Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | victory: wolves

  • Hey guys! OMG so excited for today xD

    And I have to apologise for my Post yesterday, the layout was truly awful to read.

    Soooo lets get some questions answered^^ I havn't been doing that in a while, I'm sorry.

    Is there any specific phrase that gives you this feeling about Caboose in your stomach?

    Yes, and its here:

    I'm very sorry, I have much to do today (writing an essay and I'm very unmotivated to do so *sigh* )

    I just quickly read all replies and I don't know how much I'll be able to be present until the voting period ends, so atm I like Pearl and Joule. Both seem to put much thought into their posts and I find myself nodding at a lot of stuff their are saying. Neither of both seems to be evil atm and so I'll think I will be selecting one of them as the leader.

    He seems way to sure on who is villager for my taste. Sheesh even reading it now, gets me chills.


    Gossip Girl. (I'm sorry, but somebody had to say that xD)

    Which post are you referring to? I'm actually a little confused because I cannot remember defending you. xD Quite in contrary, I currently think you are more of a neutral under the radar type of player.

    Yeah, that's true, what I ment was at the beginning:

    I don't agree with that. If everyone waits until there is more to say, how is a game supposed to be able to start? It's all about dynamics and personally, I don't mind if a post on page one hasn't got too much content to it, at least if there is more to come from that person.. Remember we do not know who we are playing with and saying this like "why is this post there anyway" can be quite discouraging. Saying something like that about a post which was that early seems to be quite constrained, at least in my opinion.

    The funny thing is, although I do not really like this comment, it seems quite villager-like to me.

    However, I think we can exclude a Joule/Buffy-Team. I do not think someone would play it that way.

    Well, at least I felt quite defended xD

    I would be really interested in opinions to players who haven't wrote since I'm participating this game.

    So for example for Buffy, Turnov, Flat Top and some others. I have read the whole game, but after it I only thought: "Oh god, what do you do in this game! You understand nothing!" So this a little bit more confrontive style is a way for me to find a little bit in it, because I was sure to get reactions for my personally play and so I can better play with you. It worked.

    I already have said it, but again, I liked that action^^ I mean, daaamn, it really was generating reactions.

    I really have to say that reading Buffys Post made my feelings go up, down, up, down, up and so on. I don't know why but first impression was wolf, then I thought her arguments are not too bad but then I had the impression that her whole Post was pre written.

    Funfact, I am always prewriting my Posts, espacially if I'm a villager, cause, I often havn't much time, so when I am reading something, and think damn, thats wolfish, then I write it down in my memos, so I don't necessarily have to read it again.

    I cannot understand why Joule and Caboose cannot be in a team because of HD vote?

    That's a good question, I think I have ment somebody else, but nevertheless wasn't able to find today what I have ment to read yesterday, I'm sorry. I was really busy yesterday. Is that enough to excuse that? xD

    Some people have asked, why I said that, "Turnov might be a villager". Well the Post just had something, I was pretty sure, that this speaks for a villager. Can't even call it by name, I have to admit xD

    Buffy: ++

    Lol, why's that? I mean, it doesn't bother me, but I havn't done much that stands out for a villager? And 2 Pluses, omg^^

    Okay, more happend.

    I like Coco's post again.

    I didn't really like Rusty's post. His criticism towards Buffy is completely justified, and his opinion about Pearl and Coco is something I share. Nevertheless I would have hoped for more insight into his thoughts. As of now, it all seems a bit shallow, and also I got the impression that the question to Buffy about Turnov is a bit out of place. I had the thought that Rusty might be wolf with either Turnov or Buffy and tried to create either mindgames (If Turnov) or interaction (If Buffy) with one of his furry friends.

    Ok, so in my opinion that speaks against a Rusty and Joule team, but I am pretty sure, that at least one of them is a wolf.

    Joules seems to my quite wolfish (you know, the other translations for that word are quite funny xD) and this gave me goosebumps:

    I think Ruhrgold is pretty much the definition of an uninteresting neutral lynch. Not so cool in ms opinion. However, it's understandable indeed.

    I know some of you think that's an argument against a team, but for me it's the opposite.

    So my village:

    Ashley, Coco, Electra, Turnov, Dinah.

    And a wolf in Joules and Rusty. I will decide later which one of them I am finally going to lynch.

    Peace out and byebye xD

  • i dont think i have a real opinion about buffy yet. i wasnt a fan off the big post yesterday but this is rather based on feelings and im still waiting for some reactions from him to the questions to evaluate him

    Well then today is your lucky day xD

  • Hiro Yeah I did not vote previously since I have not decided and do not want to mess up. I have given my unique vote to Pearl last night. :D Just so you know.

  • i dont think i have a real opinion about buffy yet. i wasnt a fan off the big post yesterday but this is rather based on feelings and im still waiting for some reactions from him to the questions to evaluate him

    Well then today is your lucky day xD

    seems so xD and im kinda positivly surprised, but unsure if im manipulated by your way of writing xD:thinking:

    Hiro Yeah I did not vote previously since I have not decided and do not want to mess up. I have given my unique vote to Pearl last night. :D Just so you know.

    why pearl? Oo

  • Yes, Joule got it right. I am quite annoyed by Ashley and her way to play. She is fixated on me, even tho the „reason why“ could be applied to several people, which she numerated btw too. But I dont see how see is interacting with them.

    Schoko should be villager

    Perle should be villager too

    Joule might be villager too

    Ashley night be villager? Dunno for sure?

  • Lol, why's that? I mean, it doesn't bother me, but I havn't done much that stands out for a villager? And 2 Pluses, omg^^

    That's because I liked your long post yesterday. I agreed to quite a lot statements from that one!

    I think, I already want to refresh my plus/minus list (mainly to obtain an overview):

    Old one

    Pearl: ++

    Coco: -

    Wrench: +

    Joule: (+)

    Ashley: ++

    Dinah: +++

    Caboose: ?

    Ruhrgold: --

    Turnov: ?

    Flat Top: ?

    Buffy: ++

    Volta: --

    Rusty: ?

    Pearl: ++++ (third and fourth plus for her behaviour at yesterday's lynch)

    Dinah: +++

    Buffy: ++ (the two pluses can remain, as I also liked her last post(s))

    Ashley: ++ (nothing changed there, but her vote against Ruhrgold would also fit pretty good to Ashley being a villager)

    Wrench: ++ (Especially her last posts seems villager-like to me. For example the reaction to buffy feels like a typical villager uncetainty (and is authentic to me))

    So... I think, that's (more or less) my village at the moment.

    Coco: + (As I already mentioned I think that his mindset within his last few posts is rather villager-like)

    Joule: +/- (at the moment, I again dont know how I feel about her. It's a bit like a rollercoaster ride, as I get villager and also a few (but rather less) wolf vibes from her :/ )

    Rusty: - (I got rather negative vibes than positive ones so far, as already mentioned.) Kuzan Why is Joule a villager to you and what persons do you have a negative tendency towards?

    Volta: - (The negative tendency remains. She just doesn seem to be actively searching for wolves in my eyes or at least she doesnt a lot of thoughts about that.)

    Flat Top: ? (hard to judge, as he was excused yesterday. But I am definitely looking forward to his posts today) Quasimodo & Esmeralda Whom would you have voted yesterday and why?

    Turnov ? (+) (I just dont know yet. Although my beloved stomach says rather villager than wolf - if I dare to ask him)

    Caboose: ? (-) (Very slight negative tendency, because he defended Ruhrgold quite early.)

    In defence of him, this game hadn't much content at this point. In my opinion it was haed to find something new to talk about.

    But would a wolf write "in defence of him" defending his partner? I am not so sure about that.

    => My today's main candidates for the lynch are Rusty, Volta and maybe Caboose/Joule.

    For the moment VOTE:Volta

    The Ruhrgold votes were really understandable (and in fact I even think I would have switched to save Caboose if Electra hadn't done anything), but in the worst case, we just lose a villager and don't even gain information, because voting Ruhrgold in this situation is completely sensible in each role. So I was rather criticising the tactics behind the move and I still stand behind that. I can't imagine that every person that was in a similar position as Ruhrgold (say, Rusty, Volta, maybe Flat Top, Buffy, Turnov) is a werewolf, so Pearl was pretty lucky to pick the right person, but obviously that's not clear before the lynch.

    One can still have negative tendencies towards players, who have only left a handful of votes. So why not voting them, especially if you do not have another person that negative? And that you now make the statement that you maybe would have switched to Ruhrgold seems a bit shady to me.


    Stand Tag 3

    Rusty (2): Ashley, Coco

    Volta (1): Electra

    Verbleibende Zeit: 09:41:53

  • You mean Volta I guess.

    I still dont know yet, but she is definitely not one of the persons towards I have a positice tendency.

    How do you think about that?

    I use the opportunity of this question to read Volta again.

    #118: Volta calls Coco suspicious and Pearl as a trustworthy leader

    #140: She affirms Pearl as a villager (generally much about Greaselands death)

    #145: She discuss about this opinions in reaction to Electra.

    #175: calls the directly estimation list of Electra positive (also an excusation to her, doesn't seem like a team for me)

    #188: The view of the voting state

    -> to be honest it's still less information about her and I'm hopefully to see more evaltuations to other players, at the moment there is not really a reason against a wolf there.

    Thats a very good question.

    I still need to think about this, but at the moment I dont think so. In my opinion the wolves either have already voted or havent been online at the lynch. Otherwise they could have also voted me for example to save Ruhrgold.

    How do you think about that and why did you aks that question in the first place?

    It was my first intention after the moment I see the lynch and the vote state.

    Shortly after it I asked me whether I make it me to easy, especially because as well Ruhrgold as Caboose didn't vote yesterday.

    Now let's look what Caboose is doing today.

    I think I am going to reconsider my slightly negative tendency regarding Coco. I dont think that a wolf would currently put that much effort into trying to make my lynch vote look bad?

    Why not? Especially for a wolf it's annoying if the people you want to vote aren't votable after the lynch again or?

    I don't know whether I agree to you all that Rusty's complaint is suspicious. When I read it for the first time, it seemed more likely to me that he was an annoyed villager, but now I have to say that the post really seems artificial.

    I think his complaint is indeed honest and also understandable, but I don't think that he would complain in a certain role.

    I can't imagine that every person that was in a similar position as Ruhrgold (say, Rusty, Volta, maybe Flat Top, Buffy, Turnov) is a werewolf, so Pearl was pretty lucky to pick the right person, but obviously that's not clear before the lynch

    Hm, I wouldn't directly say all of this people have been in the same situation like Ruhrgold. Caboose I see in similar situation, but I would be surprised if Pearl would go to a complete new name with the vote state yesterday. Flat Top was excused, Buffys standing was better yesterday, Rusty a bit in focus, Volta out of focus. Turnov was my personal alternative yesterday.

    But generally I like the statements of Joule at the moment.

    why do you think theres a connection between the lynch and her Volta assessment

    Let's do the same with Ruhrgold how with Volta.


    #47: liked Joule, asking Dinah for villagers

    #59: first impression of Electra is honest, villager (#65 again)

    #114: criticm to Electra and my early vote on Rusty (#122 again)

    #: sarcasm for Turnov

    -> no neither Volta said anything about Ruhrgold nor Ruhrgold about Volta, so there I see no direct connection. But electra doesn't fit really good to Ruhrgold for me.

    I have some connection with my internet, so I can't quote regulary at the moment, I'm sorry.


    Ashley Yeah I did not vote previously since I have not decided and do not want to mess up. I have given my unique vote to Pearl last night. :D Just so you know. (Volta)

    In this point you've been successfull :D but I still would be really interested in who you're wolfes are right now.

    Yes, Joule got it right. I am quite annoyed by Ashley and her way to play. She is fixated on me, even tho the „reason why“ could be applied to several people, which she numerated btw too. But I dont see how see is interacting with them.

    I'm not sure what you mean with I'm numerating my argumentation.

    But maybe you're right and I schould spare your nerves, so I'm changing to VOTE:Flat Top

    I'm still really familiar to Electras opinions.


    Stand Tag 3

    Flat Top (1): Ashley

    Rusty (1): Coco

    Volta (1): Electra

    Verbleibende Zeit: 09:34:02

  • numerating people. Not arguments.

    You named people, who were on the same level like me, whose you could attack the way like you did me, too.

    I can show it later, what I exactly mean. Maybe you can put some light into it.

  • Yes, Joule got it right. I am quite annoyed by Ashley and her way to play. She is fixated on me, even tho the „reason why“ could be applied to several people, which she numerated btw too. But I dont see how see is interacting with them.

    Schoko should be villager

    Perle should be villager too

    Joule might be villager too

    Ashley night be villager? Dunno for sure?

    so whats your opinion on buffy or dinah for example?

    Ashley: ++ (nothing changed there, but her vote against Ruhrgold would also fit pretty good to Ashley being a villager)

    why does it fit? couldnt she just be leveling with him from the beginning?

    Caboose: ? (-) (Very slight negative tendency, because he defended Ruhrgold quite early.)

    wouldnt you think as a wolf partner its easier for him to jump on the ruhrgld is wolf train?

    -> to be honest it's still less information about her and I'm hopefully to see more evaltuations to other players, at the moment there is not really a reason against a wolf there.

    just to clarify, but theres also nothing special that speaks for a wolf or?

    I'm still really familiar to Electras opinions.

    i also liked her post, esspecially the rethinking of her evaluations from yesterday

    still no fan of rusty, just rly seems to be either not in game or dont wanting to be in game

    Also im not quit sure how to think about volta stating se would have voted pearl, just seems quit random for me? esspecially cause pearl was a villager for her yesterday

  • Aloha hey you ♥

    It is pretty nice that the game was so fluently and you caught a wolf.:schmieg:

    But my biggest problem is to put myself into the game again. I hope it will we easier in a few hours!!

    I have read everything again now ;( And i'm trying to do my best!

    I didn't like that while reading. Thinking of pearl and coco as a villager at the moment was a very easy conclusion at the moment.

    This post doesn't seem to be really selfmotivated for me. And according to that: H/she/it wasn't the first one, who used exactly the same argument. Maybe he/she/it didn't want to give so much information at that point of game? Maybe because he/it/her was in the focus and was scared to die.

    Rusty. Are pearl and coco still your most likely villagers?

    Maybe I can convince him being not as manipulative as it seems in the first place?

    What do you mean? Why manipulative? ;(

    I would never do something like that!

    What a mean accusation....:(

    But on the other hand, he askes intrusive questions I don’t know what the intention is.

    Good. But they shall not help you- they are for me!

    And sometimes i don't even know why i'm asking. I'm just hoping to get an informative answer.

    In one of my latest posts I cited where I got that feeling.

    Was it so hard just to answer my questions, dear Dinah:(

    I'm disappoited... I've seen that post. But you ment in general?

    So this couldn't be the only example.

    I don't know what your problem is here.... You could have answerde my question quick. Your reaction is so over......

    That makes me depressive.

    Greaseball, Dinah, Flat Top, Jugolas and also Coco and Pearl I guess.

    Why Jugolas? Is this a joke? If yes i don't like that.

    :( I don't know what you expect here. Is this a joke? Is this serious? Do you want to get reactions? You confuse me....

    Besides that i liked electra. She/he/it had some fresh new thoughts and she or whatever got constantly new thoughts over the game.

    Rusty is suspicious because Ashley says that. She is new so she has an objective view. What do you think?

    ?( coco?

    What is this? It can't be serious.

    I also kind of dont like the two early votes against Rusty. Maybe there could be made a team exclusion - but I will still have to think about this at another time.

    Although I have to admit that in my opinion Rusty is also the most suspicious player if you only take the "inactive" people into account. But I dont understand, why we should focus on the rather inactive ones. Furthermore I dont think that you get so much out of one post to build a great foundation for an early vote.

    Has it changed? Have you thought about it ?

    Something else: Electra's longer post activated eight out of ten alarm bells. So much relativizing. So awkward to read. Really gives me wolf vibes.

    The post where he calls Jugolas a villager-like person doesn't improve the situation.

    I can't understand Joule here. What kind of alarm bells? Is relativizing one alarm bell? Or was it the only reason?

    I share your Jugolas point but atm i think it was a joke :(

    Especially Electras last post sounded like: „Oh originally I liked Ruhrgolds post but now everyone says that’s not villager like so I will also say that“.

    I don't think he would say something like that to his/her/its cowolf. It was so outstanding. And it hadn't really other conclusions in my opinion.

    Also I kinda not liked Ashleys early vote on someone with nearly no posts. Has someone else an opinion on that they want to share with me?

    Maybe the same? But why is he so unsure here? And so sure with electra? I come to the conclusion electra is a villager.

    , but after it I only thought: "Oh god, what do you do in this game! You understand nothing!"

    ;( that was mean. I cried a lot.

    I don't even get why you said that at that point? Dou you just wanted to call out silly/inactive people? What is your thought behind that here? It just make sense for me if you want to put them into the focus and i don't like the way you do that.

    Ruhrgold I really liked, that he likes Electras Introduction and I really with him concerning that. Also, I liked the reactions he gave, as somebody questioned that decision.

    I didn't like his post in general. But this was really shady. I didn't think he realised that rouhrgold will be voted.

    I didn't like that as well. I totally share pearls opinion here.

    The post tendencies are just about a feeling/no feeling, weird reasons for example those abut pearl and coco.

    Turnov post seems a bit fuller with evaluations and thought that it acutally is which leaves a slightly bad feeling. Any opinions on Turnov @all?

    You can read above :)

    what do you say about buffys - ruhrgold tendency?

    Okay, more happend.

    I like Coco's post again.

    I didn't really like Rusty's post. His criticism towards Buffy is completely justified, and his opinion about Pearl and Coco is something I share. Nevertheless I would have hoped for more insight into his thoughts. As of now, it all seems a bit shallow, and also I got the impression that the question to Buffy about Turnov is a bit out of place. I had the thought that Rusty might be wolf with either Turnov or Buffy and tried to create either mindgames (If Turnov) or interaction (If Buffy) with one of his furry friends.


    PS.: And the topic between Dinah and Ruhrgold was of all topics Greaseball's village standing. I wonder whether twi wolves would talk about their future target like that? However, this was yesterday morning, so it does not weight that much I admit.

    I like that point.

    Do you think it is worth to read what others said about Ruhrgold

    Why not?

    Schoko should be villager

    Perle should be villager too

    'Schokoperle' is in the village lol

    I have a strong feeling if coco is a werwolf some of the persons who called him out has leveled with him.

    But at the moment i don't have negative vibes there.

    I still like pearl and the vote makes it clear as a villager for me. I also agree that electra is a villager.

    I didn't like Buffy and Rusty..

    And Ashley but i don't know it could be here aggressive style :(

    Someone was asking: I can not answer that quaetion. I have not read yesterday.

    So now i'm biased by the result. But i think my vote could have been Rusty or Buffy.

    I think it was Killua, who was asking? I'm sure you will not like my answer but it is honest :)

    @all If you want yo can talk to me now. I would appreciate that :) My time shouldn't be so limited anymore.

    And now worries i don't have a hangover anymore.

  • why does it fit? couldnt she just be leveling with him from the beginning?

    Maybe we should watch her/his thoughts about ruhrgold in general.

    I don't remember: Did he rated ruhr as a wolf at the election day?

    Also im not quit sure how to think about volta stating se would have voted pearl, just seems quit random for me? esspecially cause pearl was a villager for her yesterday

    +1 didn't get that either.

    But that move as a wolf would be weird, at least i guess:/

  • Why not? Especially for a wolf it's annoying if the people you want to vote aren't votable after the lynch again or?

    Yeah, but you dont need to do that right after the lynch. It would be easier to just let that sink for a while and look for other candidates for the next 1-2 days. I mean, it's still not a strong point, but therefore Coco quite probably wont be a candidate for my vote today.

    I have some connection with my internet

    Thats great! I would have wondered otherwise.

    why does it fit? couldnt she just be leveling with him from the beginning?

    Yeah, she could. Although I dont really believe in it yet, because apart from that she seems quite villager-like to me so far.

    wouldnt you think as a wolf partner its easier for him to jump on the ruhrgld is wolf train?

    I think you are right there. Apart from his used wording in that statement (that doesnt fit so good to a Ruhrgold+Caboose team from my point of view), it was nearly his only content yesterday. So yeah, it would have been just easier to jump on the train or: Just dont say anything about it, because he didnt seem to have a lot of time.

    still no fan of rusty


  • I didn't like his post in general. But this was really shady. I didn't think he realised that rouhrgold will be voted.

    omg, tbh I have completely forgotten, that I have said that. Sheesh...if I were you, I would lynch myself. Were is your vote? Why aren't you voting me? Would be the only logical thing to do from my point of view. xD

    Well, gg to Ruhrgold, I still like his entry-posts xD

    Tbh, I think I'm going to reread the lynch, because I've got an Aluhat to that

  • Why Jugolas? Is this a joke? If yes i don't like that.

    :( I don't know what you expect here. Is this a joke? Is this serious? Do you want to get reactions? You confuse me....

    Yes, that was a joke ;)

    She/he/it had some fresh new thoughts and she or whatever got constantly new thoughts over the game.

    I am definitely an "it". :D

    Has it changed? Have you thought about it ?

    Ah, thanks for bringing that up again. I would conclude that Rusty and Coco are not teammates (because of his argument behind the vote and that it was the second vote on Rusty so early on)
    How do you see those early votes on Rusty?

    Someone was asking: I can not answer that quaetion. I have not read yesterday.

    So now i'm biased by the result. But i think my vote could have been Rusty or Buffy.

    I think it was Electra , who was asking? I'm sure you will not like my answer but it is honest

    No, I am quite satisfied with your answer.
    And I totally think that this is an honest answer.

    I don't remember: Did he rated ruhr as a wolf at the election day?

    Yes, as far as I remember he did a few times.

    I like that post from Flat Top. Seems totally authentic and motivated :)

  • Oh yeah, I've forgotten to say; I liked Wrenchs Posts. Flat-Tops hm. I'm not sure. I mean on the one hand it's nice, that she have noticed. my strange villager-opinion concerning Ruhrgold, on the other hand wolves of cause, are also searching for possible-teammates to their dead fellow-wolf. And what really hits me of is the fact, that flat top didn't vote me? think that's more wolfish than something else. But daaamn, I really have no clue bout that, let's say Flat Top is under investigation xD

  • Although I dont really believe in it yet, because apart from that she seems quite villager-like to me so far.

    Hmm. What was so villager-like in your opinion?

    I am happy to be instructed there. Especially becaous i'm not sure about her behaviour/attitude.

    omg, tbh I have completely forgotten, that I have said that. Sheesh...if I were you, I would lynch myself. Were is your vote? Why aren't you voting me? Would be the only logical thing to do from my point of view. xD


    i am not the kind of person, which is voting jst because of one single setence.

    I am happy to hear more opionos here& your reaction is confusing me as well.

    Tbh, I think I'm going to reread the lynch, because I've got an Aluhat to that

    Pinned. I will not forget that. I'm curious now.

  • I didn't like his post in general. But this was really shady. I didn't think he realised that rouhrgold will be voted.

    omg, tbh I have completely forgotten, that I have said that. Sheesh...if I were you, I would lynch myself. Were is your vote? Why aren't you voting me? Would be the only logical thing to do from my point of view. xD

    Well, gg to Ruhrgold, I still like his entry-posts xD

    Phuu, now this post seems really shady to me honestly :thinking:

    Why should we lynch you because of that statement of your's regarding Ruhrgold? What was so bad with that?

    Right now I dont think that a villager would react like that?

  • How do you see those early votes on Rusty?

    I don't really have an opinion to that.

    Wait a second.

    Besides i don't like the question at the end ashleys vote...

    And i read it again. I'm not completly convinced they can not be a team. They seam to trust each other very much at that point.Nd it could be agreed to act like that.

    But i wouldn't lay my hands in the fire for that. I am not convinced by coco as a wolf atm.

    Oh yeah, I've forgotten to say; I liked Wrenchs Posts. Flat-Tops hm. I'm not sure. I mean on the one hand it's nice, that she have noticed. my strange villager-opinion concerning Ruhrgold, on the other hand wolves of cause, are also searching for possible-teammates to their dead fellow-wolf. And what really hits me of is the fact, that flat top didn't vote me? think that's more wolfish than something else. But daaamn, I really have no clue bout that, let's say Flat Top is under investigation xD

    I don't like the fact that you want to convince others here.:(

    Why should i cote just because of one sentence after starting again in the game?

  • Pinned. I will not forget that. I'm curious now.

    My conclusion: Ashley is a villager, pretty sure with that, oh and Electra also

    Buut, Pearl is getting shadier and shadier, and she voted 6 minutes before the lynch ended, provoked with that action an draw, (which wolves don't bother at all) and there was no real sign, that there are some ninjas coming.

    Why should we lynch you because of that statement of your's regarding Ruhrgold? What was so bad with that?

    Tbh, would I read something like that, I would do so. But that was my impression of him, can't help myself with thaat.

    Right now I dont think that a villager would react like that?

    Well, yes, obvi xD Why pretend it doesn't exist?