Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | victory: wolves

  • I have to admit, I find myself in an uncomfortable situation. Let me describe briefly: I am in a musical, and as you know, I hate musicals! All the people around me are singing and dancing, and I fear that I agreed to join them in the near future. This was one beer too much last night. Or rather four or five, because I cannot remember to sign a contract like this.

    OMG are you Paul?

    Honestly I'm really excited to play this game, espacially because it's in eglish. I would like to apologize beforehand that you are going to find many errors in my texts, Grammar and Spelling. I hope you wont mind.

    But let's talk about the buissnes, I don't want to be the leader, primarily because I will not be able to be present at each lynch. I typically eat around 8. Atm I have no real plan who I think would fit as the leader, Pearl seems to be very ethusiastic, but maybe she ist just really excited to kill us all. I kinda like Greaseball, but maybe he should rethink his plan about using google translate and ask us instead to paraphrase if he doesen't understand something. I'm quite sure we all would be willing to help.^^

  • Dear diary,

    Pearl is asking me questions, oh my god! I just wanna survive this nightmare! He is eager to see proofs for experience, but still aware that nobody will be able to display them. And he asks whether I am unexperienced in certain aspects, but these questions are so foreseeable I decided not to give him an answer, especially since I have the impression that he anticipated my possible answers and evaluates them before hearing them.

    No, I definitely will not choose him as a leader! What do you think, might I be prepared for this responsibility?

    I love you, my dear!



  • Ohh ohh I wonder what Rusty is going to say about this when he finds out! :P

    Are you always this quick to declare your love, Pearl? Or what exactly captured your heart so quickly here?

    He might not be amused, thats right. But as long as he is not here I thought it might be good to make some friends and share some bisous like friends do ;) and to be honest, maybe it isn't the best thing for Rusty to participate here... we will see how this goes on.
    Well Coco seemed to me quite creative and trustworthy for the beginning. I thought making her feel more comfortable isn't too bad. My first impression of you istn't too bad either. So we will see. As mentionned before, my heart truly belongs to Rusty, even though I enjoy chatting around and as a first class wagon I need to be up to date! (I guess in both definitions ;) )

    I agree, and I bet Turnov feels the need to lighten up the mood a lil bit, so we're dealing with a jokester here, yes? Should we judge that already?

    As menntioned before, it's probably too early to judge him for his first post. But I will keep it in mind for later.

  • Hi everyone!

    I hope that this is going to be a fun game!

    I don't want to be your leader (The issue is time) and I guess I'll have to wait for quite a bit until I can make a good decision. For now, Greaseball's introduction seems almost too cute, but it's also kind of funny and relatable and that's why I could see awarding her villager points for that.

    Ah yeah, sorry if I assume anyone's gender wrong, but that's just the way it works for me. If you feel offended, let me know by writing a lot of subtly hostile comments to my posts ;)

    Btw, Buffy's post seems quite weak to me. He kinda likes Greaseball's post which is fine, but there is nothing in his post that stands out to me whatsoever. Why is this post there anyway? Couldn't you wait until you can say more about the game?

    Coco - I like him quite a lot. The format of his posts is refeshing and I agree to almost everything he says. (The inflationary usage of the word fuck is the only thing that bothers me a bit, but apart from that: Keep going!)

    Dinah seems, like Greaseball, a bit over the top to me - It's really hard to assess posts if they are written in an intenionally exaggerated mood. The roleplay is fine and all, but unless you want to hide something, dear Dinah, I'd prefer you to phrase your posts a bit more neutrally :)

    (strangely, it bothered me less in Greaseball's post. Maybe because it seemed more natural?)

    That's it for now!

  • Oh, hi Pearlie, my one and only BFF.

    :love: Hi Dinah! I got a new comfortable couch, shall we make a tea party? I really like your intruduction, it seems really honest to me! Who shall we invite? Waht do you think of Caboose?

  • I also need to say that all these new names cause confusion. So I must apologize what I have said about Greaseball, because Buffy is the one I was referring to in my last entry. About Greaseball I am still waiting for your reply, don't let me alone with these strangers, I beg you!

    I wondered.

    Maybe I try to write in English with out Google translate but I ll never tell you who I am.

    No, I definitely will not choose him as a leader!

    Year. I am skeptical, too. He seems very suspicious to me but I have to confess that the reason only based on negative vibes.

    In my opinion he seems very self confident and I am not sure if I want a self confident HD who is overthinkig everything and does not care about other opinions. A insecure HD also can be dangerous because he be manipulated easier by other self confident players.

    VOTE:Coco is fine for me because I like her indirect self consciousness which is not as extrem as pearls


    Stand Tag 1

    Coco (1): Greaseball

    Pearl (2): Pearl, Dinah

    Verbleibende Zeit: 23:46:19

  • Joules Post just let an idea in my head bloom xD

    It's not really an idea, more something that will make the game even more challenging. Since, i assume, neither of us is an native english speaker I think most of us are going to be limited in our choice of words. Which leads me to the conclusion, that juding the style and tone of someone could became very missleading. That's a bit frustrating

  • Wickie: Yeah, of course the game will be distorted by this phenomenon. What I was trying to say is that we can probably have more accurate images of everyone's fraction if people (especially villagers) don't try to play someone they are not. Speaking for myself, I can't simply not judge the style and tone of a person and I assume that some other people feel the same, so I'm just trying to make things more pleasant.

    (I'm not telling you that you shouldn't try to hide your identity as a player btw)

    Captain Hook: Why did you ask Dinah about Caboose specifically?

  • I like the way joule is thinking. Seems natural and I like the idea. Would a werewolf think about that? Maybe, but I am not believing in a high probability.

  • Dear diary,

    I thought all these conversations through and I think that Turnov might be a villager. His start was kind of incautious with all these translation examples and in general.

    I do not have problems with other people reading my diary, do you? Wrench cares about this, I think this makes him a pleasant person. Do you know wie Paul is?

    I think I might have found a first friend, my dear. Joule‘s introduction, although he uses many words, was likeable because he expresses evaluations and not only observes and interacts. Additionally, he shares my impression about Buffy, although I rather dont like the „won’t be elected as a leader anyway“ part in his first post. I think that Greaseball and Buffy aren’t wolves together, can you check whether this makes sense to you, too?

    I love you, my dear!



  • Caboose : Yeah, of course the game will be distorted by this phenomenon. What I was trying to say is that we can probably have more accurate images of everyone's fraction if people (especially villagers) don't try to play someone they are not. Speaking for myself, I can't simply not judge the style and tone of a person and I assume that some other people feel the same, so I'm just trying to make things more pleasant.

    (I'm not telling you that you shouldn't try to hide your identity as a player btw)

    Oh yeah, I'm on board with that. And I have to agree with Greaseball, seems very natural.

  • In my opinion he seems very self confident and I am not sure if I want a self confident HD who is overthinkig everything and does not care about other opinions.

    Who said that Self confident people are also selfish? A good leader should always listen to the group and reflect his actions. You opinion seem to me like you are thinking too much in categories which I don't like. Its up to you whether you believe me or not, but as a Leader I think it is important to first of all develop an own opinion but then also listen to others. In games like werewolf its definitely needed to discuss choices in the group so that we can be sure that our direction we are driving to is right. Or at least I guess the chance that it is right is higher than if everyone just does whatever he or she wants.

    Since, i assume, neither of us is an native english speaker I think most of us are going to be limited in our choice of words. Which leads me to the conclusion, that juding the style and tone of someone could became very missleading.

    Well you don't know that, maybe I am a native speaker? At least some of us seem to be quite confident in writing in english. But thats not the point. I am quite sure that most werewolf player use similar words in every game even though they might know more words. But everyone has it's own style which is usually similar in every game. I can see already different styles here and I think that it is possible to judge a bit the style and the words that are used. It can be missleading but thats something that can happen in every language.
    We cannot see any gestures or mimic so that the only thing we have is the posts of each player. We must analyse them to find something, there is not really another way.

  • Who said that Self confident people are also selfish? A good leader should always listen to the group and reflect his actions. You opinion seem to me like you are thinking too much in categories which I don't like. Its up to you whether you believe me or not, but as a Leader I think it is important to first of all develop an own opinion but then also listen to others. In games like werewolf its definitely needed to discuss choices in the group so that we can be sure that our direction we are driving to is right. Or at least I guess the chance that it is right is higher than if everyone just does whatever he or she wants.

    I think that if some is very self conscious, he have to believe in his own opinion more than in other options. And it is this kind of self confidence that I see in your posts.

    Furthermore you give the HD a to high value(might be a wrong word but neverless my meaning should be clear?) impo.

  • I think that if some is very self conscious, he have to believe in his own opinion more than in other options. And it is this kind of self confidence that I see in your posts.

    Furthermore you give the HD a to high value(might be a wrong word but neverless my meaning should be clear?) impo.

    Allright. It seems like we have a bit different views about self conscious people. And the leader has two votes which is more than the other players usually have. And therefore I think its better when the leader is a villager. It just makes things easier ;)

  • I think that if some is very self conscious, he have to believe in his own opinion more than in other options. And it is this kind of self confidence that I see in your posts.

    Furthermore you give the HD a to high value(might be a wrong word but neverless my meaning should be clear?) impo.

    Allright. It seems like we have a bit different views about self conscious people. And the leader has two votes which is more than the other players usually have. And therefore I think its better when the leader is a villager. It just makes things easier ;)

    And because of that I ll not vote for you.

  • Kakuzu: I haven't found a good reason to exclude that possibility, but it's quite unlikely anyway.

    Captain Hook: Makes sense. What did you like about his first post? I have to say that I also liked his start, but his second post seemed more villager-like to me than the first (which was quite standard tbh).

    Wickie: You might confuse self-confident with self-conscious.

  • I know it's very early, but from this interaction I would think that Greaseball and Pearl are not in a team. This response seems just to sassy in my opninion.

  • Pearl : Makes sense. What did you like about his first post? I have to say that I also liked his start, but his second post seemed more villager-like to me than the first (which was quite standard tbh).

    I had the impression that he is quite easy going and symphatic. Its not a particular word that I liked or the content of his post which was not that much, thats true. Perhaps I wouldn't even say that his posts so far were really villager-like. They seemed quite fine at least for a first impression. Second impression is: he is quite experienced with the game, has some ideas to say and can be anything with that :D But he is motivated and seems like he is trying to create content and start disscussions which is never bad.