Beiträge von Romeo & Julia
Romeo & Julia bbyyy, lass mal zusammen nen tutorial drehen lol xD
da bin ich auf jeden Fall für zu begeistern.
Hallo Shannel deine Bewerbung um den HD fand ich bis jetzt am Interessantesten. Deswegen wähle ich dich. VOTE:Shannel
Was fandest du daran denn interessanter als an anderen?
Hallo Rebecca Glasscock du versuchst mit deinen bisherigen Posts mysteriös und undurchschaubar zu wirken. Der gewünschte Effekt ist allerdings bis jetzt ausgeblieben. Du sorgst eher für verwirrte Dorfis, was nicht im Sinne des Dorfes ist. Versuche bitte, etwas deutlicher zu sein. Weniger Andeutungen, mehr straightness.
Wertest du das schon und wenn ja wie?
als Einstieg eine Reaktion auf eine "laufende Diskussion" mit erstaunlichen Schreibfehlern, das finde ich bemerkenswert. Klassischer Auftritt über den Hintereingang.
Auch hier die Frage: Wertest du das in irgendeiner weise und was haben die Schreibfehler damit zu tun?
Ich fand deine Bewerbung schön ungezwungen, das hat mich sofort überzeugt.
Hallo Elisabeth & Der Tod schön dich wieder zu sehen. Wie viel Anspannung hast du gerade auf einer Skala von 0,5 bis 9,81? (wobei 9,81 der erste Auftritt bei RPDR und 0,5 die geschlechtliche Diversität von Dax-Vorständen ist)
Hallo Maxime & Ich du bist leider bis jetzt zu langweilig, als dass ich dich etwas fragen könnte. Aber ich kann ja so tun, als würde es mich interessieren, warum du Ongina gewählt hast.
Hallo Alfred & Sarah du gefällst mir bisher ganz gut. Allerdings ist das eine rein optische Einschätzung so far. Du magst es positiv zu denken - leider macht dich das meiner Meinung nach als HD sehr ungeeignet.
Hallo Popeye du bleibst hoffentlich an Nina dran und sagst uns Bescheid, wenn dir da etwas verdächtig vorkommt.
Hallo Vanellope deine Bewerbung um den HD fand ich bis jetzt am Interessantesten. Deswegen wähle ich dich. VOTE:Shannel
Hallo Merida du versuchst mit deinen bisherigen Posts mysteriös und undurchschaubar zu wirken. Der gewünschte Effekt ist allerdings bis jetzt ausgeblieben. Du sorgst eher für verwirrte Dorfis, was nicht im Sinne des Dorfes ist. Versuche bitte, etwas deutlicher zu sein. Weniger Andeutungen, mehr straightness.
Hallo Tarzan & Jane als Einstieg eine Reaktion auf eine "laufende Diskussion" mit erstaunlichen Schreibfehlern, das finde ich bemerkenswert. Klassischer Auftritt über den Hintereingang. Hast du sonst gar nichts zu sagen?
Hallo Anna & Elsa du schreibst bis jetzt gar nichts. Kannst ja mal darüber nachdenken, warum ich die Absätze dieses Posts in der Reihenfolge angeordnet habe, wie ich es getan habe.
Stand Tag 1
Ongina (2): Jade, Rebecca Glasscock
Shannel (1): BeBe Zahara Benet
Verbleibende Zeit: 10:13:45
Why shouldn't a villager be careless about his lynch? There are so many villagers so it doesn't matter, it's quite the opposite, if a villager has the feeling, that one who should be executed is a verry special role, he should be rather keen on beeing executed. For a wolf, it doesn'T make sense to be careless about his lynch.
as a wolve most people are more careful and usually only put a cowolve saver if there are reasons for that.
Do you think, you can generalize this. I don't.
ow he can find Joule searcing, reflekting but then still her post leave a bad feeling? For me that is quite contrasting, either someone really looks searching and therefore villager-like or not.
in my opinion it depends. not everyone who is searching is also someone from the village. To see it that way would ber to easy for the wolves.
If Rusty villager, I seriously have to start thinking bout Pearl
Thats quite wolf-like imo.
I wont doubt Pearl the next ~2 days either way.
do you think so? Actually it was Pearl who made Rusty executable. It makes me thining about her, also about Coco. If one is wolf, the other will beanother idea.
I think Pearl and coco are in the village. (Yes i know it is obvious, but wait)
why do you think so, especially after yersteradys execution?
Since yesterday I have a big headache, so unfortunately I can't be that concentrated, but nevertheless I tried to read everything again and look for certain characteristic things.
? A good leader should always listen to the group and reflect his actions.
why is being asked questions a nightmare for you?
Rusty & Pearl said, she doesn't like Google translator, so he is not the biggest fan of Greasball. Greasball is dead now. This is a little point for Pearl not beeing a werewolf, because that would be to obvious. I'm really unsure about the part, he is talking about telling my experiences. On the one hand, he thinks that it could be a wolf-sign, but he doesn't seem to be sure. For me this is a good sign because he is looking searching. On the other hand it could be something like: "I wanna tell you, but you shouldn't But I wanna tell you, that I first read the message of the players and react in some way, before reading my role message.In my opinion she gets more self-confident during the first day,and I love, that he talks so much to everyone and leaves comments to many things, that are going on there.
A good leader should always listen to the group and reflect his actions.
I totally agree with you, so I voted you vor the leader during the election day. Furthermore I agree with you, that everyone has his/her characteristic style which can be found out no matter if it is an annonymuous game or not and the language doesn't matter. At this moment, I would think, Pearl is not a wolve. He plays a lightly positive game.
Thank you very much for all your votes! I really appreciate your support
I hope you know, that this is a real point of responsibillity. For me a leader has to be very strong.
Anna & Elsa Why don't you like unneccessary words? Why did you applay, if you hate musicals?
Coco also didn't like Greaseball. For me a wolf would be verry bold if he said right in the beginning of his play, that his teammate is a wolf. (For me it is a sign to not be a wolf. Pearl and Coco have a huge amount of interactions. If one of them were a wolf, I sould think about a possible team.I also think, that he is to much interacting with other players for being a wolf.Maxime & Ich uses Google Translator,is sceptical about Pearl - but that wouldn't be a very bad agrument to kill someone, because he is sceptical to him, that could be obvious. -> dead as a normal villager.
Elisabeth & Der Tod doesn't give me a feeling at all
Alfred & Sarah likes Greaseball, talks to many people. seems to be reflected, I think he is quite searching.likes Pearl as a leader,(another team possibilty, I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling.
Belle & Das Biest says many things, which has just a little to do with the game, a light negative game.
Killua those walls of quote makes me thinking about a village game. For me it is a sign for someone in the village.
Elphaba & Glinda gives me a positive feeling, but nothing to make iut concrete.
Simba & Nala no feeling
@Ashleyno feelingQuasimodo & Esmeralda to few, what he is thinking
Kim Possible he wrote tu few to have an oppinion
Tarzan & Jane he wrote to few
Satine & Christian it is to few, he wrote
Personally, I think, that some of the men are werwolves because the word werwolf has its origin in the old English word were, which means man and the word wolf. Werewolf means manwolf.
Stand Tag 2
Caboose (2): Buffy, Turnov
Coco (1): Dinah
Rusty (2): Ashley, Coco
Verbleibende Zeit: 04:45:41
I think, VOTE:Pearl could be a good election. Seems to be active, I like the way, he is writing and what he is writing seems correct to me. Until now, I have nothing more to say.
Stand Tag 1
Coco (3): Greaseball, Joule, Electra
Joule (1): Coco
Pearl (6): Pearl, Dinah, Wrench, Flat Top, Caboose, Turnov
Verbleibende Zeit: 00:17:29
I'm really looking forward for this really special game. Special games are a challange for me, because in the beginning I have no idea, who is who, so I can't use my experiences and talking in English is challenging too. But I really love challenges.
Maxime & Ich You really have to be carefull with Google Translator. I remember translating a letter from our familie's czech girlfriend. She wrote: "I like the way you are talking in Czech." But Google Translator made "I like your mistakes, you often did" out of it.
Or the description of our christmas tree in French. Just a few examples:
"We have red balls on our christmas trees and no green balls" (real) "Red balls are nice too. Unfortunately! I cannot see the green ones so well"
or - (I don't know the exact sentence, but my mother's christmas gift was a vacuum cleaner) "Jesus is like a tree. My mother was a vacuum cleaner at christmas eve.
or when we talked about our hopes for 2012. "I'm sitting here and I do not care. 2012 was not my fault."
I'm a little bit unsure in using grammar and I'm not too keen on checking to much for spelling and grammar. I'm sorry for mistakes. I would candidate for the leadership, if you want to elect me.
Ich finde auch, dass Ede ein gutes Spiel gemacht hat und mit der Positivität teilweise sogar ansteckend war. Das mochte ich
Aww, dankeschön, ich fand dein Spiel super, vor allem am Ende war es so toll, wie du dich noch bemüht hast
Ich spiel (Melody) hab einfach mit meinem Ehemann gespielt.
Ist aber echt schwer, da er mit Kind zuhause und ich auf Arbeit war.
Was das angleichen der Aussagen etwas schwer macht.
Oha, das ist voll cool. Ich hätte nicht mal gedacht, dass da tatsächlich 2 Personen dahinterstecken, dachte, eher es wäre ein super umgesetzter Gag