Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | victory: wolves

  • I'm very sorry, I have much to do today (writing an essay and I'm very unmotivated to do so *sigh* )

    I just quickly read all replies and I don't know how much I'll be able to be present until the voting period ends, so atm I like Pearl and Joule. Both seem to put much thought into their posts and I find myself nodding at a lot of stuff their are saying. Neither of both seems to be evil atm and so I'll think I will be selecting one of them as the leader.

  • So it would be nice if you can see me as a person and not only reduce me to my candidacy as a leader.

    You unterstand me in the wrong way. I already said that I have nothing against you as person and I actually don't believe that you are werewolf. I only answered on the question and that might sound impolite because I don't know how to formulate it as well but my focus aktually is not on the HD in this game. You can see it in my assessment which is honestly pretty short, but I really thought there was more but at that moment there wasn't. :ugly:

    So you have to know that I like your motivation and hope you to spend in mid and late game as much time as you spend now, because you make the game lively as well as you give us good and honest impressions of your own thoughts, which are insurering me, you have a good intention. :saint:

  • Hello dear friends,

    Late come!! So excited about this anonymous game! I am Volta, a cool girl but not talkative type! I am sneakly observing and will give opions when I smelled something! I do not want to be the opinion leader at this stage however I am open to all the questions! @me and discuss with me on anything you are suspicious of!!

    Love you,


  • So you have to know that I like your motivation and hope you to spend in mid and late game as much time as you spend now, because you make the game lively as well as you give us good and honest impressions of your own thoughts, which are insurering me, you have a good intention.

    :love: Thank you! That sounds completly different to what you've said before but it made me like you more. You're so manipulating here, making compliments is really a good strategy to keep me away from thinking negativ about you^^ Secretly you just want a ticket for a free first class ride with the DB right?

    I am sneakly observing and will give opions when I smelled something!

    Alright, Hi Volta! Nice to meet you! What do you think about the smell coming out from the wagon of Buffy and Dinah? I smelled some delicious food around lunch time, how about you?:ugly:

  • Captain Hook: I just Thought that Electra seemed very honest about their concerns about playing this game. But since this is something that everyone could say I emphasised that its just my first impression and feeling

  • Hellooo beautiful skaterboys and girls, I am afraid I do not have as much time on my hands as I would have liked and I am kinda stuggling with keeping the names apart and getting into the groove but I'll try my best. :)

    Let me know if you have any questions please, that might help me as well!

    He might not be amused, thats right. But as long as he is not here I thought it might be good to make some friends and share some bisous like friends do ;) and to be honest, maybe it isn't the best thing for Rusty to participate here... we will see how this goes on.
    Well Coco seemed to me quite creative and trustworthy for the beginning. I thought making her feel more comfortable isn't too bad. My first impression of you istn't too bad either. So we will see. As mentionned before, my heart truly belongs to Rusty, even though I enjoy chatting around and as a first class wagon I need to be up to date! (I guess in both definitions ;) )

    Pearl I think I like you, this post and the ones that followed confirmed my impression of your motivation, that seems really authentic so far. And I think it's important to bring some good energy and be attentive and active, all in all a pretty positive picture for now.


    Dinah seems, like Greaseball, a bit over the top to me - It's really hard to assess posts if they are written in an intenionally exaggerated mood. The roleplay is fine and all, but unless you want to hide something, dear Dinah, I'd prefer you to phrase your posts a bit more neutrally :)

    (strangely, it bothered me less in Greaseball's post. Maybe because it seemed more natural?)

    Really? I did not see it this way, I thought Dinah seemed rather honest and not necessarily over-the-top fakey in their playstyle.

    I am very happy to participate in a game that offers the opportunity to roleplay like this and I don't think it prevents me from sharing my thoughts. So, I don't see a problem with that, since it's not my intention to please everyone, instead it is to find wolves. Interestingly enough, why do you only mention me and Greaseball? I'd say Pearls posts are a lot more over the top (which I do not see as a problem either, it is the thoughts and evaluations that matter, not the style of how they are presented).

    I apologize in advance if you have already answered that but what is your current opinion on Joule?


    Stand Tag 1

    Coco (1): Greaseball

    Joule (1): Coco

    Pearl (3): Pearl, Dinah, Wrench

    Verbleibende Zeit: 03:27:03

  • Here we go again!

    I drank my coffee but unfortunately: I didn't calm down.

    Lucky me thought while reading: Everything stayed as it was. & nothing has shaken.:)

    He seems to be a macho which his way of presenting his thoughts. Maybe it based on his assume that I am a macho while he praised himself very high.

    And his reaction on my reaction on the effects of his posts, anyway I am not a friend of players who a very egocentric. I am sure in the end he will be not able to be a better HD as Coco or someone else. And his extraordinary volunteer might be dangerous.

    Okay, so i guess it was a little bit selfdefense?

    Interesting thought and i can understand why you assume something like from your point of view.

    But i can not share your perception objective. But maybe it's because the word 'macho' has a difficult meaning for you.

    Well, anyways: Who are/is your mostley villagery player/players at the moment?

    I can tell you that I am the very best player you have ever played with but thats not an objective opinion ( and not my opinion anyway). I am sure that I would be a good choice since I have time, I am motivated and I would love to be the leader. I can't promise to find all the werewolfes at once, but I am sure I will give my very best to find them. Especially when the other villagers are also eager to find the werewolfes.

    Well i trust you with that. And this would share my impression.

    Is someone here whose gamestyle matches yours the most?

    I like the way you present yourself as a special snowflake here. And that is exactly why i think you are villagery. I just want to make clear if it's your general way to play that werwolve game or are you playing a really good roleplay here;)

    Why? In general it would sound weird but Dinah is reffering to Starlight Express and due to this I found it quite ok to say that. The "girls" haven't participated in the game much when Dinah asked them so that its a good idea to include them in the game and ask others for opinion.

    Well didn't get that reference. Just thought she wanted to focus here. That would be strange.

    It reminded me of dubious American campaign workers before an election.

  • Replacement:

    Jack Frost will be replaced by @Greaseball

    Könnt ich sagen, was ich fühl

    Wie die Welt sich um mich dreht

    Und um was es bei dieser schlecht gespielten Farce in Wahrheit geht

    Du darfst dein Leben leben und ich bin wie Stein

    Uns’re Welt ist nicht dieselbe

    Und gefährlich, wenn man träumt


  • Pearl I think I like you, this post and the ones that followed confirmed my impression of your motivation, that seems really authentic so far. And I think it's important to bring some good energy and be attentive and active, all in all a pretty positive picture for now.


    I have to say that I like your argumentation and that you want to see me as a good person, but I don't really understand why you quoted exactly that part of my posts that was probably the one with the most nonsense?

    Well i trust you with that. And this would share my impression.

    Is someone here whose gamestyle matches yours the most?

    I like the way you present yourself as a special snowflake here. And that is exactly why i think you are villagery. I just want to make clear if it's your general way to play that werwolve game or are you playing a really good roleplay here ;)

    You mean someone who plays similar in this Starlight Express game or someone on whole WWO? Or do you want to know whose gamestyle I like the most?
    I don't think that my gamestyle is similar to someone else in the game yet cause we are still in the beginning and some haven't talked much yet. Not like me, I know. Pearl definitely brings out the best of me :P So of course this is my general way to play, besides the fact that I am not called Pearl. I wouldn't say I am really good in roleplayes or that I actually try to. I want to have fun and it's not fun to just guess which wwo user might be which Starlight Express character. I rather look for werewolfs. How about you? What do you actually want to know from me by asking me these questions?

    What do you think of Wrench? You asked him some questions and it seems like you are also not super convinced of him yet?
    He seems quite relaxed to me but all in all, as menntioned before, but besides that I can't see any villager sign.

    I am not sure whether I have menntioned it, but I like Flat top so far :) I hope you are feeling better soon! And in case you are actually feeling well and just lying to us... well I hope you don't since its not needed.

  • I take back what I said about Pearl, since my personality read seems to be wrong anyways.

    For now, I'll just drop my vote here and comment the recent posts later.

    VOTE: Coco


    Stand Tag 1

    Coco (2): Greaseball, Joule

    Joule (1): Coco

    Pearl (3): Pearl, Dinah, Wrench

    Verbleibende Zeit: 02:19:33

  • I take back what I said about Pearl, since my personality read seems to be wrong anyways.

    Now you made me curious! What made you change your mind? And do you really want to base your opinion on assumptions on possible real names of the players?

    Greaseball still Greaseball. Vote still fine.

    Hi new Greaseball! I am sorry for the other one that he left :(
    Any thoughts about the game so far? How would you describe your playing style and how do you want to make your assesments/evaluations of the players?

  • Any thoughts about the game so far? How would you describe your playing style and how do you want to make your assesments/evaluations of the players?

    Are you up to something nefarious? Look straight into these beautiful flood lights while you answer that question.

    Well, and if you aren't, we're good.

    I'm not yet at the point where I'm looking for villagers and werewolves, I'm just looking. That why Coco are great, that's why I like Wrench, that's why I don't think role playing is bad for this stage of the game. Talk, get to know each other, get a feeling for play styles, there will be a point where these feelings will have to be backed up by, y'know, killing people, but not today.

    I'm less sure about you. "On paper", there's a lot. You're asking questions, helping me get into the game, asking and answering questions along with some minor RPG, you're definitely not hiding behind anonymity and one liners, and all of it, it's ... fine. A tad long is the worst I can say about your answer to Wrench on this very page. And yet -

    Yeah. Nothing else.

  • So of course this is my general way to play, besides the fact that I am not called Pearl. I wouldn't say I am really good in roleplayes or that I actually try to. I want to have fun and it's not fun to just guess which wwo user might be which Starlight Express character. I rather look for werewolfs. How about you? What do you actually want to know from me by asking me these questions?

    I just tried to gain some new information about you and your style.

    Tickling you. Something like that..

    Just wanted to be really convinced to vote for you as Hd.

    But i like your reaction and i could sign you arguments. Sure i rather look for werewolfs lol xD But atm i'm trying to concetrate me a little bit mor on my choice for my vote. And then after this day, i hope i will have a lot of information about all the players so it will be easier to concentrate if they aren't noble-minded.

    What do you think of Wrench? You asked him some questions and it seems like you are also not super convinced of him yet?
    He seems quite relaxed to me but all in all, as menntioned before, but besides that I can't see any villager sign.

    Well i'm not convinved by Wrench.

    But it could be also his general style. Idk

    I have to look another time maybe. I will give him/her some time.- for now not positive at all. It doesn't seem like he's really into the games flow.



    Stand Tag 1

    Coco (2): Greaseball, Joule

    Joule (1): Coco

    Pearl (4): Pearl, Dinah, Wrench, Flat Top

    Verbleibende Zeit: 01:16:47

  • VOTE:Coco is the person i wanted to vote (and still want to vote).

    Besides his posting style I especially like his way to share is thoughts and opinions. It seems frank to me, which gives me a villager-like feeling reading his diary.

    Furthermore I can say that I also feel some villager vibes coming from the Greaseball (old and new one) direction. I guess its a good sign, that this also applys to the second Greasball :)

    I am not quite sure with Pearl for now though, although he is very active (which is not really a good sign if you ask me).

    More thought from my side can only be shared tomorrow, from where my available time for this game should be increasing steadily ;)


    Stand Tag 1

    Coco (3): Greaseball, Joule, Electra

    Joule (1): Coco

    Pearl (4): Pearl, Dinah, Wrench, Flat Top

    Verbleibende Zeit: 01:06:32

  • I still like VOTE:Pearl and a like a active leader. I think she will be able to perfom this job quite well.


    Stand Tag 1

    Coco (3): Greaseball, Joule, Electra

    Joule (1): Coco

    Pearl (5): Pearl, Dinah, Wrench, Flat Top, Caboose

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:42:55

  • Dear diary,

    At the end of the day, I will give you my summarized impression about the crowd surrounding me. I feel a little bit more comfortable among my fellows since everyone is very nice to each other although some seem to like some others more (or less), which I oftentimes do not understand. Indeed, I have the feeling that many of them base their evaluations on traits like honesty and serenity and in my view, these are rather parts of one’s personality (if you can describe it that way, others call it playing style, but honestly, I don’t have the feeling that this is just a game, I take it very seriously!).

    Rusty tries to get off with me, at least he wants to have drink with me, or is it more? Should I take the opportunity having a date with him? I am leaning towards yes at the moment, believe me or not! And I’m convinced that Flat Top is a nice drinking buddy too, although he prefers whine over beer. Maybe I can convince him being not as manipulative as it seems in the first place?

    Speaking of Flat Top: I am slightly wondering about his conversation with Pearl. On the one hand, he clearly states he sees a villager in Pearl. But on the other hand, he askes intrusive questions I don’t know what the intention is.

    I made a few words about Turnov although most people don’t understand what I am about to say. I think it is necessary to repeat it again. In a game as this – nobody knows the other guys – a standard wolf would be inclined to leave a positive first impression. A standard attitude might be that anecdotes about language issues are what meaningless and senseless. Thus, I would assume that a standard wolf would follow that unofficial rule by not just writing a post like this. Even if he does, he would compensate with some serious stuff, but that is not what Turnov did.

    I also reported you my impression about Buffy. The first negative issue is that (in a situation when no one knows him) he insists he won’t be voted. I still wonder why in his view this was necessary. His evaluation post is more a summary that actual evaluation, but I think this is less relevant with respect to his alignment.

    With Wrench I did only have one serious conversation since he is more the jokey type of person, and I hate jokes! After all, I don’t see much content even in his third post, apart from the fact that Pearl is his leader to vote.

    Speaking of Pearl: I think the group dynamic speaks in favor of a Pearl villager. Although I’m still not convinced that I like his style of interacting and playing. This has much to do with a combination of many words, but less to say. Don’t get me wrong, he says intelligent things but it’s hard for me to follow all conversations when one person always screams down the others. I hope you don’t mind this comparison. Basically, much of him saying is praising his leader competencies, but that’s fine for now. However, I will see what is happening tomorrow after I had my beers in the bar; that is, whether there are more positive things to say.

    Actually, I was too lazy today to follow all the words he said. Do you think he takes offence about that?

    Dinah is still a person I can image a bad person. I have already described that I believe he manipulates somehow. More precisely,

    He needs to express his uncertainty by using the term “naïve”. This is not very much telling in itself, but it fits my overall gut feeling.

    The Joule/Pearl affair: It is not only the feeling that he wants to hiddenly point that Pearl also fits to Joule’s argumentation but also that he criticizes Joule for not being consistent.

    He wants to hear thoughts on me and Turnov, but didn’t express his opinion about the two of us except that it might be too obvious. What are we playing here? How much stuff belonging in the wolf conversation can I write in the thread without being lynched? (I have to admit I am about to learn the vocabulary that is common in this game – yeah!)

    To call me pre-determined is a huge scandal. Pre-determined with respect to what? *grrr*

    I didn’t change my mind about Joule, you remember what I said about him yesterday? He is still my top villager at the moment. Especially that he is interested in looking behind the curtain of anonymity seems an approach that a wolf would hardly be pursuing.

    Caboose was the one with this strange exclusion. He clarified the details for me, but I am still not convinced. He read my diary so I guess he knows what my problem is, yet he didn’t answer. However, he wasn’t present today, so I hope he will catch up later on.

    Ruhrgold is from Detroit, USA. Anyway, I don’t know how to express that but my gut feeling about him is… bad! He is a wolf I am sure!

    Greaseball looks different than yesterday. Maybe his makeup is just different, but honestly, yesterday he looked more attractive to me than today.

    I do not have any opinion about Electra, Volta and Blitza.

    That’s all for now, I could say much more, but beer is waiting, and I will see whether the conversation with Rusty and Flat top in the bar will yield interesting results. If anyone else wants to join us, I would not mind since I feel happy at the moment.

    I love you my dear!



  • I hope i haven't forgotten how to play!:thinking:

    Somehow I don't like this comment, as we do not know who they are anyway, Still not too sure if I want to assess something like that.

    Especially Coco. That is why I described them as pre-determined, which I'd say is a wolf-like attitude.

    Is it possible to show a significant example. Where did you get that feeling?

    In one of my latest posts I cited where I got that feeling.

    What do you think about Pearl and Dinah? First, Dinah posits Pearl in a slightly negative light, however, declare him as one of his top villagers eventually. I lean towards they are not wolves together; can you check that? Thanks.

    In a nutshell, I currently feel that Dinah is a quite manipulative person since what he says in is quite hidden in his posts. In other words: I have the feeling that he is scared of taking a stand both in negative and positive terms, I don’t trust him at all!

    However, I find it quite interesting you call me manipulative, yet you say I put Pearl in a negative light. I didn't do that at all, I said she is my villager. The comment about being over the top was just to point out to Joule that their (I am stealing this idea of using their from Ruhrgold in order to prevent gender assuming,I like that), comment was inaccurate. It seemed like Joule really only wanted to criticize Greaseball and me for that, although other players are doing the same thing, that was confusing to me.

    Also, why do you say what I say is hidden in my posts? I literally referred to three people as villagers and shared my suspicion about the connection between you and Turnov. It seems like you just want to read something in my posts that is not there. It gives me feeling that your evaluations are kinda pre-determined and in this phase of the game, a villager wouldn't have the need to be pre-determined, I think that it is a wolf-like attitude you have here.

    It is the way they read my posts. I get the feeling they really want to misread my comments because it is easier for them that way. Especially, after Joule already criticized my introduction. Coco seemed to jump upon that waggon (pun intended) and therefore reads my post as they want to, which lead to statements that are just wrong.

    I am not sure what it is that I do not like about Turnovs posts exactly but I wonder why Coco felt the need to express Turnovs start was incautious. I see a connection over here, although that would be too obvious to be true. Any thoughts on that?

    To which post are you reffering here? I am not really sure what you want to say with that so that it would be great if you could explain that to me a bit more detailed.

    I referred to this post.

    Dear diary,

    I thought all these conversations through and I think that Turnov might be a villager. His start was kind of incautious with all these translation examples and in general.

    I just didn't get why Coco defended them over here, especially because of Coco evaluating things like that negatively when done by other players.

    You didn't oversee anything, as I am still quite uncertain here. While I do not really agree with much of what they are saying, I still see them as a possible villager, which might be due to them not really fitting to Coco who is probably the most suspicious for me at the moment.

  • Greaseball looks different than yesterday. Maybe his makeup is just different, but honestly, yesterday he looked more attractive to me than today.

    I'm deeply wounded by this, just that you know. It's all quality lard over here!

    Cocos post reads like they ran out of time somewhere in the middle (around the part where he starts talking about Dinah) but still wanted to finish. Which I appreciate, I guess.

    Coco seemed to jump upon that waggon (pun intended) and therefore reads my post as they want to, which lead to statements that are just wrong.

    That doesn't sound like the most appropriate thing to do in public. I can see why this is something a werewolf would do!

    A smell of pancakes in the air ... hmm, nice?