Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora | wolves win

  • Do you think unicornlasagna is his Coevil, because she votet him for mayor?



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  • well if you insist, then you are evil too


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  • Let's talk about people you trust, Alexa.

    I don't trust anyone...

    Kinda like Sunny and Sharky tho - but I don't like sunnys suggestion to keep me alive; that seemed a bit pseudotownie to me
    And I liked lasagna until her "why not" - now shes back to neutral


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  • Let's talk about people you trust, Alexa.

    I don't trust anyone...

    Kinda like Sunny and Sharky tho - but I don't like sunnys suggestion to keep me alive; that seemed a bit pseudotownie to me
    And I liked lasagna until her "why not" - now shes back to neutral

    That sounds a little bit paranoid.

    I don't have anything against Sunny and Shark so far... but I don't think where is really a reason to have them in the village so far ^^

  • That sounds a little bit paranoid.

    You can thank Leon for that


    Diese Person spamt, trollt gern und ist oft zu direkt.
    Sie ist aufgrund dieser Direktheit, dem Mangel an Zurückhaltung & Durchdenken der Wirkung von Beiträgen sehr oft unfreundlich zu Mitspielern. Die Person hat jedoch grundsätzlich alle Mitspieler gern und meint es keinesfalls böse. Sollte jemand empfindlich sein oder durch etwas, was diese Person von sich gegeben hat, verletzt werden, so soll sich diese Person bitte direkt im Thread oder via dm an sie wenden.

  • well if you insist, then you are evil too

    Yay! Tbh I just liked the sound of Co-evil :ugly:

    I don't have anything against Sunny and Shark so far... but I don't think where is really a reason to have them in the village so far ^^

    I guess there is no reason to have them anywhere right now, be it wolfpack or village, so why are you highlighting them especially?


  • This was an reaction to Alexas posts, where she wrote about them... I guess it will be evening until Sunny is here.

    About Shark I know nothing. Maybe he will tell us some stories about his childhood or the wolfs cave.

  • What is about ling? Where is his encouragement?

    Do you prepare an easy-lynch?

    I don’t think anyone would let someone else live just because it’s a practice game for them even though they think that person is sus so I don’t know why you jumped to that conclusion that fast

    Why didn't you wait until I get a reply? Something seemed strange to me, so I wanted to clarify it.

    he is a wolf


    No U

    I think, wolves would not accuse each other in this early part of a game...

    Is there a reason why you are arguing so hard against not killing Alexa early? Note that no one (seriously) suggested to never kill Alexa. Do you believe she could be a wolf?

    I am not sure, but it seemed a to me as an Alexa-kill was a little excluded, so I just wnated to make sure, that we all have all options

    Hm, are random accusations a good way to solve a game?


  • An easy lynch on Ling? That shoudn't be possible.

    No, try yourself to find out what I wanted with this comment and explain your own opinions to his game so far, when we can talk again about this point.

  • VOTE: Daro


    Stand HD-Wahl - Tag 0

    Alexa (1): Ling
    Leon (1): einhornlasagne
    Daro (1): Xsí

    Verbleibende Zeit: 03:17:06

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • Just in case you're a wolf, can you be a bit less team-y with me please? Leon :ugly:

    Okay, time to get serious. I think VOTE: Daro would make a good mayor. Also thinking about Xsì as mayor, but she said she didn't want to, so here we go.


    Stand HD-Wahl - Tag 0

    Daro (2): Xsí, einhornlasagne
    Alexa (1): Ling

    Verbleibende Zeit: 02:49:34


  • Do you think unicornlasagna is my Coevil, because she votet me for mayor? :ugly:

    Well, i like to hear some words from Jadio, Ente, Sunset and Shark. The others ones seems to be somehow present. It will be helpfull to get a full view over the game ^^