Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | victory: wolves

  • Dear diary,

    I think I have decided for now who to trust.


    I don't know him for a long time, but I don't care. Sorry, you will be disappointed, but after having two beers with him I think I like him. Although he already said he won't be here in the bar tomorrow, and I am already sad about this, but maybe I can make some other friends tomorrow? I think that Pearl might be trustworthy, but I have to admit that I don't like his way interacting and talking about general stuff very much.

    What I urgently need to tell you: Greaseball wants me as a leader! I think I can satisfy whatever is needed for this position, I'm sure! What do you think? I also received your message concerning Greaseball, thank you for that.

    I love you, my dear!




    Stand Tag 1

    Coco (1): Greaseball

    Joule (1): Coco

    Pearl (2): Pearl, Dinah

    Verbleibende Zeit: 23:00:38

  • This was one beer too much last night. Or rather four or five, because I cannot remember to sign a contract like this.

    This sounds like a nice fella, lets hit some bar and lets get wasted tonight, before the "real" fun tomorrow begins!

    I mean, after Pearl turned away from me, I am a free person!

    Well, I actually will not comment much the ongoing interactions, since I am not a real fan from the "roleplaying" connection from starlight express.

    Nowithstanding, I like Cocos posts out of all people so far. It is refreshing and also reveal some deeper thoughts about them.

    I actually don´t have time to be a leader for ya, so you better find someone else. Peace. Out.

  • Dear diary,

    I need to tell you about Caboose and that he seems to exclude a possible connection between Greaseball and Pearl. Even if I don't think these two persons are evil at the moment, I disagree with this. You know, such conversations - I remember that I noticed they were talking about self confidence, self consciousness and leadership, can easily be conducted between evil persons, you know? I do not have much experience since I avoid bad people commonly as you know, but I think they possibly behave that way. At least I would not exclude that. This makes me think that if Caboose is a bad person, then Greaseball and Pearl are not. But I'm uncertain whether this reasoning is only true because I think those two might be good anyway, can you help me?

    I love you my dear!



  • I remember that I noticed they were talking about self confidence, self consciousness and leadership, can easily be conducted between evil persons, you know?

    I think you understood me wrong. I didn't used the whole conversation but just this sentence from Greaseball. I don't think it would be easy to fake a reaction like this and it also doesn't seem like a thing you would say to your fellow werwolf. It's not fix, but it's a starting point for me

    And because of that I ll not vote for you.

  • Dear diary,

    I wonder why in Caboose’s opinion one wolf cannot say something rude to a co-wolf? Or rather: why Caboose feels an eager need to verbalize this?

    I love you, my dear!



  • Honestly I'm really excited to play this game, espacially because it's in eglish. I would like to apologize beforehand that you are going to find many errors in my texts, Grammar and Spelling. I hope you wont mind.

    But let's talk about the buissnes, I don't want to be the leader, primarily because I will not be able to be present at each lynch. I typically eat around 8. Atm I have no real plan who I think would fit as the leader, Pearl seems to be very ethusiastic, but maybe she ist just really excited to kill us all. I kinda like Greaseball, but maybe he should rethink his plan about using google translate and ask us instead to paraphrase if he doesen't understand something. I'm quite sure we all would be willing to help.^^

    Caboose's introduction also seemed to be authentic, maybe it's because the post is written similarly to Greaseball's first post and maybe I am also too naive, but for now I'd want to say I quite like Caboose.

    Btw, Buffy's post seems quite weak to me. He kinda likes Greaseball's post which is fine, but there is nothing in his post that stands out to me whatsoever. Why is this post there anyway? Couldn't you wait until you can say more about the game?

    I don't agree with that. If everyone waits until there is more to say, how is a game supposed to be able to start? It's all about dynamics and personally, I don't mind if a post on page one hasn't got too much content to it, at least if there is more to come from that person.. Remember we do not know who we are playing with and saying this like "why is this post there anyway" can be quite discouraging. Saying something like that about a post which was that early seems to be quite constrained, at least in my opinion.

    The funny thing is, although I do not really like this comment, it seems quite villager-like to me.

    However, I think we can exclude a Joule/Buffy-Team. I do not think someone would play it that way.

    Dinah seems, like Greaseball, a bit over the top to me - It's really hard to assess posts if they are written in an intenionally exaggerated mood. The roleplay is fine and all, but unless you want to hide something, dear Dinah, I'd prefer you to phrase your posts a bit more neutrally :)

    (strangely, it bothered me less in Greaseball's post. Maybe because it seemed more natural?)

    I am very happy to participate in a game that offers the opportunity to roleplay like this and I don't think it prevents me from sharing my thoughts. So, I don't see a problem with that, since it's not my intention to please everyone, instead it is to find wolves. Interestingly enough, why do you only mention me and Greaseball? I'd say Pearls posts are a lot more over the top (which I do not see as a problem either, it is the thoughts and evaluations that matter, not the style of how they are presented).

    Oh, hi Pearlie, my one and only BFF.

    :love: Hi Dinah! I got a new comfortable couch, shall we make a tea party? I really like your intruduction, it seems really honest to me! Who shall we invite? Waht do you think of Caboose?

    What a lovely idea! I'd like to ivite Greaseball, he seems to be quite honest and as I mentioned above, I have a similar impression about Caboose.

    Yet, I am curretly thinking about Turnov and Coco. I am not sure what it is that I do not like about Turnovs posts exactly but I wonder why Coco felt the need to express Turnovs start was incautious. I see a connection over here, although that would be too obvious to be true. Any thoughts on that?

    It may be too early.. but I feel like carefully putting Greaseball, Pearl and Caboose into my village.

  • Good morning in the morning my fellow friends!

    At the moment im still kinda unsure what I should think about the current interactions since most of them are just roleplaying things and I don’t know how to judge them.

    But I gotta admit that for now I kinda liked Joule somehow. I kinda liked their (yes I’m going to use gender neutral pronouns since I cant know your real gender) thoughts till now.

    Stella: What makes you put those three players in your village? Is that just a feeling it do you have some idk reliable facts or something like that?

  • So now to my dear wolves! Come out and show yourself or die a cruel death.

    I am not sure, if they are going to do so, because you said that.

    So because I don't know any of you I am extra cautious.

    Captain Hook very active, excited for the game, doesn't like Machos, doesn't like Greaseball either, because he uses Google translate, super suspicious concerning Turnov, loves coco, likes Wrench and Dinah, tendency towards villager

    Kakuzu does that diary-thing, likes Greaseball, doesn't like Pearl, but nevertheless thinks that she is a villager, Turnov and Juels villager too, makes wolf connections because of Caboose. Tends to villager

    Jack Frost active, sceptical because of bad vibes from Pearl, likes coco and Juels, seems really to search for wolves, villager

    Wickie says things about Paul, likes Greaseball, suspicious about Pearl, thinks that the Style in English can't be judged. Stomach says wolf.. But really only stomach

    Rest was too less to say something

  • Dear diary,

    Dinah expressed another team exclusion, which I do not share: between Joule and Greaseball. To put this into a proper context: He was not the first one to say something against Buffy’s entry into the game, there were three (Dinah was even one among them) who referenced to it though some did it in a humorous way. Why would a wolf not criticize another wolf? It’s hard for me to understand this!

    On the other hand, he seems to be confused about my thoughts on Turnov. You know what I mean I guess: it’s this combination of extensive irrelevant stuff that is not compensated by something important that triggers my opinion. It seems as if he doesn’t feel the need to be productive at all, and this is a villager attitude.

    What do you think about Pearl and Dinah? First, Dinah posits Pearl in a slightly negative light, however, declare him as one of his top villagers eventually. I lean towards they are not wolves together; can you check that? Thanks.

    In a nutshell, I currently feel that Dinah is a quite manipulative person since what he says in is quite hidden in his posts. In other words: I have the feeling that he is scared of taking a stand both in negative and positive terms, I don’t trust him at all!

    I love you, my dear!



  • Stella: Yes, of course we somehow have to get discussions going, but I still think that people should think about how useful their content really is. In Buffy's example, it really seemed like a generic post which wolves write if they want to seem present and interested in the game without actually saying a lot.

    Yes, I know that it's hard to apply a general measure to all players because everyone is different, but I have to start somewhere.

    And sure, you could also argue that a wolf might think about their posts more carefully but in my opinion, this is doesn't apply here, since there is nothing obviously wrong with that post.

    I like Buffy's second a bit more, but it's still not convincing. I didn't like that he didn't even bother sharing a gut feeling about people with less than 5 posts. Seems a bit lazy and furthermore, I really don't think that people with less posts are automatically harder to evaluate.

    It's actually quite funny that you mention Pearl, and I have to agree that she's over the top. I didn't take it into consideration though, because I somehow instantly attributed it to her personality. Do you disagree?

    Kakuzu: Yeah I don't really agree to your thoughts about Turnov. The difference between him and Buffy is that his first post is more obviously irrelevant to the game which makes him seem less tense, but at the end of the day, it's not something that I would give the villager-attitude label.

  • Good morning in the morning my fellow friends!

    At the moment im still kinda unsure what I should think about the current interactions since most of them are just roleplaying things and I don’t know how to judge them.

    But I gotta admit that for now I kinda liked Joule somehow. I kinda liked their (yes I’m going to use gender neutral pronouns since I cant know your real gender) thoughts till now.

    Stella: What makes you put those three players in your village? Is that just a feeling it do you have some idk reliable facts or something like that?

    As I've already explained, I think that Greaseball and Caboose sound quite honest. Of course I can't say I have reliable facts on day one, let's call it an impression. However, Pearl on the other hand is actively sharing her thoughts and I like that. Unlike other players, her thoughts do not sound as forced and I can relate to most of what she is trying to say.

    Kim Possible Is there any specific phrase that gives you this feeling about Caboose in your stomach?

    Dear diary,

    Dinah expressed another team exclusion, which I do not share: between Joule and Greaseball. To put this into a proper context: He was not the first one to say something against Buffy’s entry into the game, there were three (Dinah was even one among them) who referenced to it though some did it in a humorous way. Why would a wolf not criticize another wolf? It’s hard for me to understand this!

    I don't think a wolf wouldn't criticize one of their fellas, I just think it was too early and too unnecessary to criticize it as it was just her starting post and this kind of attention, especially in an anonymous game, can be too risky for a possible wolf-team.

    On the other hand, he seems to be confused about my thoughts on Turnov. You know what I mean I guess: it’s this combination of extensive irrelevant stuff that is not compensated by something important that triggers my opinion. It seems as if he doesn’t feel the need to be productive at all, and this is a villager attitude.

    What do you think about Pearl and Dinah? First, Dinah posits Pearl in a slightly negative light, however, declare him as one of his top villagers eventually. I lean towards they are not wolves together; can you check that? Thanks.

    In a nutshell, I currently feel that Dinah is a quite manipulative person since what he says in is quite hidden in his posts. In other words: I have the feeling that he is scared of taking a stand both in negative and positive terms, I don’t trust him at all!

    I don't agree with that impression it's necessarily a villager attitude, I think both villagers and wolves often behave like that and it is more depending on the player, but unfortunately, we do not have that kind of knowledge.

    However, I find it quite interesting you call me manipulative, yet you say I put Pearl in a negative light. I didn't do that at all, I said she is my villager. The comment about being over the top was just to point out to Joule that their (I am stealing this idea of using their from Ruhrgold in order to prevent gender assuming,I like that), comment was inaccurate. It seemed like Joule really only wanted to criticize Greaseball and me for that, although other players are doing the same thing, that was confusing to me.

    Also, why do you say what I say is hidden in my posts? I literally referred to three people as villagers and shared my suspicion about the connection between you and Turnov. It seems like you just want to read something in my posts that is not there. It gives me feeling that your evaluations are kinda pre-determined and in this phase of the game, a villager wouldn't have the need to be pre-determined, I think that it is a wolf-like attitude you have here.

    I think I get what you are trying to say about Buffy and Turnov. While I kinda understand the thought, I am uncertain if it is that easy to evaluate. However, I have to agree with what you say about Buffy, that you didn't like they do not bother to say something about people with less posts.

    Concerning Pearl, I just think we cannot really assess being over the top in an anonymous game like this, as I've already said. Since I like what they are writing, I do not see a problem with their over-the-top roleplay, I quite like it and: I did the same, so it would be a double-standard to assess this no matter in which direction.

  • Maybe it is the time to give you a pice of shit with all my vibes:ugly:

    First I like Coco's thoughts and his way to present his stuff. I am not agreeing with everything, because I think I can see a kind of overanylzing by over interpretate the start posts of some people. All in all it makes her very serious and it is hard to fake this kind of thoughts. My top burger :D

    On the second place follows Joul because I like her many ideas for example her thought about not pretending a role or something like thah which makes it difficult to analyze the interactions. Year, I guess, Joul might be a villager maybe we can swap loaf for emeralds?

    I also like Caboose a bit but I can not explain it.

    Pearl is OK up to this. I only don't promote her election to the HD. Year, I am a doubter and he might be not serious with his promises. So, I am not voting for him. I have the feeling of repeating myself.

  • As I've already explained, I think that Greaseball and Caboose sound quite honest. Of course I can't say I have reliable facts on day one, let's call it an impression. However, Pearl on the other hand is actively sharing her thoughts and I like that. Unlike other players, her thoughts do not sound as forced and I can relate to most of what she is trying to say.

    Okay I can understand that. I also think that Greaseball really sounds kinda honest but also I think you can’t rely to much on that on day one.
    If you think that Pearls thoughts do not sound forced unlike to other players which players do you feel post „forced“ thoughts?

  • Okay Guys - Finally i arrived and i'm totally happy about playing again in such a nice group. I hope i haven't forgotten how to play!:thinking:

    Firstly: I hope you all brought enough toilet paper with you.
    Otherwise there could be unsightly bottlenecks.

    As you see, it's a little bit to early for me and i am still trying to concetrate me while reading. I have a big hangover, sorry. Drunk to much sparkling whine the last night.

    The biggest problem for me is not writing in english- No! It's more like i am having a problem with telling the names apart.

    I'm a little bit unsure in using grammar and I'm not too keen on checking to much for spelling and grammar. I'm sorry for mistakes. I would candidate for the leadership, if you want to elect me.

    Do you think that your chances are good at the moment?

    Would you prefer yourself to the other participants?

    I would think, we should stick to the words village-like and wolf-like and use them. (Or maybe you have other suggestions). In my oppinion it doesn't make sense, if everyone uses different words.

    I like that. But i wouldn't judge that (in any specific way)

    So feel free to elect me as your leader. Since I am a first class wagon, I am perfect for this job and will definitely lead you comfortable and in the right direction! So take a seat and enjoy the ride!

    Would you say you are the best choice in that game?

    I got it.

    I like greaseball. His play is understanding and in a postive way very communicative.

    I like how he brings together his thoughts

    I think he might be a trustworthy person. What do you think?

    Forgot that :( i'm sorry. I should drink less...

    Girls, what do you think about Pearl possibly becoming our new leader?

    I like her start, to be honest. She seems to be quite determined to find the wolves.

    Sounds very weird.

    I don't like the way Dinah is asking that question here.

    Well you don't know that, maybe I am a native speaker? At least some of us seem to be quite confident in writing in english. But thats not the point. I am quite sure that most werewolf player use similar words in every game even though they might know more words. But everyone has it's own style which is usually similar in every game. I can see already different styles here and I think that it is possible to judge a bit the style and the words that are used. It can be missleading but thats something that can happen in every language.

    Pearls play is very conspicously from the beginning and he/she isn't afraid of confrontation. I like that. -Same for coco.

    This makes it easier to clear them. And they won't sink in the crowd.

    I would give a villager tendency for that. But it is not solid, since they could be some really good leading and manipulating players.

    But at the moment that's enough for a village-tendency.

    Sorry, you will be disappointed, but after having two beers with him I think I like him.

    I'm more diappointed that you didn't leave me any beer. Rude boy.

    In a nutshell, I currently feel that Dinah is a quite manipulative person since what he says in is quite hidden in his posts. In other words: I have the feeling that he is scared of taking a stand both in negative and positive terms, I don’t trust him at all!

    I would tally agree with that. That was my first impression too.

    But on the other hand: Isn't your style manipulative too?I would say it could be even more manipulative.

    At that point i like coco and Pearl. & grease (just a little bit)

    Joule seems to be a nice guy.

    So for now i have to put on a pair of pants and drink a coffee to get fresh. :)

    I don't think we have to worry about the wolves. They probably have no chance! They will get corona if they eat someone.....!:):)

    I hope we all will have a nice game together!

  • As I've already explained, I think that Greaseball and Caboose sound quite honest. Of course I can't say I have reliable facts on day one, let's call it an impression. However, Pearl on the other hand is actively sharing her thoughts and I like that. Unlike other players, her thoughts do not sound as forced and I can relate to most of what she is trying to say.

    Okay I can understand that. I also think that Greaseball really sounds kinda honest but also I think you can’t rely to much on that on day one.
    If you think that Pearls thoughts do not sound forced unlike to other players which players do you feel post „forced“ thoughts?

    Especially Coco. That is why I described them as pre-determined, which I'd say is a wolf-like attitude.

    I had the same impression of Joule in the beginning, however their last post sounded far better.

  • Unlike other players, her thoughts do not sound as forced and I can relate to most of what she is trying to say.

    I would share that feeling.

    In general Dinah is getting more an more villagery i like that. It is totally concentrated & active and its quastions are really advancing.

    Year, I am a doubter and he might be not serious with his promises. So, I am not voting for him. I have the feeling of repeating myself.

    Why do you assume him/her/whatever for not beeing serious with his promises? And why not the other participants?

    Especially Coco. That is why I described them as pre-determined, which I'd say is a wolf-like attitude.

    Is it possible to show a significant example. Where did you get that feeling?

  • Hi everyone!

    I am totally looking forward to this game and happy to be here finally :)

    Its just that I am sadly not having a lot of time today. But this should be getting better starting tomorrow.

    I wonder why in Caboose’s opinion one wolf cannot say something rude to a co-wolf?

    I had the same thought as Caboose. The reaction is in my opinion not rude, but rather thats he already sees a wolve in him. And with the styye of that one sentence response its also a bit catchy, so that it draws a lot of attention to this statement.

    At the moment im still kinda unsure what I should think about the current interactions since most of them are just roleplaying things and I don’t know how to judge them.

    I have the same problem. Still need to figure out, how to properly judge and analyse the posts. And especially how to tell all the new names apart :ugly:

    More will follow later. I couldnt read all of the posts yet. (And I already wanted to vote a leader, but have just forgotten the name :D)

  • Why do you assume him/her/whatever for not beeing serious with his promises? And why not the other participants?

    He seems to be a macho which his way of presenting his thoughts. Maybe it based on his assume that I am a macho while he praised himself very high.

    And his reaction on my reaction on the effects of his posts, anyway I am not a friend of players who a very egocentric. I am sure in the end he will be not able to be a better HD as Coco or someone else. And his extraordinary volunteer might be dangerous.

  • I feel like Electras first post sounds kinda honest. From My first impression I would put them in my village. But of course this is just a feeling from My first impression and can change.

  • Interestingly enough, why do you only mention me and Greaseball? I'd say Pearls posts are a lot more over the top (which I do not see as a problem either, it is the thoughts and evaluations that matter, not the style of how they are presented).

    I like your opinion! Everyone is a bit different and I am quite sure that a lot of people here try to be someone else ( I am quite sure coco normally does'nt write diary). I guess all players are a bit more motivated that usual, at least I am. So I agree with you, that the style can be indicator for a werewolf or not, but its still a difference to normal games that need to be taken in account here. But I still think that it's possible to judge whether someone is authentic or not.

    What a lovely idea! I'd like to ivite Greaseball, he seems to be quite honest and as I mentioned above, I have a similar impression about Caboose.

    As menntioned yesterday my first impression of Greaseball was not the very best but my reason for that a bit childish^^ I will think about that, to be honest I kind of got a bit confused and I can't really remember what he already said in the game nor whether I liked it or not.

    I am not sure what it is that I do not like about Turnovs posts exactly but I wonder why Coco felt the need to express Turnovs start was incautious. I see a connection over here, although that would be too obvious to be true. Any thoughts on that?

    To which post are you reffering here? I am not really sure what you want to say with that so that it would be great if you could explain that to me a bit more detailed.

    doesn't like Pearl, but nevertheless thinks that she is a villager,

    Where did you got the impression that Coco thinks I am a villager? I thought he doesn't like me at all

    It seems as if he doesn’t feel the need to be productive at all, and this is a villager attitude.

    How can it be a villager attitude to be not willing to reflect, think and share their opinion? Of course villagers don't have to look super productive in every sentence but as a villager you are kind of always automatically motiviated to move on? I am not sure whether I can share your view on that.

    I currently feel that Dinah is a quite manipulative person since what he says in is quite hidden in his posts. In other words: I have the feeling that he is scared of taking a stand both in negative and positive terms, I don’t trust him at all!

    I found Dinahs Post quite easy to read, understand and to filter her thoughts and opinion. I wouln't disagree that she could be a manipulated person at all but I would definitily say that she is saying what she things and that it might not be as much as others but quite clear. And I like that more than sentences like first impression is that BUT IT CAN CHANGE LATERON since its just a first impression and they can always be wrong etc. Like Ruhrgold about Electra. These are more suspicious (probably too suspicious).

    Maybe I am a bit blind since I like Dinah but I think you are a bit too critical?

    It's actually quite funny that you mention Pearl, and I have to agree that she's over the top. I didn't take it into consideration though, because I somehow instantly attributed it to her personality. Do you disagree?

    Where is the difference between me being a bit (or a lot) over the top and someone else being over the top? I mean shouldn't everyone being treated the same way? Why do you think it might be my personality but not the one of Dinah or whoever was very much motivated? You don't know me (we are playing online so basically anyone can sit in front of the computer), I don't know you, so either everyone is suspicious or no one. The only thing you can actually argument with is if someone seems to be authentic in the way he or she is over motivated or not. Or do you disagree with that?

    I quite like it and: I did the same, so it would be a double-standard to assess this no matter in which direction.

    I like that :)

    irst I like Coco's thoughts and his way to present his stuff. I am not agreeing with everything, because I think I can see a kind of overanylzing by over interpretate the start posts of some people

    Thats a good description of how I see Coco aswell. I really don't agree with some of her observations but I like it that she trys to say something to everyone while she is sharing a lot of thoughts with us. Not sure whether she can maybe also be like that as a werewolf but for now its definitely a good way to create content

    So, I am not voting for him. I have the feeling of repeating myself.

    Yes you are repeating youself which I cannot really understand. If you don't want to vote me thats fine. Nobody forces you to. But it doesn't make things better if continue saying that giving me the impression that you would be determined in your opinion. I hope your opinion is only determined when it comes to playing styles that you like or dislike. But if you keep saying that you don't like someone without actually a good reason for it, I won't like you either ;)

    Would you say you are the best choice in that game?

    I can tell you that I am the very best player you have ever played with but thats not an objective opinion ( and not my opinion anyway). I am sure that I would be a good choice since I have time, I am motivated and I would love to be the leader. I can't promise to find all the werewolfes at once, but I am sure I will give my very best to find them. Especially when the other villagers are also eager to find the werewolfes.

    Sounds very weird.

    I don't like the way Dinah is asking that question here.

    Why? In general it would sound weird but Dinah is reffering to Starlight Express and due to this I found it quite ok to say that. The "girls" haven't participated in the game much when Dinah asked them so that its a good idea to include them in the game and ask others for opinion.

    Pearls play is very conspicously from the beginning and he/she isn't afraid of confrontation. I like that. -Same for coco.

    This makes it easier to clear them. And they won't sink in the crowd.

    I would give a villager tendency for that.

    Interessting point of view but definitily a good way to assess someone in the beginning. I think I liked your post

    And his reaction on my reaction on the effects of his posts, anyway I am not a friend of players who a very egocentric. I am sure in the end he will be not able to be a better HD as Coco or someone else.

    You never know until the end of the game I guess. I don't really understand why you make such a big thing out of it? I am motivated to be the leader but I am also fine with someone else if that person seems good to me. And iirc I have said that already somewhere. So it would be nice if you can see me as a person and not only reduce me to my candidacy as a leader.

    I feel like Electras first post sounds kinda honest. From My first impression I would put them in my village. But of course this is just a feeling from My first impression and can change.

    I was wondering what you exactly liked about the post? It was quite short for a post after the game is now running for a couple of hours already but a bit too long for saying I haven't read anything yet. So what was honest?
    And why did you put so much emphasis on the fact that it is a first impression which can change? I mean thats natural, it's day one (or zero) so opinions will change anyway ;)

    Oh that post is a bit longer than I am used to and actually wanted. Nevertheless, I hope it has at least some content that is useful.