Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | victory: wolves

  • I think, VOTE:Pearl could be a good election. Seems to be active, I like the way, he is writing and what he is writing seems correct to me. Until now, I have nothing more to say.


    Stand Tag 1

    Coco (3): Greaseball, Joule, Electra

    Joule (1): Coco

    Pearl (6): Pearl, Dinah, Wrench, Flat Top, Caboose, Turnov

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:17:29

  • <p>Es wird Nacht</p><p>-----------</p><woltlab-spoiler data-label="Stand Tag 1"><p>Coco (3): Greaseball, Joule, Electra</p><p>Joule (1): Coco</p><p>Pearl (6): Pearl, Dinah, Wrench, Flat Top, Caboose, Turnov</p></woltlab-spoiler>

  • Election of the leader - Rolling Stock

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    Pearl, the first class waggon, is your leader!

    More replacements:

    Obelix is replaced by Obelix

    Hiro will be replaced by Hiro if she doesn't post til 9:00 PM!

    Pearl ist HD

    Könnt ich sagen, was ich fühl

    Wie die Welt sich um mich dreht

    Und um was es bei dieser schlecht gespielten Farce in Wahrheit geht

    Du darfst dein Leben leben und ich bin wie Stein

    Uns’re Welt ist nicht dieselbe

    Und gefährlich, wenn man träumt


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Jugolas (2. Mai 2020 um 20:02)

  • Dear diary,

    I have to report about Greaseball and his opinion about my last entry. Since I have the feeling that he tries to get into my head. Meaning that he criticizes it (quite rightly!) but does not conclude a bad alignment from it.

    I love you, my dear!



  • Night 1 - call me rusty

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    Woo woo,

    Woo woo,

    Nobody can do it like a steam train

    It's Rusty - split, hide

    Out of the way

    Anyone can do it to a steam train

    Woo woo,

    Woo woo,

    Nobody can do it like a steam train

    You going in for the race, steam train? Should do

    Nobody can do it like a steam train

    Who can do it like a steam train?

    He said nobody, so he's nobody

    Hi, nobody


    Steam train

    That'll teach you to show some respect for diesel

    'Cause diesel's gonna win it

    Okay, Rusty?

    Okay, steam train?

    Okay, Rusty?

    Call me Rusty if you like

    Rusty's how I look

    And Rusty's my name

    Slow corrosion is eroding my frame

    Call me Rusty if you like

    Call me Rusty if you must

    It isn't nice but I admit that it fits

    For a dead-end engine falling to bits

    Call me Rusty if you like

    Come on Rusty,

    Come on Rusty,

    Come on Rusty

    This is not the dream I dreamed when they first lit my fire

    Mainline coaches streamed behind as my steam rose higher

    Switching and hitching at everyone's call

    Never occurred in my vision at all

    But when they start the racing and you notice the steam

    You know it's me that's moving on

    And proving you should listen to your dream
    Call me Rusty if you dare

    'Cause when you see me on the finishing line

    And when I take the place that's rightfully mine

    Call me Rusty if you dare

    Listen to this big shot talking he seems to imply

    All the trains will just move over and let him by

    Rusty you can not believe all that stuff

    You mustn't go racing you're not tough enough

    You'll either be a hundred miles away at the back

    Or worse they'll find you scattered in a million rusty pieces 'round the track

    Call me Rusty if you dare

    'Cause when you see me on the finishing line

    And when I take the place that's rightfully mine

    Call me Rusty

    Hello Rusty, good boy Rusty, hello Rusty, good boy Rusty

    Call me Rusty I don't care

    Greaseball, the diesel engine, is tonights nightkill. He was a simple villager. (Dorfbewohner)

    Hiro is replaced by Hiro

    Es wird Tag

    Könnt ich sagen, was ich fühl

    Wie die Welt sich um mich dreht

    Und um was es bei dieser schlecht gespielten Farce in Wahrheit geht

    Du darfst dein Leben leben und ich bin wie Stein

    Uns’re Welt ist nicht dieselbe

    Und gefährlich, wenn man träumt


    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Jugolas (2. Mai 2020 um 20:49)

  • I'm back! Time to summarize some random thoughts:

    - I really understand the Pearl-villager train. Her attitude is very positive, her posts are good in quality and she makes some serious efforts to push the game forward. I have to say that I'm glad to have her as our leader.

    - I understand Dinah's concerns about Coco. There are some serious problems with Coco's interpretation of some situations. I agree that there are some flaws in his reasoning, but to be honest, I can hardly imagine a werewolf deliberatly trying to force a bad picture on someone in such a way. I find it a bit surprising that Dinah finds that suspicious. It seems like a too easy conclusion to me.

    - Flat Top's introduction somehow striked me as very unusual, which I noted slightly positive in my head. I will have to go back to see what exactly it was.

    - I don't like Ruhrgold's overly cautious comment about Electra's introduction. I don't share his opinion and it seems hardly necessary to state that it might change, unless he wants an insurance for the future.

    - Volta seems a bit lost. Strangely enough, it invoked a feeling in me that he might be a villager. I would like to hear some impressions of Mulan though. Just drop me some opinions. About Coco, Pearl, Dinah, I don't care.

    The rest didn't stand out to me.

  • Hey guys, nice to meet you :love:

    I'm a big fan of Starlight Express and I love it to be Ashley ^^

    In my first impression, I really liked the way Coco startet in this game. I would also say, that Pearl more plays like a villager.

    I also really like the way to play here, but the first side ist so useless for finding werewolves :ugly:

    From the most of the other people there is so less content, that I want to interact more with them to feel for myself the direct impressions of them.

    First of all, let's VOTE:Rusty because he really seems to play like a werewolf or is it just my point of view?


    Stand Tag 2

    Rusty (1): Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 22:35:36

  • Like foilage during fall,

    my heart belongs to you, my sweet and loving Greaseball.

    Eventually, we'll be together again,

    I won't forget you, you'll always be my man.

    He wants to hear thoughts on me and Turnov, but didn’t express his opinion about the two of us except that it might be too obvious. What are we playing here? How much stuff belonging in the wolf conversation can I write in the thread without being lynched? (I have to admit I am about to learn the vocabulary that is common in this game – yeah!)

    If you read my posts, you can clearly see what I think about both of you. Your comment just proves you do not really read them. However, I don't see what is wrong about asking others what they think about specific situations, that's how a game like this works.

    - I understand Dinah's concerns about Coco. There are some serious problems with Coco's interpretation of some situations. I agree that there are some flaws in his reasoning, but to be honest, I can hardly imagine a werewolf deliberatly trying to force a bad picture on someone in such a way. I find it a bit surprising that Dinah finds that suspicious. It seems like a too easy conclusion to me.

    But how can that conclusion be too easy, when no one else besides me evaluates it that way?

    You were the one to start criticizing me for being over the top and Coco just took the easy road going against me. I mean it wasn't an unpopular opinion in the beginning. and that dynamic of just following is what I find wolf-like about her. and as I've already expressed, I just think their style of playing seems to be kinda planned. While villagers often overthink certain situations, wolves are often more stringent in their way of argumentation, I also see that here.

    However, if you understand my concerns but do not share my conclusion. What is your conclusion?

    Welcome to the game Ashley. You said there is too few content from anyone besides Pearl and Coco. I do not really share that opinion. What about Caboose and Joule? They've already written quite a few posts too. Any impressions about them or gut feelings at least?



    Stand Tag 2

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Rusty (1): Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 22:14:35

  • Oh, I like Joules way of playing, but I don't have big village points so far. Caboose is really suspect for me, but he is so or so really suspect :ugly:

    It feels a little bit like you, Dinah, are not in a team with Coco in this game. Generally i don't fully understand why you critisize her so much, her special diary style is really capable isn't it?

  • - I understand Dinah's concerns about Coco. There are some serious problems with Coco's interpretation of some situations. I agree that there are some flaws in his reasoning, but to be honest, I can hardly imagine a werewolf deliberatly trying to force a bad picture on someone in such a way. I find it a bit surprising that Dinah finds that suspicious. It seems like a too easy conclusion to me.

    But how can that conclusion be too easy, when no one else besides me evaluates it that way?

    You were the one to start criticizing me for being over the top and Coco just took the easy road going against me. I mean it wasn't an unpopular opinion in the beginning. and that dynamic of just following is what I find wolf-like about her. and as I've already expressed, I just think their style of playing seems to be kinda planned. While villagers often overthink certain situations, wolves are often more stringent in their way of argumentation, I also see that here.

    However, if you understand my concerns but do not share my conclusion. What is your conclusion?

    To me it seemed as if you argue along the lines of: Coco tries to put me in a bad light with super weak (and partly wrong) arguments, so he must be wolf. For me, it would not be the first time I see a villager using shady ways to express their gut feeling. Also, wolves would be more cautious about the correctness of their justifications, wouldn't they?

    Btw, why should the fact that you're the only one raising this change my opinion about the quality of your argument?

    My conclusion about Coco in general is that he just has a highly subjective playstyle. It would kind of surprise me if Coco put himself in a special position like that as a werewolf.

    Hi Ashley!

    What is shady about Caboose?

  • im a new me! i FINALLY finished all sites, so i feel sorry if my post is a little bit to much xD.... well actually i do not feel sorry :P

    I think Turnov is probably using a few unimportant words too much, maybe he is hiding something with that? I don't think its necessarily truthworthy if someone is just talking about things that have nothing to do with the game. Since the game just started it doesn't have to mean anything but I wouldn't say that it is an argument for him being a villager. Rather a werewolf then ;)

    i didnt like-and i still dont like- the way pearl instantly argumented against tunov. Yeah i have nothin gin mind from turnov-which usually is a bad sign- but i just think it was kinda unnecassary at this point

    Joules Post just let an idea in my head bloom xD

    It's not really an idea, more something that will make the game even more challenging. Since, i assume, neither of us is an native english speaker I think most of us are going to be limited in our choice of words. Which leads me to the conclusion, that juding the style and tone of someone could became very missleading. That's a bit frustrating

    im unsure about my feelings for this post. at first i thought: oh yes youre right! but now while im writing this it kinda feels like he directly wanted to prevent beeing called out for his style

    I think that Greaseball and Buffy aren’t wolves together, can you check whether this makes sense to you, too?

    i dont saw a interaction that made me thinking this way

    I need to tell you about Caboose and that he seems to exclude a possible connection between Greaseball and Pearl. Even if I don't think these two persons are evil at the moment, I disagree with this. You know, such conversations - I remember that I noticed they were talking about self confidence, self consciousness and leadership, can easily be conducted between evil persons, you know? I do not have much experience since I avoid bad people commonly as you know, but I think they possibly behave that way. At least I would not exclude that. This makes me think that if Caboose is a bad person, then Greaseball and Pearl are not. But I'm uncertain whether this reasoning is only true because I think those two might be good anyway, can you help me?

    well and this made me thought, that if coco is a bad person, grease and pearl might be one :ugly:

    but i dont think like this anymore

    However, I think we can exclude a Joule/Buffy-Team. I do not think someone would play it that way.

    and what if he played it like this intentionaly? i just thought the interaction there could easily be played by teammates.

    What do you think about Pearl and Dinah? First, Dinah posits Pearl in a slightly negative light, however, declare him as one of his top villagers eventually. I lean towards they are not wolves together; can you check that? Thanks.

    i would agree on the not wolves together part here

    I like Buffy's second a bit more, but it's still not convincing. I didn't like that he didn't even bother sharing a gut feeling about people with less than 5 posts. Seems a bit lazy and furthermore, I really don't think that people with less posts are automatically harder to evaluate.

    i liked the thoughts behind this

    I don't agree with that impression it's necessarily a villager attitude, I think both villagers and wolves often behave like that and it is more depending on the player, but unfortunately, we do not have that kind of knowledge.

    However, I find it quite interesting you call me manipulative, yet you say I put Pearl in a negative light. I didn't do that at all, I said she is my villager. The comment about being over the top was just to point out to Joule that their (I am stealing this idea of using their from Ruhrgold in order to prevent gender assuming,I like that), comment was inaccurate. It seemed like Joule really only wanted to criticize Greaseball and me for that, although other players are doing the same thing, that was confusing to me.

    Also, why do you say what I say is hidden in my posts? I literally referred to three people as villagers and shared my suspicion about the connection between you and Turnov. It seems like you just want to read something in my posts that is not there. It gives me feeling that your evaluations are kinda pre-determined and in this phase of the game, a villager wouldn't have the need to be pre-determined, I think that it is a wolf-like attitude you have here.

    this part let me think that dinah also is in no team with coco

    My top burger :D

    thx for the laugher :D

    I'm more diappointed that you didn't leave me any beer. Rude boy.

    give me some beer too!

    I feel like Electras first post sounds kinda honest. From My first impression I would put them in my village. But of course this is just a feeling from My first impression and can change.

    i didnt like the way he points out that hes usnure here

    And I like that more than sentences like first impression is that BUT IT CAN CHANGE LATERON since its just a first impression and they can always be wrong etc.

    same one as above here

    But i like your reaction and i could sign you arguments. Sure i rather look for werewolfs lol xD But atm i'm trying to concetrate me a little bit mor on my choice for my vote. And then after this day, i hope i will have a lot of information about all the players so it will be easier to concentrate if they aren't noble-minded.

    i kinda see villager like thoughts here.

    overall my first impression of flat top was very villager like. I like the way hes questioning things and wants to solve the game but at the same time is relaxed.

    just a feeling but i dont liked this post. kinda felt like just saying sth. about the more active ones?

    ! And I’m convinced that Flat Top is a nice drinking buddy too, although he prefers whine over beer. Maybe I can convince him being not as manipulative as it seems in the first place?

    what did you not like about flat top?

    Speaking of Pearl: I think the group dynamic speaks in favor of a Pearl villager

    why do you think so?cant she just be a dynamic leading wolf?

    It is the way they read my posts. I get the feeling they really want to misread my comments because it is easier for them that way. Especially, after Joule already criticized my introduction. Coco seemed to jump upon that waggon (pun intended) and therefore reads my post as they want to, which lead to statements that are just wrong.

    i kinda got the same feelings

    First of all, let's VOTE:Rusty because he really seems to play like a werewolf or is it just my point of view?

    and why he plays like a werwolf?

    to get into the game easier, would you like to tell me, why you voted pearl if you did?

    some further thoughts:

    im unsure how to feel about pearl, my general impression about the posts is a good one, but sometimes i just get the feeling about trying to overflood us with content to be seen as villager. and there a certain passages i didnt like.

    i also likes the way joule was writing his posts as well as Dinah. Dinahs way of questioning also awoke a villager feeling.

  • Dear diary,

    I fear that Dinah’s vote is one that he can explain most, but I guess he is not the player that would vote someone like me first. So what are the alternative interpretations? Or... what are his explanations? I don’t read his posts properly? I would be surprised if anyone does actually.

    I didn’t mind, he should do what he wants.

    Ashley seems to be a communicative person, she should join my drinking crowd.

    I love you my dear!



  • I don't vote them because of them putting me in a bad light, it is because of their dynamics, as I've already said (along with my impression of them being pre-determined) and I still think the same.

    And I do not think that fact should change your opinion, I just didn't understand your argument there, that is why I wanted to point it out.

    Hey Coco. I know we're not on the same wavelength at the moment. However, I hope we can still be nice to each other. It is quite insulting if you say you'd be surprised if anyone reads my posts properly at all. :/ Comments like that really hurt and it is also very discouraging.

  • Dinah : Yes, of course we somehow have to get discussions going, but I still think that people should think about how useful their content really is. In Buffy's example, it really seemed like a generic post which wolves write if they want to seem present and interested in the game without actually saying a lot.

    Yes, I know that it's hard to apply a general measure to all players because everyone is different, but I have to start somewhere.

    And sure, you could also argue that a wolf might think about their posts more carefully but in my opinion, this is doesn't apply here, since there is nothing obviously wrong with that post.

    I like Buffy's second a bit more, but it's still not convincing. I didn't like that he didn't even bother sharing a gut feeling about people with less than 5 posts. Seems a bit lazy and furthermore, I really don't think that people with less posts are automatically harder to evaluate.

    How are you evaluating people with less posts?

    I also dont think that a Joule+Buffy Team would play it like this at that moment of the game. Seems a bit unnecessary and too much for me.

    I don't think a wolf wouldn't criticize one of their fellas, I just think it was too early and too unnecessary to criticize it as it was just her starting post and this kind of attention, especially in an anonymous game, can be too risky for a possible wolf-team.


    I don't agree with that impression it's necessarily a villager attitude, I think both villagers and wolves often behave like that and it is more depending on the player, but unfortunately, we do not have that kind of knowledge.

    However, I find it quite interesting you call me manipulative, yet you say I put Pearl in a negative light. I didn't do that at all, I said she is my villager. The comment about being over the top was just to point out to Joule that their (I am stealing this idea of using their from Ruhrgold in order to prevent gender assuming,I like that), comment was inaccurate. It seemed like Joule really only wanted to criticize Greaseball and me for that, although other players are doing the same thing, that was confusing to me.

    Also, why do you say what I say is hidden in my posts? I literally referred to three people as villagers and shared my suspicion about the connection between you and Turnov. It seems like you just want to read something in my posts that is not there. It gives me feeling that your evaluations are kinda pre-determined and in this phase of the game, a villager wouldn't have the need to be pre-determined, I think that it is a wolf-like attitude you have here.

    I really like those thougts - and that post in total! It gave me a - for this point - quite strong villager feeling.

    Although, its a little bit (too much?) self defending, but in my eyes thats not done in a wolve-like way.

    I feel like Electras first post sounds kinda honest. From My first impression I would put them in my village. But of course this is just a feeling from My first impression and can change.

    My first thought was: "Ok, maybe Ruhrgold is a villager, as easy as he puts me in his village. Why should a wolve do this and limit himself at this point?"
    But like others I get a beed feeling from his (more or less) announcement that his opinion could change later on. Therefore, overall, Ruhrgold gets a slight negative point for this statement.

    I take back what I said about Pearl, since my personality read seems to be wrong anyways.

    Now you made me curious! What made you change your mind? And do you really want to base your opinion on assumptions on possible real names of the players?

    I liked that reaction from Pearl regarding Joule's statement. It is village-like to me to be more interested in why somebody changed his mind, rather than starting to defend oneself or dont react to it. And this response just seems relaxe, though this may just be because Pearl was already put in the village by a lot of people by then.

    Greaseball looks different than yesterday. Maybe his makeup is just different, but honestly, yesterday he looked more attractive to me than today.

    What could be the reason to that? Why do you think so?

    - I really understand the Pearl-villager train. Her attitude is very positive, her posts are good in quality and she makes some serious efforts to push the game forward. I have to say that I'm glad to have her as our leader.

    I thought that you changed your mind about Pearl earlier on. Did you change your mind again or did you forget that you have changed your mind about her? :D

    At the moment I dont like those plot twists in Joule's posts.

    In my first impression, I really liked the way Coco startet in this game. I would also say, that Pearl more plays like a villager.

    Could you maybe elaborate the concrete cause for those feelings? Were there some specific statements responsible for that?

    just a feeling but i dont liked this post. kinda felt like just saying sth. about the more active ones?

    Nhja, its just that I have not read all of the posts at that time, so I could only say a few of my thoughts about the persons, where I was able to remember the names :ugly: Whats with your first post for example? :P
    What do you think about Coco, Dinah and Joule? Do you already have a tendency to one of them?

  • Hey Coco. I know we're not on the same wavelength at the moment. However, I hope we can still be nice to each other. It is quite insulting if you say you'd be surprised if anyone reads my posts properly at all. :/ Comments like that really hurt and it is also very discouraging.

    I totally like your posts by now!

    Ah, i forgot.
    By now I have at least a slightly village-like feeling for the following persons (also that I can remember that list):

    Greaseball, Dinah, Flat Top, Jugolas and also Coco and Pearl I guess. The later in the list, the more unsure I am.