Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | victory: wolves

  • Night 3 - Pumping Iron

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    Electra is tonights nightkill. He was a Dorfbewohner.

    Dinah the buffet waggon was stabbed tonight. She was the Strolch.

    Volta the cold waggon disappears into the forest. He was the Kräuterhexe.

    Es wird Tag

    Könnt ich sagen, was ich fühl

    Wie die Welt sich um mich dreht

    Und um was es bei dieser schlecht gespielten Farce in Wahrheit geht

    Du darfst dein Leben leben und ich bin wie Stein

    Uns’re Welt ist nicht dieselbe

    Und gefährlich, wenn man träumt


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Jugolas (4. Mai 2020 um 20:59)

  • Jugolas 4. Mai 2020 um 21:00

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | 12/15“ zu „Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | 9/15“ geändert.
  • Right now, I do not know how should I carry on? ;(

    Coco and Pearl are villager, that's the only thing, but is this enough to continue?

    Let me cry myself to sleep. Tomorrow I will try to get some motivation to reread all the others. But since I am an incompetent pice of sh*t, nobody will care anyway.

  • I'm really disappointed by the Rusty Lynch.

    This sounds like a nice fella, lets hit some bar and lets get wasted tonight, before the "real" fun tomorrow begins!

    Before Night 1

    So far I like Coco the most, she seems like sharing all deep thoughts, which is for me - as first impression - a sign for villager. Kinda-ish.

    After Night 1

    Furthermore I think Pearl should be as well on the side of the good ppl, since she is active, sharing thoughts, asking good questions.

    They both stood out of the mass. On other ppl I haven´t a tendence to already say they might be villager or they might be werwolf.

    Before Night 2

    I agree that Pearl and Coco are most likely the scans.
    So, now we are probably looking for 3 or more evil people among 9. To be precise, I'm actually looking for two good people among 6 right now. Buffy, Wrench, Caboose, Ashley, Flat Top and Turnov. At the moment I would go for Ashley and Caboose, but I don't think that's correct, solely based on the probabilities.
    VOTE: Turnov for now.


    Stand Tag 4

    Turnov (1): Joule

    Verbleibende Zeit: 22:10:51

  • My feeling says Buffy, Wrench and Turnov are evil.
    In general, out of the suspicious people, Turnov definitely seems the "easiest" to find and Ashley seems the "hardest" to find. However, I don't want to believe that Ashley AND Wrench are evil at the moment, this would just be too sad. On the other hand, the very strange interactions between Buffy, Flat Top, Caboose are unlikely created by wolves only. I'm gonna read Electra now.

  • Acutally, if Caboose was a werewolf and Turnov was not, I don't think he would dare vote him, because first of all, it seems unlikely that it works anyway and second of all, it's something really mean. I conclude that either Caboose and Turnov are both werewolves or only Turnov (or none of them, which is technically still possible, I guess.)

    It will be crucial to find the villager(s) under Buffy, Caboose and Flat Top. I guess that there is at least one.

  • It seems like it all boils down to a Wrench werewolf for me. This way, a lot of things make more sense to me.

    I'm going to sleep now, I really hope we can start solving the game tomorrow.

  • why did you swapped to caboose again? (even though you switchen back) didnt get it there?

    If Rusty villager, I seriously have to start thinking bout Pearl

    Thats quite wolf-like imo.

    I wont doubt Pearl the next ~2 days either way.

    yeah sounded kinda if she already knows for me...

    Because, like I pointed out earlier, everyone except Turnov are the same to me. So I could roll a dice on who I vote for. then I prefer voting for my only negative Person evenso it's a bit unfair.

    then i hope for sth. from you today.....

    Ok, Coco and Pearl scans I think

    agree on that

  • Good morning. :)

    I hope you all will have a nice day!

    dunno...he has the same aggressive defense like Rusty. I mean it's part of the game to suspect someone, so don't be mad, if you get suspected xD I even like to play with that a little bit (getting suspected, not with them getting mad lol)
    But part from that more negative than positive vibes. Although as mentioned, I do not really have a plan. I'm really insecure this game, sry.

    I don't get you üoint here. Sorry. Whymore negative? So many words for such a short conclusion without really explaining why. I just do not get: Is it negative because aggressive selfdefense ist negative?

    What do you think now? Rusty wasn't a wolf..

    I want. What's your opinion about Turnov, Volta and Caboose?

    Im sorry but to be honest- I don't have an opinion on caboose or turnov. It's probably because i didn't really interacted with them somehow. Volta was the same .... but that is not really relevant anymore i guess :)

    I don't know. He seems to have a really different view on the game in many points.

    Why? Where did you get i have a different view?

    Can you exlain maybe what is the biggest different between our assessments?

    I will help you for that:

    I think Pearl and coco are in the village. (Yes i know it is obvious, but wait)

    Joule could be a villager too. At least it is very independent and i like that.

    I don't have a specific feeling about caboose and turnov and wrench.

    Wrench is at least a little bit positive in my mind while afterreading.

    Buffy is still wolfish for me & i'm still unsure by you beeing villagery.

    I'm not sure about that, but I think I don't want to vote Buffy today. I have enough fantasy for a villager here at the moment.

    What has encouraged your fantasy?

    However still I am wondering why he asks questions hoping for informative answers when the person he asks is a villager to him?

    i want to clear my villagers... Is it silly in your mind?:(

    I conclude that Flat Top probably would not the best person to detect it.


    Of course I can (think I even have already done this) but now I don't have time for this

    Sheesh... What are u thinking? That I ask random.org for wolves? xD

    Weird reaction. Sounds more like has does not feel like that.

    In any case, Flat Top is probably just a really strange person and I might start just going for pure content instead of reading something into the tone.

    ?( a strange person? Joule!

    I'm sorry if it's your impression that i'm dramatic or impolite in any way.

    And yes:) Just read my content that should work. If it is still negative for you. It is okay.

    I know this is a really shitty move and I already want to apologize, but I'm just most comfortable with VOTE:Turnov right now.

    i agree on that, so do you think it also speaks for caboose as villager? atleast for me he also seemed very self centered today

    I don't get why wrench brings carboose here as a comparison. It is a little random for me.

    And so Volta is the only person left to vote


    If Rusty villager, I seriously have to start thinking bout Pearl

    I don't like both statements here. Esecially with the backround that both are/were villagers. Sounds like he knows that- And i don't get why someone should think about pearl-just because its rusty vote.

    On the other hand -what bothers me a little bit is that he has to reckon with negative resonances to that statement... And i think a wolf could be more careful with its words at that point.:(

    Probably the reason to kill her was her standing in the village.

    I think so too. I think Electra won't be a possible lynch option for the wolfs....

    But i don't get why not pearl or coco. But that shows me i just can't get into the wolfs minds. Or they choose their victim really early:thinking: or aluhat says: Wolfs think someone of them is a wolfhelper.

    But no. This does not makes sense. Then they would eat the other person.

    So they probably just thought they kill electra because she can not be killed then.

    I know i don't come to any new conclusion.... But that is why i want to vote:)it only strengthens my negative feeling about Buffy.

    I am convinced that someone from yesterday with 2/3 votes has to be a wolf. It was so close.



    Stand Tag 4

    Buffy (1): Flat Top

    Turnov (1): Joule

    Verbleibende Zeit: 10:15:10

  • wait, who said sth. like this?

    Another one has buffy been for example.

    I liked the critic of Buffy about the not-voters

    btw i didn't realize that Volta was a forest guy

    I took some time to think about this, but I don't really have much choice but to vote for Turnov. I couldn't vote again, but I really don't like that. Sorry Turnov for voting you when your absent :shy


    Hm, Caboose would have the choice for Rusty and Volta, both villagers, but he decided to stay on Turnov.

    now I wanna vote Caboose. Can you understand my thooughts?

    Please explain. I saw his quote out of a later perspective, so it's something different like your live intension. If I would have read this live, I can imagine I would also find this bad.

    I really like the way Joule was playing in post #274

    Ruhrgold-buffy I would say its more likely that Buffy for some reason just liked him or his introduction as a villager than really as a wolve. Since as a wolve most people are more careful and usually only put a cowolve saver if there are reasons for that. Buffy seemed at that point not really like a person that actually thought very long about that opinion and how she could justify her thoughts. Which makes it for me a bit more likely hat buffy is not a teammate to Ruhrgold. I see her anyway not too bad so far I think. She reminds me of some players that usually just write whatever they are thinking no matter whether it could be suspicious or not.

    I have to say that Buffy also remember me to a good-known player style and so far there have been some situations I think you can see that he really has his own mind.

    Well depending on the conditions but in some games I found it easier to get into when I was a werewolve than as a villager. But it really depends on the content and anonymous games are anyway special and more difficult.
    Well villagers can have unique thoughts or feeling and are usually not swimming with all the others. Even if the conclusions are teh same, that someone is a villager, usually the reasons for that are a bit different. But I guess its hard to say and probably not even possible to really devide here between rather wolve-like or villager-like behaviour in a usual game since this is special.

    I don't know how you are, but sometimes it makes also for a villager sense to use swarm intelligence and to go with the main perspective, if they don't disagree with your own opinion. Because to interpret texts it's allways good to have more views, because you get much more outcome.

    On the other way if you feel that the common meaning hardly disagree with your opinion, it's important to rethink the own thoughts and scrutinize the others.

    I know this is a really shitty move and I already want to apologize, but I'm just most comfortable with VOTE:Turnov right now.

    I can understand it to be honest. I never understood why people if they want to excuse them not are able to write a short sentence about it in the thread, so that the others can better classify it. And so or so I don't feel pleased with Turnovs play so far.

    i agree on that, so do you think it also speaks for caboose as villager? atleast for me he also seemed very self centered today

    Hm, I'm not sure about the relationship between Carboose and Buffy here.

    In a certain way they are both self centered yes, but you also said Buffy seem confident and Carboose is it really not.

    Carboose is also a difficult one. He seemed for me more in the play yesterday evening, but also really caught on Turnov.

    three persons I don't trust on Buffy? Interesting!


    Hm, but two of them are not wolfes and there is still flat top.

    But I found him not really teamy with Ruhrgold since Ruhrgold reacted to his assumption that the mans in this game are the werewolves with a comment and some smileys. But I guess thats only a small reason. But still why should he say he believes in male werewolves when he is one and at least his character male aswell?

    Does not really fit for me. Although this is kind of my most suspicious person

    Don't know but if I'm werewolf and another wolf makes rubbish, I like to use sarcasm to critize him on a natural way. And there are also some other player I saw it so far. At the other side from Turnov to Rheingold, I think it would fit as a team.

    These actions just don't make any sense from a wolf's point of view.

    Do you meant Rustys action at this point?

    Thats quite wolf-like imo.

    I wont doubt Pearl the next ~2 days either way.

    yeah, this was also my reaction when I'm reading this.

    in my view only villagers voted for Rusty. So we need to analyse the lynch in this context. All other candidates were in moderate danger. I'll do this tomorrow I guess.

    Who from the voted people do you think is a wolf?

    To the other side I liked the activity of Buffy at the night.

    I wasn't here the last two nights, but often villagers are active around the lynch.

    I agree that Pearl and Coco are most likely the scans.
    So, now we are probably looking for 3 or more evil people among 9. To be precise, I'm actually looking for two good people among 6 right now. Buffy, Wrench, Caboose, Ashley, Flat Top and Turnov. At the moment I would go for Ashley and Caboose, but I don't think that's correct, solely based on the probabilities.
    VOTE: Turnov for now.

    If you are right, I'm a little bit confused about the Electra NK. I liked her play really much to, but Coco and Pearl also made a good game in my eyes and I don't understand why they don't eat them.

    I don't really see a Turnov and Cabosse Team and I also don't really see a Buffy and a Flat Top Team, so I'm thinking about there is a werewolf between you and Wrench. And if have to decide here I would be more on Wrench as a wolf.

    If I ignore all this teamexclusions I would say the wolfes are Caboose, Turnov and Flat Top.

    It seems like it all boils down to a Wrench werewolf for me. This way, a lot of things make more sense to me.

    I'm going to sleep now, I really hope we can start solving the game tomorrow.

    yes, the same. I really like his play so far, but maybe it's a little bit unassailable and I don't really have teamexlusions on him.

    Im sorry but to be honest- I don't have an opinion on caboose or turnov. It's probably because i didn't really interacted with them somehow. Volta was the same .... but that is not really relevant anymore i guess

    Hm okay. But do you think there is a werewolf?

    Yes, thanks, this is helpful. But I meant more the way to go in the game.

    The differences between our assesments is not as big as I thought I see know.

    I'm unsure about a Buffy wolf so far. Do you think he would make sense in combination with Wrench and Turnov?

    And I also liked Joules play so far. Hope I'm right here, would be difficult to find her.

    What has encouraged your fantasy?

    The really often and controverse inputs he brings and the active way of game creating. But yes, I have no wolf team without him or you.

    I also see at this point (and you can see it in my post, because I wrote chonological and didn't change anything) that Flat Top has in many points similar opinions. I like that.

    At the moment I would vote VOTE:Wrench


    Stand Tag 4

    Buffy (1): Flat Top

    Turnov (1): Joule

    Wrench (1): Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 09:40:42

  • Im sorry but to be honest- I don't have an opinion on caboose or turnov. It's probably because i didn't really interacted with them somehow.

    We could change that. Do you wanna interact?

    Hm, Caboose would have the choice for Rusty and Volta, both villagers, but he decided to stay on Turnov.

    If I voted for Rusty or Volta, I had to guess or role a dice or something like that. And in my opinion, that's not really good and doesn't help the game. So I prefer votig for someone who I see as wolf despite them beeing there. Yeah that's not the fairest thing to do, but just guessing out if the blue who could be wolf isn't a real alternative.

  • Don't know but if I'm werewolf and another wolf makes rubbish, I like to use sarcasm to critize him on a natural way. And there are also some other player I saw it so far. At the other side from Turnov to Rheingold, I think it would fit as a team.

    I also realised that now. When I wrote my post yesterday and reflected my thoughts about the four possible lynches that had some votes, I was also thinking that I have some points for Turnov and I really wish I would have relied on them. I mean there nearly couln't have been a worser candidate for the lynch then Rusty.
    But Ruhrgold did not criticise Turnov weird thoughts he just laught about them. For some reason I felt unsure there yesterday and I am still not sure which of my first impressions I should follow. I will let you know when I come to a conclusion.

    I am really really motivated today to find another werewolve! So I will try to put as much time in the game as possible and I am planning to set a vote at the latest in the afternoon since I am a bit busy tonight but I should be able to be at least online in case I am needed. But I don't think that ninja votes are good at that point of the game so I will avoid them as much as possible.

    For a start, I have been thinking a lot about Joule and I will think more about her today since she seems really hard to categorise. I haven't reread her completely yet, but so far I haven't found a definite villager sign and probably there is none. But I started to go through Ruhrgold again. Ruhrgolds first evaluation that he did was about Joule... which made me really sceptical. All in all he only left an opinion on Joule, Greaseball (but unsure), Electra, said something to Dinah and asked her about me, and he didn't liked Ashleys first vote. If Joule is a villager he only had positive feelings about three villager and a negative one about Ashley who also voted him... It is possible for a wolve to only say something and interact with five villager ( including dinah as a third party). The way I would assume Ruhrgold plays, I don't really think that the first thing he does is saying on saturday morning his co wolve Joule seems to be a villager. But this is the only thing I can actually get out of Ruhrgold and that he criticised Ashleys first vote on Rusty. If I remember correctly, Ruhrgold was not the first player criticising Ashleys start so he was kind of swimming with the crowd here or am I wrong? Ashley just started in a unusual way, I would say it gives Ashley a villager point that he criticised one of her first actions. On the other hand protecting Ashley would not have fitted to the unsure way he presented himself. But he could have just said nothing aswell and thats what is probably more likely in case Ashley would be co-wolf. Not sure about that though.
    -> Ruhrgold seems to set Ashley and Joule in a rather villager light would be my conclusions at the moment. But I might not weight that too much since I am quite unsure on that so far. At least it gives a first direction.
    More will follow later.

  • Here are just some random interactions of day 1 between the people that are suspicious to me now.

    Well i'm not convinved by Wrench.

    But it could be also his general style. Idk

    I have to look another time maybe. I will give him/her some time.- for now not positive at all. It doesn't seem like he's really into the games flow.

    This is a very early statement of Flat Top. Would she take this opportunity to already drag down one of her teammates who was not criticised by anyone else at this point? Maybe. In my opinion, the least likely scenario here is Flat Top wolf and Wrench villager, since the criticism is rather on point and quite original

    Caboose is really suspect for me, but he is so or so really suspect

    that "really" is kind of strong, given the fact that Ashley never voted for Caboose afterwards. I don't like it. Also the story-part of this accusation is a bit distracting. I have to read Cabooses reaction to that again (I think I didn't quote it)

    Yeah i have nothin gin mind from turnov-which usually is a bad sign- but i just think it was kinda unnecassary at this point

    Could fit to a Turnov-Wrench-team. "I don't have him positive, but...".

    im unsure about my feelings for this post. at first i thought: oh yes youre right! but now while im writing this it kinda feels like he directly wanted to prevent beeing called out for his style

    This was something about Caboose (about the Post where Caboose held a monologue about how this game mode makes it harder for everyone). I find it a strange thought that Caboose wanted to prevent being called out for their style. This quote kind of implies that Wrench already knew about Cabooses (bad) alignment. Else I really don't know where the thought would come from.

    i kinda see villager like thoughts here.

    overall my first impression of flat top was very villager like. I like the way hes questioning things and wants to solve the game but at the same time is relaxed.

    Here, Wrench gives quite a strong and unrelativized statement about Flat Top (who was not mentioned by others that much at this point). If Wrench is a werewolf, Flat Top might be more likely to be villager.

    im unsure about my feelings for this post. at first i thought: oh yes youre right! but now while im writing this it kinda feels like he directly wanted to prevent beeing called out for his style

    That's typicall me xD I write one sentebce in the beginning and this sentence happens to seem very evil xD No, you can judge my style (as a tip, I tend to be more telling about my feelings in english in contrast to german) it's just I try to order some players I play regular with based on the tone of their posts, without looking at the content. And I won't be able to do so this game, which makes a a lot more difficult for me.

    I have to admit it really hard for me to get into the game, speaking english and more people roleplaying than in a "normal" game creates an emotional distance between myself and the game. Espacially because I know nothing about Starlight Express and have trouble telling jokes based on the musical and real conversations apart. I don't want you to stop doing that (because I think for everyone else it's a lot of fun), but maybe you could write jokes in cursive or so, just that I know you're joking and participate more easily.

    Cabooses reaction to Wrench. Actually seems not really team-like to me. I don't know whether I should find this passage of Caboose villager-like or not. It is honest for sure, but I could also imagine a wolf coming up with this speech.

    Captain Hook: Is it so important that you figure out my alignment instantly? I don't know how to help you with it and for me, your posts are not really helpful if I'm the person you think about the most. I would appreciate to read more of your thoughts about Buffy, Wrench, Caboose, Ashley, Flat Top and Turnov.

  • It seems like Caboose did not react to Ashley. Not sure what to make out of that.

    But looking back at the first Lynch, where Buffy AND Turnov voted for Caboose, it seems like that points towards a Caboose villager.