Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora | wolves win

  • I am really sorry!! Sounds weird but my internet connection outside didn't work. I actually wanted to discuss more but did not work. But to be honest, I guess I would have voted Ling, since I had that wrong gut feeling :/

    I just read the last posts, if Ling has healed someone it could be Book or Xsí. Well at least from that one Post he posted this evening. I will have a further look now what he wrote before. But I guess more likely is that he healed himself or maybe Daro?

    The votes could probably suggest that the wolves knew that Ling would be healer and want him dead, but I am actually not sure whether this conclusion is really possible since it was kinda Daro who deciced that LIng will be lynched and not myself or Book. And there is still the possiility that he healed wrong and the old man was the Werwolves night kill.

    Furthermore I am not sure whether the Lynch actually says something about myself or Book. Is it really more likely that one of us is a Wolf or could it also be three townies in Focus?

    At least we have a dead Wolf :love:Does someone remember something from last game, maybe Leon what LB said about his Wolfmates? Do you think we can draw some conclusions?

    Well I would like to promise more activity now but since real life plans changed already today and I will work tomorrow again... I will give my best :/

  • i realy would like to hear your new teams now

    I don't have a team rn, I'm just voting Leon cause I told him I'd lynch him
    When I have a better option, I'll switch (like yesterday) - if I really want to lynch him, then I'll stay


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  • Reading Ling doesnt give that much. Most townie was Daro, so in case he healed someone I guess it was Daro. But I am not so sure whether the wolves would really eat in that setting two times the same person. So probably he healed himself.

    By the way, this game I am not listening that much to Ling saying that someone should be townie^^

    Reading LB also doesn't give me much information, maybe someone else can read more out of him.

    I don't like those early outings, and I assume all of them are fake. But on the other hand I think wolves do those (fake)-outings

    This was about Ente saying he is healer. I was wondering whether he would accuse a wolfmate here with saying that wolves also do outings. Maybe a small pluspoint for Ente not being a wolf?

    I am not sure, but it seemed a to me as an Alexa-kill was a little excluded, so I just wnated to make sure, that we all have all options

    I would suggest that there would be no need to put a wolfmate back into focus... Rather small plus town point for Alexa.

    He should be good then, if Jadio and Ling are not leveling extremly.

    Mhm... Ling was no wolf, not so sure whether it says anything about Jadio?

    Would be a good argument saying a wolfmate is rather townie... and it works aslong as Ling would be alive. So maybe a really really small minus point for Jadio? But only really small.

    LB wrote some more stuff, but rather OT/funny things or at least nothing that gave me the feeling that there could be specific interactions between a wolf-wolf or wolf-townie.

  • #!$@ that; fine; nice. I'm not quite finished reconsidering my life choices. Alexa, Leon, Shark, Duck, unicorn, Book, Jadio, Sunset & me.

    if Book or Jadio wolf, lynch = info, else nope. I'd be down to investigate that; with LB down and Sunnie re-joining, we might get to play with active players only. That's of course also an excuse not to develop opinions on the active players sooner. I've got too many ways that make sense of that lynch if you only tell me which one's going to sound smart in hindsight; I haven't found LB informative; I've not forgotten you, Daro.

    what do you think about outing?

    I've found some villagers in my crystal ball of angleshoots and they're secret sauce I'm not going to tattle on. But please, guys, don't let yourself get killed without claiming a role - Ling doing it was defensible solely because he was Healer.

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • Didn't you say you don't want to make the decision ChunkShark :ugly: ? just kidding, honestly.

    I'll be honest I don't know what to make of LB trying to get us to reconsider killing Alexa. As Sunny wrote that would be such a weird choice if she was a wolf too.

    I'd also like to put Xsí, Leon and Shark on the townie side, just because. I'll think about that tomorrow.

    Which leaves me with a lot of other possible wolves. (doesn't MU call them scum? It's been a bit since I've read there) I'd love to kill Jadio for Ling, but that is a bad reason I guess. Still would not speak up against it. Book is... just there, idk what to make of her. I had a bad feeling about some of her posts, but that has softened quite a bit. Duck is a wild card, and I'm not willing to say he's townie just because LB said only wolves would do fake outings. LB did also very vocally try to defend Ling, so I don't think it's beyond him to talk about a fellow wolf like that.


  • Townie bc I like his activity: Sharky - but I'm kinda surprised how well he got into the game considering it is his first round
    Quoted Person in LBs first post: Leon => no lynchoption for today
    And I wanna put Jadio in town as well cause he interacted early with LB but last game he just put him into the village without talking to him

    Post 32/33 & 112/113: won't put Duck, Xsi and LB in one team - but since it happened twice it could be a team after all??
    Post 41/47/73: LB, Sunny and Book also not a good kombo
    Post 217: maybe not Leon & Xsi as a team but one of them?

    Post: 83: Xsi & LB could be a team

    So it looks a little bit like that:

    Town: Unicorn
    Kinda good cause LB: Leon, Jadio, (Book)
    But on the other hand I'd love to vote Leon cause he doesn't want to solve the game

    Sunny could be wolf

    Lynchoptions for today: Xsi, Duck, Sunny, (Leon)

    VOTE: Xsí


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 2

    Xsí (1): Alexa

    Verbleibende Zeit: 20:57:22


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  • Ok. With one wolve gone and no special townies left we can play the Game.

    Jadio might be townie shining with his absence


  • But I am not so sure whether the wolves would really eat in that setting two times the same person

    Its a safe kill i guess

    True. I had a wrong assumption. I thought the old man is not vulnerable at all. My bad.

  • Alexa I don't think you've considered me as a townie this game once. Our thought process is different enoug as is, throwing around single post numbers and turning "wants to push LB" into a vote on me is not helpful, and someone's taken out our mediator.

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • But on the other hand I'd love to vote Leon cause he doesn't want to solve the game

    playing it a bit more quiet this game, that's true. Doesn't mean I don't want to solve the game. In fact I think I at least have stronger opinions on people than last game. But tbh I still find it rather stressful that some people are pretty inactive so that you simply can't find anything there. So yea, I have a couple of townsies and a couple of people that don't do much where I can just throw a dice.
    Ok as I'm writing I just realised, that LB died, so that's one less xD

    Still think Book could well be a Wolf. ofc. Jadio as well.


  • Since all special roles are spent, what do you think about outing?

    What about the old man?

    Ok true, I keep forgetting, that he also has the ability to survive the first nightkill. I still kinda like the idea of just having 3 semi-confirmed townsfolk. Or maybe at least the freemason since it would be annoying if he gets killed in the night and can't out himself.


  • Alexa I don't think you've considered me as a townie this game once. Our thought process is different enoug as is, throwing around single post numbers and turning "wants to push LB" into a vote on me is not helpful, and someone's taken out our mediator.

    Well at first I didn't assess you at all and you were just there for me. Actually I suspected you to be the assassin after the night, so you were in my town for about one hour, but after re-reading the game, I could see that there is a possibility that you and LB were a team

    Why do you think that I'm a townie?


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  • Alexa I don't think you've considered me as a townie this game once. Our thought process is different enoug as is, throwing around single post numbers and turning "wants to push LB" into a vote on me is not helpful, and someone's taken out our mediator.

    Well at first I didn't assess you at all and you were just there for me. Actually I suspected you to be the assassin after the night, so you were in my town for about one hour, but after re-reading the game, I could see that there is a possibility that you and LB were a team

    Why do you think that I'm a townie?

    I don't.

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • Then why would you need a mediator?


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  • I just read the last posts, if Ling has healed someone it could be Book or Xsí. Well at least from that one Post he posted this evening. I will have a further look now what he wrote before. But I guess more likely is that he healed himself or maybe Daro?

    I agree with you on that if he healed someone I´m leaning more towards himsel or Daro especially that early in the game

    but I am actually not sure whether this conclusion is really possible since it was kinda Daro who deciced that LIng will be lynched and not myself or Book.

    Why is it important for you that it wasnt me or you who decided the lynch?

    Reading LB also doesn't give me much information, maybe someone else can read more out of him.

    Nope I also think LB is really hard to read considering finding teams or something like that especially since he didnt even post that much

    I'll be honest I don't know what to make of LB trying to get us to reconsider killing Alexa. As Sunny wrote that would be such a weird choice if she was a wolf too.

    Yeah that woud be too much leveling I think if the were both wolves even though I still dont get that much townie vibes from Alexa

    Jadio might be townie shining with his absence

    What does his absence have to do with that?