Beiträge von Sunset

    I like ChunkShark and Duck so far.

    But im not so sure about Duck.

    Ling's first post after the night. I'd normally say, this is a very clear sign that chunkshark was healed, but I'm a bit confused how both the healer AND the wolves would think it would be a good idea to pick the new guy in the very first night?

    Also, even though I don't like books outing, I like the anti-outing from chunk even less. Great.

    Which means I'm currently deciding if the old man is either Xsí or Sunny. It's not going so well.

    Same for me, book is just writing nothing and shark is so weird.

    But I really doubt that shark was the nk1 and heal. It must have been Daro or ling itself. At least that would be more realistic.
    Nicer it would be if it was shark, then we would have a save townie.
    But if that’s the case would the wolves not have killed him now? Instead of Alexa?

    I thought quite a while today whether I should out myself or not. But not outing kind of means that I need to accept xsis wrong outing which would be really bad in this situation since it doesn’t make sense for her to do that as a villager and she as a mayor need to be taken out of the game as a wolf.
    And not outing my self also means that I will be lynched or anyway be held for the old man, at least the wolves would know.

    But besides the outing, I would have tried to analyse the lynch more but to be honest, I feel lost and I don’t know whether I would have found a wolf by just reading around. It’s really hard right now.
    I probably would have just lynched book… she hasn’t done anything today to convince me that she is town. Shark is not better so far.

    Reading your posts at least gives me the feeling that you’re a townie who wants to solve this game. So I guess I trust you the most

    I don't get ur point Xsí. We don't know whether Daro was a vanilla or a freemason right? Which means there could be now two vanillas living or one vanilla and one mason.

    --> Ergo one Wolf between einhorn, Shark and Book

    And then you als a Wolf.

    To be honest, its more likely that the mason is still alive, therefore einhorn can be probably a bit townier than the rest.

    But when it comes to teams, I don't know with whom I see you more likely.

    I tried to reread you Xsí, but did not help me that much. You have einhorn as a townie, you voted Leon quite early yesterday, maybe to save book, but maybe also just to go for one direction which is fine.

    With LB, you already talked early with Ente that you would lynch him, but you also agreed with Ente on voting him in the evening and trying to find a better wolf through out the day. Since I know that you don't like people not writing much and are kind of a fan of voting them out early it doesn't help much.

    btw if the old man got attacked I see literally no reason not to out that since in that case all roles are indeed spent. Then we know that it was not because of Lings protection.

    I guess so. I was thinking in terms of making the final role call harder on the wolves, but it's not like they need our help to figure out whom they ate.

    Maybe its cause I am kinda a newbie in outing active games and always careful with outing, but I would have never said that. Especially since u are the HD and your standing was better than mine.

    I was always trying to stop the outing, but if you havent seen a problem in outing.

    Thats just something I found.

    I don't know who is the cowolf of Xsí, but at the moment, if einhorn stays with book plaing like a villager, then maybe I was wrong with shark. At least his post was kinda weird.

    I am sorry but I can't get more out of Xsís posts and the game so far, I find it really difficult.

    The only thing that is for sure, if we lynch wrong today, the wolves will win.

    i was already wondering if the real freamason died and we are two villagers or just one... but since i am a basic bitch villager...

    We still don't know that. Either of you three can be Wolf.

    I will have a look on what Xsí posted so far. I just hope that we can somehow end this day and find the other wolf.

    By the way, I am not having much time today so in case you don't believe me, I am sry, I tried my best. I will be gone before 7 and I don't know whether I can get enough internet connection later on.

    Well since I don't see any reason why a villager should do that VOTE: Xsí

    I know why I hate outing active games, I really did not want the wolves to get the information but since I am not gonna be eaten this game anyways, I can also just tell that I am the old man who of course was not Nk1. I tried to remember (without being to obv) a couple of times that there is an old man who might not have been triggered and that outing is too early and that I believe in a healing in night1.

    Bythe way, besides the fact that I know now that Xsí lied, how does that outing helps us? Since we don't know whether the freemason is still alive, technically there could be two vanilla living and no freemason at all -_-

    I am curoius as what Shark will out himselve now since well Book was not that convinsing, but maybe thats just because I don't see her playing townish so far.


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 4

    Buchzauber (1): ChunkShark
    Xsí (1): Sunset

    Verbleibende Zeit: 03:03:36

    Sunset essaycomendably nuanced glad to have you around still

    lymchung wolf against GM is non trivial at this stage. I can't throw a wrong vote and disappear on you.

    Can you say that in normal words please?
    I don’t get what you want to say.

    And yes voting Leon is a bit unexpected, but everyone was voting him and I just wanted to try how it feels and how he reacts. His defence now seems ok.
    Is it better to vote Buch? Only Leon is on her right now :/

    I haven't had the best standing in this game, so why am I her top townie? Protecting me

    Why should my top townie definitely be someone that is top townie of everyone? True wolves sometimes support an underrated townie, but why shouldn't I just found you townish? Have a bit more confidence please!^^

    Its like I texted in that quote, I liked the way that you not got stressed out even though other people were attecting you and thats usually a good sign :)

    Well at the moment u can be sure that I am more than annoyed by u and ur arguments for me being wolf but that doesn't change my opinion I guess since that kind of tunneling of thoughts etc is more townish I guess. So you stay somewhere in my town.

    She is therefore not forced to lynch buch, so she can either jump on a possible wagon or not participate
    If Book is a wolf, she suspected her
    If Book is townie, then she had doubts about the lynch

    What about this Option: If Sunset is townie, then she had doubts about lynching the wrong person and thats why she asked others about their opinion

    and the only reason she's halfway in my town is cause Daro and Ente trusted her

    (about Xsí) Kind of the same for me Leon

    I don't think that Ente or Daro are always right in their thoughts but I think that Xsí has done nothing wrong so far so I don't see a reason to mistrust her right now. The only thing she seems quite open to vote somewhere and not a specific person which is on the one hand good since she can then vote with the other townies but well on the other hand leaves kind off all options open... But her play so far also with voting jadio and how seemed in her own way not too bad.

    In other words: I think we have other wolves out there that need to be lynched!

    To conclude:

    Since Shark, Alexa, einhorn and more or less Xsí are in my town, theres only Buch and Leon left.

    I guess someone is wrong there... but still, I can't come up with a wolf team that does not involve Buch...

    If Book for example is the polar wolf, then it's no surprise that someone tried to protect her earlier since polarwolf is not soo bad with healer and old man in game.

    If Book is no wolf at all, it must be Leon and... idk Xsí? but then why lynching Jadio instead of book is not understandable for me.

    If book is wolf, einhorn could be cowolf. But with book being town, Idk.

    The whole Alexa and Leon thing today is really werid like einhorn said earlier. I don't know whether Leon would insist on outing and talking about that rather as town or Wolf. I really don't have a clue :(

    But he is an wolfsoption for me.

    VOTE: Leon


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 3

    Leon (5): Alexa, einhornlasagne, Xsí*2, Sunset
    Buchzauber (1): Leon

    Verbleibende Zeit: 02:36:27

    I re-read Shark today and it was mostly neutral, but this was townish and let me think that Shark should be town.

    You can vote Daro, then I might switch

    why would i do that ? his playstyle looks realy rational and i havent found any contradictions yet, even tho he posts more then anyone else...

    the way how he said it sounded extremly shocked like "how could someone ever think I vote vote him when hes the only person I really have good feelings about"

    At least for me this writing seemed pretty authentic and more of an Town mindset coming and not a wolf who knows that this is a town. Imo it would be hard to fake that here as a wolf.

    LB123 - Werwolf, assassin kill N2

    no idea how the assassin even found him... lucky hit ? bcs i cant find ANYthing of information in his posts, and no teams

    Same kind of here... For me its authentic. It could be also a wolf trying to get reaction about whom could be assasin or not but for me thats rather a surprised Townie than a manupulating and pseudo wolf.



    Xsí - HD 2

    i would say behind those 3 is a wolf, if Jadio is a wolf as well, i would exclude Sunny, if not i would go more towards Sunny

    i feel like the most entropy to gain for us lays with Sunset or Jadio

    ChunkShark Do you still want to go more towards me since Jadio was a townie and could you please tell me why? What has Jadio to do with me?

    And sry, but googling Entrophy doesn't really gave me the clue what that word means. Do you think we get information out of a lynch of mine or Jadio or what is the most entrophy thing?

    But maybe I'm interpreting too much idk

    I think u do. Your whole post was just like the mindset everything I do is just bc I am wolf and pseudo. You know, the reason I am asking questions is that I want opinions of others to gain either information or to confirm my feelings and kinda find other townies to vote in the same direction and play with them... why is that so unrealistic? -_-

    I don’t think voting on Einhorn is the solution Alexa

    although I don’t understand her that much, I still think Einhorn is town.

    Well I have no clue

    if Jadio is villager, Buch might be bad

    Yes, second time Buch was saved.
    I am not sure but I think I remember games where Buch as town also was nearly lynched and then not… it’s really hard to tell whether book is wolf or not, at least I remember it difficult for me to get a correct read on her

    einhornlasagne second last comment.
    I felt like it is a small plus point for Alexa that he might not need to write that as a co wolf.

    Maybe I need to rethink that later but not now.

    I don’t think voting on Einhorn is the solution Alexa

    although I don’t understand her that much, I still think Einhorn is town.

    Oh and what I liked about Alexa is that she doesn’t fit to Lb J think? And maybe also some of her behaviour earlier that lead me to find her townish but to be honest I can remember any details :/

    VOTE: Jadio


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 2

    Jadio (3): Xsí*2, Sunset
    Sunset (2): Ente, Buchzauber
    Leon (1): Alexa
    Alexa (1): einhornlasagne

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:07:45