Hm okay. I think the most of the people who vote anyone else aren't both werwolves.
What would mean that for example Buffy is not wolf with Coco and Caboose.
From the for people votet so far from other people I don't see really a wolf by Coco.
Caboose could be, he seemed me a little bit overstrained.
Electra and Buffy I would say okay, could be, but they aren't my favorites at the moment.
I could imagine to vote Turnov or Ruhrgold at the moment. With the vote on Rusty I'm still okay, but it's a pure inactive vote.
As villagers I see Pearl, Coco, Dinah, Wrench, maybe Joule and Electra.
There are still some people I have no plan, because to less information like Volta or Flat Top.
I think right now I would change to VOTE:Ruhrgold
I'm still here until 7 PM, maybe there are some more information at this point.
Stand Tag 2
Buffy (1): Coco
Caboose (2): Buffy, Turnov
Coco (1): Dinah
Electra (1): Joule
Ruhrgold (1): Ashley
Verbleibende Zeit: 02:50:57