Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | victory: wolves

  • Here is the first Greaseball. I only had one guess:

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    Buffy - Lark/(Michael)

    I am sorry for dejoining 'cause of privacy problems. Maybe I got it till night :ugly:


    Noo, your wrong

  • Hi, it's Dinah again!

    Thank you for this game, Jugolas!

    I was extremely motivated at first, because I really liked the roleplay part of this game. However, as everyone started criticizing me for that, I didn't have the courage to continue the RP part, which I found to be a pity.

    Nevertheless, I really liked my role! But I think being the Strolch in an anonymous game is quite hard, especially since my night one decisions turned out to be quite difficult.

    Kim Possible I'm not mad at all, I mean: It was the right thing to do for you. All of my three "enemies" were villagers, so me still being in the game would have been another threat for the village (which I didn't believe at first: I really thought you're a wolf and I was just hoping for Coco and Joule to be the first NK's since most of the players found them to be quite villagery.)

    Yet, I'm a little cheesed with myself for not having enough time on my last day, maybe I could have improved my standing.

    Thanks y'all.



  • oh and thx to Jugolas for the game and asking me to help out ^^ i was struggeling with the decision to join the game from the start, bc of the language *shy

  • For me, the Rusty and Flat Top lynch were very frustrating for me. Especially because I was almost at the point where Flat Top was the most likely other Nachtwächter, which I couldn't say (it was between him and Caboose).

    Why did you not tried to convince us to vote someone else than flat top? And how could you actually guess who would be the other Nachtwächter? Do you have a good strategy that you wanna share with me?

    I don't think you played worse later in the game.

    :love: Thank you!!! I was so frustrated after the Rusty lynch and so much motivated to do better but as I said, I found it really hard to make good conclusions. And yes it is difficult when players are inactive or are hard to read anyway... I mean I was unsure about you aswell, but you would have probably been the last wolf if there is no one else left. I really liked your thoughts and enjoyed playing with you. Thank you!

    for Joule

    You are right! You are actually, as far as I know the first person that guessed me right ( or even thought about me taking part in the game :D). How did you know or rather since when? I did not tried to play completely different than usual, just less smileys but I am quite sure that my long evaluating posts outed me :D And there is not really another player probably that would fit my style.
    To be honest, I thought you are Coco, cause I found it funny that you would write in diary style :D I am so bad in guessing^^ I know who you are (Jugolas told me so, I hope thats ok? )

    for Caboose

    You are right, how did you know? I don't think it's hard to guess me, but I rather thought that other players would guess me more easily.

    Hiro why did you voted Ruhrgold?

  • i was struggeling with the decision to join the game from the start, bc of the language *shy

    You were totally fine! I had the impression that you were able to write everything you wanted to and it was not difficult to understand. I am just quite critical and not a big fan of writing I in small letters, american english or youth style (kinda). But that is something that has nothing to do with the game, with you and is nothing I would expect here. Especially since I do a lot of grammar mistakes myself and I am not good in using werewolf vocabulary so I am not in the position to complain about someone else not knowing that either. And as I said, I think you were fine :)

    By the way, is it normal that I used so often the word "since"? I don't think so, if someone know the correct use of the word please let me know!

  • i was struggeling with the decision to join the game from the start, bc of the language *shy

    You were totally fine! I had the impression that you were able to write everything you wanted to and it was not difficult to understand. I am just quite critical and not a big fan of writing I in small letters, american english or youth style (kinda). But that is something that has nothing to do with the game, with you and is nothing I would expect here. Especially since I do a lot of grammar mistakes myself and I am not good in using werewolf vocabulary so I am not in the position to complain about someone else not knowing that either. And as I said, I think you were fine :)

    By the way, is it normal that I used so often the word "since"? I don't think so, if someone know the correct use of the word please let me know!

    its just that I (extra for you ;) ) usually dont care about writing things with capital letters so it just happens ^^

    I (again ;) ) also rly like to use "well" at the start and "kinda" often, i ( :P ) think thats also not normal xD

  • Thank you, I thought so that you don't care about that and I also sometimes don't pay too much attention on it and thats ok. I got used to it^^

    I am not so sure whether kinda is actually a real word (maybe AE), I would prefer kind of. But that does not matter much here anyway.

  • i was struggeling with the decision to join the game from the start, bc of the language *shy

    By the way, is it normal that I used so often the word "since"? I don't think so, if someone know the correct use of the word please let me know!

    It's not incorrect, you can use them interchangeably. At least most native people also use 'since' like that in many cases. However, it is a little more formal than 'because' and you often use it if the result of something is more important than the actual reason. Yet, it can cause problems in sentences in which it is unclear whether your intention is to refer to time or to a cause.

  • For Pearl

    I had you really really early, I think post one or two xD Your energy just seemd like you and your motivation towards the HD and the smileys

  • Coco, how did you guess it? :ugly:

    but I can guess the part where you got me, might have been early in the game, right?

    And funny fact, third night I would have crashed at Ashley her place. Sad. Kinda had mixed feeling, some people said she is on the good side. Personally I was still confused by the way she played early on, picking me out while there have been different option. And the back off later seemed too easy.

  • Thank you Stella ! I usually don't really think about english grammar ( to be honest, I just start talking without thinking what I want to say and how in every language... not good sometimes). But it did not feel wrong so I was quite sure that in most cases I used it correctly.

    for Caboose

    Thats surprising. I mean my motivation was definitely something that can show my real identity, also the part that this game was actually made for me (Thank you very much Jugolas! It was actually my idea. I wanted to have an english game before I play the mafia championship and Jugolas made that real for me! ). So I thought it must be obvious that I will take part in it
    But the smileys I don't understand since I really tried to use only a few and a lot of the other players used more. And it was really a lot of less smileys than usual! Because me being motivated = lots of smileys :D

  • I am just quite critical and not a big fan of writing I in small letters, american english or youth style (kinda)

    Well, I hope you can forgive my writing style. I changed my "typical" English a lot. Usually I never use shortcuts or American slang, but did not want to give away my identity that easy:) (it was truly helpful watching an American trash-show simultaneously^^)

  • And funny fact, third night I would have crashed at Ashley her place.

    That would have completly changed the game!


    I feel so guilty and sorry!
    I really seem to be unable to evaluate you since this was now the second time that I wanted to lynch you as a villager. Any ideas how I can get a better read on you?

  • Well, I hope you can forgive my writing style. I changed my "typical" English a lot

    No worries. As I said before, I won't complain about anyone and I was suprised that most of the posts from everyone where quite easy to read.
    I sadly don't know your typical english but I can tell you that rereading you helped me to guess your identity. But it was more your playing style than actually some of the words although they fitted to your reaction and personality kind of.

  • Nah, its difficult to break it down.

    Besides, it depends more on the role than on the general gameplay-style.

    I really tried to find a narrow ridge, due I have been a scanning role.

  • I sadly don't know your typical english but I can tell you that rereading you helped me to guess your identity. But it was more your playing style than actually some of the words although they fitted to your reaction and personality kind of.

    I tried extremely hard not to get recognized:) I felt really bad and unfriendly not using emotes or smiles. And it was very hard not to great you:(. Although the toughest moment was the discussion with Rusty and Caboose. I love you all, hope you know that.

  • yeah thank you all for the game, i liked it :) especially of course my wolf team

    and i felt quit lonely in the wolves conversation :( we rly didnt talked that much. And i just sugested to random kill Greaseball (sorry for that) bc of his number of posts and i just joined so i didnt had any clue on who to kill

    Sorry, normally I'm a active wolf in the conversation, but this time I tried to ignore being wolf as far as possible. Not because of you, just another way of playing, i tried.

    My guesses (probably I'm really wrong, but than you can have fun xD )

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    Pearl = Sunny
    Buffy = Blacky
    Joule = Michael
    Wrench = Fayks?
    Caboose = oh my god, I'm so sure I know you really good, but I still don't have a plan

    Electra = Dave
    Dinah = Daro
    Flat Top = Lark or Jewel
    Turnov = LB
    Ruhrgold = Doubter
    Greaseland = Kimberly

    Myself I will tell you tomorow (if Jugo spoilers you not to much :ugly: ) but I want to see who you think I am. Maybe I was intelligent enough to make myself to one of my guesses, maybe not :ugly: