Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | victory: wolves

  • I think, Pearl and Coco acted strange, but Pearl is the person I think is worse. Because the execution yesterday wherte Pearl gave the deciding vote is strange to me.

    Alright you can have the opinion but please try to stay updated in the game. You caqn find me suspicious but what have you done for the village? I cannot see it! So in case you actually want to participate in the game then please say something else than that!
    I am not proud of yesterday but I am proud of the day before. And these reactions of you are really weird and somehow suspicious... I mean a villager also reads the night posts, so come on!

    Im almost convinced that Turnov is a villager! How can you be in such a way... besides everything that happens here?!? I am furious but still think it's a mistake to vote for him!

    I think that he is lying... I mean everyone reads at least the SL posts at some point and then thinks about the information in there.. And buffy wrotet her solution on the same game page than the post in which Rusty died, so its kind of easy to find...

  • Wow, that's like a heck of a job...rereading my posts, respect for that

    Is that still valid? I guess not but do you remember why you were thinking that?

    no, oh god I was so wrong back then...with like really everything ;( I thought that about some weird interaction or a vote...can't remember exactly, sry...could look through my memos, do you want me to do that?

    Joule is now in your village I think, but you mentionned before why one of them should be a wolf, so why now not anymore? Although I am also doubting Joule is a wolf.

    Yeah Joule is definitely a villager

    You said that about caboose. What do you think about that now that Rusty was a villager?

    Ohhhh myyy....nevermind that. Think between Rusty and me that was kind of personal...as personal as it can get in an anonymous game. I am sorry for that

    What did you like so much about Joule on that post btw?

    there were some really relateable thoughts, It was very relatable

    MHm iirc Caboose had Turnov already longer as a suspicious person and not really another one so negative. Correct me if I am worng but I found it logical that this was the only person he could have voted. I am anyway thinking that there are some leveling wolves here since the situation for them besides the Ruhdgold lynch doesn't look too bad, depending on who they are and how much.

    Hmmm...wouldn't agree with that. But nevertheless I see your point.

  • Im almost convinced that Turnov is a villager! How can you be in such a way... besides everything that happens here?!? I am furious but still think it's a mistake to vote for him!

    I am afraid, because you seem sooo sure.

    VOTE:Flat Top


    Stand Tag 4

    Buffy (1): Flat Top

    Caboose (1): Coco

    Flat Top (2): Ashley, Buffy

    Turnov (4): Joule, Pearl, Wrench

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:39:01

  • Kim Possible: I don't think it helps me at the moment so its not needed.
    And reading you was easier and quicker than reading flat top

    why? i rly didnt saw anything that made buffy stand out as a villager compared to flat top

    She is authentic? leaving actual thoughts there, trying to explain herself?

    Thus, we have 3 persons to vote?

    Caboose, Turnov, Flat Top

    Still I think that Caboose and Turnov are not wolves together. So: consensus would be Flat Top?

    Mhm not so sure whethere I share that consensus. Give me ten more minutes please, I wanna rethink that.
    And I am not convinced by wrench. Sorry to say that but I still consider him. At least depending on whether we will find a wolf today or not. I really hope we do, otherwise this game is gonna get worse. There is also still a point where I am doubting about Joule but I guess there are other candidates first that will be more likely werewolves.

    So give me a moment to rethink flat top.

    What about Caboose by the way?

  • Dear Pearl,

    I accepted your villagers Buffy and Ashley that I don't have. So it's a valuable exchange for you to accept Wrench when I accept them.



  • Wickie: Sorry, no spectacular conclusion for you. You can still be a werewolf (and if not, I don't think you were useless or anything, don't say that.)

    I'm not really happy that Coco's opinion is so different from mine! I guess I will eventually have to follow, but it leaves a bad feeling.

  • Caboose says many things, which has just a little to do with the game, a light negative game.

    wow wow, stop that. As I read this I had the feeling this wasn't true so I looked up my posts. And I was right. Yes, I only have very short posts. Yes they don't cover all aspects of this game, but evry single one is about the game. Could you please show me were the "many things not aboz the game" are bevore you vote me for something like that?

    there was one certai reaction from you (that i reread today) that makes me fell its unlikely,

    Can you show me which reaction it was?

    the one above

    She is authentic? leaving actual thoughts there, trying to explain herself?

    would totally agree with authentic but youre right, i overflowed flats post today again and i must had somethign else in mind. he wasnt actualla that villagery xD

  • Caboose : Sorry, no spectacular conclusion for you. You can still be a werewolf (and if not, I don't think you were useless or anything, don't say that.)

    :( I love answering questions about me : sweat-smile But not getting an interesting conclusion is meh. I'm just genuinely interestet (after Flat-Top answerd) could you tell me which response would lead to villager and which to wolf?



    Stand Tag 4

    Buffy (1): Flat Top

    Caboose (1): Coco

    Flat Top (2): Ashley, Buffy

    Turnov (5): Joule, Pearl, Wrench, Caboose

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:28:17

  • Ashley and Buffy are on flat top, doesnt sound too bad?

    Alright things about flat top. There was one discussion with Buffy that flat top stopped; Flat top thought buffy wants to convice others that something of him was bad, flat top suggested then to lay that discussion aside. I asked myself whether that was a villager -wolf discussion and he thought that he might get too obv as a wolf or so when the discussion would have went on?
    What I found weird was that he had buffy negative but still asked her for opinions, even though before he did not shared hers, before he was unsure, could not see positive or negative things in her post, but voted her later. He always said he is unsure about her, not really something wolf like besides that he thought she is manipulating or convincing others.
    before 217: buffy - rheingold he found not village like, he found her confusing
    he didn't like wrench post, so specific village image of Ashley

    Today he is not giving that much thoughts so far and has no opinion on caboose or turnov, a bit suspicious. Also to say that...

    In the beginning I had the impression when he said that turnov "we should use the terms villager-like and Wolf-like" is good, but he won't judge it. I was thinking that it sounds like he want to say " Look here everyone I have said something..." at least I haven't really seen a point in saying that. First interaction was to turnov whether turnov thinks himself he could become a leader and is better than others.
    But he also asked me something similar. First impressions were on me and coco that we are outstanding, Likes greaseball, critics Dinah for roleplay and looking manipulative and Joule seems to be a nice guy... for some reason I am not so sure I like the comment about Joule.

    wuite some interactions with greaseball then

    what I did not liked was then #211 so after the first lynch where he was not there. He criticized rustys post that there was not much because he did not wanted to leave informations. I found that a bit overreacted since Rusty asked some other players for opinions and said something to ashley aswell and not just to coco and pearl who flat top seemed as too easy villager canidates. I was wondering whether a wolf would rather make those conclusions about not letting enough information there? Perhaps more villagers than wolves but still I did not liked that

    Besides that there was lots of things he said but nothing that was suspsicious so far. I really don't know what to say than yes he can be a wolf, but he also can't be. I don't know. I will look quickly on the new posts.

    Sry coco, need another 5 minutes

  • I accepted your villagers Buffy and Ashley that I don't have. So it's a valuable exchange for you to accept Wrench when I accept them.

    Oh ok, I will accept him for today. I am still unsure with which person I rather want to vote?

    And don't you think that Turnov is lying at the moment? do you think its possible or rather impossible? Well his game is all in all really weird... Maybe he is playing with us, maybe not.

    I don't know, let's see how people react on that VOTE:Flat Top


    Stand Tag 4

    Buffy (1): Flat Top

    Caboose (1): Coco

    Flat Top (4): Ashley, Buffy, Pearl

    Turnov (3): Joule, Wrench, Caboose

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:18:56

  • Dear Pearl,

    Im so uncertain about Turnov. Game says he needs to die, stomach says he is a villager with that apart-from-anything game.



  • by the way , today in '334 flat top said first that he does not have a specific feeling to caboose, turnov and wrench but then he said wrench a bit positive...

    -> Team? flat top villager who corrects his opinion? Wolf flat top to villager wrench a bit unlikely unless caboose and turnov are his collegues and he did not wanted them to stand there alone.

    by the way, I think Ashley is also thinking that buffy is a villager so if ashley is good, buffy might be good too, at least the chance might be higher?

  • Wickie: I can't tell you. Sorry. It was an experiment anyway, and the chances I'm smarter after it were kinda low anyway.

    Captain Hook: What reactions do you expect? I will vote for whoever you guys vote, and I guess everyone else as well.

    If you want to know my opinion, Flat Top is not the best choice for today, but it's still possible that he is a werewolf. So basically I just hope that you two are right.

  • I would be especially interested in a reaction from Flat Top

    I'm not really happy that Coco's opinion is so different from mine! I guess I will eventually have to follow, but it leaves a bad feeling.

    I have a similiar problem with Cocos opinions to Wrench and Turnov

    I understand the thoughts she have about them, but I still don't see a village there both of them are good.

  • VOTE:Turnov


    Stand Tag 4

    Buffy (1): Flat Top

    Flat Top (4): Ashley, Buffy, Pearl

    Turnov (4): Joule, Wrench, Caboose, Coco

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:13:31

  • PS: This was bullshit...

    VOTE:Flat Top


    Stand Tag 4

    Buffy (1): Flat Top

    Flat Top (5): Ashley, Buffy, Pearl, Coco

    Turnov (3): Joule, Wrench, Caboose

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:12:23

  • I mean technically we have three wolves or so, so we don't have to find one specific one, just anyone.
    I am still thinking that Turnov might be a wolve. I don't know what to say about caboose besides that he is possible. Joule was a bit less present today in the game. I hope to hear more detailed conclusions from her again, I found them quite helpful. Wrench is for me an option als wolve aswell but not so urgently and I also see your points that wrench can be villager.

  • VOTE: Flat Top


    Stand Tag 4

    Buffy (1): Flat Top

    Flat Top (6): Ashley, Buffy, Pearl, Coco, Joule

    Turnov (2): Wrench, Caboose

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:10:44