Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora | wolves win

  • Hey,

    I´m also happy to play with you for the first time Chunkshark and Xsi!

    VOTE: Alexa


    Stand HD-Wahl - Tag 0

    Alexa (1): Ling

    Verbleibende Zeit: 22:34:40
  • Do you think unicornlasagna is my Coevil, because she votet me for mayor? :ugly:

    Well, i like to hear some words from Jadio, Ente, Sunset and Shark. The others ones seems to be somehow present. It will be helpfull to get a full view over the game ^^

    Daro is suspicious! First he says that im inactive and wants to set me up for the lynch.

    After LB defends me, he steps back and focuses on Duck, Jadio and Shark, because I m "somehow present" suddenly?(

  • Hmm in his first wolf game, he didnt get into the game at all and didnt know what to say. Thats why i was so sure that hes villiger last game. Im just not sure yet, if he isnt present, because hes wolf, or because of the language.

  • Ling how would you discribe Jadios wolve Game?

    Im afraid you have to read his last game. I was convinced that he belonged to the village last game.

    In his first wolf game, it was a typical first time wolf game. You could notice, that he read, but wasnt able to write something and didnt give any input.

  • I like ChunkShark and Duck so far.

    But im not so sure about Duck. A wise person told me that Duck ist a ingenious wolf and the last village rounds he was really quiet.

    Daro  Leon what do you think about Duck atm?

  • But im not so sure about Duck. A wise person told me that Duck ist a ingenious wolf and the last village rounds he was really quiet.


    Who said that?

    Ling i have Bad Leon vibes

    Hmm yes, Leon is on my suspect list aswell, but i like Jadio and Alexa even less.

    I like ChunkShark and Duck so far.

    Adequate taste in animals. You're about where I'd place an activity based cutt-off for lynching, btw (ordered downwards Shark, Sunset, Book, Jadio & that guy). I wouldn't count on more than 1 wolf in that group, but with the other half of players, it's not smelling like consensus and on the contrary looking like we'll get plenty additional material for subsequent days.

    Wouldnt count on it neither, but right now i could imagine two aswell. Most of the players in the upper half are on a good way in my opinion.

    I nearly 100% agree with this post. Thats not enough to put Daro in my town yet, buti like him so far.

    Do you read anything into that?

    I know you didnt ask me but I do tbh. In his first wolf game it was exactly the same situation. He was somehow present and not inactive, but didnt give input at all. I mean last game as wolf, he tried with his lists, but with his game right now, i cant imagine to let him get into the lategame.

    VOTE: Jadio


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Leon (1): Alexa
    Jadio (1): Ling

    Stimme zurückgezogen: Xsí, Jadio

    Verbleibende Zeit: 06:55:07
  • On record, I don't think trying to reason with Alexa is particularly indicative of alignment, even though I appreciate you guys taking up the mantle. (It's not what I'm going to pour my afternoon into.) In terms of post number, the highest numbered player I'm looking at remains Ling - that longer-ish post on the same page (#8) looks like he's going for activity and content, but it reads as an assortment of superficial reactions to the odd quote here and there that didn't add to my understanding of either Ling's or anyone else's perspective on the game. Voting Jadio feels cheap. Yeah, we're obviously going to kill him dead if he doesn't deliver on yesterday's teaser (and there's at least another reason to give his file the evil eye), but not giving him the chance to talk to us today feels plain conterproductive, or even like you're putting gratuitous amonts of pressure on a townie that might be about to talk themselves out of it.

    Anyone, that making sense so far? There's been a nefarious plot on my afternoon nap in favour of forum posting, I'd prefer to be exhausted in company then.

    But he had the chance and still has it.

    I see no problem in a cheap vote since there are a view people with only a few messages. Better Option than Alexa or Leon for me right now and i like him least from the others with low post numbers.

  • Unfortunately i spent m whole day in the park and wasnt really able to write more, but i cant really understand, why Jadio gets defended here.

    Also i liked book so far tbh, but will save myself of course if i can somehow.

    Liked Daro, Shark and Duck most so far.

    First Xsi aswell, but i obviously dont like her tunnel on me.

  • You can vote Daro, then I might switch

    why would i do that ? his playstyle looks realy rational and i havent found any contradictions yet, even tho he posts more then anyone else...

    Wouldn't focus on that to much. Usually villagers have more contradictions than wolves.

    Personally, i play alot more structured as wolf too.

  • Unfortunately i spent m whole day in the park and wasnt really able to write more, but i cant really understand, why Jadio gets defended here.

    Nobody's expecting you to, but that was a bloody weak note you quit us for the park earlier.

    I think it was ok tho. I tried and still read most things. Just didnt give alot input. Dont like your Jadio devense at all...

  • VOTE: Sunset


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Sunset (3): Daro*2, Ling
    Buchzauber (3): Leon, Alexa, ChunkShark
    Ling (2): Xsí, einhornlasagne
    Jadio (1): Ente

    Stimme zurückgezogen: Jadio

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:00:49
  • VOTE: Buchzauber


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Buchzauber (4): Leon, Alexa, ChunkShark, Ling
    Ling (4): Xsí, einhornlasagne, Daro*2
    Jadio (1): Ente

    Stimme zurückgezogen: Jadio

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:00:15
  • Alohomora 4. Mai 2024 um 20:05

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora [12/12]“ zu „Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora | wolves win“ geändert.
  • Glückwunsch an die Wölfe und danke fürs leiten Alo!

    Ich habe mich wohl etwas zu sicher gefühlt und als der Lynchzug so plötzlich kam hatte ich gar keine Zeit und nur noch mit einer hand umgevotet. Hielt meinen letzten Satz mit Leon für eindeutiger, als es war, sorry.

    Davor habe ich Leon halt nicht ins Dorf geschoben, weil er eh nicht in Lynchgefahr ist und damit ich nicht gefunden werde.

  • Ich fand das ein ungewöhnlich starkes Wolfsspiel und einen derart erinnerungswürdigen Einstieg habe ich eine Weile nicht mehr gesehen.

    Ich schulde Ling wohl einen Entschuldigung, das war eine ungünstige Kombination aus überhaupt keine Zeit (in dem Moment), den falschen Leuten vertraut und spieltaktischen Nonsens. (Auch wenn ein Lynch der Alten jetzt wohl auch nicht so viel besser gewesen wäre.)

    Das Spiel hat mir aber Spaß gemacht, auch wenn ich nach dem Fehllynch erstmal ganz froh war, dass ich tot war, denn so konnte ich mich begraben :ugly:

    Nein alles gut, ich hatte ja selbst nicht soo viel Zeit und ein Fehllynch kann immer passieren.^^

  • i realy cant believe that we didnt hit the old man on the first day, Xsi attacked Leon and he wasnt dead, i thought the chance for a random heal was to low, also i thought a healer was more likely to heal himself on the first day, so if we attack him, we think he's the old man ^^

    Man kann finde ich den Fraß auch Nacht 1 schon ziemlich gut eingrenzen. Von mir kam nicht viel, Buch, LB, Jadio und eigentlich auch Sunny zu inaktiv.

    Xsi hat seit langer Zeit nicht gespielt. Hielt ich schon für möglich, aber nicht wahrscheinlich.

    Alexa in einem Übungsspiel für sie hielt ich auch für sehr unwahrscheinlich.

    Daro wurde letzte Runde die ersten zwei Nächte gefressen, was viele Wölfe dann auch vermieden hätten und die Gefahr gegen Schutz zu rennen, weil er im Konsensdorf war, wäre mMn auch hoch gewesen.

    Habe da eigentlich nur zwischen Leon/Ente >Sunny/Xsi überlegt.

  • Ja das ist absolut verständlich. Das schreckt viele neue Spieler direkt wieder ab und die Leute zu kennen ist schon ein großer Vorteil.

    Fand aber, dass du dich echt super geschlagen hast!^^