Beiträge von Belle & Das Biest

    First of all, thanks ro my werewolve buddys, I would have been so lost without you, you were amazing:love:

    I had a bit more fun towards the end of the game, I just hate it when my mental health kicks in in a game. Sadly this happens very often. I would like to appologize for that.

    I also have some guesses who is who

    Spoiler anzeigen

    1. Greaseball - Lark

    Pearl - Sunny

    Joule - Alo

    Turnov - LB (towards the end I also thougt about Doubter)

    Buffy - Michael

    2. Wrench - Jewel

    Yeah, but why should I do anything to improve your feeling, if it would completely change the way of playing? Wouldn't it be wolf-like to play completely dieferent?

    I think I didn't express myself correctly. I didn't want to say, you should change your behaviour. Your posts yesterday just seemd to not care if you become lynched or not or who becomes the lynch. And I can't see a scenario where a villager would be so careless about the lynch. it seemd more like a wolf who had accepted his fate

    And you still didn't answerd my question. I think you don't want to :(

    I read Turnov again. And I have to say, he keeps beeing wolf-like.

    1. He lied (and doesn't bother to talk with me about this Romeo & Julia please answer me)

    2. almost everyone in his longer post had written to less to give him a feeling, the rest was all because his gut-feeling or somethink like this. I can understand if it's hard to get something out of this game, I have the same problem, but I can't see him trying. Yesterday he just did nothing to improve how we see him. In my opinion these two together are well fitting for a wolf.

    Caboose : Sorry, no spectacular conclusion for you. You can still be a werewolf (and if not, I don't think you were useless or anything, don't say that.)

    :( I love answering questions about me : sweat-smile But not getting an interesting conclusion is meh. I'm just genuinely interestet (after Flat-Top answerd) could you tell me which response would lead to villager and which to wolf?



    Stand Tag 4

    Buffy (1): Flat Top

    Caboose (1): Coco

    Flat Top (2): Ashley, Buffy

    Turnov (5): Joule, Pearl, Wrench, Caboose

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:28:17

    I have an interesting experiment.
    Caboose : Please give me a small essay about how you think your general position was in this game each day. (In terms of whether or not you felt like a strong, important peace of the village or not, how many people suspected you, and so on)

    I participate but I want to see the conclusions ;)

    So first part is easy, I was/am really weak and don't have any value for the village.

    I don't think I was in danger to be lynched, but each day there were a few people (2-3 i think) who suspected me, but I think they changed. Except Coco, she suspects me very consistend (but I always forget why :shy).

    I think it's interesting that despite me beeing often inactiv and quiet, somehow each day I was talked about a lot in comparision to the amount of my posts.

    That's all i can think of right now, do you have anything open to ask?

    What do you think: Who is the Most likely wolf? Why? So,you have any Teams? Or Team exclusions? We could try to tinker.

    I'm so sorry. I thought I had more time but I had so much work to do until now. So I think Turnov is a wolf, he wrote something in the meantime but didn't adress my aligations towards him about lying about me. This is very suspicious for me. Also, like many pointed out, he fits well with everyone.

    And I also think Buffy could be a wolf, I'll explain later in this post why.

    Cabooses reaction to Wrench. Actually seems not really team-like to me. I don't know whether I should find this passage of Caboose villager-like or not. It is honest for sure, but I could also imagine a wolf coming up with this speech.

    I'm your help! But like (I think) Wrench already pointed out; I would do this as wolf and as villager.

    But looking back at the first Lynch, where Buffy AND Turnov voted for Caboose, it seems like that points towards a Caboose villager.

    You assume here, that Turnov and Buffy are wolves? If one of them or both aren't, how would your conclusion change?

    Atm it is really hard to go on and give the best...I am super upset and yesterday I was close voting myself, so you don't have to do it today. Nevertheless with that I have written my testament and I am ready to die. Last thing I can do is to make the best out of my last day so

    here is the explanation forshadowed at the beginning
    This passage seems so pseudo to me. If Buffy is a manipulative wolf, it would fit perfectly. Are you a manipulative wolf? And I have to be honest, everyone else just had convincing and logical arguments for a Buffy-wolf.

    team at the moment is turnov, Caboose

    This is very interesting, most here think that Turnov and I can't be in the same team, why you don't?

    I'm sorry, I'm sure I just can't remember why you vote for me, but could you point it out again?

    Im sorry but to be honest- I don't have an opinion on caboose or turnov. It's probably because i didn't really interacted with them somehow.

    We could change that. Do you wanna interact?

    Hm, Caboose would have the choice for Rusty and Volta, both villagers, but he decided to stay on Turnov.

    If I voted for Rusty or Volta, I had to guess or role a dice or something like that. And in my opinion, that's not really good and doesn't help the game. So I prefer votig for someone who I see as wolf despite them beeing there. Yeah that's not the fairest thing to do, but just guessing out if the blue who could be wolf isn't a real alternative.

    well why you shoudnt have a chocie? rly weird

    Because, like I pointed out earlier, everyone except Turnov are the same to me. So I could roll a dice on who I vote for. then I prefer voting for my only negative Person evenso it's a bit unfair.

    atleast for me he also seemed very self centered today

    Sorry, I had to laugh a little bit. xD It seems to you? I said myself, that I only reacted to posts about me xD So yeah, I'm 100% selfcentered right now

    I think an announcement like "he is suspicious but I will change my mind when he answers" is kind of a wolf phrase. Since in my view this suggests that Caboose doesn't want to kill a wolf but just have a good reason voting someone.

    Okay, maybe you understood it wrong. Let me explain my point.

    I think what he said is very very suspicious. he straight up told thinks about me which weren't true. But in this game there are a few factors I consider besides think I normally do. Mainly; i don't know if he was able to express himself correctly or if he understood me wrong. So if there was an missunderstanding, I would change my mind, but he would have to show me very clearly what he meant or missunderstood. It's not just "oh I want an easy Lynch from someone who isn't there much". I just wanted to created an openminded enviroment for an discussion with him, so he knows he is able to change my mind and doesn't goes in full-defense mode

    No no no! Don't say I'm a villager because of that! I am honest, always, even as wolf I would talk this openly when I struggle.

    common hahaha

    I want you in my village, now get in there and don't blame me for that! xD

    Oh no, I won't give up that easiely xD

    Do you have something besides my honesty, which leads you to the conclusion of me beeing a villager? Because I promise you, this has nothing to do with me beeing villager or wolf, I'll act like this in both roles. Ans I also try to fight my place out if a village in both roles. And this I would do... You see where I'm going, aren't you?

    I beg you, please please don't see me as a villager just for that.

    As an explanation, I want to be able to speak openly about my mental health in a game without beeing seen as villager for this. I want people to be able to understand my thoughts and were I'm coming from, but I don't want to be seen as "good" for something like this. It's my "personalty" and nothingmore. It has nothing to do with the role I'm playing. If people put me in their village for something like this, I feel guilty. I feel like using my health as excuse and reason to not be lychend. this is not my intention. Never. I know I probably think way to much about this, but I'm just scared after the game someone has the feeling I used this as an unfair advantage or something like this.

    I can only tell you again. I have no clue. You may have noticed, that I only react to post about me. I try to get somehow in the game and when it's about me, I at least feel a little bit confident enough to answer. Yesterday i wished to be killed (that's why I didn't vote) so you don't have to drag me through this game. But I made up my mind and I should at least try, right? So my goal for today ist not to be killed. And tbh, this is the only thing I will try today. I won't try to find a wolf, maybe I'll be able to do tomorrow.

    What is tomorrow other than today? ^^

    I think it's not wrong to be a little bit more confident and I also think you're able to find the clues if you search it.

    But how do you work in your previous games than I'm allowed to ask?

    Tomorrow I may be in a better place of mind then today.

    If I would be able to search for clues, yes I could find something. But at the moment I can't. I can't explain why, has nothing to do with the game.

    How I play normally; I write everything which seems to be relevant for me (e.g. who voted or suspected who) down and then I try to find inconsistencies. I also like to look a lot at the feeling posts give me while reading them. For the first I didn't had the time the first two days, the second; I'm not able to do this in english, or better worded. I'm able to get feelings from posts, but I can't use them because I assume, that like me, other people also are not able to express themself exactly the way they express themself the way they want to.

    Pls, don't get me wrong, it's really nice, that you have now the motivation to play a bit longer, but just don't give me a guilty conscience, cause I also want to have fun in that game, instead of just trying to don't get lynched. xD

    Nevertheless, think Caboose is villager, sounds way to honest atm

    No no no! Don't say I'm a villager because of that! I am honest, always, even as wolf I would talk this openly when I struggle.

    Okay, but I just said, that what I thought in that moment. And your only response is "oh, his defence is really suspicious". So I'm not allowed to defend myself or what? To understand how I play, if I'm a villager, I'll do everything to not be killed in the Lynch, because in my opinion, that's the most impotant task from a villager, not to be lynchend. As wolf, yeah, it would be better to stay alive, but as a villager each wrong lynch can decide between winning and losing.

    Ähm, dunno what to say bout that. I mean, does this sound to you calm? You said that as calmly as Dumbledore asked Harry if he threw his name in the goblet of fire, but like in the movie not in the book xD

    And think this whole thing is a big misunderstanding, because I didn't react to you defense at all, in words at least, cause if you have noticed, you aren't my likeliest wolf atm xD

    It isn't supposed to sound calm. I'm quite emotional.

    Okay if it's a missunderstanding, which part of which post did you refer to?