Beiträge von Kakuzu

    Dear diary,

    I don’t have much time during the day, but I would like to answer Pearl’s question since this occupies my head at the moment.


    I cannot believe some things others say. Why do they claim I didn’t like Greaseball? Basically the last thing before he died was exactly the opposite, if I remember correctly. However, I’m still struggling with finally arriving in the game, and it’s possible I mix up things still.

    I think I’ll write you again at around 7.

    I love you, my dear!




    Stand Tag 2

    Buffy (1): Coco

    Caboose (2): Buffy, Turnov

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Rusty (1): Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 03:51:34

    Dear diary,

    Pearl <3




    seem to me to be trustworthy.

    Ashley rapid vote although he seems not having much information is villagers, but I'm uncertain.

    Voting Dinah is dumb at the moment, don't you think? In two respects: on the one hand side, if he is a wolf, he would tell us a lot since he's active. On the other hand side, he would be a loss for village. By the way, that is one thing I don't understand about him! Additionally, I won't be lynched anyway, what exactly is this early vote good for? This is what I told you earlier, the impression just to be consistent without having a feeling for the game as a whole.

    I love you, my dear!



    Dear diary,

    I need to apologize very much to confuse you with my words... since you think I would assume that nobody reads Dinah's posts! That was just miscommunication! I just meant that I would be surprised if anyone would read and understand his post exactly as meant by him! What a shit, even Pearl is mad on me about this! But he is a the good village Bürgermeister!

    I think Electra is a funny, funny person! I don't know how to assess that!

    Still thinking about the start of my entry today... I think this attitude that I was referring to is toxic to the game but I am scared to convince my fellows, they seem to feel comfortable.

    Hey Wrench nice you joined us!

    Rusty is suspicious because Ashley says that. She is new so she has an objective view. What do you think?

    I love you my dear!



    Dear diary,

    I fear that Dinah’s vote is one that he can explain most, but I guess he is not the player that would vote someone like me first. So what are the alternative interpretations? Or... what are his explanations? I don’t read his posts properly? I would be surprised if anyone does actually.

    I didn’t mind, he should do what he wants.

    Ashley seems to be a communicative person, she should join my drinking crowd.

    I love you my dear!



    Dear diary,

    At the end of the day, I will give you my summarized impression about the crowd surrounding me. I feel a little bit more comfortable among my fellows since everyone is very nice to each other although some seem to like some others more (or less), which I oftentimes do not understand. Indeed, I have the feeling that many of them base their evaluations on traits like honesty and serenity and in my view, these are rather parts of one’s personality (if you can describe it that way, others call it playing style, but honestly, I don’t have the feeling that this is just a game, I take it very seriously!).

    Rusty tries to get off with me, at least he wants to have drink with me, or is it more? Should I take the opportunity having a date with him? I am leaning towards yes at the moment, believe me or not! And I’m convinced that Flat Top is a nice drinking buddy too, although he prefers whine over beer. Maybe I can convince him being not as manipulative as it seems in the first place?

    Speaking of Flat Top: I am slightly wondering about his conversation with Pearl. On the one hand, he clearly states he sees a villager in Pearl. But on the other hand, he askes intrusive questions I don’t know what the intention is.

    I made a few words about Turnov although most people don’t understand what I am about to say. I think it is necessary to repeat it again. In a game as this – nobody knows the other guys – a standard wolf would be inclined to leave a positive first impression. A standard attitude might be that anecdotes about language issues are what meaningless and senseless. Thus, I would assume that a standard wolf would follow that unofficial rule by not just writing a post like this. Even if he does, he would compensate with some serious stuff, but that is not what Turnov did.

    I also reported you my impression about Buffy. The first negative issue is that (in a situation when no one knows him) he insists he won’t be voted. I still wonder why in his view this was necessary. His evaluation post is more a summary that actual evaluation, but I think this is less relevant with respect to his alignment.

    With Wrench I did only have one serious conversation since he is more the jokey type of person, and I hate jokes! After all, I don’t see much content even in his third post, apart from the fact that Pearl is his leader to vote.

    Speaking of Pearl: I think the group dynamic speaks in favor of a Pearl villager. Although I’m still not convinced that I like his style of interacting and playing. This has much to do with a combination of many words, but less to say. Don’t get me wrong, he says intelligent things but it’s hard for me to follow all conversations when one person always screams down the others. I hope you don’t mind this comparison. Basically, much of him saying is praising his leader competencies, but that’s fine for now. However, I will see what is happening tomorrow after I had my beers in the bar; that is, whether there are more positive things to say.

    Actually, I was too lazy today to follow all the words he said. Do you think he takes offence about that?

    Dinah is still a person I can image a bad person. I have already described that I believe he manipulates somehow. More precisely,

    He needs to express his uncertainty by using the term “naïve”. This is not very much telling in itself, but it fits my overall gut feeling.

    The Joule/Pearl affair: It is not only the feeling that he wants to hiddenly point that Pearl also fits to Joule’s argumentation but also that he criticizes Joule for not being consistent.

    He wants to hear thoughts on me and Turnov, but didn’t express his opinion about the two of us except that it might be too obvious. What are we playing here? How much stuff belonging in the wolf conversation can I write in the thread without being lynched? (I have to admit I am about to learn the vocabulary that is common in this game – yeah!)

    To call me pre-determined is a huge scandal. Pre-determined with respect to what? *grrr*

    I didn’t change my mind about Joule, you remember what I said about him yesterday? He is still my top villager at the moment. Especially that he is interested in looking behind the curtain of anonymity seems an approach that a wolf would hardly be pursuing.

    Caboose was the one with this strange exclusion. He clarified the details for me, but I am still not convinced. He read my diary so I guess he knows what my problem is, yet he didn’t answer. However, he wasn’t present today, so I hope he will catch up later on.

    Ruhrgold is from Detroit, USA. Anyway, I don’t know how to express that but my gut feeling about him is… bad! He is a wolf I am sure!

    Greaseball looks different than yesterday. Maybe his makeup is just different, but honestly, yesterday he looked more attractive to me than today.

    I do not have any opinion about Electra, Volta and Blitza.

    That’s all for now, I could say much more, but beer is waiting, and I will see whether the conversation with Rusty and Flat top in the bar will yield interesting results. If anyone else wants to join us, I would not mind since I feel happy at the moment.

    I love you my dear!



    Dear diary,

    Dinah expressed another team exclusion, which I do not share: between Joule and Greaseball. To put this into a proper context: He was not the first one to say something against Buffy’s entry into the game, there were three (Dinah was even one among them) who referenced to it though some did it in a humorous way. Why would a wolf not criticize another wolf? It’s hard for me to understand this!

    On the other hand, he seems to be confused about my thoughts on Turnov. You know what I mean I guess: it’s this combination of extensive irrelevant stuff that is not compensated by something important that triggers my opinion. It seems as if he doesn’t feel the need to be productive at all, and this is a villager attitude.

    What do you think about Pearl and Dinah? First, Dinah posits Pearl in a slightly negative light, however, declare him as one of his top villagers eventually. I lean towards they are not wolves together; can you check that? Thanks.

    In a nutshell, I currently feel that Dinah is a quite manipulative person since what he says in is quite hidden in his posts. In other words: I have the feeling that he is scared of taking a stand both in negative and positive terms, I don’t trust him at all!

    I love you, my dear!



    Dear diary,

    I need to tell you about Caboose and that he seems to exclude a possible connection between Greaseball and Pearl. Even if I don't think these two persons are evil at the moment, I disagree with this. You know, such conversations - I remember that I noticed they were talking about self confidence, self consciousness and leadership, can easily be conducted between evil persons, you know? I do not have much experience since I avoid bad people commonly as you know, but I think they possibly behave that way. At least I would not exclude that. This makes me think that if Caboose is a bad person, then Greaseball and Pearl are not. But I'm uncertain whether this reasoning is only true because I think those two might be good anyway, can you help me?

    I love you my dear!



    Dear diary,

    I think I have decided for now who to trust.


    I don't know him for a long time, but I don't care. Sorry, you will be disappointed, but after having two beers with him I think I like him. Although he already said he won't be here in the bar tomorrow, and I am already sad about this, but maybe I can make some other friends tomorrow? I think that Pearl might be trustworthy, but I have to admit that I don't like his way interacting and talking about general stuff very much.

    What I urgently need to tell you: Greaseball wants me as a leader! I think I can satisfy whatever is needed for this position, I'm sure! What do you think? I also received your message concerning Greaseball, thank you for that.

    I love you, my dear!




    Stand Tag 1

    Coco (1): Greaseball

    Joule (1): Coco

    Pearl (2): Pearl, Dinah

    Verbleibende Zeit: 23:00:38

    Dear diary,

    I thought all these conversations through and I think that Turnov might be a villager. His start was kind of incautious with all these translation examples and in general.

    I do not have problems with other people reading my diary, do you? Wrench cares about this, I think this makes him a pleasant person. Do you know wie Paul is?

    I think I might have found a first friend, my dear. Joule‘s introduction, although he uses many words, was likeable because he expresses evaluations and not only observes and interacts. Additionally, he shares my impression about Buffy, although I rather dont like the „won’t be elected as a leader anyway“ part in his first post. I think that Greaseball and Buffy aren’t wolves together, can you check whether this makes sense to you, too?

    I love you, my dear!



    Dear diary,

    Pearl is asking me questions, oh my god! I just wanna survive this nightmare! He is eager to see proofs for experience, but still aware that nobody will be able to display them. And he asks whether I am unexperienced in certain aspects, but these questions are so foreseeable I decided not to give him an answer, especially since I have the impression that he anticipated my possible answers and evaluates them before hearing them.

    No, I definitely will not choose him as a leader! What do you think, might I be prepared for this responsibility?

    I love you, my dear!



    Dear diary,

    Pearls confesses he loves me. Should I believe him? Honestly, I don't love him, I only love you, but an alliance with him might be advantageous?

    I also need to say that all these new names cause confusion. So I must apologize what I have said about Greaseball, because Buffy is the one I was referring to in my last entry. About Greaseball I am still waiting for your reply, don't let me alone with these strangers, I beg you!

    I love you, my dear!



    Dear diary,

    this Greaseball guy makes me really uncomfortable right now! He is just talking bullshit, and it seems as if he wants to pretend that he is around although the content he is referring to is zero. Moreover, I have the impression of getting in with everyone. Do you know what I mean? Especially the blue-balls joke hurts me, in more than one regard.

    Lately, another self-confident person arrived, Pearl. He wants to find werwolves, this is a positive sign, isn't it? I wonder whether he needs to be our leader to eventually reach this goal? And why he is not asking about our experiences in hunting werwolves, but mentioning that he would like to? As you know, this situation is completely new to me, maybe I should tell him?

    I love you, my dear!



    Dear diary,

    I have to admit, I find myself in an uncomfortable situation. Let me describe briefly: I am in a musical, and as you know, I hate musicals! All the people around me are singing and dancing, and I fear that I agreed to join them in the near future. This was one beer too much last night. Or rather four or five, because I cannot remember to sign a contract like this.

    Moreover, it seems as if there is another, even more dangerous incidence happening. The rumor is there that we have werewolves among us! You are the only one that I can tell I am scared as fuck!

    Today, I have got to know a guy named Greaseball first, he seems to be a foreigner, however, he makes a likable first impression. I wonder whether this is honesty or not?

    Later on, I have met Buffy, who in my impression is scared go becoming leader. Can you give me an advise how to evaluate this although we are strangers to each other? Make me slight creep as usual when you think that I should be cautious with him!

    Turnov, finally, is a person of many (unnecessary) words I fear. As you might remember, I am not the guy inclined to talk more than necessary with strangers, however, he is open to challenges and has a tendency to express a high expertise in translating his own language (What is it where he is from? He is neither Czech nor French) into familiar wordings, but doesn't give a fuck on grammar, in contrast to the other two. I think he might be a trustworthy person. What do you think?

    I expect to write you more than usual within the next days, and you can prepare to give me advise in many ways. I love you, my dear!

