Beiträge von Hiro

    I would be especially interested in a reaction from Flat Top

    I'm not really happy that Coco's opinion is so different from mine! I guess I will eventually have to follow, but it leaves a bad feeling.

    I have a similiar problem with Cocos opinions to Wrench and Turnov

    I understand the thoughts she have about them, but I still don't see a village there both of them are good.

    Ashley : Is there a team exclusion you had that is still relevant in this stage of the game?

    I still see no team between Buffy and Flat Top and between Caboose and Turnov.

    As Caboose as well as Flat Top also seem really focused on the other one and I still try to see the motivation for it.

    It's not so difficult to understand it about Turnov, because his game would fit for a evil one really good, but the more I read about him I have the feeling it's his one special playing character. But that's okay and I think it doesn't say much about his role. And even if i took another yardstick for him, I still don't see a reason for a villager. But on the other side Caboose is really not a certain villager for me.

    Between Buffy and Flat Top I'm really undecided. I often have moments where I saw things from Buffy, I wouldn't exspect from a werewolf. Flat Top was at same points sypathic on his way. Yesterday evening I saw Buffy really noteworthy, today it's less and at the moment I would tend to him of the two.

    But this exclusions are really basic for my estimation and if they are right and we have three wolfes, which we should still have, it would mean that one of you and Wrench would be a wolf and i do me hard with this. I really liked your game and there are also less points against Wrenchs play so far.

    From to two exclusions I also thought about Caboose / Flat Top, whether Caboose just could be annoyed from Turnov as his cowolf. But not sure whether he is the character for this. If yes it would fit for me, but I doubt that it is so easy.

    I'm sure you have allready said something about him, but what was your opinion to Flat Top?

    That's funny, because it's exactly same argumentation, why I'm on Wrench.

    What do you mean with first lynch on Joule?

    This is a very early statement of Flat Top. Would she take this opportunity to already drag down one of her teammates who was not criticised by anyone else at this point? Maybe. In my opinion, the least likely scenario here is Flat Top wolf and Wrench villager, since the criticism is rather on point and quite original

    I would say in general it is possible to say this to a message, but it's much more probably that they are not in a team.

    But it also referends to the first Wrench and I can understand critic on this one. The second one plays better in my eyes.

    that "really" is kind of strong, given the fact that Ashley never voted for Caboose afterwards. I don't like it. Also the story-part of this accusation is a bit distracting. I have to read Cabooses reaction to that again (I think I didn't quote it)

    This was really in my beginning, I see. In the quote you don't see that there was a joke about the musical in. I explained it later iirc.

    I really often thought about voting Caboose, especially at the middle of day 2. But I still don't think he's wolf with Turnov and Turnov has for me the best condicions to be one. And it would be a little bit complicated to find a team with him, maybe with Wrench and Flat Top, but I'n not persuaded of this one, for example because of what you said over this.

    Here, Wrench gives quite a strong and unrelativized statement about Flat Top (who was not mentioned by others that much at this point). If Wrench is a werewolf, Flat Top might be more likely to be villager.

    Why do you think that a werewolf couldn't say (such) a strong sentence to another?

    wait, who said sth. like this?

    Another one has buffy been for example.

    I liked the critic of Buffy about the not-voters

    btw i didn't realize that Volta was a forest guy

    I took some time to think about this, but I don't really have much choice but to vote for Turnov. I couldn't vote again, but I really don't like that. Sorry Turnov for voting you when your absent :shy


    Hm, Caboose would have the choice for Rusty and Volta, both villagers, but he decided to stay on Turnov.

    now I wanna vote Caboose. Can you understand my thooughts?

    Please explain. I saw his quote out of a later perspective, so it's something different like your live intension. If I would have read this live, I can imagine I would also find this bad.

    I really like the way Joule was playing in post #274

    Ruhrgold-buffy I would say its more likely that Buffy for some reason just liked him or his introduction as a villager than really as a wolve. Since as a wolve most people are more careful and usually only put a cowolve saver if there are reasons for that. Buffy seemed at that point not really like a person that actually thought very long about that opinion and how she could justify her thoughts. Which makes it for me a bit more likely hat buffy is not a teammate to Ruhrgold. I see her anyway not too bad so far I think. She reminds me of some players that usually just write whatever they are thinking no matter whether it could be suspicious or not.

    I have to say that Buffy also remember me to a good-known player style and so far there have been some situations I think you can see that he really has his own mind.

    Well depending on the conditions but in some games I found it easier to get into when I was a werewolve than as a villager. But it really depends on the content and anonymous games are anyway special and more difficult.
    Well villagers can have unique thoughts or feeling and are usually not swimming with all the others. Even if the conclusions are teh same, that someone is a villager, usually the reasons for that are a bit different. But I guess its hard to say and probably not even possible to really devide here between rather wolve-like or villager-like behaviour in a usual game since this is special.

    I don't know how you are, but sometimes it makes also for a villager sense to use swarm intelligence and to go with the main perspective, if they don't disagree with your own opinion. Because to interpret texts it's allways good to have more views, because you get much more outcome.

    On the other way if you feel that the common meaning hardly disagree with your opinion, it's important to rethink the own thoughts and scrutinize the others.

    I know this is a really shitty move and I already want to apologize, but I'm just most comfortable with VOTE:Turnov right now.

    I can understand it to be honest. I never understood why people if they want to excuse them not are able to write a short sentence about it in the thread, so that the others can better classify it. And so or so I don't feel pleased with Turnovs play so far.

    i agree on that, so do you think it also speaks for caboose as villager? atleast for me he also seemed very self centered today

    Hm, I'm not sure about the relationship between Carboose and Buffy here.

    In a certain way they are both self centered yes, but you also said Buffy seem confident and Carboose is it really not.

    Carboose is also a difficult one. He seemed for me more in the play yesterday evening, but also really caught on Turnov.

    three persons I don't trust on Buffy? Interesting!


    Hm, but two of them are not wolfes and there is still flat top.

    But I found him not really teamy with Ruhrgold since Ruhrgold reacted to his assumption that the mans in this game are the werewolves with a comment and some smileys. But I guess thats only a small reason. But still why should he say he believes in male werewolves when he is one and at least his character male aswell?

    Does not really fit for me. Although this is kind of my most suspicious person

    Don't know but if I'm werewolf and another wolf makes rubbish, I like to use sarcasm to critize him on a natural way. And there are also some other player I saw it so far. At the other side from Turnov to Rheingold, I think it would fit as a team.

    These actions just don't make any sense from a wolf's point of view.

    Do you meant Rustys action at this point?

    Thats quite wolf-like imo.

    I wont doubt Pearl the next ~2 days either way.

    yeah, this was also my reaction when I'm reading this.

    in my view only villagers voted for Rusty. So we need to analyse the lynch in this context. All other candidates were in moderate danger. I'll do this tomorrow I guess.

    Who from the voted people do you think is a wolf?

    To the other side I liked the activity of Buffy at the night.

    I wasn't here the last two nights, but often villagers are active around the lynch.

    I agree that Pearl and Coco are most likely the scans.
    So, now we are probably looking for 3 or more evil people among 9. To be precise, I'm actually looking for two good people among 6 right now. Buffy, Wrench, Caboose, Ashley, Flat Top and Turnov. At the moment I would go for Ashley and Caboose, but I don't think that's correct, solely based on the probabilities.
    VOTE: Turnov for now.

    If you are right, I'm a little bit confused about the Electra NK. I liked her play really much to, but Coco and Pearl also made a good game in my eyes and I don't understand why they don't eat them.

    I don't really see a Turnov and Cabosse Team and I also don't really see a Buffy and a Flat Top Team, so I'm thinking about there is a werewolf between you and Wrench. And if have to decide here I would be more on Wrench as a wolf.

    If I ignore all this teamexclusions I would say the wolfes are Caboose, Turnov and Flat Top.

    It seems like it all boils down to a Wrench werewolf for me. This way, a lot of things make more sense to me.

    I'm going to sleep now, I really hope we can start solving the game tomorrow.

    yes, the same. I really like his play so far, but maybe it's a little bit unassailable and I don't really have teamexlusions on him.

    Im sorry but to be honest- I don't have an opinion on caboose or turnov. It's probably because i didn't really interacted with them somehow. Volta was the same .... but that is not really relevant anymore i guess

    Hm okay. But do you think there is a werewolf?

    Yes, thanks, this is helpful. But I meant more the way to go in the game.

    The differences between our assesments is not as big as I thought I see know.

    I'm unsure about a Buffy wolf so far. Do you think he would make sense in combination with Wrench and Turnov?

    And I also liked Joules play so far. Hope I'm right here, would be difficult to find her.

    What has encouraged your fantasy?

    The really often and controverse inputs he brings and the active way of game creating. But yes, I have no wolf team without him or you.

    I also see at this point (and you can see it in my post, because I wrote chonological and didn't change anything) that Flat Top has in many points similar opinions. I like that.

    At the moment I would vote VOTE:Wrench


    Stand Tag 4

    Buffy (1): Flat Top

    Turnov (1): Joule

    Wrench (1): Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 09:40:42

    Furthermore I dont have a negative tendency towards Turnov so far.

    I'm a little bit surprised that I heard now allready sometimes, that the people don't see Turnov as a werewolf, because he's one of the guys where I can imagine me a wolf good. Is where something I overlooked so far in his game?

    Beside of this I think I would actually vote on VOTE:Volta


    Stand Tag 3

    Rusty (1): Coco

    Volta (2): Electra, Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 02:53:54

    I can only tell you again. I have no clue. You may have noticed, that I only react to post about me. I try to get somehow in the game and when it's about me, I at least feel a little bit confident enough to answer. Yesterday i wished to be killed (that's why I didn't vote) so you don't have to drag me through this game. But I made up my mind and I should at least try, right? So my goal for today ist not to be killed. And tbh, this is the only thing I will try today. I won't try to find a wolf, maybe I'll be able to do tomorrow.

    What is tomorrow other than today? ^^

    I think it's not wrong to be a little bit more confident and I also think you're able to find the clues if you search it.

    But how do you work in your previous games than I'm allowed to ask?

    untypical for who or what? xD a villager, a wolf, my as a person?

    Untypical for a cowolf

    I'm sorry, I can't give you that right now. I'm really clueless, so almost everyone is in a white fog of nothing in my mind.

    Still on day 2? This is irritating.

    But okay, let's specify it:

    Exercise 1: Order the following people from village to wolf: Wrench, Dinah, Joule, Coco.

    Exercise 2: Write a short story about the relationship of Flat Top and Buffy.

    Exercise 3: Say me whether there is an even or an uneven count of wolfes under Turnov, Rusty, Volta.

    numerating people. Not arguments.

    You named people, who were on the same level like me, whose you could attack the way like you did me, too.

    I can show it later, what I exactly mean. Maybe you can put some light into it.

    I've understand what you mean. I'm not sure whether the list was from me, but the only one who has been on the same level as you at this moment was Volta and yes to took her was also a possibility.

    just to clarify, but theres also nothing special that speaks for a wolf or?

    No. In which of the players you have special reasons which speaks for a wolf?

    For example I also had no special reason to vote Ruhrgold yesterday. I thought he would fit good for a werewolf, so let's try. That I vote people with a special reason is less common for me than to look for who are no arguments against a werewolf. But of course I have also villager or wolf feelings, I recognize.

    that was mean. I cried a lot.

    I don't even get why you said that at that point? Dou you just wanted to call out silly/inactive people? What is your thought behind that here? It just make sense for me if you want to put them into the focus and i don't like the way you do that.

    Oh come on, no reason to cry.

    Why silly? No I don't think anyone I voted is silly.

    But is it so unnormal here to vote people? At the place I'm normally playing I wouldn't really stand out with this play, because it's standard there.

    I think it's just necessary in a certain way to show the people where your lynch preferences are.

    And I also don't like to vote especially active people, because I prefer to finish people who I have problems to read.

    And with you to read I had today the biggest problems. Still btw.

    @all If you want yo can talk to me now. I would appreciate that

    I want. What's your opinion about Turnov, Volta and Caboose?

    Thats great! I would have wondered otherwise.

    It's not self-evident to have internet in a train these days :ugly:

    omg, tbh I have completely forgotten, that I have said that. Sheesh...if I were you, I would lynch myself. Were is your vote? Why aren't you voting me? Would be the only logical thing to do from my point of view. xD

    Untypical reaction to Flat Top

    I like that post from Flat Top. Seems totally authentic and motivated

    Authentic or even more characteristic?

    I don't know. He seems to have a really different view on the game in many points.

    Wait a second.

    Besides i don't like the question at the end ashleys vote...

    And i read it again. I'm not completly convinced they can not be a team. They seam to trust each other very much at that point.Nd it could be agreed to act like that.

    But i wouldn't lay my hands in the fire for that. I am not convinced by coco as a wolf atm.

    I know it's about myself, but I don't think you will find a point on this way.

    I understood, what Coco meant and I'm sure that you have allready seen it, that new people or undercover people sometimes have really good views, because they aren't in any confrontations so far and look objective on a game. I don't want to say that about me, but often your first intentions are right and in this game I have about the character of this game absolutely zero prejudices you know.

    Oh, I like that Electra asked Buffy after his current wolf, the question allready stand here.

    I'm not sure about that, but I think I don't want to vote Buffy today. I have enough fantasy for a villager here at the moment.

    But whoever said that my vote was pure luck, thats not nice at all! Especially since half of the people that person listet, I would not have votet. Nevertheless, I wasn't sure with Ruhrgold, but I can ensure you that I was thinking about everything quite long so that my vote was not out of the blue. But I did not liked ashleys vote there to be honest. Today she is doing better than yesterday but I am still a bit unsure.

    Hm okay, I'm surprised about that. It felt so far that you trust me and votet because of this on Ruhrgold.

    I would suggest to first vote for Turnov

    yes, Turnov is a hot candidate for the lynch today for me still.

    I would like to get an estimation from you, Caboose.

    Can me say somebody some striking point about Dinah. She's a little bit out of my focus today.

    Furtermore I like Flat tops actual activity, Wrench posts today I liked.

    You mean Volta I guess.

    I still dont know yet, but she is definitely not one of the persons towards I have a positice tendency.

    How do you think about that?

    I use the opportunity of this question to read Volta again.

    #118: Volta calls Coco suspicious and Pearl as a trustworthy leader

    #140: She affirms Pearl as a villager (generally much about Greaselands death)

    #145: She discuss about this opinions in reaction to Electra.

    #175: calls the directly estimation list of Electra positive (also an excusation to her, doesn't seem like a team for me)

    #188: The view of the voting state

    -> to be honest it's still less information about her and I'm hopefully to see more evaltuations to other players, at the moment there is not really a reason against a wolf there.

    Thats a very good question.

    I still need to think about this, but at the moment I dont think so. In my opinion the wolves either have already voted or havent been online at the lynch. Otherwise they could have also voted me for example to save Ruhrgold.

    How do you think about that and why did you aks that question in the first place?

    It was my first intention after the moment I see the lynch and the vote state.

    Shortly after it I asked me whether I make it me to easy, especially because as well Ruhrgold as Caboose didn't vote yesterday.

    Now let's look what Caboose is doing today.

    I think I am going to reconsider my slightly negative tendency regarding Coco. I dont think that a wolf would currently put that much effort into trying to make my lynch vote look bad?

    Why not? Especially for a wolf it's annoying if the people you want to vote aren't votable after the lynch again or?

    I don't know whether I agree to you all that Rusty's complaint is suspicious. When I read it for the first time, it seemed more likely to me that he was an annoyed villager, but now I have to say that the post really seems artificial.

    I think his complaint is indeed honest and also understandable, but I don't think that he would complain in a certain role.

    I can't imagine that every person that was in a similar position as Ruhrgold (say, Rusty, Volta, maybe Flat Top, Buffy, Turnov) is a werewolf, so Pearl was pretty lucky to pick the right person, but obviously that's not clear before the lynch

    Hm, I wouldn't directly say all of this people have been in the same situation like Ruhrgold. Caboose I see in similar situation, but I would be surprised if Pearl would go to a complete new name with the vote state yesterday. Flat Top was excused, Buffys standing was better yesterday, Rusty a bit in focus, Volta out of focus. Turnov was my personal alternative yesterday.

    But generally I like the statements of Joule at the moment.

    why do you think theres a connection between the lynch and her Volta assessment

    Let's do the same with Ruhrgold how with Volta.


    #47: liked Joule, asking Dinah for villagers

    #59: first impression of Electra is honest, villager (#65 again)

    #114: criticm to Electra and my early vote on Rusty (#122 again)

    #: sarcasm for Turnov

    -> no neither Volta said anything about Ruhrgold nor Ruhrgold about Volta, so there I see no direct connection. But electra doesn't fit really good to Ruhrgold for me.

    I have some connection with my internet, so I can't quote regulary at the moment, I'm sorry.


    Ashley Yeah I did not vote previously since I have not decided and do not want to mess up. I have given my unique vote to Pearl last night. :D Just so you know. (Volta)

    In this point you've been successfull :D but I still would be really interested in who you're wolfes are right now.

    Yes, Joule got it right. I am quite annoyed by Ashley and her way to play. She is fixated on me, even tho the „reason why“ could be applied to several people, which she numerated btw too. But I dont see how see is interacting with them.

    I'm not sure what you mean with I'm numerating my argumentation.

    But maybe you're right and I schould spare your nerves, so I'm changing to VOTE:Flat Top

    I'm still really familiar to Electras opinions.


    Stand Tag 3

    Flat Top (1): Ashley

    Rusty (1): Coco

    Volta (1): Electra

    Verbleibende Zeit: 09:34:02

    Oh, yes! I'm happy we hit a werewolf in Ruhrgold.

    I dont like how Volta approaches questioning the cause of Greaseball's death. Seems a bit narrow-minded to me. And in my opinion as a wolf it would make sense to stir up some doubts about two active palyers.

    How do you now, after Ruhrgolds death think about a Vote wolf?

    I still like Electras way of playing, her opinions are familiar to me.

    wow wow, stop that. As I read this I had the feeling this wasn't true so I looked up my posts. And I was right. Yes, I only have very short posts. Yes they don't cover all aspects of this game, but evry single one is about the game. Could you please show me were the "many things not aboz the game" are bevore you vote me for something like that?

    This reaction seems for me not like Caboose is in a team with Turnov.

    Whats' an interesting point, because both of them are potentially candidates for me.

    Anyway, I am totally up to get involved into the game. Just poke me and try me to get interacted with someone.

    But for sure not the way Ashley intented, cuz first of all there are so many ways to get someone active than a random vote.

    In addition to that, its really suspect, you said, that you vote me because you think I am werewolf.

    Based on exactly what?

    And later you explain to several ppl, that you just want to get me more active. Ooookay?!

    I'm still not convinced from Rusty so far.

    Where have been a lot of possibilies to make a statement, but the opinions he had have been last and not individual so I felt. Also the way he didn't vote.

    In addition, I think that if Electra is wolf, then Rusty and Ashley are not. I am also very eager to know what Ashley learnt about the game?

    I don't really understand what you mean here.

    Speaking of Ashley: He caused frowns in saying that random votes are less useful at the start of the came compared to later. Maybe I can ask him why this is the case?

    you realized that I spoke about the leaders election there?

    Joule had some short messages on side 8 I liked. Also the way this posts came out, it felt like he develops his thought and that's something I personally do more like a villager. But I didn't see the point he wanted to say about Dinah

    The vote speaks strongly for Pearl, especially when the other candidates in that moment (Caboose and Electra) are villagers.

    I think Ruhrgold is pretty much the definition of an uninteresting neutral lynch. Not so cool in ms opinion. However, it's understandable indeed.

    Hm, somebody who's lynching for informations instead of werewolves?

    I furthermore don't think Electra and Joule are a bad team.

    To be honest, I am a little disappointed that Pearl didn't vote until now although she is the leader.

    I also do not like Electra switching now, but I liked her other posts so far..

    I don't really think Dinah would write this in a moment shortly before her cowerewolf dies.

    I am still a bit unsure about Joule, but also think that it is rather unlikely that she played it like that as a wolf?

    yeah, i think it would be a untypical play for a werewolf.

    Obelix why haven't you vote? I'm a little bit surprised.

    Does this lynch makes Caboose more confortable?

    Hm, you didn't vote in both of this elections. Who would be your best candidate yesterday and who would you vote now if you now would be to vote a final vote?

    Coco, why do you trust Wrench and Turnov? I don't really see a good reason.

    yes, the same and I'm also rethinking my opinion about Buffy.

    But at the moment I would again VOTE:Rusty and this it's neither a motivation or an inactive vote.


    Stand Tag 3

    Rusty (1): Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 20:58:17

    Hm okay. I think the most of the people who vote anyone else aren't both werwolves.

    What would mean that for example Buffy is not wolf with Coco and Caboose.

    From the for people votet so far from other people I don't see really a wolf by Coco.

    Caboose could be, he seemed me a little bit overstrained.

    Electra and Buffy I would say okay, could be, but they aren't my favorites at the moment.

    I could imagine to vote Turnov or Ruhrgold at the moment. With the vote on Rusty I'm still okay, but it's a pure inactive vote.

    As villagers I see Pearl, Coco, Dinah, Wrench, maybe Joule and Electra.

    There are still some people I have no plan, because to less information like Volta or Flat Top.

    I think right now I would change to VOTE:Ruhrgold

    I'm still here until 7 PM, maybe there are some more information at this point.


    Stand Tag 2

    Buffy (1): Coco

    Caboose (2): Buffy, Turnov

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Electra (1): Joule

    Ruhrgold (1): Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 02:50:57

    Ok, Turnov might be a villager.

    What are the points, which let you thinking this?

    I personally liked the descriptions of Buffy, but I didn't have new perceptions from or about Turnov.
    (Apart from I never really understand why people write more than half of the other people they have no opinion to them.)

    I'm also not sure, whether I see the wolf by Joule, some people here seems to see.

    But it still feels like I'm often on line with Wrench.

    so you think he mostly interacted with greaseball well knowing hes a villager, so he can later kill him to get a villager image for himself? or am i misunderstanding you

    I just realized that the first five posts of him or so, have been about greaseball and after his dead you get very less information about him out of hist posts.

    You could also spot in from the other side, if you want, so that he as wolf not kill his reference person. But I suggest he wouldn't be the one who choose the kill.

    im not a fan of such provocating votes. and first i just thought youre going for a easy lynch here.

    besides from the vote - which i know understand - i really like ashleys way of going into the game and it feels more villager like to me

    Here seem many people not to be fans of such votes.

    I understand that - on day 0, because this votes are really useless. On Day 1 or 2 they are legitime instrument to get dynamic and information.

    Meanwhile I'm thinking about why so many people criticize that, wouldn't be extrem surprised if somebody want to use it as a argument against me as a werewolf. Electra for example, except for that the rest of her game doesn't fit so good to a evil for me so far.

    and for Ashley i also liked flat top. no opinions on buffy or turnov

    yes I read him again after I wrote my last post and have also seen some good points in his posts. Still tendency

    I like Ashleys motivation, but I am not a big fan of players that just vote people to motivate them to participate more. It's not my playing style and as mentionned before voting Rusty is a bit random. But it keeps the discussion running which is usually good.

    At the moment I am still trying to bring my thoughts in an order and to keep the players apart from each other. So far I can't remember a thing of half of the players which is not good enough. Don't hesitate to ask me questions, it might be easier for me then to actually sort my thoughts

    I would be really interested in opinions to players who haven't wrote since I'm participating this game.

    So for example for Buffy, Turnov, Flat Top and some others. I have read the whole game, but after it I only thought: "Oh god, what do you do in this game! You understand nothing!" So this a little bit more confrontive style is a way for me to find a little bit in it, because I was sure to get reactions for my personally play and so I can better play with you. It worked.

    So of course the probability that Rusty is really werewolf is not much bigger as by the others I told (correct me if there are points I didn't mention), but I think so far it's not false to vote him and i specially focus on him now, so if he is really villager, it's a little bit good for him too, because I now focus mehr about his motivations.

    I like to play confrontive, but often I also vote later, it's a little bit how the game situation is.

    But maybe it's only my view, but me personally helped day 0 still not really to find something.