Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | victory: wolves

  • Ok, well, VOTE:Ruhrgold seems a better option to me thab Caboose.


    Stand Tag 2

    Caboose (2): Buffy, Turnov

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Electra (2): Joule, Coco

    Ruhrgold (4): Ashley, Pearl, Electra

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:04:57

  • I know what you mean Joule but I don't know who else to vote since I like Electra and I think Caboose might be more villager than Ruhrgold. Perhaps all of them are villager or electra is a wolf, I don't know.

  • To be honest, I am a little disappointed that Pearl didn't vote until now although she is the leader.

    I also do not like Electra switching now, but I liked her other posts so far..

  • <p>Es wird Nacht</p><p>-----------</p><woltlab-spoiler data-label="Stand Tag 2"><p>Caboose (2): Buffy, Turnov</p><p>Coco (1): Dinah</p><p>Electra (2): Joule, Coco</p><p>Ruhrgold (4): Ashley, Pearl, Electra</p></woltlab-spoiler>

  • To be honest, I am a little disappointed that Pearl didn't vote until now although she is the leader.

    I also do not like Electra switching now, but I liked her other posts so far..

    Its just that I wanted to safe myself at first with voting the more or less only option Caboose. But now Ruhrgold got also another option and as I already had a negative tendency towards him, I feel better voting him than Caboose.

  • Lynch 1 - A Lotta locomotion

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    Ruhrgold, the German ICE Train, is executed. He was a werewolf.

    Könnt ich sagen, was ich fühl

    Wie die Welt sich um mich dreht

    Und um was es bei dieser schlecht gespielten Farce in Wahrheit geht

    Du darfst dein Leben leben und ich bin wie Stein

    Uns’re Welt ist nicht dieselbe

    Und gefährlich, wenn man träumt


  • Nice :love:

    Pearl not a wolf either, I assume.

    I am still a bit unsure about Joule, but also think that it is rather unlikely that she played it like that as a wolf?

  • Lol. Well, that turned out better than expected. I will go back reading Ruhrgold. xD

    I somehow believe that makes Joule more villagery. Otherwise, their reaction would be quite cheeky.

  • Jugolas 3. Mai 2020 um 20:07

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | 14/15“ zu „Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | 13/15“ geändert.
  • Killua I apologize for my maybe a little bit aggresive words since the word was from the evil google translator. Your behaviour of directly listing all your feelings towards people is positive from my perspective.

  • Dear diary,

    Ruhrgold was a wolf, can you believe it? After recalling his interactions it might be possible that Dinah is a villager since his only direct back and forth interaction was with Dinah and was even initiated by Ruhrgold himsself. Furthermore, he says he likes Joule, Electra (but can change and it did eventually) and dislikes Ashley voting Rusty. My thoughts: Electra is rather wolf than Joule; and Ashley and Rusty are not wolves together.

    I need to hear what the others think about that.

    I love you my dear!



  • PS.: And the topic between Dinah and Ruhrgold was of all topics Greaseball's village standing. I wonder whether twi wolves would talk about their future target like that? However, this was yesterday morning, so it does not weight that much I admit.

  • Furthermore, he says he likes Joule, Electra (but can change and it did eventually) and dislikes Ashley voting Rusty. My thoughts: Electra is rather wolf than Joule; and Ashley and Rusty are not wolves together.

    Is that just because he said that he likes me an Joule? How does for example my behaviour against Ruhrgold fit into your theory that I am wolf? Same with Joule's last post before the end of the lynch.

    Or am I misunterstanding you here?

  • I think the reaction of Joule before we knew that he was a wolf, made her a villager. I think she should be quite safe now, unless she is really good in faking that and call a lynch neutral where a wolf comes out in the end.

    Kakuzu I am not so sure, Electra can be a teammate but still he was the one confirming the lynch and he could have also voted caboose easily. But without the vote, maybe I would have voted someone else to undo the due. Not an easy situation for Electra, but all in all I think he's good

    I like Dinah so far so that I would agree with her being a villager.
    But to be honest: I think you were really quick with reading through Ruhrgold and writing your thoughts... maybe too quick? I am a bit doubting at the moment, you seem to be a villager, but are you really one?

  • Why should Electra vote Ruhrgold like that, if they're wolves together. The only way I could a imagine a scenario like that would be if Caboose's also a wolf and I think it would be a strange coincidence if all of the three who got the most votes are wolves..

    I think this lynch makes Electra very likely to be a villager.