Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora | wolves win

  • Helloooohoooooo everyone and good night!
    I am looking forward to an satisfying and joyful game!
    I don’t know whether you know that, but I really don’t like outing actives games so that I am kinda surprised that I am actually playinf here… I knew it before so we’ll make the best out of it. At least I am not a wolf! :love:

    By the way I totally don’t understand what we should do with a single mason here… is he then just like a vanilla townie?

    since this is kinda a game for Alexa, I suggest not to kill her too early. But that doesn’t mean that I already have an opinion on her.

    So far I have no suggestions for the mayor. it’s indeed really interesting that LB likes to swim. LB123 are you in a swim team or do you just sometimes, rather unregularly go swimming somewhere? 8o8o

  • Leon actually there is an old man who as far as I know will be protected once aswell. But yes, it's a good start!

    Sorry for not being there, I am quite tired today and had sone things to do. I will have more time tomorrow during the day!

  • If Ling is wolf, might have to erase those brackets again:ugly:

    Why? Did he not just appreciate that you rather see him as a townie? Where is the connection to ling being a wolf?

    I didn't like the post where he called you suspicious. Kinda seemed like he's just focused on people calling himself sus/overall too defensive

    Which one is that?
    I also had a rather bad feeling about ling but it was more the part when he said he likes daros post and agrees which I couldn’t understand and found it rather unlikely to agree completely.

    atm I think Daro, Xsí, Duck and unicorn are good. Ling, Shark and Book a little sus. Alexa idk and the rest inactive, though I still think Sunset is good.

    Awww that’s nice :love: :hug:

    Maybe we can finally recognise each other this game as townies… but to be honest, I don’t know whether I can trust u with this early town position of myself… but I really appreciate it!!

    Daro you need to have more patience! :P

    But yes, I should be more active… the weather is just so nice :/

    I will try to come up with more opinions but so far I can only say that I don’t want to vote alexa today. I found her quite confident in Argumenting so far. She was probably too afraid but at least her posts seemed understandable and not like a wolf sweating because someone is accusing him.

    Daro is different than last game but that doesn’t surprise me at all^^ so I don’t have an option on him so far.

    As I said there was something suspicious about ling, but I haven’t read enough to really vote on someone.

    Rest is rather neutral somewhere.

  • Alohomora 1. Mai 2024 um 20:47

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora [12/12]“ zu „Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora [9/12]“ geändert.
  • I am really sorry!! Sounds weird but my internet connection outside didn't work. I actually wanted to discuss more but did not work. But to be honest, I guess I would have voted Ling, since I had that wrong gut feeling :/

    I just read the last posts, if Ling has healed someone it could be Book or Xsí. Well at least from that one Post he posted this evening. I will have a further look now what he wrote before. But I guess more likely is that he healed himself or maybe Daro?

    The votes could probably suggest that the wolves knew that Ling would be healer and want him dead, but I am actually not sure whether this conclusion is really possible since it was kinda Daro who deciced that LIng will be lynched and not myself or Book. And there is still the possiility that he healed wrong and the old man was the Werwolves night kill.

    Furthermore I am not sure whether the Lynch actually says something about myself or Book. Is it really more likely that one of us is a Wolf or could it also be three townies in Focus?

    At least we have a dead Wolf :love:Does someone remember something from last game, maybe Leon what LB said about his Wolfmates? Do you think we can draw some conclusions?

    Well I would like to promise more activity now but since real life plans changed already today and I will work tomorrow again... I will give my best :/

  • Reading Ling doesnt give that much. Most townie was Daro, so in case he healed someone I guess it was Daro. But I am not so sure whether the wolves would really eat in that setting two times the same person. So probably he healed himself.

    By the way, this game I am not listening that much to Ling saying that someone should be townie^^

    Reading LB also doesn't give me much information, maybe someone else can read more out of him.

    I don't like those early outings, and I assume all of them are fake. But on the other hand I think wolves do those (fake)-outings

    This was about Ente saying he is healer. I was wondering whether he would accuse a wolfmate here with saying that wolves also do outings. Maybe a small pluspoint for Ente not being a wolf?

    I am not sure, but it seemed a to me as an Alexa-kill was a little excluded, so I just wnated to make sure, that we all have all options

    I would suggest that there would be no need to put a wolfmate back into focus... Rather small plus town point for Alexa.

    He should be good then, if Jadio and Ling are not leveling extremly.

    Mhm... Ling was no wolf, not so sure whether it says anything about Jadio?

    Would be a good argument saying a wolfmate is rather townie... and it works aslong as Ling would be alive. So maybe a really really small minus point for Jadio? But only really small.

    LB wrote some more stuff, but rather OT/funny things or at least nothing that gave me the feeling that there could be specific interactions between a wolf-wolf or wolf-townie.

  • But I am not so sure whether the wolves would really eat in that setting two times the same person

    Its a safe kill i guess

    True. I had a wrong assumption. I thought the old man is not vulnerable at all. My bad.

  • Buchzauber U got me wrong. I wanted to say that Daro decided that ling will be lynched and not one of us. But I didn’t wanted to say that one of us decided the lynch.

    by the way:
    In case Ling was attacked and healed himself in N1, the wolves knew that they either had the old man or the healer healing ling. so lynching ling would have been great for the wolves. If ling would have been the old man, all villagers would have lost their power. If he was just the healed person, the healer lost his townie information which is not bad in a wolf view either and if ling would have been the healer who healed himself, it’s also good for the wolves.
    So my thought after the lynch was that Ling was actually a great kill for the wolves which means that maybe a wolf also forced the lynch. But since Daro as a vanilla townie decided the lynch, I don’t know whether we can actually get good informations like that out of the lynch situation.

    But maybe we still do. Daro announced that he would lynch ling, if I would probably show up or he finds another reason why he should not lynch me. So actually that sounds pretty bad for me because I was one factor pushing Daro toward the ling vote.
    But what I actually wanted to say, maybe a clever wolf already thought that Daro would swap and prepared the ling lynch?

    but I guess there is one problem in this conclusion… in case ling healed the Nk1 which would have been Daro or anyone else or the old man was eaten and it had nothing to do with ling, the wolves didn’t knew that ling is a good role/target.
    So maybe we still don’t have informations unless we find a second wolf who was probably in focus :/

    That’s so bad, I thought we could get more information out of the game so far :(

  • By the way, I didn’t like books post today that much. I feel like there is no content and searching in there besides the fact that she accuses Alexa and questions Ente saying jadio could be townie.

    But yes I know, I am really not much better. so I guess since I am not able to actually make up my mind and drop some thought, maybe she has the same problems as a townie.

    Well so far, xsi is with some posts hard to read (especially with headache) but I don’t want to lynch her today. I also don’t find her townie or anything, she is just neutral.

    Shark is motivated, don’t want to lynch him either.

    I have actually nothing captured of what jadio wrote so far which is not that good but as far as I remember, that was already discussed.

    I will think a bit about leon, Ente and Einhorn… I don’t really have an option on them so far but I want to have one.

  • No! you all still got me wrong.
    All I wanted to say is that Daro as a mayor with two votes decided the lynch. He had technically the chance to either push book, stay on me or to lynch ling. and in the moment he swapped his vote to ling, the lynch was decided.
    If we wouldn’t know that Daro is towny, we would probably find that sus.
    That’s all I wanted to say. And that I am thinking now whether someone might have expected his swap, planned on it and maybe also pushed it secretly somewhere.

    But that really has nothing to do with whom book or I might have voted. Especially since I didn’t vote at all.

    Besides that, does anyone think that with book / or me there was a wolf in focus yesterday? And who was the fourth again, jadio?

  • Buchzauber U got me wrong. I wanted to say that Daro decided that ling will be lynched and not one of us. But I didn’t wanted to say that one of us decided the lynch

    No I got that but why do you mention that Daro decided that and not one of us? Like why are exactly we two important for your thought there? Why not any other player?

    The two of us where the alternative Lynchs to ling…

  • In case Book is Wolf, the only co wolf saving her or trying to could be Einhorn then.

    If jadio is a Wolf, then starting with Alexa, Einhorn and shark, people voted for ling or book. But quite some time later.

    Anyways, Einhorn would be a person I would suggest that she realises that with voting ling, there is a chance to see him dead. But then she would be still one of the persons who voted for him… but as a second person ist’s not that sus.
    I just want to keep that for later.

    Besides that I get the impression that Einhorn don’t wants to understand me correctly and I have some problems following her thoughts. Maybe I put too much weight on that but it gives me a rather bad feeling. :/

    But for the moment, although it’s an easy lynch , I stick to my gut feelings since I don’t have a better idea so far. And going with the mayor doesn’t sound too bad for the moment I guess.

    VOTE: Buchzauber

    If I had to categorise everyone , it would look like that:

    Town to wolves:

    Alexa - Xsi - shark — Ente - Leon- jadio - Einhorn - buchzauber


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 2

    Buchzauber (3): Xsí*2, Sunset
    Xsí (1): Alexa

    Verbleibende Zeit: 02:02:15
  • So you think she is Not a Wolf?

    I see no problem in a cheap vote since there are a view people with only a few messages. Better Option than Alexa or Leon for me right now and i like him least from the others with low post numbers.

    I personally dont like to vote someone just because he hasn`t contributed that much as others especially if its still the beginning of the game. Especially if theres other players that are more sus

    I don't think this is the kind of thing Book would be saying to her co-wolf. She's also following up on this later. And earlier she picked up on the whole swimming conversation around LB. I have to say, I don't really see a team here. Which leaves me with Alexa, Duck or Sunny.

    Sunny had zero interactions with LB. She's also only focused on book and her regarding the lynch, leaving Jadio completely out.

    Will deal with Alexa and Duck later.

    What? Ling was Not a Wolf, so what should Book Not Say to her cowolf? ?(
    I would say in Case Book and LB are wolves together she definitely would defend hin Boy saying That it’s Not so Good to Vote someone just because there has Not been much Information yet. I mean why shouldnt she say that? Of Course she Would do the Same thing as a Townie but why shouldnt she as a co wolf?
    Can you explain please?

  • Mhm I am not sure whether book could not write that as a team mate but yeah… I am not so sure anyway about her being a wolf.
    But I don’t have a better suggestion.

    And des Xsí my iPad had no English language and then typing was so hard anyway so that I did not payed that much attention on the capitol letters. I do know that ;)

    einhornlasagne I would have voted ling…

    Leon is different than last game and I do see a world where he is wolf. But I already tunnelled him last game and I was wrong.

    About shark idk. Maybe Ente is Right but also feels bad to vote last minute just because I want to vote an alternative to book.

    Jadio should be out of game anyway when he doesn’t post now…

  • I am sorry that I don’t have a better idea… I feel a bit like last game, just focussing on someone and being wrong :/

    I guess jadios one post count?
    I don’t know what to think about that :(

    Can be true.

  • Can we please not start voting all me just because there seems to be no better option?
    That really doesn’t help finding a wolf.

  • I don’t think voting on Einhorn is the solution Alexa

    although I don’t understand her that much, I still think Einhorn is town.

    Oh and what I liked about Alexa is that she doesn’t fit to Lb J think? And maybe also some of her behaviour earlier that lead me to find her townish but to be honest I can remember any details :/

    VOTE: Jadio


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 2

    Jadio (3): Xsí*2, Sunset
    Sunset (2): Ente, Buchzauber
    Leon (1): Alexa
    Alexa (1): einhornlasagne

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:07:45
  • einhornlasagne second last comment.
    I felt like it is a small plus point for Alexa that he might not need to write that as a co wolf.

    Maybe I need to rethink that later but not now.

  • I don’t think voting on Einhorn is the solution Alexa

    although I don’t understand her that much, I still think Einhorn is town.

    Well I have no clue

    if Jadio is villager, Buch might be bad

    Yes, second time Buch was saved.
    I am not sure but I think I remember games where Buch as town also was nearly lynched and then not… it’s really hard to tell whether book is wolf or not, at least I remember it difficult for me to get a correct read on her