Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora | wolves win

  • Well I'm not going to stop you - go ahead, do whatever you want. I'm always surprised when ppl get intimidated by me cause I'm not the best (or even a good) player nor does anyone follow me or rely on my Judgment xD

    There's a reason Alexa and him got on so well.

    We did?

    And I don't think that anyone would eat Sharky n1 except when Xsi/Duck and Leon are wolves

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  • I agree with you on that if he healed someone I´m leaning more towards himsel or Daro especially that early in the game

    I strongly disagree with that. Why would he have healed Daro and then post stuff like this?

    Well he couldn't be 100% sure that the person he healed was the one who was attacked, right?

    But yeah, he should have been clearer

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  • And I don't think that anyone would eat Sharky n1 except when Xsi/Duck and Leon are wolves

    Why would exactly this team kill Sharky N1?

    And no, I would probably almost never kill a new Player night 1 unless I have a really good reason.

    I agree with you on that if he healed someone I´m leaning more towards himsel or Daro especially that early in the game

    I strongly disagree with that. Why would he have healed Daro and then post stuff like this?

    Well he couldn't be 100% sure that the person he healed was the one who was attacked, right?

    But yeah, he should have been clearer

    Doesn't really matter if he knows for sure.. if he just tells us we can figure that out ourselves. And somewhere out there there is an old man, that knows whether the lack of deaths was due to the healer or due to him getting attacked.

    btw if the old man got attacked I see literally no reason not to out that since in that case all roles are indeed spent. Then we know that it was not because of Lings protection.


  • Why would exactly this team kill Sharky N1?

    Because they were the "top" players back then

    They may have thought that Daro would be protected, they can't eat themselves and Ling isn't (in my opinion) a good n1 kill as you can lynch him pretty easily

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  • Btw I don't see a team out of Xsi and Unicorn eating Ling n1, they rather munch on Daro

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  • btw if the old man got attacked I see literally no reason not to out that since in that case all roles are indeed spent. Then we know that it was not because of Lings protection.

    I guess so. I was thinking in terms of making the final role call harder on the wolves, but it's not like they need our help to figure out whom they ate.

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • I strongly disagree with that. Why would he have healed Daro and then post stuff like this?

    Well thats why I´m leaning more towards him healing himself but still I can imagine that it could be Daro and he just didnt want to be too obvious

  • Got any plans for today's vote, Book? Feel free to share with the class.

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • Sharky my man, I'd like to hear your suspects too :)

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  • Buchzauber U got me wrong. I wanted to say that Daro decided that ling will be lynched and not one of us. But I didn’t wanted to say that one of us decided the lynch.

    by the way:
    In case Ling was attacked and healed himself in N1, the wolves knew that they either had the old man or the healer healing ling. so lynching ling would have been great for the wolves. If ling would have been the old man, all villagers would have lost their power. If he was just the healed person, the healer lost his townie information which is not bad in a wolf view either and if ling would have been the healer who healed himself, it’s also good for the wolves.
    So my thought after the lynch was that Ling was actually a great kill for the wolves which means that maybe a wolf also forced the lynch. But since Daro as a vanilla townie decided the lynch, I don’t know whether we can actually get good informations like that out of the lynch situation.

    But maybe we still do. Daro announced that he would lynch ling, if I would probably show up or he finds another reason why he should not lynch me. So actually that sounds pretty bad for me because I was one factor pushing Daro toward the ling vote.
    But what I actually wanted to say, maybe a clever wolf already thought that Daro would swap and prepared the ling lynch?

    but I guess there is one problem in this conclusion… in case ling healed the Nk1 which would have been Daro or anyone else or the old man was eaten and it had nothing to do with ling, the wolves didn’t knew that ling is a good role/target.
    So maybe we still don’t have informations unless we find a second wolf who was probably in focus :/

    That’s so bad, I thought we could get more information out of the game so far :(

  • By the way, I didn’t like books post today that much. I feel like there is no content and searching in there besides the fact that she accuses Alexa and questions Ente saying jadio could be townie.

    But yes I know, I am really not much better. so I guess since I am not able to actually make up my mind and drop some thought, maybe she has the same problems as a townie.

    Well so far, xsi is with some posts hard to read (especially with headache) but I don’t want to lynch her today. I also don’t find her townie or anything, she is just neutral.

    Shark is motivated, don’t want to lynch him either.

    I have actually nothing captured of what jadio wrote so far which is not that good but as far as I remember, that was already discussed.

    I will think a bit about leon, Ente and Einhorn… I don’t really have an option on them so far but I want to have one.

  • Sharky my man, I'd like to hear your suspects too :)

    Lucky that two of my pupils called a no show for today, so i have time now ;)

    a lot of my thoughts from my #7th post still are true

    1. Alexa

      either im getting bought in cheaply (which sadly happened in RL games to often), or i would go with you as new-Daro vibes, but with more chaos

    2. ChunkShark

      who even would kill the new player on the first lynch or night... even if its the "smart" choice, no older player would ever do that to a new community member...

    3. Daro - HD - Vanilla town, NK 2

      like i suspected a townie :(

    4. einhornlasagne
    5. Ente
    6. Buchzauber

      all 3 seem to me kinda likely that they are townies, but i feel that one of them is a secret furry, otherwise my teams dont match up (if Jadio is not a wolf) :D

    7. Jadio

      as active as LB, as usefull as a blank paper..., if he is a wolf, then the last one will prob. be a realy active player)

    8. LB123 - Werwolf, assassin kill N2

      no idea how the assassin even found him... lucky hit ? bcs i cant find ANYthing of information in his posts, and no teams

    9. Ling - Healer, Lynch 1

      somehow the whole town ran with it, i dont even think that the wolves had to much to help with him getting voted

    10. Sunset
    11. Leon
    12. Xsí - HD 2

      i would say behind those 3 is a wolf, if Jadio is a wolf as well, i would exclude Sunny, if not i would go more towards Sunny

      i feel like the most entropy to gain for us lays with Sunset or Jadio

  • Which really sounds like he healed Shark. Could have other reasons of course and don't know if Shark is such an obvious heal/kill in Night 1.

    The votes could probably suggest that the wolves knew that Ling would be healer and want him dead, but I am actually not sure whether this conclusion is really possible since it was kinda Daro who deciced that LIng will be lynched and not myself or Book. And there is still the possiility that he healed wrong and the old man was the Werwolves night kill.

    This is such a weird thing to say if Sunset and Book are not the two remaining wolves and in that case I'd expect from Sunny to know better than to write that in here. What I mean is, why would sunset point specifically to the wolves trying to kill Ling and then saying, no that was not it, since me and book did not kill him. Like... I'm confused?( (Got back to this bit after book was equally confused)

    Which really sounds like he healed Shark. Could have other reasons of course and don't know if Shark is such an obvious heal/kill in Night 1.

    Thought the same which is why I put Shark as townie for now and think about him again tomorrow

    Why would exactly this team kill Sharky N1?

    Because they were the "top" players back then

    They may have thought that Daro would be protected, they can't eat themselves and Ling isn't (in my opinion) a good n1 kill as you can lynch him pretty easily

    You're defaulting a lot back to Shark, as if there were no other players than Xsi, Leon, Daro and him. Why woud they go "we can't eat 3 out of 12 players, so we will eat the only new guy? There are lots and lots of other options, like Sunny, book, me, ...

    (You don't need to answer, I'm just finding a common thread with you and Chunksharl so far that I needed to articulate.)

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • Buchzauber U got me wrong. I wanted to say that Daro decided that ling will be lynched and not one of us. But I didn’t wanted to say that one of us decided the lynch

    No I got that but why do you mention that Daro decided that and not one of us? Like why are exactly we two important for your thought there? Why not any other player?

  • There are lots and lots of other options, like Sunny, book, me, ...

    Sunny and Book are too quiet/inactive to be eaten n1
    So were also an option, but since I don't really know how good/lynchable you are & bc I didn't wanted to make the wolfteam any bigger than it already was I chose to not list you

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  • VOTE: Buchzauber

    Jadio last posted on tuesday (after N1) -> as of now, Alo's going to handle that.


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 2

    Buchzauber (2): Xsí*2
    Xsí (1): Alexa

    Verbleibende Zeit: 02:33:49

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • No! you all still got me wrong.
    All I wanted to say is that Daro as a mayor with two votes decided the lynch. He had technically the chance to either push book, stay on me or to lynch ling. and in the moment he swapped his vote to ling, the lynch was decided.
    If we wouldn’t know that Daro is towny, we would probably find that sus.
    That’s all I wanted to say. And that I am thinking now whether someone might have expected his swap, planned on it and maybe also pushed it secretly somewhere.

    But that really has nothing to do with whom book or I might have voted. Especially since I didn’t vote at all.

    Besides that, does anyone think that with book / or me there was a wolf in focus yesterday? And who was the fourth again, jadio?

  • Buchzauber U got me wrong. I wanted to say that Daro decided that ling will be lynched and not one of us. But I didn’t wanted to say that one of us decided the lynch

    No I got that but why do you mention that Daro decided that and not one of us? Like why are exactly we two important for your thought there? Why not any other player?

    The two of us where the alternative Lynchs to ling…

  • In case Book is Wolf, the only co wolf saving her or trying to could be Einhorn then.

    If jadio is a Wolf, then starting with Alexa, Einhorn and shark, people voted for ling or book. But quite some time later.

    Anyways, Einhorn would be a person I would suggest that she realises that with voting ling, there is a chance to see him dead. But then she would be still one of the persons who voted for him… but as a second person ist’s not that sus.
    I just want to keep that for later.

    Besides that I get the impression that Einhorn don’t wants to understand me correctly and I have some problems following her thoughts. Maybe I put too much weight on that but it gives me a rather bad feeling. :/

    But for the moment, although it’s an easy lynch , I stick to my gut feelings since I don’t have a better idea so far. And going with the mayor doesn’t sound too bad for the moment I guess.

    VOTE: Buchzauber

    If I had to categorise everyone , it would look like that:

    Town to wolves:

    Alexa - Xsi - shark — Ente - Leon- jadio - Einhorn - buchzauber


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 2

    Buchzauber (3): Xsí*2, Sunset
    Xsí (1): Alexa

    Verbleibende Zeit: 02:02:15
  • There are lots and lots of other options, like Sunny, book, me, ...

    Sunny and Book are too quiet/inactive to be eaten n1
    So were also an option, but since I don't really know how good/lynchable you are & bc I didn't wanted to make the wolfteam any bigger than it already was I chose to not list you

    That was not really my point, but please explain more why you ate Chunkshark last night :ugly:

    Sunset I think I get now what you were saying. It was just confusing since the last two other candidates with votes on them left were Jadio and Book, not you and book... actually there was only one person voting for you and it did not seem as if anyone was actually about to change that. Speaking of Jadio, I'm kinda surprised he's not talked about more, but also, Xsí's right.

    Hiss! I say: HISS!