Beiträge von Elisabeth & Der Tod

    How do you now, after Ruhrgolds death think about a Vote wolf?

    why do you think theres a connection between the lynch and her Volta assessment

    I think I am going to reconsider my slightly negative tendency regarding Coco. I dont think that a wolf would currently put that much effort into trying to make my lynch vote look bad?

    i also see mre of a villager in a tunnel with his analysis there rather than a wolf

    I don't know whether I agree to you all that Rusty's complaint is suspicious. When I read it for the first time, it seemed more likely to me that he was an annoyed villager, but now I have to say that the post really seems artificial.

    if you think its artificial, what does it says about ashley then?

    Wrench : What's your opinion on Buffy, Dinah and Turnov again? Who would you vote if you had to decide now and for what reason? Who do you think you would have voted yesterday?

    i like dinah. i think her questioning is villager like and i also liked her especially in interaction with coco Day 0. Her reaction to the lynch also seemed authentic.

    i didnt liked turnovs longer post yesterday as i expressed and i think in his reaction to my question/statement hes thinking to easy imo.

    i dont think i have a real opinion about buffy yet. i wasnt a fan off the big post yesterday but this is rather based on feelings and im still waiting for some reactions from him to the questions to evaluate him.

    Im unsure who i would have voted yesterday, but honestly probably electra over ruhrgold.

    if i had to vote now i would vote turnov i think bc from the ones i dont feel like beeing a villager hes the one with the most/strongest things i disliked. as mentioned above mostly bc his longer post.

    Also, why should I actively advertise for a different lynch? The Ruhrgold votes were really understandable (and in fact I even think I would have switched to save Caboose if Electra hadn't done anything), but in the worst case, we just lose a villager and don't even gain information, because voting Ruhrgold in this situation is completely sensible in each role. So I was rather criticising the tactics behind the move and I still stand behind that. I can't imagine that every person that was in a similar position as Ruhrgold (say, Rusty, Volta, maybe Flat Top, Buffy, Turnov) is a werewolf, so Pearl was pretty lucky to pick the right person, but obviously that's not clear before the lynch.

    i just thought when you state the lynch as uninteresting neutral lynch you would rather have someone else and was wondering why you dont do sth. against it then ^^

    so if its completly understandable in both roles, do you think we can even get informations from the votes?

    im sorry that im online so late :/

    Coco: -

    how did this come?

    It also occured to me that Wrench has a pretty special position in this game. She seems much more in the questioning mode. The comments are usually quite good in my opinion, but I would wish for more opinions.

    you can always ask if you wanna hear a certain opinion

    I didn't really like Rusty's post. His criticism towards Buffy is completely justified, and his opinion about Pearl and Coco is something I share. Nevertheless I would have hoped for more insight into his thoughts. As of now, it all seems a bit shallow, and also I got the impression that the question to Buffy about Turnov is a bit out of place. I had the thought that Rusty might be wolf with either Turnov or Buffy and tried to create either mindgames (If Turnov) or interaction (If Buffy) with one of his furry friends.

    i thought this was a good thought. villager-like from joule here imo

    I think Ruhrgold is pretty much the definition of an uninteresting neutral lynch. Not so cool in ms opinion. However, it's understandable indeed.

    i didnt liked this sentence bc Joule didn made any "advertising" for another lynch but calls this one uncool

    . Perhaps all of them are villager or electra is a wolf, I don't know.

    i think the dynamic speaks for electra and carboose as villagers

    Pearl not a wolf either, I assume.

    I am still a bit unsure about Joule, but also think that it is rather unlikely that she played it like that as a wolf?

    i dont see why she couldnt play this as a wolf there.

    Furthermore, he says he likes Joule, Electra (but can change and it did eventually) and dislikes Ashley voting Rusty. My thoughts: Electra is rather wolf than Joule; and Ashley and Rusty are not wolves together.

    i fell kinda unsure about this. feels a bit like definitly want to read sth. out of ruhrgold.

    does somebody else got the feeling coco wasnt as strong as yesterday?

    Do you think it is worth to read what others said about Ruhrgold?

    i think its worthier than analysing his posts

    This reaction seems for me not like Caboose is in a team with Turnov.

    Whats' an interesting point, because both of them are potentially candidates for me.

    i agree on that.

    would you say Caboose over turnov or the other way round?

    Wrench why haven't you vote? I'm a little bit surprised.

    honestly i didnt make it on till now, i will try to be there the next votings

    yes, the same and I'm also rethinking my opinion about Buffy.

    why are you doing so even though there was no new input from buffy?

    whoooo... this post of Rusty was quite wolfy!

    i also thought so! still hanging on that ashley thing and the argument for her beeing villager was a way to easy way of thinking.

    i must also admit that i liked electra the last posts/during the lynch and before

    im going to bed now:sleeping:

    Pearl and Coco have a huge amount of interactions. If one of them were a wolf, I sould think about a possible team.I also think, that he is to much interacting with other players for being a wolf.

    so youre basically saying as wolf you cannot have many interactions with others? i would say thats bullshit

    Turnov post seems a bit fuller with evaluations and thought that it acutally is which leaves a slightly bad feeling. Any opinions on Turnov @all?

    i thought the post was much words with not as much content, which left a negativ feeling.

    I really have to say that reading Buffys Post made my feelings go up, down, up, down, up and so on. I don't know why but first impression was wolf, then I thought her arguments are not too bad but then I had the impression that her whole Post was pre written. Which I don't really understand. I really really don't know how to evaluate Buffys Post.

    buffys post didnt make me feel one way ot the other

    Ok, Turnov might be a villager.


    More than that i have so many team-exclusions that there is just no chance, that there is a wolf behind this character

    which ones do you have, that you got so many oO

    . Aaand if Joule wolf, Electra is one too, but that also is valid the other way round.

    on which interaction did you based this assumption? especially: how do you come to this even though you said you feel like electra is a villager but joule more wolf?

    I realized, that most of his posts have to to with our now dead greaseball. Where are less other opinions like to pearl and to Joule, which I support, but al little bit it feels for me like the two are two of the most viewable villagers.

    so you think he mostly interacted with greaseball well knowing hes a villager, so he can later kill him to get a villager image for himself? or am i misunderstanding you

    And where is the problem? And no this vote hasn't be random. And I think it's not so difficult to see why it goes to Rusty.

    Another candidate like this would be Volta.

    im not a fan of such provocating votes. and first i just thought youre going for a easy lynch here.

    besides from the vote - which i know understand - i really like ashleys way of going into the game and it feels more villager like to me

    I think I'm also not really convinced of Ruhrgold so far.

    same here. i just think his posts are nothing new, but lets see what else will come from him.

    And yes Rusty is inactive, but now I know more about him as yesterday evening and he didn't wrote anything since when ^^

    i dont got that one, could you explain it to me?

    I have to admit it really hard for me to get into the game, speaking english and more people roleplaying than in a "normal" game creates an emotional distance between myself and the game. Espacially because I know nothing about Starlight Express and have trouble telling jokes based on the musical and real conversations apart. I don't want you to stop doing that (because I think for everyone else it's a lot of fun), but maybe you could write jokes in cursive or so, just that I know you're joking and participate more easily.

    I cant help me but i felt this was authentic.

    Coco&Pearl both criticised him. But pay attention, Pearl did it first, and coco immediately followed. To me Coco is more suspicious. Did she want to set someone as a target as soon as possible? She distinguished the good and bad people toooo fast. I do not think it is helpful to villagers. If you are a villager, I hope you are smarter. Coco

    However I believe Pearl can be a good leader. She is trustworthy to me.

    for me it seemed like you also found her suspicious above (even though coco is more suspicious for you) so i kinda dont understand how shes then trustworthy for you?

    I am quite unsure about you so far, what you write is good I guess but I have the feeling that you can be good in manipulating others.

    and manipulating others always is negativ?

    I agree on that. I feel like I have written so much without actually having more than some tendencies that can change quickly. Which is not good at all. It's only 5 pages, not really much for a day zero. I guess getting in the game is for most of us more difficult than usually. I would be happy if some more people participate.

    i found this authentic too. reflecting your own content here seems more villager like to me

    and for Hiro i also liked flat top. no opinions on buffy or turnov

    I think Electra is a funny, funny person! I don't know how to assess that!

    i dont get where you got this feeling? the post doesnt seemed very joking..

    Rusty is suspicious because Ashley says that. She is new so she has an objective view. What do you think?


    coco rly seemed better the rest of the day, i would agree with electra here.

    Something else: Electra's longer post activated eight out of ten alarm bells. So much relativizing. So awkward to read. Really gives me wolf vibes.

    The post where he calls Jugolas a villager-like person doesn't improve the situation.

    it wasnt that bad for me, but the post also didnt make me change my first impresion of electra

    I totally like your posts by now!

    wait, there was a point where you didnt liked them? your last post evoked the feeling you liked them?

    I am not sure whether you got my post right. I was not saying myself that I have a first impression on someone which can change lateron but I critisised that post from Ruhrgold(?) saying that about someone else, I think it was Electra.

    o youre right i misread it.

    Maybe I just have to get used to your way of expressing yourself.

    im sorry if im missing some vocab to proberly express myself

    im a new me! i FINALLY finished all sites, so i feel sorry if my post is a little bit to much xD.... well actually i do not feel sorry :P

    I think Turnov is probably using a few unimportant words too much, maybe he is hiding something with that? I don't think its necessarily truthworthy if someone is just talking about things that have nothing to do with the game. Since the game just started it doesn't have to mean anything but I wouldn't say that it is an argument for him being a villager. Rather a werewolf then ;)

    i didnt like-and i still dont like- the way pearl instantly argumented against tunov. Yeah i have nothin gin mind from turnov-which usually is a bad sign- but i just think it was kinda unnecassary at this point

    Joules Post just let an idea in my head bloom xD

    It's not really an idea, more something that will make the game even more challenging. Since, i assume, neither of us is an native english speaker I think most of us are going to be limited in our choice of words. Which leads me to the conclusion, that juding the style and tone of someone could became very missleading. That's a bit frustrating

    im unsure about my feelings for this post. at first i thought: oh yes youre right! but now while im writing this it kinda feels like he directly wanted to prevent beeing called out for his style

    I think that Greaseball and Buffy aren’t wolves together, can you check whether this makes sense to you, too?

    i dont saw a interaction that made me thinking this way

    I need to tell you about Caboose and that he seems to exclude a possible connection between Greaseball and Pearl. Even if I don't think these two persons are evil at the moment, I disagree with this. You know, such conversations - I remember that I noticed they were talking about self confidence, self consciousness and leadership, can easily be conducted between evil persons, you know? I do not have much experience since I avoid bad people commonly as you know, but I think they possibly behave that way. At least I would not exclude that. This makes me think that if Caboose is a bad person, then Greaseball and Pearl are not. But I'm uncertain whether this reasoning is only true because I think those two might be good anyway, can you help me?

    well and this made me thought, that if coco is a bad person, grease and pearl might be one :ugly:

    but i dont think like this anymore

    However, I think we can exclude a Joule/Buffy-Team. I do not think someone would play it that way.

    and what if he played it like this intentionaly? i just thought the interaction there could easily be played by teammates.

    What do you think about Pearl and Dinah? First, Dinah posits Pearl in a slightly negative light, however, declare him as one of his top villagers eventually. I lean towards they are not wolves together; can you check that? Thanks.

    i would agree on the not wolves together part here

    I like Buffy's second a bit more, but it's still not convincing. I didn't like that he didn't even bother sharing a gut feeling about people with less than 5 posts. Seems a bit lazy and furthermore, I really don't think that people with less posts are automatically harder to evaluate.

    i liked the thoughts behind this

    I don't agree with that impression it's necessarily a villager attitude, I think both villagers and wolves often behave like that and it is more depending on the player, but unfortunately, we do not have that kind of knowledge.

    However, I find it quite interesting you call me manipulative, yet you say I put Pearl in a negative light. I didn't do that at all, I said she is my villager. The comment about being over the top was just to point out to Joule that their (I am stealing this idea of using their from Ruhrgold in order to prevent gender assuming,I like that), comment was inaccurate. It seemed like Joule really only wanted to criticize Greaseball and me for that, although other players are doing the same thing, that was confusing to me.

    Also, why do you say what I say is hidden in my posts? I literally referred to three people as villagers and shared my suspicion about the connection between you and Turnov. It seems like you just want to read something in my posts that is not there. It gives me feeling that your evaluations are kinda pre-determined and in this phase of the game, a villager wouldn't have the need to be pre-determined, I think that it is a wolf-like attitude you have here.

    this part let me think that dinah also is in no team with coco

    My top burger :D

    thx for the laugher :D

    I'm more diappointed that you didn't leave me any beer. Rude boy.

    give me some beer too!

    I feel like Electras first post sounds kinda honest. From My first impression I would put them in my village. But of course this is just a feeling from My first impression and can change.

    i didnt like the way he points out that hes usnure here

    And I like that more than sentences like first impression is that BUT IT CAN CHANGE LATERON since its just a first impression and they can always be wrong etc.

    same one as above here

    But i like your reaction and i could sign you arguments. Sure i rather look for werewolfs lol xD But atm i'm trying to concetrate me a little bit mor on my choice for my vote. And then after this day, i hope i will have a lot of information about all the players so it will be easier to concentrate if they aren't noble-minded.

    i kinda see villager like thoughts here.

    overall my first impression of flat top was very villager like. I like the way hes questioning things and wants to solve the game but at the same time is relaxed.

    just a feeling but i dont liked this post. kinda felt like just saying sth. about the more active ones?

    ! And I’m convinced that Flat Top is a nice drinking buddy too, although he prefers whine over beer. Maybe I can convince him being not as manipulative as it seems in the first place?

    what did you not like about flat top?

    Speaking of Pearl: I think the group dynamic speaks in favor of a Pearl villager

    why do you think so?cant she just be a dynamic leading wolf?

    It is the way they read my posts. I get the feeling they really want to misread my comments because it is easier for them that way. Especially, after Joule already criticized my introduction. Coco seemed to jump upon that waggon (pun intended) and therefore reads my post as they want to, which lead to statements that are just wrong.

    i kinda got the same feelings

    First of all, let's VOTE:Rusty because he really seems to play like a werewolf or is it just my point of view?

    and why he plays like a werwolf?

    to get into the game easier, would you like to tell me, why you voted pearl if you did?

    some further thoughts:

    im unsure how to feel about pearl, my general impression about the posts is a good one, but sometimes i just get the feeling about trying to overflood us with content to be seen as villager. and there a certain passages i didnt like.

    i also likes the way joule was writing his posts as well as Dinah. Dinahs way of questioning also awoke a villager feeling.

    Hellooo beautiful skaterboys and girls, I am afraid I do not have as much time on my hands as I would have liked and I am kinda stuggling with keeping the names apart and getting into the groove but I'll try my best. :)

    Let me know if you have any questions please, that might help me as well!

    He might not be amused, thats right. But as long as he is not here I thought it might be good to make some friends and share some bisous like friends do ;) and to be honest, maybe it isn't the best thing for Rusty to participate here... we will see how this goes on.
    Well Coco seemed to me quite creative and trustworthy for the beginning. I thought making her feel more comfortable isn't too bad. My first impression of you istn't too bad either. So we will see. As mentionned before, my heart truly belongs to Rusty, even though I enjoy chatting around and as a first class wagon I need to be up to date! (I guess in both definitions ;) )

    Pearl I think I like you, this post and the ones that followed confirmed my impression of your motivation, that seems really authentic so far. And I think it's important to bring some good energy and be attentive and active, all in all a pretty positive picture for now.


    Dinah seems, like Greaseball, a bit over the top to me - It's really hard to assess posts if they are written in an intenionally exaggerated mood. The roleplay is fine and all, but unless you want to hide something, dear Dinah, I'd prefer you to phrase your posts a bit more neutrally :)

    (strangely, it bothered me less in Greaseball's post. Maybe because it seemed more natural?)

    Really? I did not see it this way, I thought Dinah seemed rather honest and not necessarily over-the-top fakey in their playstyle.

    I am very happy to participate in a game that offers the opportunity to roleplay like this and I don't think it prevents me from sharing my thoughts. So, I don't see a problem with that, since it's not my intention to please everyone, instead it is to find wolves. Interestingly enough, why do you only mention me and Greaseball? I'd say Pearls posts are a lot more over the top (which I do not see as a problem either, it is the thoughts and evaluations that matter, not the style of how they are presented).

    I apologize in advance if you have already answered that but what is your current opinion on Joule?


    Stand Tag 1

    Coco (1): Greaseball

    Joule (1): Coco

    Pearl (3): Pearl, Dinah, Wrench

    Verbleibende Zeit: 03:27:03

    I love you too Coco!

    Ohh ohh I wonder what Rusty is going to say about this when he finds out! :P

    Are you always this quick to declare your love, Pearl? Or what exactly captured your heart so quickly here?

    I am not really into getting the leadership, but I don't really think, that I would be voted anyways

    But Buffy, Buffy, why would you say that? Be confident! You shouldn't anticipate other people reactions yet ;) You would be surprised to see what could happen!

    think Turnov is probably using a few unimportant words too much, maybe he is hiding something with that? I don't think its necessarily truthworthy if someone is just talking about things that have nothing to do with the game. Since the game just started it doesn't have to mean anything but I wouldn't say that it is an argument for him being a villager. Rather a werewolf then ;)

    I agree, and I bet Turnov feels the need to lighten up the mood a lil bit, so we're dealing with a jokester here, yes? Should we judge that already?

    Coco hey pssst! I hope I am not invading your privacy by reading your diary...But it's an interesting read indeed!

    Und dich isegrim fand ich auch gut zu lesen und auch mit guten Ideen.

    Dankeschön. Ich fand es sehr unterhaltsam euch mit den zwei Persönlichkeiten zu lesen. Und ich finde, dass ihr auch echt guten Inhalt generiert habt. Da ging mir oft auch ähnliches durch den Sinn beim Lesen. Habe mich im Nachhinein nur etwas geärgert nicht stärker auf den Sirius Lynch gepocht zu haben.

    Wen fandet ihr eigentlich besser? Hati oder Skalli?

    Also ich fand Skalli vom Ton her sympathischer, Hati war etwas, nun ja, ungezügelter und hat gute Reaktionen bekommen.

    Das war ein interessantes Spiel. Mein Glückwunsch an die Menschen.

    Das Setting von Alo fand ich toll und die Story von Arduinna auch sehr schön geschrieben.

    Vor allem, weil ja eigentlich jeder wusste, dass Nymeria geschützt wurde, der das ein bisschen mitgedacht hatte. Zumindest als Wolwerock und Isegrim in der Nacht starben.

    Ich hatte da eher mich vermutet, so klar war mir das tatsächlich nicht... da der Abt nur einmal schützen kann und ich die Nacht drauf starb, hätten sie mich auch zweimal fressen können, oder nicht?

    Zu den anderen sage ich mal nichts. (Wobei da auch Gutes dabei war, bevor das jetzt falsch interpretiert wird.)

    Wärst du so lieb und würdest sowas dann nicht andeuten? Das gibt immer so viel Raum zum Interpretieren, das find ich unschön, also entweder raus mit der Sprache oder sein lassen.

    War schön noch etwas in Gesellschaft weiter rätseln zu können später in der Mediumskonversation, Ede du hast dir sehr viel Mühe gegeben und ich habe deine sehr freundliche, einfühlsame Spielweise wirklich schätzen gelernt, danke dafür. :hug: