Beiträge von Killua

    To be honest, I am a little disappointed that Pearl didn't vote until now although she is the leader.

    I also do not like Electra switching now, but I liked her other posts so far..

    Its just that I wanted to safe myself at first with voting the more or less only option Caboose. But now Ruhrgold got also another option and as I already had a negative tendency towards him, I feel better voting him than Caboose.

    Oh sorry, I didnt mean something negative with narrow-minded. (Blame Google-Translator for that :D)

    I was interessted, why Buffy thinks, that Turnov is a villager. Its for me totally out of the blue, as already shared.

    I can´t give you more insight, I was overflying the day, since I joined late and wanted to have an opinion, whether to vote or not to.

    Currently I don´t want to vote, as already shared too. The thought behind that is, we barely have information nor we have a "solid basis" of former games. So we would vote randomly into something with a higher chance to hit a villager.

    I would like to keep the random villager in the game than loosing to a lost villager.

    But thats just my 50 cents.

    Nah, not voting is the opposite of generating new information. So, if you want to have more infos, you should definitely vote imo.

    You're quite a cheeky person, dear Electra.

    You might have convinced me already to shrug it of as a false alarm. (Also the post about Cocos recent argument indeed has something to it).

    I think thats villager-like behaviour, how Joule reacted here and changed his mind so quickly (and seems to have done that again during the day).

    Especially Electras last post sounded like: „Oh originally I liked Ruhrgolds post but now everyone says that’s not villager like so I will also say that“.

    My feeling is that this is a bit manipulating

    Im kinda surprised how many people have such a big problem with me saying that my opinion can still change. I feel like that’s kínd of a easy thing to take and say I’m a wolf. I mean I can understand why you all don’t like this sentence but also I feel some people just hop on that train.

    I also dont like how much effort you put into those few and rather small accusations. I miss the searching part a bit :/

    Also i liked yout first post.

    What did you especially like about his first post?

    But I could methink what you (an everyone else) is more critical, because it's a post about yourself and this post we interpret more subjective than others.

    What do you mean by that exactly?

    Greaseball was a brave boy, so sad he is gone now. he was the first one to talk and even dared talk bullshits. We should not forget Greaseball even he is dead now. Coco&Pearl both criticised him. But pay attention, Pearl did it first, and coco immediately followed. To me Coco is more suspicious. Did she want to set someone as a target as soon as possible? She distinguished the good and bad people toooo fast. I do not think it is helpful to villagers. If you are a villager, I hope you are smarter. Coco

    I dont like how Volta approaches questioning the cause of Greaseball's death. Seems a bit narrow-minded to me. And in my opinion as a wolf it would make sense to stir up some doubts about two active palyers.

    Volta is not in a team with Coco I think.

    Joule So sad Joule cannot be the leader, I would have voted for her. However I believe Pearl can be a good leader. She is trustworthy to me.

    Why did you have the need to emphasise this? Do you have a quite strong villager-like feeling regarding Joule?

    for me it seemed like you also found her suspicious above (even though coco is more suspicious for you) so i kinda dont understand how shes then trustworthy for you?

    I had the same thought there.

    Btw I liked the long post from Buffy where he voted Caboose. I can agree to auite a lot parts of that post if I remember correctly.

    So, after reading the last posts rather quickly, I got the following tendencies:

    Pearl: ++

    Coco: -

    Wrench: +

    Joule: (+)

    Ashley: ++

    Dinah: +++

    Caboose: ?

    Ruhrgold: --

    Turnov: ?

    Flat Top: ?

    Buffy: ++

    Volta: --

    Rusty: ?

    I dont trust VOTE:Volta


    Stand Tag 2

    Buffy (1): Coco

    Caboose (2): Buffy, Turnov

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Electra (1): Joule

    Ruhrgold (1): Ashley

    Volta (1): Electra

    Verbleibende Zeit: 02:04:24

    Rusty is suspicious because Ashley says that. She is new so she has an objective view. What do you think?

    Hmm.. Judging by your first 15 posts I got the impression that you are in a good flow and have a lot of evaluations and therefore opinions yourself. So why do you base your first vote on someone else's opinion? I really dont know whether I like that and didnt expect this from you. I somehow supsect you are taking the easy way out here.

    But hey, you seem to be a funny person too. I just dont seem to like your bar currently :P

    im not sure if you really read my post when youre asking these questions...

    Oh, i am sorry. At this time my concentration is not on a quite high level. But I got it now.

    wait, there was a point where you didnt liked them? your last post evoked the feeling you liked them?

    Ah, no. I wanted to say that I liked their posts so far (not by now; sorry).

    I also kind of dont like the two early votes against Rusty. Maybe there could be made a team exclusion - but I will still have to think about this at another time.

    Although I have to admit that in my opinion Rusty is also the most suspicious player if you only take the "inactive" people into account. But I dont understand, why we should focus on the rather inactive ones. Furthermore I dont think that you get so much out of one post to build a great foundation for an early vote.

    Another thing to think about tomorrow is if there is a connection to the cruel murder of Greaseball tonight. Maybe he was on the right scent?

    Hey Coco. I know we're not on the same wavelength at the moment. However, I hope we can still be nice to each other. It is quite insulting if you say you'd be surprised if anyone reads my posts properly at all. :/ Comments like that really hurt and it is also very discouraging.

    I totally like your posts by now!

    Ah, i forgot.
    By now I have at least a slightly village-like feeling for the following persons (also that I can remember that list):

    Greaseball, Dinah, Flat Top, Jugolas and also Coco and Pearl I guess. The later in the list, the more unsure I am.

    Dinah : Yes, of course we somehow have to get discussions going, but I still think that people should think about how useful their content really is. In Buffy's example, it really seemed like a generic post which wolves write if they want to seem present and interested in the game without actually saying a lot.

    Yes, I know that it's hard to apply a general measure to all players because everyone is different, but I have to start somewhere.

    And sure, you could also argue that a wolf might think about their posts more carefully but in my opinion, this is doesn't apply here, since there is nothing obviously wrong with that post.

    I like Buffy's second a bit more, but it's still not convincing. I didn't like that he didn't even bother sharing a gut feeling about people with less than 5 posts. Seems a bit lazy and furthermore, I really don't think that people with less posts are automatically harder to evaluate.

    How are you evaluating people with less posts?

    I also dont think that a Joule+Buffy Team would play it like this at that moment of the game. Seems a bit unnecessary and too much for me.

    I don't think a wolf wouldn't criticize one of their fellas, I just think it was too early and too unnecessary to criticize it as it was just her starting post and this kind of attention, especially in an anonymous game, can be too risky for a possible wolf-team.


    I don't agree with that impression it's necessarily a villager attitude, I think both villagers and wolves often behave like that and it is more depending on the player, but unfortunately, we do not have that kind of knowledge.

    However, I find it quite interesting you call me manipulative, yet you say I put Pearl in a negative light. I didn't do that at all, I said she is my villager. The comment about being over the top was just to point out to Joule that their (I am stealing this idea of using their from Ruhrgold in order to prevent gender assuming,I like that), comment was inaccurate. It seemed like Joule really only wanted to criticize Greaseball and me for that, although other players are doing the same thing, that was confusing to me.

    Also, why do you say what I say is hidden in my posts? I literally referred to three people as villagers and shared my suspicion about the connection between you and Turnov. It seems like you just want to read something in my posts that is not there. It gives me feeling that your evaluations are kinda pre-determined and in this phase of the game, a villager wouldn't have the need to be pre-determined, I think that it is a wolf-like attitude you have here.

    I really like those thougts - and that post in total! It gave me a - for this point - quite strong villager feeling.

    Although, its a little bit (too much?) self defending, but in my eyes thats not done in a wolve-like way.

    I feel like Electras first post sounds kinda honest. From My first impression I would put them in my village. But of course this is just a feeling from My first impression and can change.

    My first thought was: "Ok, maybe Ruhrgold is a villager, as easy as he puts me in his village. Why should a wolve do this and limit himself at this point?"
    But like others I get a beed feeling from his (more or less) announcement that his opinion could change later on. Therefore, overall, Ruhrgold gets a slight negative point for this statement.

    I take back what I said about Pearl, since my personality read seems to be wrong anyways.

    Now you made me curious! What made you change your mind? And do you really want to base your opinion on assumptions on possible real names of the players?

    I liked that reaction from Pearl regarding Joule's statement. It is village-like to me to be more interested in why somebody changed his mind, rather than starting to defend oneself or dont react to it. And this response just seems relaxe, though this may just be because Pearl was already put in the village by a lot of people by then.

    Greaseball looks different than yesterday. Maybe his makeup is just different, but honestly, yesterday he looked more attractive to me than today.

    What could be the reason to that? Why do you think so?

    - I really understand the Pearl-villager train. Her attitude is very positive, her posts are good in quality and she makes some serious efforts to push the game forward. I have to say that I'm glad to have her as our leader.

    I thought that you changed your mind about Pearl earlier on. Did you change your mind again or did you forget that you have changed your mind about her? :D

    At the moment I dont like those plot twists in Joule's posts.

    In my first impression, I really liked the way Coco startet in this game. I would also say, that Pearl more plays like a villager.

    Could you maybe elaborate the concrete cause for those feelings? Were there some specific statements responsible for that?

    just a feeling but i dont liked this post. kinda felt like just saying sth. about the more active ones?

    Nhja, its just that I have not read all of the posts at that time, so I could only say a few of my thoughts about the persons, where I was able to remember the names :ugly: Whats with your first post for example? :P
    What do you think about Coco, Dinah and Joule? Do you already have a tendency to one of them?

    VOTE:Coco is the person i wanted to vote (and still want to vote).

    Besides his posting style I especially like his way to share is thoughts and opinions. It seems frank to me, which gives me a villager-like feeling reading his diary.

    Furthermore I can say that I also feel some villager vibes coming from the Greaseball (old and new one) direction. I guess its a good sign, that this also applys to the second Greasball :)

    I am not quite sure with Pearl for now though, although he is very active (which is not really a good sign if you ask me).

    More thought from my side can only be shared tomorrow, from where my available time for this game should be increasing steadily ;)


    Stand Tag 1

    Coco (3): Greaseball, Joule, Electra

    Joule (1): Coco

    Pearl (4): Pearl, Dinah, Wrench, Flat Top

    Verbleibende Zeit: 01:06:32

    Hi everyone!

    I am totally looking forward to this game and happy to be here finally :)

    Its just that I am sadly not having a lot of time today. But this should be getting better starting tomorrow.

    I wonder why in Caboose’s opinion one wolf cannot say something rude to a co-wolf?

    I had the same thought as Caboose. The reaction is in my opinion not rude, but rather thats he already sees a wolve in him. And with the styye of that one sentence response its also a bit catchy, so that it draws a lot of attention to this statement.

    At the moment im still kinda unsure what I should think about the current interactions since most of them are just roleplaying things and I don’t know how to judge them.

    I have the same problem. Still need to figure out, how to properly judge and analyse the posts. And especially how to tell all the new names apart :ugly:

    More will follow later. I couldnt read all of the posts yet. (And I already wanted to vote a leader, but have just forgotten the name :D)