Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | victory: wolves

  • well why you shoudnt have a chocie? rly weird

    Can you quickly say why? What's your opinion about Electra? And what's your opinion about Electra's opinions?

    bc iirc i didnt liked her post and i only didnt liked the one statement of ruhrgold.

    after yesterday i feel like electra is a villager and i also like her posts, but i think i already expressed that today

    i dont have her opinions in mind, so i cant tell you sth. about this atm, but you can asks about a specific one if you want.

    This is something I liked from Flat Top.

    and all in all?

    this post just proved for me that Joule is a villager. I rly liked his thoughts there and he didnt backed away when i asked about the vote thing

    You can’t explain properly, why either Joule or me are shady, can you?

    well it seems like you didnt read her post, regarding Joule, cause i think she stated that:thinking:

  • No Panic, your leader is almost there!!

    I have to say I like it that there are more votes there today, I am just not sure whether I like the distribution of them, but I will try to vote as quickly as possible. I am sadly still busy with thinking, reading and drawing conclusions.

    I don't understand how you got to that no-team conclusion.

    Can you explain that a little bit more?

    Ruhrgold-buffy I would say its more likely that Buffy for some reason just liked him or his introduction as a villager than really as a wolve. Since as a wolve most people are more careful and usually only put a cowolve saver if there are reasons for that. Buffy seemed at that point not really like a person that actually thought very long about that opinion and how she could justify her thoughts. Which makes it for me a bit more likely hat buffy is not a teammate to Ruhrgold. I see her anyway not too bad so far I think. She reminds me of some players that usually just write whatever they are thinking no matter whether it could be suspicious or not.

    What do you think was better today?

    I have nothing there in mind that showed up specific villagery.

    about Ashley, I don't know, yesterday evening I was unsure and rather wanted to vote with my villagers Joule and Electra but I felt more comfortable with Ruhrgold as a lynch. I think Ashley showed on both days that she is thinking a lot, drawing conclusions and trying to show what she means, generates activity and reactions. I would consider her to be a villager. I think also her reaction after the lynch seemed authentic, unless I am not messing her up with someone else? Nevertheless, I think all in all she is different but quite good so far. Might be different when I read her again but I guess this is not the right time for rethinking everyone.

    As is said i tried my best!

    I think you are doing well. I liked you in the beginning ( cannot remember why, but there must have been a reason) and some of your posts show that you are thinking and trying to be present in the game. For now you are totally fine

    Hm okay, I'm surprised about that. It felt so far that you trust me and votet because of this on Ruhrgold.

    No, I am mostly not really looking on who voted who, but since there were only so few voted yesterday I was quite unsure. And you were not really my favourite villager at least not a person I would trust instantly. I am really more having my own mind ;)

    Can me say somebody some striking point about Dinah. She's a little bit out of my focus today.

    Iirc Dinah had a quite authentic reaction to the lynch yesterday and some good thoughs throughout the game aswell. Maybe not as much as others but all in all with her start, the way she defended herself in the beginning and so on, I had the impression that she is a good person

    Furtermore I like Flat tops actual activity, Wrench posts today I liked.

    Do you only liked flat tops activity or also the content or the style of his posts?

    So villagers for today: Joule, Electra, wrench, Dinah, Ashley,

    there were some things I liked in buffys Posts and I would see her rather villager like than wolves.

    Coco is active, villager-like but I am not really sure so far whether I am right there.

  • sometimes it felt a little bit played imo. but i like his reaction to buffy

    This is just a placeholder to say that it's striking how often Wrench says things I totally agree on. Still, his style is somehow too neutral to make me sure of him being a villager (and some people just have the talent to spot many truths as a wolf too).
    Obelix: Do something crazy please.

    But whoever said that my vote was pure luck, thats not nice at all! Especially since half of the people that person listet, I would not have votet. Nevertheless, I wasn't sure with Ruhrgold, but I can ensure you that I was thinking about everything quite long so that my vote was not out of the blue.

    Maybe you mean me, but I think you even called yourself lucky after the lynch. I don't think it's pure luck btw, there are certainly factors that lead to you voting Ruhrgold instead of someone else. I just tried to explain some point and for that I listed some people that were (in my point of view) in a similar position than Ruhrgold. Maybe for you that was a different set of people.
    Anyway, sorry if you took it personally. I'm very happy about your decision :D

    :hug: No i'm not mad. It is okay, if you think so.

    As is said i tried my best!

    And I think your a villager. That is enough for me at the moment. :)

    Okay for me it seemed a little bit like a dagger in the neck when you turned my caution into a wolfsign.

    Maybe we can put aside that for a while.

    What ist your opinion about carboose at that moment?

    This gave me a feeling of Flat Top villager again. I'm seriously confused by him. His mood seems so inconsistent and I really don't know why he would act so strongly. I don't even think it makes a lot of sense as a werewolf.
    In any case, Flat Top is probably just a really strange person and I might start just going for pure content instead of reading something into the tone.

    Can me say somebody some striking point about Dinah. She's a little bit out of my focus today.

    Furtermore I like Flat tops actual activity

    About Dinah: Nothing striking, but in my opinion, she has too much of a villager-label for what she has actually done in this game. Compared to you for example (I think you have done much more.) Maybe that's just my opinion, but anyway. I find that suspicious.
    What do you think about Flat Tops content?

    untypical for who or what? xD a villager, a wolf, my as a person?

    so enough "pretty"s from me at that point

    Buffy seems so self-centered (which is normally a small villager sign) but also incredibly self-aware about her post (which I know from myself rather as a werwolf). I don't like it.

    can you explain, what you like about buffy?

    Yeah, I had just been scanning all the posts at that point and it seemed to me as if Buffy exposed herself a lot and put herself in the middle of a conversation. After reading more thoroughly, I don't really like her anymore.

    Beside of this I think I would actually vote on VOTE:Volta

    Yeah, I have to say that Volta is someone who really didn't do a lot so far. I hope she can start actually doing something. I still have a plus from the very little content she has created, so I don't want to kill her today. But it might be inevitable that Mulan is lynched soon.

    Also, I wanted to say that Rusty has something to him that I find villagery. He is somehow very confident and critical at the same time. He doesn't create that much content but tbh, I think the density of actually useful stuff is higher than in the post of some other people.

  • Cause, both of them seem bit shady to me, but I've also a TE so only one of them could be. But that's just me and my stupid theories xD

    well it seems like you didnt read her post, regarding Joule, cause i think she stated that

    Obelix, I am reffering to the top quote.
    explained with the word shady. Furthermore „bit“ - seems like its connecting random dots with each other, and throwing shady into it.
    Shady can mean so much, it’s not specific.

    But keep dubios with Buffy, lol.

  • Looool ok, I've to admit, I would kiss Joule for this post, think he's villager xD (Nevertheless if I was that self-aware, I would've seen my "my-me"-mistake:P)

  • So many ppl are talkin bout Turnov being a possible wolf , but no one is really voting them?

    Did you draw a conclusion from that observation?

    I'm a little bit struggling with Pearl's assumptions about regular wolf and villager play. Why should a wolf (Rusty, to be more specific) be more actively involved in the game? And why should a villager have better thoughts?

    Well depending on the conditions but in some games I found it easier to get into when I was a werewolve than as a villager. But it really depends on the content and anonymous games are anyway special and more difficult.
    Well villagers can have unique thoughts or feeling and are usually not swimming with all the others. Even if the conclusions are teh same, that someone is a villager, usually the reasons for that are a bit different. But I guess its hard to say and probably not even possible to really devide here between rather wolve-like or villager-like behaviour in a usual game since this is special.

    Vote earlier, dunno. But it's an action that could've come from a HD-Wolf as well

    You're right. For today I won't be able to do it better and I hope you don't see me negative because of that. I will try to be earlier tomorrow.

    this post just proved for me that Joule is a villager. I rly liked his thoughts there


    Anyway, sorry if you took it personally. I'm very happy about your decision

    No worries, I am not that affected by things like that. I am happy too and I will as promised give my best today aswell.

  • xplained with the word shady. Furthermore „bit“ - seems like its connecting random dots with each other, and throwing shady into it.

    Sheesh, "bit" short for "a bit" (thought that would be clear) and shady=wolfish

    If that helps u xD (u=you)

  • I know this is a really shitty move and I already want to apologize, but I'm just most comfortable with VOTE:Turnov right now.


    Stand Tag 3

    Buffy (1): Flat Top

    Rusty (3): Coco, Buffy, Wrench

    Turnov (2): Caboose, Joule

    Volta (2): Electra, Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:26:01

  • No Panic, your leader is almost there!!

    *panics to tease pearl*

    This is just a placeholder to say that it's striking how often Wrench says things I totally agree on. Still, his style is somehow too neutral to make me sure of him being a villager (and some people just have the talent to spot many truths as a wolf too).
    Wrench : Do something crazy please.

    well besides your opinion on me, having the same thoughts shouldnt be used as a villager argument ^^

    and i dont have to do sth. crazy, i AM crazy :P

    Buffy seems so self-centered (which is normally a small villager sign) but also incredibly self-aware about her post (which I know from myself rather as a werwolf). I don't like it.

    i agree on that, so do you think it also speaks for caboose as villager? atleast for me he also seemed very self centered today

    Wrench , I am reffering to the top quote.
    explained with the word shady. Furthermore „bit“ - seems like its connecting random dots with each other, and throwing shady into it.
    Shady can mean so much, it’s not specific.

    i knew which one you were refering to, but was i meant is that she stated why Joule is suspicious for her this morning and yesterday. i dont like your aggresivity right now

  • Flat Top, why do you do this? I answered your question! I recited that part and explained it a second time for you directly after! I really don‘t want to explain it a third time. :/

    I feel like no one is reading what I‘m saying, I could cry. xD

    However, I‘ve read it all now and I‘m a little less confident than before. Yesterday I explained why I think one out of Joule or Buffy could be a wolf and I thought it is more likely to be Jouled but after reading the last pages I actually find Buffy to be more suspicious. VOTE:Buffy

    I‘d still prefer lynching Coco but that won‘t happen anyway today.

    I think it‘s unfair to lynch Turnov if he‘s not here, so I won‘t do that. :/

    I try to reread Rusty now, I really don‘t remeber a lot from him.


    Stand Tag 3

    Buffy (2): Flat Top, Dinah

    Rusty (3): Coco, Buffy, Wrench

    Turnov (2): Caboose, Joule

    Volta (2): Electra, Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:15:15

  • xplained with the word shady. Furthermore „bit“ - seems like its connecting random dots with each other, and throwing shady into it.

    Sheesh, "bit" short for "a bit" (thought that would be clear) and shady=wolfish

    If that helps u xD (u=you)

    you don’t need to translate the words, I am quite fluently with the words.

    I am talkin about it on a meta-level.
    Still shady and bit are vacant, furthermore generalized hence the exactitude what you exactly mean is shady about me.

  • VOTE:Buffy


    Stand Tag 3

    Buffy (3): Flat Top, Dinah, Rusty

    Rusty (3): Coco, Buffy, Wrench

    Turnov (2): Caboose, Joule

    Volta (2): Electra, Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:12:06

  • Nothing to say bout thaat xD

    but VOTE:Volta


    Stand Tag 3

    Buffy (3): Flat Top, Dinah, Rusty

    Rusty (2): Coco, Wrench

    Turnov (2): Caboose, Joule

    Volta (3): Electra, Ashley, Buffy

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:10:37

  • Dear diary,

    I will complain about our leader later but at the moment I'm just mad!

    So much motivation! So much time! So much competence!

    I'm very disappointed!

    I love you my dear!



  • I would love to see Pearl's vote since it is more important than usual when few people vote.

    Me too :/

    Alright, looking at the lynch list so far:

    Well I read Rusty and I found him kind of honest and not really werewolve like. I saw quite some opinion in his posts today, not the last ones, they really confused me and I felt like I could only understand half of them and also don't get why he postet that instead of normal sentences?

    I was reading through Turnov earlier today, there were some things I did not understand, like for example how he can find Joule searcing, reflekting but then still her post leave a bad feeling? For me that is quite contrasting, either someone really looks searching and therefore villager-like or not. Another think I did not understand was how he can have me quite positive, at least thats something he said, giving me small village points to than lateron put me in different werewolve teams? I also had the feeling that in case he is wolve, Coco might be one too since I did not liked the way he evaluated her. Left me a slightly bad feeling.
    But I found him not really teamy with Ruhrgold since Ruhrgold reacted to his assumption that the mans in this game are the werewolves with a comment and some smileys. But I guess thats only a small reason. But still why should he say he believes in male werewolves when he is one and at least his character male aswell?

    Does not really fit for me. Although this is kind of my most suspicious person ;(

    Reading through volta also didn't gave me a strong feeling for either wolve or villager. The passage pover Coco and me criticising Greaseball was really weird, but why should a wolve reflect the person he just ate? Also this I hope coco would be smarter as a villager than that was really weird? Furthermore the other thinking about the night kill was suspicious but not really suitable as a werewolves unless it was his goal to leave this impression.

    Buffy as menntionned before seems to be a rather relaxed villager who just writes whatever comes to her mind. Not really an option for me today

    Ok that helped me absolutely nothing. I will look at the standing now and then rethink again.

    Sry for being late and indecesive