Beiträge von Elphaba & Glinda

    Dinah: How is it hurtful what Coco wrote? I don't quite understand that

    Would you like somebody to say nobody reads your posts properly? I doubt that. :/ But if it's really only due to language barriers / miscommunication, I'm okay with that. I just don't want a toxic playing atmosphere.over here. :)

    I also kind of dont like the two early votes against Rusty. Maybe there could be made a team exclusion - but I will still have to think about this at another time.

    Although I have to admit that in my opinion Rusty is also the most suspicious player if you only take the "inactive" people into account. But I dont understand, why we should focus on the rather inactive ones. Furthermore I dont think that you get so much out of one post to build a great foundation for an early vote.

    Same. It seems to be an easy-lynch and even more important: it's not promising at all. There's just not enough to assess and we wouldn't have anything new to work with if they get lynched, even if they're a wolf and I'd doubt that at the moment. Voting someone like Rusty right now is purely gambling.

    I don't care about being consistent or pleasing anyone, I just want to share my thoughts, no matter what. Just because my opinion seems to be unpopular, I won't discard my own thoughts and feelings. It's not helpful at all to not question current trends, especially if I do not find them understandable in the first place.

    I must say I quite like Electra's posts because they really try to get to the bottom of some statements here and they does not seem to be carefully choosing each word they write, it is more like they are playing intuitively and I think that's a villagery attitude.

    However, I really hope we will get to read more from the less active players tomorrow, especially Volta and Rusty.

    I'm still not to keen on Turnov and other players like Buffy and Ashley are playing below radar level at the moment, there's just too few content to assess right now.

    I don't vote them because of them putting me in a bad light, it is because of their dynamics, as I've already said (along with my impression of them being pre-determined) and I still think the same.

    And I do not think that fact should change your opinion, I just didn't understand your argument there, that is why I wanted to point it out.

    Hey Coco. I know we're not on the same wavelength at the moment. However, I hope we can still be nice to each other. It is quite insulting if you say you'd be surprised if anyone reads my posts properly at all. :/ Comments like that really hurt and it is also very discouraging.

    Like foilage during fall,

    my heart belongs to you, my sweet and loving Greaseball.

    Eventually, we'll be together again,

    I won't forget you, you'll always be my man.

    He wants to hear thoughts on me and Turnov, but didn’t express his opinion about the two of us except that it might be too obvious. What are we playing here? How much stuff belonging in the wolf conversation can I write in the thread without being lynched? (I have to admit I am about to learn the vocabulary that is common in this game – yeah!)

    If you read my posts, you can clearly see what I think about both of you. Your comment just proves you do not really read them. However, I don't see what is wrong about asking others what they think about specific situations, that's how a game like this works.

    - I understand Dinah's concerns about Coco. There are some serious problems with Coco's interpretation of some situations. I agree that there are some flaws in his reasoning, but to be honest, I can hardly imagine a werewolf deliberatly trying to force a bad picture on someone in such a way. I find it a bit surprising that Dinah finds that suspicious. It seems like a too easy conclusion to me.

    But how can that conclusion be too easy, when no one else besides me evaluates it that way?

    You were the one to start criticizing me for being over the top and Coco just took the easy road going against me. I mean it wasn't an unpopular opinion in the beginning. and that dynamic of just following is what I find wolf-like about her. and as I've already expressed, I just think their style of playing seems to be kinda planned. While villagers often overthink certain situations, wolves are often more stringent in their way of argumentation, I also see that here.

    However, if you understand my concerns but do not share my conclusion. What is your conclusion?

    Welcome to the game Ashley. You said there is too few content from anyone besides Pearl and Coco. I do not really share that opinion. What about Caboose and Joule? They've already written quite a few posts too. Any impressions about them or gut feelings at least?



    Stand Tag 2

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Rusty (1): Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 22:14:35

    I hope i haven't forgotten how to play!:thinking:

    Somehow I don't like this comment, as we do not know who they are anyway, Still not too sure if I want to assess something like that.

    Especially Coco. That is why I described them as pre-determined, which I'd say is a wolf-like attitude.

    Is it possible to show a significant example. Where did you get that feeling?

    In one of my latest posts I cited where I got that feeling.

    What do you think about Pearl and Dinah? First, Dinah posits Pearl in a slightly negative light, however, declare him as one of his top villagers eventually. I lean towards they are not wolves together; can you check that? Thanks.

    In a nutshell, I currently feel that Dinah is a quite manipulative person since what he says in is quite hidden in his posts. In other words: I have the feeling that he is scared of taking a stand both in negative and positive terms, I don’t trust him at all!

    However, I find it quite interesting you call me manipulative, yet you say I put Pearl in a negative light. I didn't do that at all, I said she is my villager. The comment about being over the top was just to point out to Joule that their (I am stealing this idea of using their from Ruhrgold in order to prevent gender assuming,I like that), comment was inaccurate. It seemed like Joule really only wanted to criticize Greaseball and me for that, although other players are doing the same thing, that was confusing to me.

    Also, why do you say what I say is hidden in my posts? I literally referred to three people as villagers and shared my suspicion about the connection between you and Turnov. It seems like you just want to read something in my posts that is not there. It gives me feeling that your evaluations are kinda pre-determined and in this phase of the game, a villager wouldn't have the need to be pre-determined, I think that it is a wolf-like attitude you have here.

    It is the way they read my posts. I get the feeling they really want to misread my comments because it is easier for them that way. Especially, after Joule already criticized my introduction. Coco seemed to jump upon that waggon (pun intended) and therefore reads my post as they want to, which lead to statements that are just wrong.

    I am not sure what it is that I do not like about Turnovs posts exactly but I wonder why Coco felt the need to express Turnovs start was incautious. I see a connection over here, although that would be too obvious to be true. Any thoughts on that?

    To which post are you reffering here? I am not really sure what you want to say with that so that it would be great if you could explain that to me a bit more detailed.

    I referred to this post.

    Dear diary,

    I thought all these conversations through and I think that Turnov might be a villager. His start was kind of incautious with all these translation examples and in general.

    I just didn't get why Coco defended them over here, especially because of Coco evaluating things like that negatively when done by other players.

    You didn't oversee anything, as I am still quite uncertain here. While I do not really agree with much of what they are saying, I still see them as a possible villager, which might be due to them not really fitting to Coco who is probably the most suspicious for me at the moment.

    As I've already explained, I think that Greaseball and Caboose sound quite honest. Of course I can't say I have reliable facts on day one, let's call it an impression. However, Pearl on the other hand is actively sharing her thoughts and I like that. Unlike other players, her thoughts do not sound as forced and I can relate to most of what she is trying to say.

    Okay I can understand that. I also think that Greaseball really sounds kinda honest but also I think you can’t rely to much on that on day one.
    If you think that Pearls thoughts do not sound forced unlike to other players which players do you feel post „forced“ thoughts?

    Especially Coco. That is why I described them as pre-determined, which I'd say is a wolf-like attitude.

    I had the same impression of Joule in the beginning, however their last post sounded far better.

    Good morning in the morning my fellow friends!

    At the moment im still kinda unsure what I should think about the current interactions since most of them are just roleplaying things and I don’t know how to judge them.

    But I gotta admit that for now I kinda liked Joule somehow. I kinda liked their (yes I’m going to use gender neutral pronouns since I cant know your real gender) thoughts till now.

    Elphaba & Glinda: What makes you put those three players in your village? Is that just a feeling it do you have some idk reliable facts or something like that?

    As I've already explained, I think that Greaseball and Caboose sound quite honest. Of course I can't say I have reliable facts on day one, let's call it an impression. However, Pearl on the other hand is actively sharing her thoughts and I like that. Unlike other players, her thoughts do not sound as forced and I can relate to most of what she is trying to say.

    Kim Possible Is there any specific phrase that gives you this feeling about Caboose in your stomach?

    Dear diary,

    Dinah expressed another team exclusion, which I do not share: between Joule and Greaseball. To put this into a proper context: He was not the first one to say something against Buffy’s entry into the game, there were three (Dinah was even one among them) who referenced to it though some did it in a humorous way. Why would a wolf not criticize another wolf? It’s hard for me to understand this!

    I don't think a wolf wouldn't criticize one of their fellas, I just think it was too early and too unnecessary to criticize it as it was just her starting post and this kind of attention, especially in an anonymous game, can be too risky for a possible wolf-team.

    On the other hand, he seems to be confused about my thoughts on Turnov. You know what I mean I guess: it’s this combination of extensive irrelevant stuff that is not compensated by something important that triggers my opinion. It seems as if he doesn’t feel the need to be productive at all, and this is a villager attitude.

    What do you think about Pearl and Dinah? First, Dinah posits Pearl in a slightly negative light, however, declare him as one of his top villagers eventually. I lean towards they are not wolves together; can you check that? Thanks.

    In a nutshell, I currently feel that Dinah is a quite manipulative person since what he says in is quite hidden in his posts. In other words: I have the feeling that he is scared of taking a stand both in negative and positive terms, I don’t trust him at all!

    I don't agree with that impression it's necessarily a villager attitude, I think both villagers and wolves often behave like that and it is more depending on the player, but unfortunately, we do not have that kind of knowledge.

    However, I find it quite interesting you call me manipulative, yet you say I put Pearl in a negative light. I didn't do that at all, I said she is my villager. The comment about being over the top was just to point out to Joule that their (I am stealing this idea of using their from Ruhrgold in order to prevent gender assuming,I like that), comment was inaccurate. It seemed like Joule really only wanted to criticize Greaseball and me for that, although other players are doing the same thing, that was confusing to me.

    Also, why do you say what I say is hidden in my posts? I literally referred to three people as villagers and shared my suspicion about the connection between you and Turnov. It seems like you just want to read something in my posts that is not there. It gives me feeling that your evaluations are kinda pre-determined and in this phase of the game, a villager wouldn't have the need to be pre-determined, I think that it is a wolf-like attitude you have here.

    I think I get what you are trying to say about Buffy and Turnov. While I kinda understand the thought, I am uncertain if it is that easy to evaluate. However, I have to agree with what you say about Buffy, that you didn't like they do not bother to say something about people with less posts.

    Concerning Pearl, I just think we cannot really assess being over the top in an anonymous game like this, as I've already said. Since I like what they are writing, I do not see a problem with their over-the-top roleplay, I quite like it and: I did the same, so it would be a double-standard to assess this no matter in which direction.

    Honestly I'm really excited to play this game, espacially because it's in eglish. I would like to apologize beforehand that you are going to find many errors in my texts, Grammar and Spelling. I hope you wont mind.

    But let's talk about the buissnes, I don't want to be the leader, primarily because I will not be able to be present at each lynch. I typically eat around 8. Atm I have no real plan who I think would fit as the leader, Pearl seems to be very ethusiastic, but maybe she ist just really excited to kill us all. I kinda like Greaseball, but maybe he should rethink his plan about using google translate and ask us instead to paraphrase if he doesen't understand something. I'm quite sure we all would be willing to help.^^

    Caboose's introduction also seemed to be authentic, maybe it's because the post is written similarly to Greaseball's first post and maybe I am also too naive, but for now I'd want to say I quite like Caboose.

    Btw, Buffy's post seems quite weak to me. He kinda likes Greaseball's post which is fine, but there is nothing in his post that stands out to me whatsoever. Why is this post there anyway? Couldn't you wait until you can say more about the game?

    I don't agree with that. If everyone waits until there is more to say, how is a game supposed to be able to start? It's all about dynamics and personally, I don't mind if a post on page one hasn't got too much content to it, at least if there is more to come from that person.. Remember we do not know who we are playing with and saying this like "why is this post there anyway" can be quite discouraging. Saying something like that about a post which was that early seems to be quite constrained, at least in my opinion.

    The funny thing is, although I do not really like this comment, it seems quite villager-like to me.

    However, I think we can exclude a Joule/Buffy-Team. I do not think someone would play it that way.

    Dinah seems, like Greaseball, a bit over the top to me - It's really hard to assess posts if they are written in an intenionally exaggerated mood. The roleplay is fine and all, but unless you want to hide something, dear Dinah, I'd prefer you to phrase your posts a bit more neutrally :)

    (strangely, it bothered me less in Greaseball's post. Maybe because it seemed more natural?)

    I am very happy to participate in a game that offers the opportunity to roleplay like this and I don't think it prevents me from sharing my thoughts. So, I don't see a problem with that, since it's not my intention to please everyone, instead it is to find wolves. Interestingly enough, why do you only mention me and Greaseball? I'd say Pearls posts are a lot more over the top (which I do not see as a problem either, it is the thoughts and evaluations that matter, not the style of how they are presented).

    Oh, hi Pearlie, my one and only BFF.

    :love: Hi Dinah! I got a new comfortable couch, shall we make a tea party? I really like your intruduction, it seems really honest to me! Who shall we invite? Waht do you think of Caboose?

    What a lovely idea! I'd like to ivite Greaseball, he seems to be quite honest and as I mentioned above, I have a similar impression about Caboose.

    Yet, I am curretly thinking about Turnov and Coco. I am not sure what it is that I do not like about Turnovs posts exactly but I wonder why Coco felt the need to express Turnovs start was incautious. I see a connection over here, although that would be too obvious to be true. Any thoughts on that?

    It may be too early.. but I feel like carefully putting Greaseball, Pearl and Caboose into my village.

    Hello, my friends. <3

    Oh, Greaseball, my sweetheart, I am so happy to see you.

    You're too funny, as always.. unfortunately I doubt the wolves will tell us who they are. Do you have any ideas how you want to find them this time? As it is an anonymous game, I fear that things could get much more difficult than usually.

    I am not really into getting the leadership, but I don't really think, that I would be voted anyways ^^

    Why are you so sure about it, Buffy? I mean: everyone has the same opportunities this time.

    Oh, hi Pearlie, my one and only BFF. :love:

    I love that you want to be our leader. VOTE:Pearl

    Hiro  Kim Possible Girls, what do you think about Pearl possibly becoming our new leader?

    I like her start, to be honest. She seems to be quite determined to find the wolves.

    I can't really imagine myself being the leader this game, but if someone has the opinion I'd be the right person for this title, feel free to vote for me.


    Stand Tag 1

    Pearl (2): Pearl, Dinah

    Verbleibende Zeit: 24:00:59

    Und ich habe ungefähr 4-5h nur für die Scan-Suche aufgewandt btw. Immer wieder Sachen überlegt und wieder verworfen. Für mich ergab bloß genau diese Aussage zu Wolwerock absolut keinen Sinn, wenn man ihn eben nicht scannen will.

    Doch, wenn man eben genau das denkt was da steht. Auch wissende Rollen spielen normal das Spiel mit.

    Dass der letzte Post ein Hinweis auf Sirius sein könnte (einfach weil es der letzte Post ist) hatte ich auch überlegt. Allerdings war der letzte in der ersten Nacht auch nicht zu Isegrim, sondern an Carcharoth, der es Nacht 1 ja save nicht sein konnte und ich ging von einer Einheitlichkeit aus, wenn man es darüber angibt (bzw weil der Post zu Carcharoth etwas spät kam, hatte ich mit dem Argument auch Nymeria Nacht 1 überlegt, aber das passte auch nicht gut in deine Angaben im Nachhinein).

    Tag 0 brauchten wir das wegen der HD-Wahl. Da reichte die Stimme und Einheitlichkeit geht schwer in kurzer Zeit

    Man kann es danach doch noch ändern? Ist ja nicht gerade unmöglich.

    Joa, und wenn ich Wolwerock nehme und Hinweise um mich dann später umzuentscheiden muss ich das zitieren und deutlich sagen: "Kommando zurück, war nur Quatsch" geht ja schwer => neuer Hinweis kommt erst nach dem Lynch

    Du gingst davon aus, dass sehr wahrscheinlich Sirius oder du gefressen wirst und scannst Sirius? Den Part habe ich jetzt nicht ganz verstanden.

    Sirius war ein nicht unwahrscheinlicher Dorfi aus meiner Sicht und anonyme Spiele werden hauptsächlich von versteckten Wölfen gewonnen, also wollte ich bei ihm sicher gehen, da die Spielsituation schon gut genug aussah. Die Alternativwahl zum sicheren Überleben wäre Ede gewesen.
    Im Nachhinein ergebnisorientiert wäre ein anderer Scan wohl besser gewesen, da sirius ja doch schon mehrfach angezweifelt wurde.

    halbrichtig ;)


    Wolwerock bekommt von mir 7 Daumen und einen Kniefall.

    Du hast mir wirklich sehr leid getan.

    Du hast die scans perfekt gefunden aber der Rest der Truppe hatte irgendwie merkwürdige Ideen.

    (Warum sollte man mitten am Tag einen zukünftigen Scan verstecken?

    Was ist wenn der gelyncht wird, oder erschossen dann muss ich quasi erfrieren, weil, der Scan schon verpackt war.?

    Selbstverstandlich war es der vollkommen aus dem Zusammenhang gerisse letzte Post vor dem neuen Tag.

    Absichtlich wurde in der Nacht nicht geschrieben, damit man es erkennt.

    Ich hab zwischendurch nicht nur den Kopf geschüttelt sondern auch fast geweint.

    Ich war auch überrascht über die Aussage, dass Wolwerock unbedingt sterben muss.

    Übrigens, Hati und skalli wären wohl so oder so gestorben.

    Gedanke: Mist, da wird in die 5er lynchgruppe gefressen. Dort sitzt der erste Scan, Hati uns scalli selbst und Sirius als weitere Möglichkeit.

    Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass einer stirbt ist hoch. Gut dann fenris wenn es kaum lebende scans gibt dann wenigstens einen bösen aufdecken.

    Ach ne, liebe doch noch mal einen guten Wählen

    Bleib doch bei Sirius.

    Gratulation den Menschen.

    Ich sollte wohl mehr meinen Starteinschätzungen vertrauen.

    Danke für die Spielleitung an Alohomora und Arduinna






    Loopy oder Mallon



    Das sind auch die einzig richtigen Kritikpunkte an Hati und Skalli (fand den Scan nicht so eindeutig und habe mehrere Angabemöglichkeiten gefunden, die aber mit anderen Aussagen dann kollidieren bzw das ganze Prinzip nicht einheitlich machen)

    Der Peek ist eindeutig, ihr habt ihn nur nicht gefunden. Zwei entscheidende Fragen dabei habt ihr ignoriert: 1. Wenn ich Wolwerock genommen hätte, warum schreibe ich dann am Ende nicht noch was zu ihm?

    2. Warum sollte ein Waisemädchen sich vor dem Lynch entscheiden wo es schläft? Es gibt ja danach noch Informationen und vor allem warum sollte die Entscheidung so früh stehen => Entscheidung kam spät.

    Nach dem Lynchpost und vor dem Nachtpost gibt es exakt einen Post von mir, in dem nur eine Person erwähnt wird, diese auf ihre Gesinnung angesprochen wird und das Wort "finden" eingebaut ist. Zusätzlich zitierte das sogar jemand und fragte mich was das solle, da ichoffensichtlich völlig ohne Kontext geschrieben habe. Warst glaube ich sogar du, Akela?

    Insgesamt war es eine Qual die Scansuche mitzulesen, da sich nur einer dabei Mühe gab, erfolgreich und richtig alles identifiziert hat und der Rest sich durch krude Theorien ablenken ließ.