Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | victory: wolves

  • Dear diary,

    recalling what Flat Top said I don't have any reason why he should be a villager.

    Furthermore, I don't think that he is wolf with Joule (first quote: it would be rather unusual to call out three villagers and in a separate sentence a co-wolf.

    Finally, in my opinion a team between Flat Top and Buffy is rather unlikely, not only because of the vote, yesterday and today. Flat Top's sometimes raises doubts and counter-arguments, but still wants to have Buffy dead.

    So you don't see anything that makes him a villager but you see him more likely as one as Buffy? And there are rather not a team so you think Buffy is wolfe and if thats right, flat top is not?

    I am kind of back, I am still reading buffy for now. I had some feelings today that she might be villager, but I am unsure :(

  • I don't really have to say much more than I did.

    Really think Wrench, Flat Top and Turnov are wolves.

    Maybe, but atm really unlikely it could be Carboose instead of Flat top or Wrench (in that case Wrench is more likely the villager). Nevertheless Wrench, Flat Top and Turnov all seem pretty wolfish to me soo....think I'll stay there till I die

  • Hm, I'm also thinking about VOTE:Flat Top as a wolf. Turnov is also a candidate for me, but I don't have really good reasons why him and not Cabosse actually.

    I would like to see more imput from Caboose and Turnov so or so.


    Stand Tag 4

    Buffy (1): Flat Top

    Caboose (1): Coco

    Flat Top (1): Ashley

    Turnov (4): Joule, Buffy, Pearl

    Verbleibende Zeit: 01:26:23

  • Ashley

    Caboose is really suspect for me, but he is so or so really suspect :ugly:

    I think I'm also not really convinced of Ruhrgold so far.

    Ok, Turnov might be a villager.

    I think right now I would change to VOTE:Ruhrgold

    I'm still here until 7 PM, maybe there are some more information at this point.


    I think right now I would change to VOTE:Ruhrgold

    I'm still here until 7 PM, maybe there are some more information at this point.

    But at the moment I would again VOTE:Rusty and this it's neither a motivation or an inactive vote.

    yes, the same and I'm also rethinking my opinion about Buffy.

    But at the moment I would again VOTE:Rusty and this it's neither a motivation or an inactive vote.

    But maybe you're right and I schould spare your nerves, so I'm changing to VOTE:Flat Top

    I'm not sure what you mean with I'm numerating my argumentation.

    But maybe you're right and I schould spare your nerves, so I'm changing to VOTE:Flat Top

    I'm not sure about that, but I think I don't want to vote Buffy today. I have enough fantasy for a villager here at the moment.

    Hm okay, I'm surprised about that. It felt so far that you trust me and votet because of this on Ruhrgold.

    Please explain. I saw his quote out of a later perspective, so it's something different like your live intension. If I would have read this live, I can imagine I would also find this bad.

    Dear diary,

    I am sad because I cannot have any clear opinion about Ashley! Except for the fact that he was the first one to vote Ruhrgold at day 1. I also fear that I erased some of his statements out of my memory... he's definitely not a save villager to me, at the same tome talking way too much about meta stuff and his personal style of playing. If my exclusions are correct, he should be a wolf, but would he vote Ruhrgold like this?

    Pearls asks about Flat Top! I only want to say that I haven't detected a village sign when re-reading Flat Top. I haven't had a closer look at Buffy so far, so I cannot say whether one or the other is more likely objectively. But yes, I don't see that two of them are wolves. And in my experience, those who seem more unsuspicious are often wolves.

    I would also like to express my concerns about Wrench and why many people see her as a wolf right after 4 people died yesterday and we are getting in an end-game situation. I am convinced that she is a villager, and so I'm suspect about everyone who treats him as a serious opportunity to vote.

    I love you, my dear!



  • What do you think: Who is the Most likely wolf? Why? So,you have any Teams? Or Team exclusions? We could try to tinker.

    I'm so sorry. I thought I had more time but I had so much work to do until now. So I think Turnov is a wolf, he wrote something in the meantime but didn't adress my aligations towards him about lying about me. This is very suspicious for me. Also, like many pointed out, he fits well with everyone.

    And I also think Buffy could be a wolf, I'll explain later in this post why.

    Cabooses reaction to Wrench. Actually seems not really team-like to me. I don't know whether I should find this passage of Caboose villager-like or not. It is honest for sure, but I could also imagine a wolf coming up with this speech.

    I'm your help! But like (I think) Wrench already pointed out; I would do this as wolf and as villager.

    But looking back at the first Lynch, where Buffy AND Turnov voted for Caboose, it seems like that points towards a Caboose villager.

    You assume here, that Turnov and Buffy are wolves? If one of them or both aren't, how would your conclusion change?

    Atm it is really hard to go on and give the best...I am super upset and yesterday I was close voting myself, so you don't have to do it today. Nevertheless with that I have written my testament and I am ready to die. Last thing I can do is to make the best out of my last day so

    here is the explanation forshadowed at the beginning
    This passage seems so pseudo to me. If Buffy is a manipulative wolf, it would fit perfectly. Are you a manipulative wolf? And I have to be honest, everyone else just had convincing and logical arguments for a Buffy-wolf.

    team at the moment is turnov, Caboose

    This is very interesting, most here think that Turnov and I can't be in the same team, why you don't?

    I'm sorry, I'm sure I just can't remember why you vote for me, but could you point it out again?

  • I'm sure you have allready said something about him, but what was your opinion to Flat Top?

    Flat Top is pretty much on the border between my village and my wolves. He shares that position with Buffy who I found more positive in the recent posts.

    Really think Wrench, Flat Top and Turnov are wolves.

    Maybe, but atm really unlikely it could be Carboose instead of Flat top or Wrench (in that case Wrench is more likely the villager). Nevertheless Wrench, Flat Top and Turnov all seem pretty wolfish to me soo....think I'll stay there till I die

    How can you be sure that nothing is going to change your mind in the next days?

    I would also like to express my concerns about Wrench and why many people see her as a wolf right after 4 people died yesterday and we are getting in an end-game situation. I am convinced that she is a villager, and so I'm suspect about everyone who treats him as a serious opportunity to vote.

    What has Wrench done so that you see her in the village by so far?

    You assume here, that Turnov and Buffy are wolves? If one of them or both aren't, how would your conclusion change?

    1. why do you care?
    2. I did that statement with the assumption that at least one of them is a werewolf. If that's not the case, you're almost certainly a werewolf by exclusion principle.

    Kakuzu, Pearl: Please coordinate your lynch today.

  • Are you a manipulative wolf?

    No of course not. I am always really straight. Sometimes you just feel like very sad and not really motivated to get anything done...But you can see that as you wish, I am ok with dying today, if it wouldn't cost the village the win..not sure about that?

  • How can you be sure that nothing is going to change your mind in the next days?

    Because I am going to die anyways. And it fits perfectly.

    Coco and Pearl are scans, more villager-like than you and Ashley one couldn't play, so it have to be them.

  • I have an interesting experiment.
    Wickie: Please give me a small essay about how you think your general position was in this game each day. (In terms of whether or not you felt like a strong, important peace of the village or not, how many people suspected you, and so on)
    Quasimodo & Esmeralda: The same.
    (anyone who really wants to answer that question, is welcome to do so)

  • Dear diary,

    Joule is right, Pearl and me need to talk to each other to reach a consensus. I had exactly this idea before, and I think maybe this makes Joule more villagery?

    I am very much reluctant voting Turnov still. Im am wondering why Caboose didn't already vote for him?

    What does Pearl think about my thoughts I wonder?

    I love you, my dear!



  • I read Buffy as wished. I think she is rather a villager than a werewolf at least in the way she presented herself she looked really motivated, looking for team exclusions, conclusions and suspicious sentences of others. For me not really the werewolf I was looking for.

    aand if Joule wolf, Electra is one too, but that also is valid the other way round

    Is that still valid? I guess not but do you remember why you were thinking that?

    Ok, so in my opinion that speaks against a Rusty and Joule team, but I am pretty sure, that at least one of them is a wolf.

    Joule is now in your village I think, but you mentionned before why one of them should be a wolf, so why now not anymore? Although I am also doubting Joule is a wolf.

    I'm not a sect leader, I don't want to convince anybody of anything, just wanted to make my point xD

    And I'm not even saying that your 100% Wolf or anything like that.

    Besides, I might have gone crazy anyways, because nobody seem to understand my opinions xD

    This is one of the posts I liked from Buffy, she seems really honest to me. I can't help, I find her trustworthy :(

    dunno...he has the same aggressive defense like Rusty. I mean it's part of the game to suspect someone, so don't be mad, if you get suspected xD I even like to play with that a little bit (getting suspected, not with them getting mad lol)
    But part from that more negative than positive vibes. Although as mentioned, I do not really have a plan. I'm really insecure this game, sry.

    You said that about caboose. What do you think about that now that Rusty was a villager?

    Looool ok, I've to admit, I would kiss Joule for this post, think he's villager xD (Nevertheless if I was that self-aware, I would've seen my "my-me"-mistake:P)

    What did you like so much about Joule on that post btw?

    This is the reason why I would say that Caboose isn't wolf with Tunov. It is not the fact, that it is a vote against tunov, but Carbosse already had an legit reason not to vote him. So why voting your teammate, although you have an excuse not to do so and on the lynchlist are only villager in danger?

    MHm iirc Caboose had Turnov already longer as a suspicious person and not really another one so negative. Correct me if I am worng but I found it logical that this was the only person he could have voted. I am anyway thinking that there are some leveling wolves here since the situation for them besides the Ruhdgold lynch doesn't look too bad, depending on who they are and how much.

    I am convinced that she is a villager,

    Why so sure about wrench?

    I think my problem is that Ashley seems to be too good and looks like a villager, Buffy looks to honest and wrench has some parts that also look honest too me.

    But that would mean that Joule, Caboose, Turnov and flattop are the wolves... of which I am not sure.

    But nevermind, back to Buffy

    - I had one point where I disagreed, that caboose would sound too sure in a post saying that me and Joule are villager. I found him authentic or at least normal in that post. I still don't understand what made buffy so crazy about that but I think the fact that she did made her more likely to be a villager for me. As said before there are many tendencys said, team exclusions made, things she liked, didn't liked etc. All in all also quite some content that I liked.

    I just did not Liked Buffy around the lynch yesterday, and thats probably a big minus point she got. I am not sure whether only wolves can sound like that or also villagers,I found her very confusing and not so good. Although I can understand her if she is a villager and not so happy that I was so inactive and late yesterday.

    The way buffy presented herself today also seemed villager like to me... I have to figure out who is thinking of who now, maybe that gives me more insights. And I will try to read caboose again and finally made up my mind to flat top.

  • I have an interesting experiment.
    Caboose : Please give me a small essay about how you think your general position was in this game each day. (In terms of whether or not you felt like a strong, important peace of the village or not, how many people suspected you, and so on)

    I participate but I want to see the conclusions ;)

    So first part is easy, I was/am really weak and don't have any value for the village.

    I don't think I was in danger to be lynched, but each day there were a few people (2-3 i think) who suspected me, but I think they changed. Except Coco, she suspects me very consistend (but I always forget why :shy).

    I think it's interesting that despite me beeing often inactiv and quiet, somehow each day I was talked about a lot in comparision to the amount of my posts.

    That's all i can think of right now, do you have anything open to ask?

  • Well, yesterday I had a verry bad feeling abou t Joule, it improved, but I'm still notr convinced that she is a villager.

    I think, Pearl and Coco acted strange, but Pearl is the person I think is worse. Because the execution yesterday wherte Pearl gave the deciding vote is strange to me.

  • Dear diary,

    Im almost convinced that Turnov is a villager! How can you be in such a way... besides everything that happens here?!? I am furious but still think it's a mistake to vote for him!

    We need to tell Turnov some basics: The Waisenmädchen died and Pearl and me were the persons he visited.



  • Flat Top is pretty much on the border between my village and my wolves. He shares that position with Buffy who I found more positive in the recent posts.

    I totally understand you there and I think Buffy is definitely more villager than flat top

    Please coordinate your lynch today.

    working on it, although I am pretty sure I might switch. But I am planning to do so within the next 20 minutes.

    oule is right, Pearl and me need to talk to each other to reach a consensus. I had exactly this idea before, and I think maybe this makes Joule more villagery?

    I don't think so since any wolf would also try to have us on their side... we two should work together but I fear my opinion is not that good at the moment or not enough developed yet.
    Besides my rather villagers of the moment: Ashley, buffy (Joule)

    What does Pearl think about my thoughts I wonder?

    I am happy for every thought that you write down! I am still really unsure about the lynch candidates... do you want to hear something about a specific person?

  • I think, Pearl and Coco acted strange, but Pearl is the person I think is worse. Because the execution yesterday wherte Pearl gave the deciding vote is strange to me.

    And if I would say you, that Coco and Pearl are the most probaby good scans of our seer (WM), who would you think could be evil in this case?

  • im also back after some stuff to do

    This is very interesting, most here think that Turnov and I can't be in the same team, why you don't?

    there was one certai reaction from you (that i reread today) that makes me fell its unlikely, besides that i would say you would fit good.

    He shares that position with Buffy who I found more positive in the recent posts.

    why? i rly didnt saw anything that made buffy stand out as a villager compared to flat top

    I had exactly this idea before, and I think maybe this makes Joule more villagery?

    well this is obv. that you have to do so, almost seems a bit pseudo to me, bc i think it was already mentioned somewhere ? not totally sure but yeah still obv. then

    i liked that answer from carboose to joule. definitly better that turnov today, so VOTE:Turnov


    Stand Tag 4

    Buffy (1): Flat Top

    Caboose (1): Coco

    Flat Top (1): Ashley

    Turnov (5): Joule, Buffy, Pearl, Wrench

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:44:55

  • Dear Pearl.

    "Besides my rather villagers of the moment: Ashley, buffy (Joule)" (this was a quotation by yourself)

    I definitely want to add Wrench.

    Thus, we have 3 persons to vote?

    Caboose, Turnov, Flat Top

    Still I think that Caboose and Turnov are not wolves together. So: consensus would be Flat Top?