Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora | wolves win

  • Bc of the way he outed himself I guess

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  • Have you read the wolf-game I send you earlier yet?

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  • Xsí do I read that right, that you are contemplating lynching Leon, or just watching him very closely now?

    I'm not sure whom we should lynch today, I can make a case for more people than wolfes remaining. But yes, Leon's among them.

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • Xsí do I read that right, that you are contemplating lynching Leon, or just watching him very closely now?

    I'm not sure whom we should lynch today, I can make a case for more people than wolfes remaining. But yes, Leon's among them.

    To be honest, I'm a bit over the whole Alexa-Leon situation where they are snarling at each other, but not actually comit to anything, Alexa's beginning of the day votes nonwithstanding. But it seems to have cooled of right now (thank the gods!)

    So I'm curious to know if there is an actual team in there or not, and I'm not quite sure yet what to make of Alexa. Leon was townie yesterday because of gut feeling reading LB's comments to and about him.

    Just as context for my question :D

    I think I have to sleep a bit on this whole thing. Good night!

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • Kinda trust Sunny, but she is jumping a lot

    Sunny says lasagna is good

    So I have my Xsi-Book team on one hand and Leon-Sharky on the other

    And my crazy Xsi-Leon team

    In my opinion, a Xsi-Team might kill Duck more than a Leon-team, especially cause they could exclude Xsi from being assassin, but maybe they ate duck only cause he was tunnelling against me (or cause he went against Sharky?)

    What I don't like about Xsi is, that she suspects ppl but is nice to them at the same time, but she sometimes sound like a townie and Daro trusted her, so did Duck.

    But if Xsi is a townie, Leon could be wolf

    Sunny+Unicorn shouldn't be wolf together, Sharky+Book too?? (only bc of activity reasons)

    Note: this was made without re-reading the game too much

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  • Still think we should lynch VOTE: Buchzauber

    But might be Xsí.

    I still think we should just out roles, that makes it so much easier having two confirmed Townies...


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 3

    Leon (1): Alexa
    Sunset (1): einhornlasagne
    Buchzauber (1): Leon

    Verbleibende Zeit: 19:44:26


  • What I don't like about Xsi is, that she suspects ppl but is nice to them at the same time

    I guess there's a first for every accusation. Hot fix: Whenever there's a kind way to take my posts, assume that's not the intended one (that, or the recipient is not the target audience).

    Following wolfes from villagers without special info is still not how this game works. I've got no extra intel on Leon, if you think him a possible wolf, put that on him, not me.

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • I've got no extra intel on Leon, if you think him a possible wolf, put that on him, not me.

    Well it's very likely that at least one of you is wolf, I just can't decide between you two

    The way you were trying to get unicorn to help you, searching for a mediator for us two and so on could come from a wolf. Leon has a few good parts but overall he isn't that much interested in the game which is kinda surprising bc in his last wolfgame he was wayyy better

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  • Oh and ofc there is a chance that Unicorn and Book are wolf bc of the way how Unicorn acted towards Book, but who am I thinking that I'm able to find a wolf when everyone else says their townie

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  • And if you think outing the old man is not a good Idea at least out the freemason...

    How do you think this will help? Because as far as I'm concerned the freemason will still die as vanilla townie. That is, if they are still alive.

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • VOTE: Leon since there are not enough non-vanilla townies left for a role call to solve anything, any outing will just help the wolves right now imo. Waiting for an explanation from Leon why the village needs this outing, then I'll move my vote.


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 3

    Leon (2): Alexa, einhornlasagne
    Buchzauber (1): Leon

    Verbleibende Zeit: 09:29:11

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • Oh, c'mon VOTE: Leon , Jason's not in the setting.

    Alexa Oh, I know unicorn could be wolf, I just don't see it. If she is, that makes you me think you co-evil over Book, btw. The latter might be so transparent a wolf that she wouldn't have said that one fairly straightforward thing to LB (which is what I'm leaning on here, it's not like Book's done anything else this game), but that's just the kind of alibi you don't hand over to a fellow wolf, it's something you wait for a villager to pick up on.


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 3

    Leon (4): Alexa, einhornlasagne, Xsí*2
    Buchzauber (1): Leon

    Verbleibende Zeit: 08:41:41

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • That Lynchstand is causing unhappy rabbit noises if there ever was one (Daro, sir, we really need to talk about this post-game). I'll be leaving in half an hour, tops.

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • And if you think outing the old man is not a good Idea at least out the freemason...

    How do you think this will help? Because as far as I'm concerned the freemason will still die as vanilla townie. That is, if they are still alive.

    Why does that matter how the freemason will die?:thinking:

    As far as I'm concerned, if only one player claims to be the freemason he is pretty much confirmed good. If two players claim freemason we know (exactly) one of them is evil. That's quite a lot of info. Now what is the downside to doing this?

    And as far as the freemason being dead goes: well we only had 2 vanilla townie die so far. Jadio said, that he was a vanilla one, so no freemason there. Then just a slight chance Daro was one, but that's rather unlikely.

    VOTE: Leon since there are not enough non-vanilla townies left for a role call to solve anything, any outing will just help the wolves right now imo.

    Well it doesn't have to solve the entire game for it to be helpful....

    Sure one could argue, that we should wait another day with the role call, but that's kinda risky since we might already lose the game today if Xsi is a wolf. The other risk in waiting is, that it makes it more likely, that the freemason already died when doing the role call, making for an easy bluff. And not doing a role call at all is just an utter waste of the role.

    That being said, after all it's probably the best option to just lynch someone and if they are a non-vanilla role they still have the option to out themselves in order to not get lynched. Just scared this results in chaos.


  • As far as I'm concerned, if only one player claims to be the freemason he is pretty much confirmed good. If two players claim freemason we know (exactly) one of them is evil. That's quite a lot of info. Now what is the downside to doing this?

    I'm not telling the wolves how they can use this :ugly: and sure, it is unlikely they already died but it is a possibility and we can't confirm the role through the one claiming it dying.

    Hiss! I say: HISS!