Beiträge von Obelix

    good morning everyone

    I think Pearl and coco are in the village. (Yes i know it is obvious, but wait)

    Joule could be a villager too. At least it is very independent and i like that.

    I don't have a specific feeling about caboose and turnov and wrench.

    Wrench is at least a little bit positive in my mind while afterreading.

    Buffy is still wolfish for me & i'm still unsure by you beeing villagery.

    so who would be the most likely teammates to buffy out of me, caboose, turnov ans ashley then? kinda seems like you just left everybody open to lynch

    Weird reaction. Sounds more like has does not feel like that.

    well considering his earlier reactions i dont think its that weird.

    I think so too. I think Electra won't be a possible lynch option for the wolfs....

    But i don't get why not pearl or coco. But that shows me i just can't get into the wolfs minds. Or they choose their victim really early :thinking: or aluhat says: Wolfs think someone of them is a wolfhelper.

    But no. This does not makes sense. Then they would eat the other person.

    So they probably just thought they kill electra because she can not be killed then.

    i dont like these thoughts just to coming back to the first mentioned point.

    I liked the critic of Buffy about the not-voters

    this is something everyone can easily say. giving points for that is a bit pseudo imo

    Carboose is also a difficult one. He seemed for me more in the play yesterday evening, but also really caught on Turnov.

    same. i rly wanna hear more from them

    I don't really see a Turnov and Cabosse Team and I also don't really see a Buffy and a Flat Top Team,

    i agree on the second one but dont rly see where youre coming from with the first one. the vote yesterday? it would rly fit for a team imo

    Cabooses reaction to Wrench. Actually seems not really team-like to me. I don't know whether I should find this passage of Caboose villager-like or not. It is honest for sure, but I could also imagine a wolf coming up with this speech.

    as caboose stated he would do this in both roles, so yeah.

    so im coming to the conclusion that my most favouable team at the moment is turnov, Caboose, buffy/flat top/(Joule)

    im quit unsure about the last 3 ones. first of all i dont think there is a team with both buffy and flat top. secondly i had villager-like feelings for both/(all three) of them, more for flat but he lacks a bit today imo. Joule (and ashley) arent safe villagers yet but there villager feelings are rly stronger than for the other ones.

    my vote will probably be on turnov or caboose over buffy, depends on their content today

    why did you swapped to caboose again? (even though you switchen back) didnt get it there?

    If Rusty villager, I seriously have to start thinking bout Pearl

    Thats quite wolf-like imo.

    I wont doubt Pearl the next ~2 days either way.

    yeah sounded kinda if she already knows for me...

    Because, like I pointed out earlier, everyone except Turnov are the same to me. So I could roll a dice on who I vote for. then I prefer voting for my only negative Person evenso it's a bit unfair.

    then i hope for sth. from you today.....

    Ok, Coco and Pearl scans I think

    agree on that

    No Panic, your leader is almost there!!

    *panics to tease pearl*

    This is just a placeholder to say that it's striking how often Wrench says things I totally agree on. Still, his style is somehow too neutral to make me sure of him being a villager (and some people just have the talent to spot many truths as a wolf too).
    Wrench : Do something crazy please.

    well besides your opinion on me, having the same thoughts shouldnt be used as a villager argument ^^

    and i dont have to do sth. crazy, i AM crazy :P

    Buffy seems so self-centered (which is normally a small villager sign) but also incredibly self-aware about her post (which I know from myself rather as a werwolf). I don't like it.

    i agree on that, so do you think it also speaks for caboose as villager? atleast for me he also seemed very self centered today

    Wrench , I am reffering to the top quote.
    explained with the word shady. Furthermore „bit“ - seems like its connecting random dots with each other, and throwing shady into it.
    Shady can mean so much, it’s not specific.

    i knew which one you were refering to, but was i meant is that she stated why Joule is suspicious for her this morning and yesterday. i dont like your aggresivity right now

    well why you shoudnt have a chocie? rly weird

    Can you quickly say why? What's your opinion about Electra? And what's your opinion about Electra's opinions?

    bc iirc i didnt liked her post and i only didnt liked the one statement of ruhrgold.

    after yesterday i feel like electra is a villager and i also like her posts, but i think i already expressed that today

    i dont have her opinions in mind, so i cant tell you sth. about this atm, but you can asks about a specific one if you want.

    This is something I liked from Flat Top.

    and all in all?

    this post just proved for me that Joule is a villager. I rly liked his thoughts there and he didnt backed away when i asked about the vote thing

    You can’t explain properly, why either Joule or me are shady, can you?

    well it seems like you didnt read her post, regarding Joule, cause i think she stated that:thinking:

    well i had same expectations about caboose post but it didnt get there xD

    I don't understand this post :shy

    I totally forgot, I find Turnov really suspicious. He lied in his (I think) last Post about things I said, which yeah, I think no villager would do that. But he didn't wrote anything since then and maybe it's just an misunderstandig, but if he doesn't adress this until the lynch, I'm pretty sure I'll vote for him (I wouldn't vote for him if someone else seems to be more suspicous)

    it should be "some" instead of same oops and i meant that the posts didnt meet that expactations

    also i think caboose is not in a team with turnov, would be weird for me

    I remember nothing negative or positive with a pistole on my head.

    Do you want me to read it again? Or are you trying to ask for something special?

    I just didn't like his poster after that one.

    i just wanted to know if you also got a better feeling from that one, but doesnt seem so ^^

    but why did you specially asked for them?

    i wanted to hear some more opinions from you on different players since i got the feeling youre just talking abou the same ones. i picked dinah bc i see her as a more active one which is seen as rather villager from the people and buffy bc hes in disskusion today/in generell

    I am really unsure when it come to Rusty since he is defending himself kind of wolves like, not bringing much new thoughts and all in all a bit unmotivated and desperate?

    yeah thats exactly how im feeling about him right now

    But I did not liked ashleys vote there to be honest. Today she is doing better than yesterday but I am still a bit unsure.


    panicing and running in circles


    what do you say about buffys - ruhrgold tendency?

    im not asked but i think you got a good point there.

    what do you think of buffys longer post from today?

    omg, tbh I have completely forgotten, that I have said that. Sheesh...if I were you, I would lynch myself. Were is your vote? Why aren't you voting me? Would be the only logical thing to do from my point of view. xD

    im unsure about this reaction, seems quit weird:/

    I like that post from Flat Top. Seems totally authentic and motivated :)

    sometimes it felt a little bit played imo. but i like his reaction to buffy

    I'm not sure. I mean on the one hand it's nice, that she have noticed. my strange villager-opinion concerning Ruhrgold, on the other hand wolves of cause, are also searching for possible-teammates to their dead fellow-wolf. And what really hits me of is the fact, that flat top didn't vote me? think that's more wolfish than something else. But daaamn, I really have no clue bout that, let's say Flat Top is under investigation xD

    i found this one shady. almost as if buffy wants to die lol

    Yes, Joule got it right. I am quite annoyed by Ashley and her way to play. She is fixated on me, even tho the „reason why“ could be applied to several people, which she numerated btw too. But I dont see how see is interacting with them.

    Schoko should be villager

    Perle should be villager too

    Joule might be villager too

    Ashley night be villager? Dunno for sure?

    so whats your opinion on buffy or dinah for example?

    Ashley: ++ (nothing changed there, but her vote against Ruhrgold would also fit pretty good to Ashley being a villager)

    why does it fit? couldnt she just be leveling with him from the beginning?

    Caboose: ? (-) (Very slight negative tendency, because he defended Ruhrgold quite early.)

    wouldnt you think as a wolf partner its easier for him to jump on the ruhrgld is wolf train?

    -> to be honest it's still less information about her and I'm hopefully to see more evaltuations to other players, at the moment there is not really a reason against a wolf there.

    just to clarify, but theres also nothing special that speaks for a wolf or?

    I'm still really familiar to Electras opinions.

    i also liked her post, esspecially the rethinking of her evaluations from yesterday

    still no fan of rusty, just rly seems to be either not in game or dont wanting to be in game

    Also im not quit sure how to think about volta stating se would have voted pearl, just seems quit random for me? esspecially cause pearl was a villager for her yesterday

    i dont think i have a real opinion about buffy yet. i wasnt a fan off the big post yesterday but this is rather based on feelings and im still waiting for some reactions from him to the questions to evaluate him

    Well then today is your lucky day xD

    seems so xD and im kinda positivly surprised, but unsure if im manipulated by your way of writing xD:thinking:

    Hiro Yeah I did not vote previously since I have not decided and do not want to mess up. I have given my unique vote to Pearl last night. :D Just so you know.

    why pearl? Oo

    How do you now, after Ruhrgolds death think about a Vote wolf?

    why do you think theres a connection between the lynch and her Volta assessment

    I think I am going to reconsider my slightly negative tendency regarding Coco. I dont think that a wolf would currently put that much effort into trying to make my lynch vote look bad?

    i also see mre of a villager in a tunnel with his analysis there rather than a wolf

    I don't know whether I agree to you all that Rusty's complaint is suspicious. When I read it for the first time, it seemed more likely to me that he was an annoyed villager, but now I have to say that the post really seems artificial.

    if you think its artificial, what does it says about ashley then?

    Wrench : What's your opinion on Buffy, Dinah and Turnov again? Who would you vote if you had to decide now and for what reason? Who do you think you would have voted yesterday?

    i like dinah. i think her questioning is villager like and i also liked her especially in interaction with coco Day 0. Her reaction to the lynch also seemed authentic.

    i didnt liked turnovs longer post yesterday as i expressed and i think in his reaction to my question/statement hes thinking to easy imo.

    i dont think i have a real opinion about buffy yet. i wasnt a fan off the big post yesterday but this is rather based on feelings and im still waiting for some reactions from him to the questions to evaluate him.

    Im unsure who i would have voted yesterday, but honestly probably electra over ruhrgold.

    if i had to vote now i would vote turnov i think bc from the ones i dont feel like beeing a villager hes the one with the most/strongest things i disliked. as mentioned above mostly bc his longer post.

    Also, why should I actively advertise for a different lynch? The Ruhrgold votes were really understandable (and in fact I even think I would have switched to save Caboose if Electra hadn't done anything), but in the worst case, we just lose a villager and don't even gain information, because voting Ruhrgold in this situation is completely sensible in each role. So I was rather criticising the tactics behind the move and I still stand behind that. I can't imagine that every person that was in a similar position as Ruhrgold (say, Rusty, Volta, maybe Flat Top, Buffy, Turnov) is a werewolf, so Pearl was pretty lucky to pick the right person, but obviously that's not clear before the lynch.

    i just thought when you state the lynch as uninteresting neutral lynch you would rather have someone else and was wondering why you dont do sth. against it then ^^

    so if its completly understandable in both roles, do you think we can even get informations from the votes?

    im sorry that im online so late :/

    Coco: -

    how did this come?

    It also occured to me that Wrench has a pretty special position in this game. She seems much more in the questioning mode. The comments are usually quite good in my opinion, but I would wish for more opinions.

    you can always ask if you wanna hear a certain opinion

    I didn't really like Rusty's post. His criticism towards Buffy is completely justified, and his opinion about Pearl and Coco is something I share. Nevertheless I would have hoped for more insight into his thoughts. As of now, it all seems a bit shallow, and also I got the impression that the question to Buffy about Turnov is a bit out of place. I had the thought that Rusty might be wolf with either Turnov or Buffy and tried to create either mindgames (If Turnov) or interaction (If Buffy) with one of his furry friends.

    i thought this was a good thought. villager-like from joule here imo

    I think Ruhrgold is pretty much the definition of an uninteresting neutral lynch. Not so cool in ms opinion. However, it's understandable indeed.

    i didnt liked this sentence bc Joule didn made any "advertising" for another lynch but calls this one uncool

    . Perhaps all of them are villager or electra is a wolf, I don't know.

    i think the dynamic speaks for electra and carboose as villagers

    Pearl not a wolf either, I assume.

    I am still a bit unsure about Joule, but also think that it is rather unlikely that she played it like that as a wolf?

    i dont see why she couldnt play this as a wolf there.

    Furthermore, he says he likes Joule, Electra (but can change and it did eventually) and dislikes Ashley voting Rusty. My thoughts: Electra is rather wolf than Joule; and Ashley and Rusty are not wolves together.

    i fell kinda unsure about this. feels a bit like definitly want to read sth. out of ruhrgold.

    does somebody else got the feeling coco wasnt as strong as yesterday?

    Do you think it is worth to read what others said about Ruhrgold?

    i think its worthier than analysing his posts

    This reaction seems for me not like Caboose is in a team with Turnov.

    Whats' an interesting point, because both of them are potentially candidates for me.

    i agree on that.

    would you say Caboose over turnov or the other way round?

    Wrench why haven't you vote? I'm a little bit surprised.

    honestly i didnt make it on till now, i will try to be there the next votings

    yes, the same and I'm also rethinking my opinion about Buffy.

    why are you doing so even though there was no new input from buffy?

    whoooo... this post of Rusty was quite wolfy!

    i also thought so! still hanging on that ashley thing and the argument for her beeing villager was a way to easy way of thinking.

    i must also admit that i liked electra the last posts/during the lynch and before

    im going to bed now:sleeping: