Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora | wolves win

  • Ah, greetings my fellow Villagers, united we stand against those pesky furries.

    Well said, fellow villager!

    Wow, I just convinced myself I'm a wolf talking like that :ugly:

    Okay, who is on the list for the GM and who's going to be the... Well, the other guy. The one with the power to.... Maybe I need to reread the description. Anyways, I vote for VOTE: Leon


    Stand HD-Wahl - Tag 0

    Alexa (1): Ling
    Leon (1): einhornlasagne

    Verbleibende Zeit: 20:37:12

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • since this is kinda a game for Alexa, I suggest not to kill her too early.

    There is no need to hold back yourselves....since I'm a wolfshelper all the time I tend to survive till the end and then they eat me in the last night as "reward" for my help...

    And when I'm werewolf, I survive the game

    As a villager, I rarely get eaten during the game these days and it's been a while since I've been (wrongfully) lynched - so I'm fine

    So we just have to wait how long you survive to see what you are? Would be tempting, but I don't want a wolf to survive.

    Also, since there is no helper, which way are you swimming this time?

    By the way I totally don’t understand what we should do with a single mason here… is he then just like a vanilla townie?

    I know what we should not do: hang them :ugly:

    Since when are assassins killing with their teeth?

    New role idea detected :ugly:

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • as long as she lives we can never be sure...

    Is there a reason why you are arguing so hard against not killing Alexa early? Note that no one (seriously) suggested to never kill Alexa. Do you believe she could be a wolf?

    You mean that "fellow villager" stuff?

    Yes, that's it.

    Look, I was watching What we do in the shadows while reading the game yesterday and just read that line in Nandor's voice, and it really matched the vibe :D

    Spoiler anzeigen

    giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9528u5zxdczb0inmhbb7ofalhaidmgdp5yoj7wh6w9n&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=gI know that's not Nandor, but you get the gist

    So.... It's not really a serious accusation.

    I like to play with unicorn also. How is your opinion about [choose a player of your choice, not me].

    I choose...can I wait until there is a bit more going on with the players that are not Xsì, Alexa or Leon? Because those are all very typical for them I suppose, so my opinion won't be very interesting

    I can choose Ente and tell you I was surprised seeing he has 6 posts already because I could have sworn it was at most 2.

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • well if you insist, then you are evil too

    Yay! Tbh I just liked the sound of Co-evil :ugly:

    I don't have anything against Sunny and Shark so far... but I don't think where is really a reason to have them in the village so far ^^

    I guess there is no reason to have them anywhere right now, be it wolfpack or village, so why are you highlighting them especially?

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • Just in case you're a wolf, can you be a bit less team-y with me please? Leon :ugly:

    Okay, time to get serious. I think VOTE: Daro would make a good mayor. Also thinking about Xsì as mayor, but she said she didn't want to, so here we go.


    Stand HD-Wahl - Tag 0

    Daro (2): Xsí, einhornlasagne
    Alexa (1): Ling

    Verbleibende Zeit: 02:49:34

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • Am I the only one who thinks there were not a lot of votes yesterday? To continue Xsì's game

    Good job Leon! And good job ChunkShark , maths is cool no matter what kids think. Did you have the chance to read a bit in here and maybe form an opinion on any player?

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • For example the HD vote for Shark yesterday from Alexa

    Who else should I have voted? There was no better option

    Yes, I read your answer and I still don't believe that you thought of all the other 10 players besides you and Shark as potentially wolves or not mayor worthy. Please, get your paranoia under control if it is really that bad.

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • I find Book very unconvincing as townie looking for a clue btw. She seems to be just hopping into random banter and opinions.

    Also, the whole Alexa-Leon-interaction is super weird and I smell a team in there. It's almost too much to be genuine.

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • I find Book very unconvincing as townie looking for a clue btw. She seems to be just hopping into random banter and opinions.

    Also, the whole Alexa-Leon-interaction is super weird and I smell a team in there. It's almost too much to be genuine.

    Don't really see a team out of Alexa and Book atm.

    I don't see anything pointing in the opposite direction either

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • Don't really see a team out of Alexa and Book atm.

    I don't see anything pointing in the opposite direction either

    My reason is what Alexa wrote when she analysed the HD votes

    Eh... She said she had Book as a wolf since yesterday but did not say anything yesterday. This is very out of the blue and she also doesn't act on it, she just throws it out there, randomly. But I can see where you're coming from.

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • I have to say even if I don't agree with his method, I like Sharks so far :D and I can follow Xsí's Ling-rant, but not sure if I'd vote Ling based on that.

    I know she hasn't really done much and part of me is thinking about whether that had something to do with her alignment.. but somehow I liked her first Post xD

    That's funny cause if I had to rate that post, I'd vote sus :ugly: That random tidbit of "I'm not a wolf", talking about not killing Alexa without tying it at all to anything in game and the only follow up question is about swimming...

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • Let's make this interesting VOTE: Ling


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Jadio (2): Ling, Ente
    Sunset (2): Daro*2
    Buchzauber (2): Leon, Alexa
    Ling (2): Xsí, einhornlasagne

    Stimme zurückgezogen: Jadio

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:20:33

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • Alohomora 1. Mai 2024 um 20:47

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora [12/12]“ zu „Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora [9/12]“ geändert.
  • Didn't you say you don't want to make the decision ChunkShark :ugly: ? just kidding, honestly.

    I'll be honest I don't know what to make of LB trying to get us to reconsider killing Alexa. As Sunny wrote that would be such a weird choice if she was a wolf too.

    I'd also like to put Xsí, Leon and Shark on the townie side, just because. I'll think about that tomorrow.

    Which leaves me with a lot of other possible wolves. (doesn't MU call them scum? It's been a bit since I've read there) I'd love to kill Jadio for Ling, but that is a bad reason I guess. Still would not speak up against it. Book is... just there, idk what to make of her. I had a bad feeling about some of her posts, but that has softened quite a bit. Duck is a wild card, and I'm not willing to say he's townie just because LB said only wolves would do fake outings. LB did also very vocally try to defend Ling, so I don't think it's beyond him to talk about a fellow wolf like that.

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • Which really sounds like he healed Shark. Could have other reasons of course and don't know if Shark is such an obvious heal/kill in Night 1.

    The votes could probably suggest that the wolves knew that Ling would be healer and want him dead, but I am actually not sure whether this conclusion is really possible since it was kinda Daro who deciced that LIng will be lynched and not myself or Book. And there is still the possiility that he healed wrong and the old man was the Werwolves night kill.

    This is such a weird thing to say if Sunset and Book are not the two remaining wolves and in that case I'd expect from Sunny to know better than to write that in here. What I mean is, why would sunset point specifically to the wolves trying to kill Ling and then saying, no that was not it, since me and book did not kill him. Like... I'm confused?( (Got back to this bit after book was equally confused)

    Which really sounds like he healed Shark. Could have other reasons of course and don't know if Shark is such an obvious heal/kill in Night 1.

    Thought the same which is why I put Shark as townie for now and think about him again tomorrow

    Why would exactly this team kill Sharky N1?

    Because they were the "top" players back then

    They may have thought that Daro would be protected, they can't eat themselves and Ling isn't (in my opinion) a good n1 kill as you can lynch him pretty easily

    You're defaulting a lot back to Shark, as if there were no other players than Xsi, Leon, Daro and him. Why woud they go "we can't eat 3 out of 12 players, so we will eat the only new guy? There are lots and lots of other options, like Sunny, book, me, ...

    (You don't need to answer, I'm just finding a common thread with you and Chunksharl so far that I needed to articulate.)

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • There are lots and lots of other options, like Sunny, book, me, ...

    Sunny and Book are too quiet/inactive to be eaten n1
    So were also an option, but since I don't really know how good/lynchable you are & bc I didn't wanted to make the wolfteam any bigger than it already was I chose to not list you

    That was not really my point, but please explain more why you ate Chunkshark last night :ugly:

    Sunset I think I get now what you were saying. It was just confusing since the last two other candidates with votes on them left were Jadio and Book, not you and book... actually there was only one person voting for you and it did not seem as if anyone was actually about to change that. Speaking of Jadio, I'm kinda surprised he's not talked about more, but also, Xsí's right.

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • Sunset I think I get now what you were saying. It was just confusing since the last two other candidates with votes on them left were Jadio and Book, not you and book... actually there was only one person voting for you and it did not seem as if anyone was actually about to change that. Speaking of Jadio, I'm kinda surprised he's not talked about more, but also, Xsí's right.

    Forgot to asked, but who would have been your pick yesterday? I'm sorry if you said that already.

    Hiss! I say: HISS!