Beiträge von Rusty & Pearl

    I hope that I can read everything before the deadline and then make a good decision.

    It's actually funny that you say you want to read through everything to make a decision but you already set a vote in the same post?

    Besides that, I really like you. You seem really active to me, searching for suspicious people and all in a quite good way.

    I miss the searching part a bit

    Me too, Ruhrgold seemed more villager-like yesterday, today there were not really good posts right?

    I had the impression that ruhrgold is getting more active now and more in the game but I can't really see much outcome so far. But I am also not convinced yet of him being a werewolf although I don't really have a better idea.

    Volta is not in a team with Coco I think.

    Yes it doesn't look like it.

    So far I am not happy with this day since there are not many posts or real disscussions. I guess sunday is not the best day to discuss I also had less time than actually planned but family is always crossing plans

    why is being asked questions a nightmare for you?

    I think I never said that? I actually like questions, I am not sure whether I can answer them all but I will try to, so go on!

    I hope you know, that this is a real point of responsibillity. For me a leader has to be very strong.

    I will give my best, might just take another day to be strong. But concerning your werwolf male theory I guess I got lucky :D

    By the way: I hope you get well soon! Headaches are really bad. Turnov post seems a bit fuller with evaluations and thought that it acutally is which leaves a slightly bad feeling. Any opinions on Turnov @all?

    Yes that has to be the solution to the game 8o:ugly:

    Looks like it.... unfortunately my favourite suspect of the hour is a woman. Is that a sign now that buffy is innocent?

    I really have to say that reading Buffys Post made my feelings go up, down, up, down, up and so on. I don't know why but first impression was wolf, then I thought her arguments are not too bad but then I had the impression that her whole Post was pre written. Which I don't really understand. I really really don't know how to evaluate Buffys Post.

    Alfred & Sarah  Anna & Elsa you seem quite critical in general, what do you think of Buffys Post?

    So this a little bit more confrontive style is a way for me to find a little bit in it, because I was sure to get reactions for my personally play and so I can better play with you. It worked.

    I thought so already and I definitly see the advantages of that style even though I would never be able to play like that or then be able to get the reactions I actually wanted.

    But maybe it's only my view, but me personally helped day 0 still not really to find something.

    I agree on that. I feel like I have written so much without actually having more than some tendencies that can change quickly. Which is not good at all. It's only 5 pages, not really much for a day zero. I guess getting in the game is for most of us more difficult than usually. I would be happy if some more people participate.

    And to answer your question about opinions to other players: I liked flat top in the beginning and I think I disliked turnov but I cannot really remember why. I have a long list of players that I want to reread:S

    Hello everyone!

    im sorry if im missing some vocab to proberly express myself

    Don't worry, I didn't ment it like that! :)

    Another thing to think about tomorrow is if there is a connection to the cruel murder of Greaseball tonight. Maybe he was on the right scent?

    I can't remember what Greaseball was saying and then its anyway the question whether it was the first Greaseball or the second one. Its quite crual to eliminate a player that has just been replaced. Do you have an idea who might have feeled attaced by Greaseball? or are you secretly a werewolf and what to hear from us what we think of your night kill? :P

    I am quite unsure about you so far, what you write is good I guess but I have the feeling that you can be good in manipulating others.

    Just to clarify this:

    My famously quoted "personality-read" on Pearl has less to do with her identity or her alignment even. It's more something for myself that helps me telling apart the stuff I should evaluate in her posts and the things I shouldn't, and also gives me a guideline for how to evaluate things. Small, unrelated example: If someone considerate who usually doesn't like to position themselves in the center of attention suddenly puts down a lot of conspicuous content, it makes them much more likely to be villager. This is not necessarily true if a notoriously careless person does the same.

    Thats an interesting way to evaluate people. I am not sure whether it works or at least I can't imagine myself how, but you have to find yout way so go on. By the way I didn't had the impression that a lot of people actually quoted that? Do you draw any conclusions out of that?

    Something else: Electra's longer post activated eight out of ten alarm bells. So much relativizing. So awkward to read. Really gives me wolf vibes.

    The post where he calls Jugolas a villager-like person doesn't improve the situation.

    After reading your post I have checked Electras again. I see the relativations, but I felt that these were quite natural and authentic? In my point of view, Electra didn't actually relativised people to an neutral opinion but his arguments for drawing a conclusion about a person which makes a big difference. Is it understandable what I mean? I had the impression that Electra actually sees some people more positive than others and that his thoughts are the ones that are relativising to show that there are possible other conclusions but he choose to make the ones that he has done. All in all I found it autentic and villager like. I am just not sure whether he is a really good player that can easily fake those things.

    Hmm.. Judging by your first 15 posts I got the impression that you are in a good flow and have a lot of evaluations and therefore opinions yourself. So why do you base your first vote on someone else's opinion? I really dont know whether I like that and didnt expect this from you. I somehow supsect you are taking the easy way out here.

    I really like that thoughts here. Coco indeed seemes to be a bit different now. I don't think its really an easier way but I had the impression that coco first analysed nearly everything in a specific way which I can't see at the moment. It seems to me like she would actually relativise quickly her opinions when someone says something against it while in the beginning she was a bit more on one line? Now I feel that there are different levels of evaluations and conclusions that doesn't really fit to each other. A bit like to different persons even though I think I missinterpret her here. There is a difference yes, but its probably more a sign of her being a villager and trying to find her way than acually a werewolf. At least I can't see any manipulations in there.

    You're quite a cheeky person, dear Electra.

    You might have convinced me already to shrug it of as a false alarm.

    What made you change your mind?

    Ashley rapid vote although he seems not having much information is villagers, but I'm uncertain.

    Interesting thought. Concering Ashleys latest posts, she seems to vote people quite often very fast, do you evaluate that in a specific way? Wouldn't a villager sometimes be more caution when voting someone else or is that just depending on the players type?

    I don't care about being consistent or pleasing anyone, I just want to share my thoughts, no matter what. Just because my opinion seems to be unpopular, I won't discard my own thoughts and feelings.

    I really like that. Probably a bit overreacted since I don't think your opinion is actually unpopular? So far I can only see one or two shared opinions the others are still quite unsure since the game just started.

    Especially Electras last post sounded like: „Oh originally I liked Ruhrgolds post but now everyone says that’s not villager like so I will also say that“.

    To which post are you referring to?

    All in all, I am not a big fan of Ruhrgold so far but I think he just needs a bit longer to feel more comfortable in the game. At I hope so since it feels too easy to see him as a werewolf right now.

    I like Ashleys motivation, but I am not a big fan of players that just vote people to motivate them to participate more. It's not my playing style and as mentionned before voting Rusty is a bit random. But it keeps the discussion running which is usually good.

    At the moment I am still trying to bring my thoughts in an order and to keep the players apart from each other. So far I can't remember a thing of half of the players which is not good enough. Don't hesitate to ask me questions, it might be easier for me then to actually sort my thoughts :)

    Thank you very much for all your votes! I really appreciate your support :imp:

    First of all, let's VOTE:Rusty because he really seems to play like a werewolf or is it just my point of view?

    To be honest, for me one post is not enough to vote someone directly. What did you dislike about his post?

    same one as above here

    I am not sure whether you got my post right. I was not saying myself that I have a first impression on someone which can change lateron but I critisised that post from Ruhrgold(?) saying that about someone else, I think it was Electra.
    Your post did not convince me so far even though I don't really know why. Maybe I just have to get used to your way of expressing yourself. I will have an eye on you tomorrow. Besides the being unsure how I should evaluate you, I liked that you critic the Rusty voter :)

    Anna & Elsa did you write somewhere why you think Rusty is suspicious?

    Elphaba & Glinda you are right, that wasn't nice at all, I hope Coco can try to be a bit more respectful next time? I would appreciate that!

    I will go to bed soon, sleep well! Looking forward to discuss with you tomorrow :sleeping::)

    I take back what I said about Pearl, since my personality read seems to be wrong anyways.

    Now you made me curious! What made you change your mind? And do you really want to base your opinion on assumptions on possible real names of the players?

    Greaseball still Greaseball. Vote still fine.

    Hi new Greaseball! I am sorry for the other one that he left :(
    Any thoughts about the game so far? How would you describe your playing style and how do you want to make your assesments/evaluations of the players?

    Pearl I think I like you, this post and the ones that followed confirmed my impression of your motivation, that seems really authentic so far. And I think it's important to bring some good energy and be attentive and active, all in all a pretty positive picture for now.


    I have to say that I like your argumentation and that you want to see me as a good person, but I don't really understand why you quoted exactly that part of my posts that was probably the one with the most nonsense?

    Well i trust you with that. And this would share my impression.

    Is someone here whose gamestyle matches yours the most?

    I like the way you present yourself as a special snowflake here. And that is exactly why i think you are villagery. I just want to make clear if it's your general way to play that werwolve game or are you playing a really good roleplay here ;)

    You mean someone who plays similar in this Starlight Express game or someone on whole WWO? Or do you want to know whose gamestyle I like the most?
    I don't think that my gamestyle is similar to someone else in the game yet cause we are still in the beginning and some haven't talked much yet. Not like me, I know. Pearl definitely brings out the best of me :P So of course this is my general way to play, besides the fact that I am not called Pearl. I wouldn't say I am really good in roleplayes or that I actually try to. I want to have fun and it's not fun to just guess which wwo user might be which Starlight Express character. I rather look for werewolfs. How about you? What do you actually want to know from me by asking me these questions?

    What do you think of Wrench? You asked him some questions and it seems like you are also not super convinced of him yet?
    He seems quite relaxed to me but all in all, as menntioned before, but besides that I can't see any villager sign.

    I am not sure whether I have menntioned it, but I like Flat top so far :) I hope you are feeling better soon! And in case you are actually feeling well and just lying to us... well I hope you don't since its not needed.

    So you have to know that I like your motivation and hope you to spend in mid and late game as much time as you spend now, because you make the game lively as well as you give us good and honest impressions of your own thoughts, which are insurering me, you have a good intention.

    :love: Thank you! That sounds completly different to what you've said before but it made me like you more. You're so manipulating here, making compliments is really a good strategy to keep me away from thinking negativ about you^^ Secretly you just want a ticket for a free first class ride with the DB right?

    I am sneakly observing and will give opions when I smelled something!

    Alright, Hi Volta! Nice to meet you! What do you think about the smell coming out from the wagon of Buffy and Dinah? I smelled some delicious food around lunch time, how about you?:ugly:

    Interestingly enough, why do you only mention me and Greaseball? I'd say Pearls posts are a lot more over the top (which I do not see as a problem either, it is the thoughts and evaluations that matter, not the style of how they are presented).

    I like your opinion! Everyone is a bit different and I am quite sure that a lot of people here try to be someone else ( I am quite sure coco normally does'nt write diary). I guess all players are a bit more motivated that usual, at least I am. So I agree with you, that the style can be indicator for a werewolf or not, but its still a difference to normal games that need to be taken in account here. But I still think that it's possible to judge whether someone is authentic or not.

    What a lovely idea! I'd like to ivite Greaseball, he seems to be quite honest and as I mentioned above, I have a similar impression about Caboose.

    As menntioned yesterday my first impression of Greaseball was not the very best but my reason for that a bit childish^^ I will think about that, to be honest I kind of got a bit confused and I can't really remember what he already said in the game nor whether I liked it or not.

    I am not sure what it is that I do not like about Turnovs posts exactly but I wonder why Coco felt the need to express Turnovs start was incautious. I see a connection over here, although that would be too obvious to be true. Any thoughts on that?

    To which post are you reffering here? I am not really sure what you want to say with that so that it would be great if you could explain that to me a bit more detailed.

    doesn't like Pearl, but nevertheless thinks that she is a villager,

    Where did you got the impression that Coco thinks I am a villager? I thought he doesn't like me at all

    It seems as if he doesn’t feel the need to be productive at all, and this is a villager attitude.

    How can it be a villager attitude to be not willing to reflect, think and share their opinion? Of course villagers don't have to look super productive in every sentence but as a villager you are kind of always automatically motiviated to move on? I am not sure whether I can share your view on that.

    I currently feel that Dinah is a quite manipulative person since what he says in is quite hidden in his posts. In other words: I have the feeling that he is scared of taking a stand both in negative and positive terms, I don’t trust him at all!

    I found Dinahs Post quite easy to read, understand and to filter her thoughts and opinion. I wouln't disagree that she could be a manipulated person at all but I would definitily say that she is saying what she things and that it might not be as much as others but quite clear. And I like that more than sentences like first impression is that BUT IT CAN CHANGE LATERON since its just a first impression and they can always be wrong etc. Like Ruhrgold about Electra. These are more suspicious (probably too suspicious).

    Maybe I am a bit blind since I like Dinah but I think you are a bit too critical?

    It's actually quite funny that you mention Pearl, and I have to agree that she's over the top. I didn't take it into consideration though, because I somehow instantly attributed it to her personality. Do you disagree?

    Where is the difference between me being a bit (or a lot) over the top and someone else being over the top? I mean shouldn't everyone being treated the same way? Why do you think it might be my personality but not the one of Dinah or whoever was very much motivated? You don't know me (we are playing online so basically anyone can sit in front of the computer), I don't know you, so either everyone is suspicious or no one. The only thing you can actually argument with is if someone seems to be authentic in the way he or she is over motivated or not. Or do you disagree with that?

    I quite like it and: I did the same, so it would be a double-standard to assess this no matter in which direction.

    I like that :)

    irst I like Coco's thoughts and his way to present his stuff. I am not agreeing with everything, because I think I can see a kind of overanylzing by over interpretate the start posts of some people

    Thats a good description of how I see Coco aswell. I really don't agree with some of her observations but I like it that she trys to say something to everyone while she is sharing a lot of thoughts with us. Not sure whether she can maybe also be like that as a werewolf but for now its definitely a good way to create content

    So, I am not voting for him. I have the feeling of repeating myself.

    Yes you are repeating youself which I cannot really understand. If you don't want to vote me thats fine. Nobody forces you to. But it doesn't make things better if continue saying that giving me the impression that you would be determined in your opinion. I hope your opinion is only determined when it comes to playing styles that you like or dislike. But if you keep saying that you don't like someone without actually a good reason for it, I won't like you either ;)

    Would you say you are the best choice in that game?

    I can tell you that I am the very best player you have ever played with but thats not an objective opinion ( and not my opinion anyway). I am sure that I would be a good choice since I have time, I am motivated and I would love to be the leader. I can't promise to find all the werewolfes at once, but I am sure I will give my very best to find them. Especially when the other villagers are also eager to find the werewolfes.

    Sounds very weird.

    I don't like the way Dinah is asking that question here.

    Why? In general it would sound weird but Dinah is reffering to Starlight Express and due to this I found it quite ok to say that. The "girls" haven't participated in the game much when Dinah asked them so that its a good idea to include them in the game and ask others for opinion.

    Pearls play is very conspicously from the beginning and he/she isn't afraid of confrontation. I like that. -Same for coco.

    This makes it easier to clear them. And they won't sink in the crowd.

    I would give a villager tendency for that.

    Interessting point of view but definitily a good way to assess someone in the beginning. I think I liked your post

    And his reaction on my reaction on the effects of his posts, anyway I am not a friend of players who a very egocentric. I am sure in the end he will be not able to be a better HD as Coco or someone else.

    You never know until the end of the game I guess. I don't really understand why you make such a big thing out of it? I am motivated to be the leader but I am also fine with someone else if that person seems good to me. And iirc I have said that already somewhere. So it would be nice if you can see me as a person and not only reduce me to my candidacy as a leader.

    I feel like Electras first post sounds kinda honest. From My first impression I would put them in my village. But of course this is just a feeling from My first impression and can change.

    I was wondering what you exactly liked about the post? It was quite short for a post after the game is now running for a couple of hours already but a bit too long for saying I haven't read anything yet. So what was honest?
    And why did you put so much emphasis on the fact that it is a first impression which can change? I mean thats natural, it's day one (or zero) so opinions will change anyway ;)

    Oh that post is a bit longer than I am used to and actually wanted. Nevertheless, I hope it has at least some content that is useful.

    Pearl : Makes sense. What did you like about his first post? I have to say that I also liked his start, but his second post seemed more villager-like to me than the first (which was quite standard tbh).

    I had the impression that he is quite easy going and symphatic. Its not a particular word that I liked or the content of his post which was not that much, thats true. Perhaps I wouldn't even say that his posts so far were really villager-like. They seemed quite fine at least for a first impression. Second impression is: he is quite experienced with the game, has some ideas to say and can be anything with that :D But he is motivated and seems like he is trying to create content and start disscussions which is never bad.

    I think that if some is very self conscious, he have to believe in his own opinion more than in other options. And it is this kind of self confidence that I see in your posts.

    Furthermore you give the HD a to high value(might be a wrong word but neverless my meaning should be clear?) impo.

    Allright. It seems like we have a bit different views about self conscious people. And the leader has two votes which is more than the other players usually have. And therefore I think its better when the leader is a villager. It just makes things easier ;)

    In my opinion he seems very self confident and I am not sure if I want a self confident HD who is overthinkig everything and does not care about other opinions.

    Who said that Self confident people are also selfish? A good leader should always listen to the group and reflect his actions. You opinion seem to me like you are thinking too much in categories which I don't like. Its up to you whether you believe me or not, but as a Leader I think it is important to first of all develop an own opinion but then also listen to others. In games like werewolf its definitely needed to discuss choices in the group so that we can be sure that our direction we are driving to is right. Or at least I guess the chance that it is right is higher than if everyone just does whatever he or she wants.

    Since, i assume, neither of us is an native english speaker I think most of us are going to be limited in our choice of words. Which leads me to the conclusion, that juding the style and tone of someone could became very missleading.

    Well you don't know that, maybe I am a native speaker? At least some of us seem to be quite confident in writing in english. But thats not the point. I am quite sure that most werewolf player use similar words in every game even though they might know more words. But everyone has it's own style which is usually similar in every game. I can see already different styles here and I think that it is possible to judge a bit the style and the words that are used. It can be missleading but thats something that can happen in every language.
    We cannot see any gestures or mimic so that the only thing we have is the posts of each player. We must analyse them to find something, there is not really another way.

    Ohh ohh I wonder what Rusty is going to say about this when he finds out! :P

    Are you always this quick to declare your love, Pearl? Or what exactly captured your heart so quickly here?

    He might not be amused, thats right. But as long as he is not here I thought it might be good to make some friends and share some bisous like friends do ;) and to be honest, maybe it isn't the best thing for Rusty to participate here... we will see how this goes on.
    Well Coco seemed to me quite creative and trustworthy for the beginning. I thought making her feel more comfortable isn't too bad. My first impression of you istn't too bad either. So we will see. As mentionned before, my heart truly belongs to Rusty, even though I enjoy chatting around and as a first class wagon I need to be up to date! (I guess in both definitions ;) )

    I agree, and I bet Turnov feels the need to lighten up the mood a lil bit, so we're dealing with a jokester here, yes? Should we judge that already?

    As menntioned before, it's probably too early to judge him for his first post. But I will keep it in mind for later.

    Lately, another self-confident person arrived, Pearl. He wants to find werwolves, this is a positive sign, isn't it? I wonder whether he needs to be our leader to eventually reach this goal? And why he is not asking about our experiences in hunting werwolves, but mentioning that he would like to? As you know, this situation is completely new to me, maybe I should tell him?

    Apparently you really don't like musicals since you don't seem to know that Pearl is a Lady? My goal is to kill the werewolfs and therefore I would like to have a leader who shares my goal and values. The best person for this is definitly myself although I would be willing to vote someone else in case he or she is motivated and trustworthy.

    Well since we are all strangers, I am not sure whether it helps me to ask you about your experiences? I guess that most of us are quite experienced but nobody of us can actually proof it. So what would it help me to hear that you are experienced but I won't be able to proof that?
    So tell me, what is completely new for you? Writing a dairy? Being a werewolf? hunting werewolfes? Or talking english? :D A bit of all is also an acceptable answer

    I love you too Coco!

    I think Turnov is probably using a few unimportant words too much, maybe he is hiding something with that? I don't think its necessarily truthworthy if someone is just talking about things that have nothing to do with the game. Since the game just started it doesn't have to mean anything but I wouldn't say that it is an argument for him being a villager. Rather a werewolf then ;)

    Good evening everyone! I am really delighted to participate in this faboulous game with you! Thanks to Jugolas for organising this anonymous game!
    I am really motivated and I have plenty of time! So feel free to elect me as your leader. Since I am a first class wagon, I am perfect for this job and will definitely lead you comfortable and in the right direction! So take a seat and enjoy the ride!

    Next station will be: Find werewolf Number one!

    Well now I would like to ask everyone about their experiences with playing werewolf, but I guess we can skip that point here.
    I don't like google translate, so I am probably not the biggest fan of Greaseball :ugly: (I don't like machos anyway :P)



    Stand Tag 1

    Pearl (1): Pearl

    Verbleibende Zeit: 24:37:41