Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | victory: wolves

  • Hm okay. I think the most of the people who vote anyone else aren't both werwolves.

    What would mean that for example Buffy is not wolf with Coco and Caboose.

    From the for people votet so far from other people I don't see really a wolf by Coco.

    Caboose could be, he seemed me a little bit overstrained.

    Electra and Buffy I would say okay, could be, but they aren't my favorites at the moment.

    I could imagine to vote Turnov or Ruhrgold at the moment. With the vote on Rusty I'm still okay, but it's a pure inactive vote.

    As villagers I see Pearl, Coco, Dinah, Wrench, maybe Joule and Electra.

    There are still some people I have no plan, because to less information like Volta or Flat Top.

    I think right now I would change to VOTE:Ruhrgold

    I'm still here until 7 PM, maybe there are some more information at this point.


    Stand Tag 2

    Buffy (1): Coco

    Caboose (2): Buffy, Turnov

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Electra (1): Joule

    Ruhrgold (1): Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 02:50:57

  • You're quite a cheeky person, dear Electra.

    You might have convinced me already to shrug it of as a false alarm. (Also the post about Cocos recent argument indeed has something to it).

    I think thats villager-like behaviour, how Joule reacted here and changed his mind so quickly (and seems to have done that again during the day).

    Especially Electras last post sounded like: „Oh originally I liked Ruhrgolds post but now everyone says that’s not villager like so I will also say that“.

    My feeling is that this is a bit manipulating

    Im kinda surprised how many people have such a big problem with me saying that my opinion can still change. I feel like that’s kínd of a easy thing to take and say I’m a wolf. I mean I can understand why you all don’t like this sentence but also I feel some people just hop on that train.

    I also dont like how much effort you put into those few and rather small accusations. I miss the searching part a bit :/

    Also i liked yout first post.

    What did you especially like about his first post?

    But I could methink what you (an everyone else) is more critical, because it's a post about yourself and this post we interpret more subjective than others.

    What do you mean by that exactly?

    Greaseball was a brave boy, so sad he is gone now. he was the first one to talk and even dared talk bullshits. We should not forget Greaseball even he is dead now. Coco&Pearl both criticised him. But pay attention, Pearl did it first, and coco immediately followed. To me Coco is more suspicious. Did she want to set someone as a target as soon as possible? She distinguished the good and bad people toooo fast. I do not think it is helpful to villagers. If you are a villager, I hope you are smarter. Coco

    I dont like how Volta approaches questioning the cause of Greaseball's death. Seems a bit narrow-minded to me. And in my opinion as a wolf it would make sense to stir up some doubts about two active palyers.

    Volta is not in a team with Coco I think.

    Joule So sad Joule cannot be the leader, I would have voted for her. However I believe Pearl can be a good leader. She is trustworthy to me.

    Why did you have the need to emphasise this? Do you have a quite strong villager-like feeling regarding Joule?

    for me it seemed like you also found her suspicious above (even though coco is more suspicious for you) so i kinda dont understand how shes then trustworthy for you?

    I had the same thought there.

    Btw I liked the long post from Buffy where he voted Caboose. I can agree to auite a lot parts of that post if I remember correctly.

    So, after reading the last posts rather quickly, I got the following tendencies:

    Pearl: ++

    Coco: -

    Wrench: +

    Joule: (+)

    Ashley: ++

    Dinah: +++

    Caboose: ?

    Ruhrgold: --

    Turnov: ?

    Flat Top: ?

    Buffy: ++

    Volta: --

    Rusty: ?

    I dont trust VOTE:Volta


    Stand Tag 2

    Buffy (1): Coco

    Caboose (2): Buffy, Turnov

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Electra (1): Joule

    Ruhrgold (1): Ashley

    Volta (1): Electra

    Verbleibende Zeit: 02:04:24

  • same here. i just think his posts are nothing new, but lets see what else will come from him.

    In defence of him, this game hadn't much content at this point. In my opinion it was haed to find something new to talk about.

    Caboose says many things, which has just a little to do with the game, a light negative game.

    wow wow, stop that. As I read this I had the feeling this wasn't true so I looked up my posts. And I was right. Yes, I only have very short posts. Yes they don't cover all aspects of this game, but evry single one is about the game. Could you please show me were the "many things not aboz the game" are bevore you vote me for something like that?

  • Well I totally forgot the time around me kek.

    Anyway, I am totally up to get involved into the game. Just poke me and try me to get interacted with someone.

    But for sure not the way Ashley intented, cuz first of all there are so many ways to get someone active than a random vote.

    In addition to that, its really suspect, you said, that you vote me because you think I am werewolf.

    Based on exactly what?

    And later you explain to several ppl, that you just want to get me more active. Ooookay?!

    Anyway, I am off reading.

  • First of all, narrow-minded does not equal to the wolf. I have no extra information, and I did not have time to browse all the conversations so I made my conclusions.

    Based on my 'very few words', you can already put me to the very bad side...are not you more narrow-minded?

    Secondly, I am not delibrately stir up these two active players. 1. there are many active players, why I stir up them? Clearly there are bigger targets if I want to frame sb. up 2. I did not say they are wolves. What is my benefit of doing so? what I expressed is that we do not jump to conclusion based on very few evidence 3.I judge them because I got asked so. I would always be open to specific discussions to contribute my ideas.

  • I hope that I can read everything before the deadline and then make a good decision.

    It's actually funny that you say you want to read through everything to make a decision but you already set a vote in the same post?

    Besides that, I really like you. You seem really active to me, searching for suspicious people and all in a quite good way.

    I miss the searching part a bit

    Me too, Ruhrgold seemed more villager-like yesterday, today there were not really good posts right?

    I had the impression that ruhrgold is getting more active now and more in the game but I can't really see much outcome so far. But I am also not convinced yet of him being a werewolf although I don't really have a better idea.

    Volta is not in a team with Coco I think.

    Yes it doesn't look like it.

    So far I am not happy with this day since there are not many posts or real disscussions. I guess sunday is not the best day to discuss I also had less time than actually planned but family is always crossing plans

  • Dear diary,

    finally I have some time for you to share with you my experiences of today.

    What I need to tell you first is that I did not like Electra's reaction to Ashley's and my vote for Rusty. She is a little bit reluctant to exclude teams for this incidence. In my personal view, I don't think that Ashley and Rusty are a team for exactly this reason, and I have the impression that this general approach to the game is quite widespread among the participants, so I don't quite understand why nobody else's eye was caught by that? In addition, I think that if Electra is wolf, then Rusty and Ashley are not. I am also very eager to know what Ashley learnt about the game?

    Caboose seems to be a very emotional person who feels less comfortable in this place that he is used to. I am very sorry for him, and I think although he is a very good bad person, that this might make him a little more villagery to me since I can't quite well image that a wolf excuses himself with being emotionally distant to the game or the other participants.

    Pearl didn't realize I was drunk yesterday, so he is excused in being distrustful with respect to my entries yesterday. Also he asks me why I assess Ashley's Rusty vote as villager because villagers are more cautious. I strongly disagree with this since in my view it is rather a wolf that tends to play pleasant for others. But of course this doesn't exclude the possibility that Ashley is a person to which this does not apply.

    Speaking of Ashley: He caused frowns in saying that random votes are less useful at the start of the came compared to later. Maybe I can ask him why this is the case?

    Last issue in my entry is Buffy's evaluation of players. What is so special about it that someone (I think it was Joule) wondered that I vote for him? Still my vote is based on my negative evaluation of his entry and why not?

    In terms of his latest entry: I cannot understand why Joule and Caboose cannot be in a team because of HD vote? And why Caboose and Joule would fit perfectly together? I really can't remember what happened, so I will ask Buffy for clarification. But someone is right, this inconsistency between villager Electra and Electra is wolf when Joule is speaks in favor of a villager.

    That's it for now.

    I love you my dear!



  • PS.: VOTE:Electra


    Stand Tag 2

    Caboose (2): Buffy, Turnov

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Electra (2): Joule, Coco

    Ruhrgold (1): Ashley

    Volta (1): Electra

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:25:10

  • Ok, Turnov might be a villager.

    Why exactly? Seems totally out of the blue, no reference at all which part of Buffys post made you think that way.

    And furthermore I saw, that Pearl was asking a direct question towards Ashley, which she kinda ignored, I think.

    Anyway, you changed your vote, lets not spiral so much on a low detail part of the game. I still disagree with your approach, but I wont hold onto that anymore.

    So far I like Coco the most, she seems like sharing all deep thoughts, which is for me - as first impression - a sign for villager. Kinda-ish.

    Furthermore I think Pearl should be as well on the side of the good ppl, since she is active, sharing thoughts, asking good questions.

    They both stood out of the mass. On other ppl I haven´t a tendence to already say they might be villager or they might be werwolf.

    I think I am not going to vote for tonight, if this is possible. I should quickly read again the rules for voting.

  • Not so much happened in the meantime.

    A few more posts from Volta. If she was a wolf, it would be quite strange to talk to Coco like that (I have the sentence "I hope you are smarter than that if you're a villager" in mind) and also her reactions to Electra seem quite authentic.

    I didn't like Turnov's post. He evaluates everyone without actually saying a lot, which I don't like. Also I don't like his opinion, on Caboose for example. Turnov seems quite passive and not pro-active in this game. I really hope his headache is not so terrible.

    It also occured to me that Wrench has a pretty special position in this game. She seems much more in the questioning mode. The comments are usually quite good in my opinion, but I would wish for more opinions.

    Also I'm looking forward to Rusty's post.

    Btw, I still don't have a good feeling for Dinah. I don't know what it is, but it's there from the first day.

  • Dear diary,

    we have 15 minutes until a decision is due, and less than half votes?

    I'm especially interested why our leader Pearl hasn't voted yet!

    I love you, my dear!



  • Okay, more happend.

    I like Coco's post again.

    I didn't really like Rusty's post. His criticism towards Buffy is completely justified, and his opinion about Pearl and Coco is something I share. Nevertheless I would have hoped for more insight into his thoughts. As of now, it all seems a bit shallow, and also I got the impression that the question to Buffy about Turnov is a bit out of place. I had the thought that Rusty might be wolf with either Turnov or Buffy and tried to create either mindgames (If Turnov) or interaction (If Buffy) with one of his furry friends.

  • I was interessted, why Buffy thinks, that Turnov is a villager. Its for me totally out of the blue, as already shared.

    I can´t give you more insight, I was overflying the day, since I joined late and wanted to have an opinion, whether to vote or not to.

    Currently I don´t want to vote, as already shared too. The thought behind that is, we barely have information nor we have a "solid basis" of former games. So we would vote randomly into something with a higher chance to hit a villager.

    I would like to keep the random villager in the game than loosing to a lost villager.

    But thats just my 50 cents.

  • Well I have to admit that I would rather prefer VOTE:Caboose instead of myself.


    Stand Tag 2

    Caboose (3): Buffy, Turnov, Electra

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Electra (2): Joule, Coco

    Ruhrgold (1): Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:09:14

  • Could be just stop calling people narrow-minded? i mean everyone should be able to share their opinion, but calling someone narrow-minded is an insult. :/

    I really like Electra and I don't want them to get lynched, I find their posts to be quite comprehensible. At the moment I can't really imagine them being a wolf.

    However, I hope the rest of us will vote now, because the voting is way too split up and I think that makes it easy for wolfs to manipulate it.

  • I was interessted, why Buffy thinks, that Turnov is a villager. Its for me totally out of the blue, as already shared.

    I can´t give you more insight, I was overflying the day, since I joined late and wanted to have an opinion, whether to vote or not to.

    Currently I don´t want to vote, as already shared too. The thought behind that is, we barely have information nor we have a "solid basis" of former games. So we would vote randomly into something with a higher chance to hit a villager.

    I would like to keep the random villager in the game than loosing to a lost villager.

    But thats just my 50 cents.

    Nah, not voting is the opposite of generating new information. So, if you want to have more infos, you should definitely vote imo.

  • I am really unsure what to do, but I think I will go for VOTE:Ruhrgold


    Stand Tag 2

    Caboose (3): Buffy, Turnov, Electra

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Electra (2): Joule, Coco

    Ruhrgold (3): Ashley, Pearl

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:06:18

  • Kuzan: Yes, your thought process is fine, but not voting for anyone is not realistic in this situation. Why don't you dare making your opinions concrete by voting, even if the foundations are weak? It's tactically wrong if you're a villager.

  • Oh sorry, I didnt mean something negative with narrow-minded. (Blame Google-Translator for that :D)