Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | victory: wolves

  • Thank you very much for all your votes! I really appreciate your support :imp:

    First of all, let's VOTE:Rusty because he really seems to play like a werewolf or is it just my point of view?

    To be honest, for me one post is not enough to vote someone directly. What did you dislike about his post?

    same one as above here

    I am not sure whether you got my post right. I was not saying myself that I have a first impression on someone which can change lateron but I critisised that post from Ruhrgold(?) saying that about someone else, I think it was Electra.
    Your post did not convince me so far even though I don't really know why. Maybe I just have to get used to your way of expressing yourself. I will have an eye on you tomorrow. Besides the being unsure how I should evaluate you, I liked that you critic the Rusty voter :)

    Kakuzu did you write somewhere why you think Rusty is suspicious?

    Stella you are right, that wasn't nice at all, I hope Coco can try to be a bit more respectful next time? I would appreciate that!

    I will go to bed soon, sleep well! Looking forward to discuss with you tomorrow :sleeping::)

  • Whats with your first post for example? :P
    What do you think about Coco, Dinah and Joule? Do you already have a tendency to one of them?

    im not sure if you really read my post when youre asking these questions...

    but for clarification on the first part, i skipped the post of my old me, so i dont even know what the thoughts from my old me where.

  • I totally like your posts by now!

    wait, there was a point where you didnt liked them? your last post evoked the feeling you liked them?

    I am not sure whether you got my post right. I was not saying myself that I have a first impression on someone which can change lateron but I critisised that post from Ruhrgold(?) saying that about someone else, I think it was Electra.

    o youre right i misread it.

    Maybe I just have to get used to your way of expressing yourself.

    im sorry if im missing some vocab to proberly express myself

  • Dear diary,

    I need to apologize very much to confuse you with my words... since you think I would assume that nobody reads Dinah's posts! That was just miscommunication! I just meant that I would be surprised if anyone would read and understand his post exactly as meant by him! What a shit, even Pearl is mad on me about this! But he is a the good village Bürgermeister!

    I think Electra is a funny, funny person! I don't know how to assess that!

    Still thinking about the start of my entry today... I think this attitude that I was referring to is toxic to the game but I am scared to convince my fellows, they seem to feel comfortable.

    Hey Wrench nice you joined us!

    Rusty is suspicious because Ashley says that. She is new so she has an objective view. What do you think?

    I love you my dear!



  • im not sure if you really read my post when youre asking these questions...

    Oh, i am sorry. At this time my concentration is not on a quite high level. But I got it now.

    wait, there was a point where you didnt liked them? your last post evoked the feeling you liked them?

    Ah, no. I wanted to say that I liked their posts so far (not by now; sorry).

    I also kind of dont like the two early votes against Rusty. Maybe there could be made a team exclusion - but I will still have to think about this at another time.

    Although I have to admit that in my opinion Rusty is also the most suspicious player if you only take the "inactive" people into account. But I dont understand, why we should focus on the rather inactive ones. Furthermore I dont think that you get so much out of one post to build a great foundation for an early vote.

    Another thing to think about tomorrow is if there is a connection to the cruel murder of Greaseball tonight. Maybe he was on the right scent?

  • Just to clarify this:

    My famously quoted "personality-read" on Pearl has less to do with her identity or her alignment even. It's more something for myself that helps me telling apart the stuff I should evaluate in her posts and the things I shouldn't, and also gives me a guideline for how to evaluate things. Small, unrelated example: If someone considerate who usually doesn't like to position themselves in the center of attention suddenly puts down a lot of conspicuous content, it makes them much more likely to be villager. This is not necessarily true if a notoriously careless person does the same.

    Something else: Electra's longer post activated eight out of ten alarm bells. So much relativizing. So awkward to read. Really gives me wolf vibes.

    The post where he calls Jugolas a villager-like person doesn't improve the situation.

    Dinah: How is it hurtful what Coco wrote? I don't quite understand that.

    Yeah, obviously I agree on the fact that Coco and Dinah don't fit into one evil team. A more interesting insight should be that a Wrench/Rusty team seems unlikely.

  • Rusty is suspicious because Ashley says that. She is new so she has an objective view. What do you think?

    Hmm.. Judging by your first 15 posts I got the impression that you are in a good flow and have a lot of evaluations and therefore opinions yourself. So why do you base your first vote on someone else's opinion? I really dont know whether I like that and didnt expect this from you. I somehow supsect you are taking the easy way out here.

    But hey, you seem to be a funny person too. I just dont seem to like your bar currently :P

  • Electra's longer post activated eight out of ten alarm bells.

    Only eight? I guess thats still fine.

    The post where he calls Jugolas a villager-like person doesn't improve the situation.

    And Greaseball.. dont undermine that! (Fun fact: I really forgot who the killed person was, until coming up with the brilliant idea of checking the nightpost. :ugly:)

  • I think Electra is a funny, funny person! I don't know how to assess that!

    i dont get where you got this feeling? the post doesnt seemed very joking..

    Rusty is suspicious because Ashley says that. She is new so she has an objective view. What do you think?


    coco rly seemed better the rest of the day, i would agree with electra here.

    Something else: Electra's longer post activated eight out of ten alarm bells. So much relativizing. So awkward to read. Really gives me wolf vibes.

    The post where he calls Jugolas a villager-like person doesn't improve the situation.

    it wasnt that bad for me, but the post also didnt make me change my first impresion of electra

  • You're quite a cheeky person, dear Electra.

    You might have convinced me already to shrug it of as a false alarm. (Also the post about Cocos recent argument indeed has something to it).

    Before I get totally messed up, I will rather go to sleep.

  • Dear diary,

    Pearl <3




    seem to me to be trustworthy.

    Ashley rapid vote although he seems not having much information is villagers, but I'm uncertain.

    Voting Dinah is dumb at the moment, don't you think? In two respects: on the one hand side, if he is a wolf, he would tell us a lot since he's active. On the other hand side, he would be a loss for village. By the way, that is one thing I don't understand about him! Additionally, I won't be lynched anyway, what exactly is this early vote good for? This is what I told you earlier, the impression just to be consistent without having a feeling for the game as a whole.

    I love you, my dear!



  • Dinah: How is it hurtful what Coco wrote? I don't quite understand that

    Would you like somebody to say nobody reads your posts properly? I doubt that. :/ But if it's really only due to language barriers / miscommunication, I'm okay with that. I just don't want a toxic playing atmosphere.over here. :)

    I also kind of dont like the two early votes against Rusty. Maybe there could be made a team exclusion - but I will still have to think about this at another time.

    Although I have to admit that in my opinion Rusty is also the most suspicious player if you only take the "inactive" people into account. But I dont understand, why we should focus on the rather inactive ones. Furthermore I dont think that you get so much out of one post to build a great foundation for an early vote.

    Same. It seems to be an easy-lynch and even more important: it's not promising at all. There's just not enough to assess and we wouldn't have anything new to work with if they get lynched, even if they're a wolf and I'd doubt that at the moment. Voting someone like Rusty right now is purely gambling.

    I don't care about being consistent or pleasing anyone, I just want to share my thoughts, no matter what. Just because my opinion seems to be unpopular, I won't discard my own thoughts and feelings. It's not helpful at all to not question current trends, especially if I do not find them understandable in the first place.

    I must say I quite like Electra's posts because they really try to get to the bottom of some statements here and they does not seem to be carefully choosing each word they write, it is more like they are playing intuitively and I think that's a villagery attitude.

    However, I really hope we will get to read more from the less active players tomorrow, especially Volta and Rusty.

    I'm still not to keen on Turnov and other players like Buffy and Ashley are playing below radar level at the moment, there's just too few content to assess right now.

  • Good morning!

    Since I can only use my IPad At the moment im not able to quote posts so you kinda have to live with posts without quotes.

    Im kinda surprised how many people have such a big problem with me saying that my opinion can still change. I feel like that’s kínd of a easy thing to take and say I’m a wolf. I mean I can understand why you all don’t like this sentence but also I feel some people just hop on that train. Especially Electras last post sounded like: „Oh originally I liked Ruhrgolds post but now everyone says that’s not villager like so I will also say that“.

    Also I kinda not liked Ashleys early vote on someone with nearly no posts. Has someone else an opinion on that they want to share with me?

  • What is shady about Caboose?

    I realized, that most of his posts have to to with our now dead greaseball. Where are less other opinions like to pearl and to Joule, which I support, but al little bit it feels for me like the two are two of the most viewable villagers. And on the other way Caboose manipulated our trains!

    im unsure how to feel about pearl, my general impression about the posts is a good one, but sometimes i just get the feeling about trying to overflood us with content to be seen as villager. and there a certain passages i didnt like.

    I really like to interact with her and most of the time it's a really good sign.

    Also i liked yout first post.

    Ashley seems to be a communicative person, she should join my drinking crowd.

    I would love to refuel us together! :D

    i really dont like these rusty votes, they just seem random to me

    And where is the problem? And no this vote hasn't be random. And I think it's not so difficult to see why it goes to Rusty.

    Another candidate like this would be Volta.

    My first thought was: "Ok, maybe Ruhrgold is a villager, as easy as he puts me in his village. Why should a wolve do this and limit himself at this point?"
    But like others I get a beed feeling from his (more or less) announcement that his opinion could change later on. Therefore, overall, Ruhrgold gets a slight negative point for this statement.

    I also saw the relativation of this post critically. But I could methink what you (an everyone else) is more critical, because it's a post about yourself and this post we interpret more subjective than others.

    I like the way Electra gives statements about his views.

    Could you maybe elaborate the concrete cause for those feelings? Were there some specific statements responsible for that?

    On the one side I like people who starts on a creative way in the game. There are some users I really interpret after the point how creative they are in the game. I know that in anonymous games werewolves often use the story to start funny in the game, but Coco is present in this game and in the middle of the fokus. Also she seems to have some similar impressions in this game like me. It's enough for me to say, now actually I don't want to vote her.

    You seem to have another impression of her so far?

    Hm Electra still have Greaseball in her village list.

    I'm not sure I said it allready but Dinah I also have as villager so far.

    I think I'm also not really convinced of Ruhrgold so far.

  • I like the way Electra gives statements about his views.

    I also kind of dont like the two early votes against Rusty. Maybe there could be made a team exclusion - but I will still have to think about this at another time.

    Could you maybe elaborate the concrete cause for those feelings? Were there some specific statements responsible for that?

    On the one side I like people who starts on a creative way in the game. There are some users I really interpret after the point how creative they are in the game. I know that in anonymous games werewolves often use the story to start funny in the game, but Coco is present in this game and in the middle of the fokus. Also she seems to have some similar impressions in this game like me. It's enough for me to say, now actually I don't want to vote her.

    You seem to have another impression of her so far?

    Hm Electra still have Greaseball in her village list.

    I'm not sure I said it allready but Dinah I also have as villager so far.

    Tell me who you would vote actually :)

    I don't like it not to vote somebody. You need to make clear statements in this game, I think.

    And yes Rusty is inactive, but now I know more about him as yesterday evening and he didn't wrote anything since when ^^

    When he brings more content I like I'm really open to vote to someone else, but at the actual points I have the impression what our protagonist have to use more his stage :D

    Oh I hate the software of this forum, it destroyed a part of my post :ugly:

    I hope it's still understandable.

  • im unsure about my feelings for this post. at first i thought: oh yes youre right! but now while im writing this it kinda feels like he directly wanted to prevent beeing called out for his style

    That's typicall me xD I write one sentebce in the beginning and this sentence happens to seem very evil xD No, you can judge my style (as a tip, I tend to be more telling about my feelings in english in contrast to german) it's just I try to order some players I play regular with based on the tone of their posts, without looking at the content. And I won't be able to do so this game, which makes a a lot more difficult for me.

    I have to admit it really hard for me to get into the game, speaking english and more people roleplaying than in a "normal" game creates an emotional distance between myself and the game. Espacially because I know nothing about Starlight Express and have trouble telling jokes based on the musical and real conversations apart. I don't want you to stop doing that (because I think for everyone else it's a lot of fun), but maybe you could write jokes in cursive or so, just that I know you're joking and participate more easily.

  • Greaseball was a brave boy, so sad he is gone now. he was the first one to talk and even dared talk bullshits. We should not forget Greaseball even he is dead now. Coco&Pearl both criticised him. But pay attention, Pearl did it first, and coco immediately followed. To me Coco is more suspicious. Did she want to set someone as a target as soon as possible? She distinguished the good and bad people toooo fast. I do not think it is helpful to villagers. If you are a villager, I hope you are smarter. Kakuzu

      Rapunzel So sad Joule cannot be the leader, I would have voted for her. However I believe Captain Hook can be a good leader. She is trustworthy to me.

  • I have to admit it really hard for me to get into the game, speaking english and more people roleplaying than in a "normal" game creates an emotional distance between myself and the game. Espacially because I know nothing about Starlight Express and have trouble telling jokes based on the musical and real conversations apart. I don't want you to stop doing that (because I think for everyone else it's a lot of fun), but maybe you could write jokes in cursive or so, just that I know you're joking and participate more easily.

    Maybe it helps to read the conclusion on Wikipedia to get a vision of the musical ^^ For understanding my jokes: You are the bad guy there, who manipulates some of the other trains.

    To the game: Maybe you can give us just an impression? There are for sure players, you find noticeable or maybe good?

    I had similar problems, when I startet in the game, but it gets a lot better since I'm writing.

    Greaseball was a brave boy, so sad he is gone now. he was the first one to talk and even dared talk bullshits. We should not forget Greaseball even he is dead now. Coco&Pearl both criticised him. But pay attention, Pearl did it first, and coco immediately followed. To me Coco is more suspicious. Did she want to set someone as a target as soon as possible? She distinguished the good and bad people toooo fast. I do not think it is helpful to villagers. If you are a villager, I hope you are smarter. Coco

    Joule So sad Joule cannot be the leader, I would have voted for her. However I believe Pearl can be a good leader. She is trustworthy to me.

    What about the others? :)

  • Hello everyone!

    im sorry if im missing some vocab to proberly express myself

    Don't worry, I didn't ment it like that! :)

    Another thing to think about tomorrow is if there is a connection to the cruel murder of Greaseball tonight. Maybe he was on the right scent?

    I can't remember what Greaseball was saying and then its anyway the question whether it was the first Greaseball or the second one. Its quite crual to eliminate a player that has just been replaced. Do you have an idea who might have feeled attaced by Greaseball? or are you secretly a werewolf and what to hear from us what we think of your night kill? :P

    I am quite unsure about you so far, what you write is good I guess but I have the feeling that you can be good in manipulating others.

    Just to clarify this:

    My famously quoted "personality-read" on Pearl has less to do with her identity or her alignment even. It's more something for myself that helps me telling apart the stuff I should evaluate in her posts and the things I shouldn't, and also gives me a guideline for how to evaluate things. Small, unrelated example: If someone considerate who usually doesn't like to position themselves in the center of attention suddenly puts down a lot of conspicuous content, it makes them much more likely to be villager. This is not necessarily true if a notoriously careless person does the same.

    Thats an interesting way to evaluate people. I am not sure whether it works or at least I can't imagine myself how, but you have to find yout way so go on. By the way I didn't had the impression that a lot of people actually quoted that? Do you draw any conclusions out of that?

    Something else: Electra's longer post activated eight out of ten alarm bells. So much relativizing. So awkward to read. Really gives me wolf vibes.

    The post where he calls Jugolas a villager-like person doesn't improve the situation.

    After reading your post I have checked Electras again. I see the relativations, but I felt that these were quite natural and authentic? In my point of view, Electra didn't actually relativised people to an neutral opinion but his arguments for drawing a conclusion about a person which makes a big difference. Is it understandable what I mean? I had the impression that Electra actually sees some people more positive than others and that his thoughts are the ones that are relativising to show that there are possible other conclusions but he choose to make the ones that he has done. All in all I found it autentic and villager like. I am just not sure whether he is a really good player that can easily fake those things.

    Hmm.. Judging by your first 15 posts I got the impression that you are in a good flow and have a lot of evaluations and therefore opinions yourself. So why do you base your first vote on someone else's opinion? I really dont know whether I like that and didnt expect this from you. I somehow supsect you are taking the easy way out here.

    I really like that thoughts here. Coco indeed seemes to be a bit different now. I don't think its really an easier way but I had the impression that coco first analysed nearly everything in a specific way which I can't see at the moment. It seems to me like she would actually relativise quickly her opinions when someone says something against it while in the beginning she was a bit more on one line? Now I feel that there are different levels of evaluations and conclusions that doesn't really fit to each other. A bit like to different persons even though I think I missinterpret her here. There is a difference yes, but its probably more a sign of her being a villager and trying to find her way than acually a werewolf. At least I can't see any manipulations in there.

    You're quite a cheeky person, dear Electra.

    You might have convinced me already to shrug it of as a false alarm.

    What made you change your mind?

    Ashley rapid vote although he seems not having much information is villagers, but I'm uncertain.

    Interesting thought. Concering Ashleys latest posts, she seems to vote people quite often very fast, do you evaluate that in a specific way? Wouldn't a villager sometimes be more caution when voting someone else or is that just depending on the players type?

    I don't care about being consistent or pleasing anyone, I just want to share my thoughts, no matter what. Just because my opinion seems to be unpopular, I won't discard my own thoughts and feelings.

    I really like that. Probably a bit overreacted since I don't think your opinion is actually unpopular? So far I can only see one or two shared opinions the others are still quite unsure since the game just started.

    Especially Electras last post sounded like: „Oh originally I liked Ruhrgolds post but now everyone says that’s not villager like so I will also say that“.

    To which post are you referring to?

    All in all, I am not a big fan of Ruhrgold so far but I think he just needs a bit longer to feel more comfortable in the game. At I hope so since it feels too easy to see him as a werewolf right now.

    I like Ashleys motivation, but I am not a big fan of players that just vote people to motivate them to participate more. It's not my playing style and as mentionned before voting Rusty is a bit random. But it keeps the discussion running which is usually good.

    At the moment I am still trying to bring my thoughts in an order and to keep the players apart from each other. So far I can't remember a thing of half of the players which is not good enough. Don't hesitate to ask me questions, it might be easier for me then to actually sort my thoughts :)