Good morning in the morning my fellow friends!
At the moment im still kinda unsure what I should think about the current interactions since most of them are just roleplaying things and I don’t know how to judge them.
But I gotta admit that for now I kinda liked Joule somehow. I kinda liked their (yes I’m going to use gender neutral pronouns since I cant know your real gender) thoughts till now.
Fresh Dumbledore: What makes you put those three players in your village? Is that just a feeling it do you have some idk reliable facts or something like that?
As I've already explained, I think that Greaseball and Caboose sound quite honest. Of course I can't say I have reliable facts on day one, let's call it an impression. However, Pearl on the other hand is actively sharing her thoughts and I like that. Unlike other players, her thoughts do not sound as forced and I can relate to most of what she is trying to say.
Datalog Is there any specific phrase that gives you this feeling about Caboose in your stomach?
Dear diary,
Dinah expressed another team exclusion, which I do not share: between Joule and Greaseball. To put this into a proper context: He was not the first one to say something against Buffy’s entry into the game, there were three (Dinah was even one among them) who referenced to it though some did it in a humorous way. Why would a wolf not criticize another wolf? It’s hard for me to understand this!
I don't think a wolf wouldn't criticize one of their fellas, I just think it was too early and too unnecessary to criticize it as it was just her starting post and this kind of attention, especially in an anonymous game, can be too risky for a possible wolf-team.
On the other hand, he seems to be confused about my thoughts on Turnov. You know what I mean I guess: it’s this combination of extensive irrelevant stuff that is not compensated by something important that triggers my opinion. It seems as if he doesn’t feel the need to be productive at all, and this is a villager attitude.
What do you think about Pearl and Dinah? First, Dinah posits Pearl in a slightly negative light, however, declare him as one of his top villagers eventually. I lean towards they are not wolves together; can you check that? Thanks.
In a nutshell, I currently feel that Dinah is a quite manipulative person since what he says in is quite hidden in his posts. In other words: I have the feeling that he is scared of taking a stand both in negative and positive terms, I don’t trust him at all!
I don't agree with that impression it's necessarily a villager attitude, I think both villagers and wolves often behave like that and it is more depending on the player, but unfortunately, we do not have that kind of knowledge.
However, I find it quite interesting you call me manipulative, yet you say I put Pearl in a negative light. I didn't do that at all, I said she is my villager. The comment about being over the top was just to point out to Joule that their (I am stealing this idea of using their from Ruhrgold in order to prevent gender assuming,I like that), comment was inaccurate. It seemed like Joule really only wanted to criticize Greaseball and me for that, although other players are doing the same thing, that was confusing to me.
Also, why do you say what I say is hidden in my posts? I literally referred to three people as villagers and shared my suspicion about the connection between you and Turnov. It seems like you just want to read something in my posts that is not there. It gives me feeling that your evaluations are kinda pre-determined and in this phase of the game, a villager wouldn't have the need to be pre-determined, I think that it is a wolf-like attitude you have here.
Fresh Dumbledore: Yes, of course we somehow have to get discussions going, but I still think that people should think about how useful their content really is. In Buffy's example, it really seemed like a generic post which wolves write if they want to seem present and interested in the game without actually saying a lot.
Yes, I know that it's hard to apply a general measure to all players because everyone is different, but I have to start somewhere.
And sure, you could also argue that a wolf might think about their posts more carefully but in my opinion, this is doesn't apply here, since there is nothing obviously wrong with that post.
I like Buffy's second a bit more, but it's still not convincing. I didn't like that he didn't even bother sharing a gut feeling about people with less than 5 posts. Seems a bit lazy and furthermore, I really don't think that people with less posts are automatically harder to evaluate.
It's actually quite funny that you mention Pearl, and I have to agree that she's over the top. I didn't take it into consideration though, because I somehow instantly attributed it to her personality. Do you disagree?
Wednesday Addams: Yeah I don't really agree to your thoughts about Turnov. The difference between him and Buffy is that his first post is more obviously irrelevant to the game which makes him seem less tense, but at the end of the day, it's not something that I would give the villager-attitude label.
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I think I get what you are trying to say about Buffy and Turnov. While I kinda understand the thought, I am uncertain if it is that easy to evaluate. However, I have to agree with what you say about Buffy, that you didn't like they do not bother to say something about people with less posts.
Concerning Pearl, I just think we cannot really assess being over the top in an anonymous game like this, as I've already said. Since I like what they are writing, I do not see a problem with their over-the-top roleplay, I quite like it and: I did the same, so it would be a double-standard to assess this no matter in which direction.