Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora | wolves win

  • LB123 are you in a swim team or do you just sometimes, rather unregularly go swimming somewhere? 8o 8o

    No, its just something I do if I have time and want to do it.

    since this is kinda a game for Alexa, I suggest not to kill her too early.

    Even if you think, she is a wolf? -> Maybe a little Team suspicion?

    Btw. I am Our Healer. So eat me wolves of the wolvingstein

    I don't like those early outings, and I assume all of them are fake. But on the other hand I think wolves do those (fake)-outings

    So we just have to wait how long you survive to see what you are?

    as long as she lives we can never be sure...

  • I think Sunset is a townie

    you already know that she's a townie....

    Wir suchen DICH...egal was du bist ^^

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  • are asking yourself if you are full after you ate me? Keep up the monologue and maybe tell us the last two wolves...

    Nah, just a vanilla werewolve here.

    Well said, fellow villager!

    Wow, I just convinced myself I'm a wolf talking like that :ugly:

    You mean that "fellow villager" stuff?

    Since when are assassins killing with their teeth?

    Never seen a crocodile?

    & there is a helper ig (sadly)

    What do you mean?

    Why do you want to kill Alexa?

    To end her misery


  • But is it an Egyptian crocodile? If so, you may join the party! By banter level, I'm inclined to extend some cautionary trust to our resident unicorn as well (to the uninitiated, that's the Lasagne). What is it that's all rubbing you the wrong way the Leon? Obviously, he's nefas, and that means an overblown of calling him up to no good - but have met the guy? It's just par for the course.

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • Hey, I'm back and today I have some time today.

    So let's solve this game ^^

    Xsi seems to be motivated, maybe she is a townie?

    What is about ling? Where is his encouragement?

    I like to play with unicorn also. How is your opinion about [choose a player of your choice, not me].

    Anybody here right now?

    Aktuell läuft die Abstimmung über den Anwalt (bis 10.09.): Umfragen - Testrollen

    Stimme gerne alle ab! ^^

  • Even if you think, she is a wolf? -> Maybe a little Team suspicion?

    I don’t think anyone would let someone else live just because it’s a practice game for them even though they think that person is sus so I don’t know why you jumped to that conclusion that fast

  • What do you mean?

    nvm, it's not important

    Anybody here right now?

    I'm here now. Are you going to lynch the Almighty with me tomorrow?

    Wir suchen DICH...egal was du bist ^^

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  • Who do you mean with the Almighty?

    Leon, I told him that I'll call him like that in the future during Entes game...

    To me it is

    I meant me, bc I'm always helping the wolves as townie

    Wir suchen DICH...egal was du bist ^^

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  • Oh great Almighty... if you are so allmighty please tell me alle the wolves in this game!

    he is a wolf

    Wir suchen DICH...egal was du bist ^^

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    Du hast schon einige Runden gespielt und möchtest dich nicht verbessern? Schande über dich Komm zu den Mentoren!
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    Du bist alt und unerfahren? How??? Spiel mehr!

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  • as long as she lives we can never be sure...

    Is there a reason why you are arguing so hard against not killing Alexa early? Note that no one (seriously) suggested to never kill Alexa. Do you believe she could be a wolf?

    You mean that "fellow villager" stuff?

    Yes, that's it.

    Look, I was watching What we do in the shadows while reading the game yesterday and just read that line in Nandor's voice, and it really matched the vibe :D

    Spoiler anzeigen

    giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9528u5zxdczb0inmhbb7ofalhaidmgdp5yoj7wh6w9n&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=gI know that's not Nandor, but you get the gist

    So.... It's not really a serious accusation.

    I like to play with unicorn also. How is your opinion about [choose a player of your choice, not me].

    I choose...can I wait until there is a bit more going on with the players that are not Xsì, Alexa or Leon? Because those are all very typical for them I suppose, so my opinion won't be very interesting

    I can choose Ente and tell you I was surprised seeing he has 6 posts already because I could have sworn it was at most 2.

    Hiss! I say: HISS!