Dinah.
but why did you specially asked for them?
Yoda -
Yes, Joule got it right. I am quite annoyed by Ashley and her way to play. She is fixated on me, even tho the „reason why“ could be applied to several people, which she numerated btw too. But I dont see how see is interacting with them.
Schoko should be villagerPerle should be villager too
Joule might be villager too
Ashley night be villager? Dunno for sure?
Okay Ashley, you want to do a thing out of it.
First of all, why were you voting me, then you said yourself, there are also plenty other canidates, who are inactive. so, why did you especially pick me out of all of them? huh?
And then you still ignore the fact, that I said, you ignored a question of pearl. Instead of asking which question and so on you rather vote me again.
Regarding of my sassy comments now, I still dont think you are on the bad side, since you also voted the werewolf. I mean, you could have stayed on me and start an easy lynchtrain. But you didnt.
But just dont vote so early again on some "easy" lynch, yea I am feeling myself like that, I have admit that.
I was interessted, why Buffy thinks, that Turnov is a villager. Its for me totally out of the blue, as already shared.
I can´t give you more insight, I was overflying the day, since I joined late and wanted to have an opinion, whether to vote or not to.
Currently I don´t want to vote, as already shared too. The thought behind that is, we barely have information nor we have a "solid basis" of former games. So we would vote randomly into something with a higher chance to hit a villager.
I would like to keep the random villager in the game than loosing to a lost villager.
But thats just my 50 cents.
Ok, Turnov might be a villager.
Why exactly? Seems totally out of the blue, no reference at all which part of Buffys post made you think that way.
And furthermore I saw, that Pearl was asking a direct question towards Ashley, which she kinda ignored, I think.
Anyway, you changed your vote, lets not spiral so much on a low detail part of the game. I still disagree with your approach, but I wont hold onto that anymore.
So far I like Coco the most, she seems like sharing all deep thoughts, which is for me - as first impression - a sign for villager. Kinda-ish.
Furthermore I think Pearl should be as well on the side of the good ppl, since she is active, sharing thoughts, asking good questions.
They both stood out of the mass. On other ppl I haven´t a tendence to already say they might be villager or they might be werwolf.
I think I am not going to vote for tonight, if this is possible. I should quickly read again the rules for voting.
Well I totally forgot the time around me kek.
Anyway, I am totally up to get involved into the game. Just poke me and try me to get interacted with someone.
But for sure not the way Ashley intented, cuz first of all there are so many ways to get someone active than a random vote.
In addition to that, its really suspect, you said, that you vote me because you think I am werewolf.
Based on exactly what?
And later you explain to several ppl, that you just want to get me more active. Ooookay?!
Anyway, I am off reading.
This was one beer too much last night. Or rather four or five, because I cannot remember to sign a contract like this.
This sounds like a nice fella, lets hit some bar and lets get wasted tonight, before the "real" fun tomorrow begins!
I mean, after Pearl turned away from me, I am a free person!
Well, I actually will not comment much the ongoing interactions, since I am not a real fan from the "roleplaying" connection from starlight express.
Nowithstanding, I like Cocos posts out of all people so far. It is refreshing and also reveal some deeper thoughts about them.
I actually don´t have time to be a leader for ya, so you better find someone else. Peace. Out.