Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | victory: wolves

  • I like Ashleys motivation, but I am not a big fan of players that just vote people to motivate them to participate more. It's not my playing style and as mentionned before voting Rusty is a bit random. But it keeps the discussion running which is usually good.

    At the moment I am still trying to bring my thoughts in an order and to keep the players apart from each other. So far I can't remember a thing of half of the players which is not good enough. Don't hesitate to ask me questions, it might be easier for me then to actually sort my thoughts

    I would be really interested in opinions to players who haven't wrote since I'm participating this game.

    So for example for Buffy, Turnov, Flat Top and some others. I have read the whole game, but after it I only thought: "Oh god, what do you do in this game! You understand nothing!" So this a little bit more confrontive style is a way for me to find a little bit in it, because I was sure to get reactions for my personally play and so I can better play with you. It worked.

    So of course the probability that Rusty is really werewolf is not much bigger as by the others I told (correct me if there are points I didn't mention), but I think so far it's not false to vote him and i specially focus on him now, so if he is really villager, it's a little bit good for him too, because I now focus mehr about his motivations.

    I like to play confrontive, but often I also vote later, it's a little bit how the game situation is.

    But maybe it's only my view, but me personally helped day 0 still not really to find something.

  • To which post are you referring to?

    All in all, I am not a big fan of Ruhrgold so far but I think he just needs a bit longer to feel more comfortable in the game. At I hope so since it feels too easy to see him as a werewolf right now.

    I meant the post where they quoted I think one of my posts and said that they originally liked what I was writing but understands the people who criticise my „It can still change“ phrase and also sees it this way. That kinda felt like they would just jump on the train that criticises me because of that phrase.

    And yeah you’re right I still need a bit time to get comofortable with the game but I’m optimistic that it will soon be better

  • So this a little bit more confrontive style is a way for me to find a little bit in it, because I was sure to get reactions for my personally play and so I can better play with you. It worked.

    I thought so already and I definitly see the advantages of that style even though I would never be able to play like that or then be able to get the reactions I actually wanted.

    But maybe it's only my view, but me personally helped day 0 still not really to find something.

    I agree on that. I feel like I have written so much without actually having more than some tendencies that can change quickly. Which is not good at all. It's only 5 pages, not really much for a day zero. I guess getting in the game is for most of us more difficult than usually. I would be happy if some more people participate.

    And to answer your question about opinions to other players: I liked flat top in the beginning and I think I disliked turnov but I cannot really remember why. I have a long list of players that I want to reread:S

  • I realized, that most of his posts have to to with our now dead greaseball. Where are less other opinions like to pearl and to Joule, which I support, but al little bit it feels for me like the two are two of the most viewable villagers.

    so you think he mostly interacted with greaseball well knowing hes a villager, so he can later kill him to get a villager image for himself? or am i misunderstanding you

    And where is the problem? And no this vote hasn't be random. And I think it's not so difficult to see why it goes to Rusty.

    Another candidate like this would be Volta.

    im not a fan of such provocating votes. and first i just thought youre going for a easy lynch here.

    besides from the vote - which i know understand - i really like ashleys way of going into the game and it feels more villager like to me

    I think I'm also not really convinced of Ruhrgold so far.

    same here. i just think his posts are nothing new, but lets see what else will come from him.

    And yes Rusty is inactive, but now I know more about him as yesterday evening and he didn't wrote anything since when ^^

    i dont got that one, could you explain it to me?

    I have to admit it really hard for me to get into the game, speaking english and more people roleplaying than in a "normal" game creates an emotional distance between myself and the game. Espacially because I know nothing about Starlight Express and have trouble telling jokes based on the musical and real conversations apart. I don't want you to stop doing that (because I think for everyone else it's a lot of fun), but maybe you could write jokes in cursive or so, just that I know you're joking and participate more easily.

    I cant help me but i felt this was authentic.

    Coco&Pearl both criticised him. But pay attention, Pearl did it first, and coco immediately followed. To me Coco is more suspicious. Did she want to set someone as a target as soon as possible? She distinguished the good and bad people toooo fast. I do not think it is helpful to villagers. If you are a villager, I hope you are smarter. Coco

    However I believe Pearl can be a good leader. She is trustworthy to me.

    for me it seemed like you also found her suspicious above (even though coco is more suspicious for you) so i kinda dont understand how shes then trustworthy for you?

    I am quite unsure about you so far, what you write is good I guess but I have the feeling that you can be good in manipulating others.

    and manipulating others always is negativ?

    I agree on that. I feel like I have written so much without actually having more than some tendencies that can change quickly. Which is not good at all. It's only 5 pages, not really much for a day zero. I guess getting in the game is for most of us more difficult than usually. I would be happy if some more people participate.

    i found this authentic too. reflecting your own content here seems more villager like to me

    and for Hiro i also liked flat top. no opinions on buffy or turnov

  • so you think he mostly interacted with greaseball well knowing hes a villager, so he can later kill him to get a villager image for himself? or am i misunderstanding you

    I just realized that the first five posts of him or so, have been about greaseball and after his dead you get very less information about him out of hist posts.

    You could also spot in from the other side, if you want, so that he as wolf not kill his reference person. But I suggest he wouldn't be the one who choose the kill.

    im not a fan of such provocating votes. and first i just thought youre going for a easy lynch here.

    besides from the vote - which i know understand - i really like ashleys way of going into the game and it feels more villager like to me

    Here seem many people not to be fans of such votes.

    I understand that - on day 0, because this votes are really useless. On Day 1 or 2 they are legitime instrument to get dynamic and information.

    Meanwhile I'm thinking about why so many people criticize that, wouldn't be extrem surprised if somebody want to use it as a argument against me as a werewolf. Electra for example, except for that the rest of her game doesn't fit so good to a evil for me so far.

    and for Ashley i also liked flat top. no opinions on buffy or turnov

    yes I read him again after I wrote my last post and have also seen some good points in his posts. Still tendency

  • For today Quasimodo & Esmeralda is excused.

    Könnt ich sagen, was ich fühl

    Wie die Welt sich um mich dreht

    Und um was es bei dieser schlecht gespielten Farce in Wahrheit geht

    Du darfst dein Leben leben und ich bin wie Stein

    Uns’re Welt ist nicht dieselbe

    Und gefährlich, wenn man träumt


  • First of all; Oh my god, why eating Greaseball? Was he too much of a consent-villager?

    Pearl plays extremely in character. I mean on the one hand this could make it easy for a wolf to hide behind this facade, but on the other hand she plays really self-confident without being bothered getting into focus because of that. So, all in all, I think she is a villager. More than that i have so many team-exclusions that there is just no chance, that there is a wolf behind this character

    Coco, well you can apply the same for him as for Pearl. It would be easier for a Wolf to hide behind that diary-story, because you don't have that typical interactions with you fellow-wolves and if so, it would be a pain in the arse to filter that from the rest. Apart from that he really seems to search for wolves, and almost seems tooo suspicious about some guys, but I will interpret that as a villager sign, until he gives me some reason to do so not anymore.

    Wrench, I really like Wrench. She questions right things and really seems to be on the hunt. I feel like Wrench has a good soul.

    Joule I wasn’t really into Joules first Post. I just had the feeling, that he was a bit too sure about things. Of course, he said, that he is pretty unsure, but in the end, he had like too clear opinions to the people. Either he is wolf or just a dominant person. I don’t know jet, but at the moment I would say wolf. Oh yeah, if Joule really wolf think that speaks for a pearl-villager (caused by the HD-Vote, that would be a rather strange way to interact with your fellow-wolf). Aaand if Joule wolf, Electra is one too, but that also is valid the other way round.

    Caboose ok, he also seems like a wolf to me. The way he gave that TE between Greaseball and Pearl, I don’t know... It was just too soon, too sure and the rest was way too less meaningful. And in addition to that I think he and Joule would be a perfect-wolves-match. Also, his defensive Post gives my kinda chills.

    Electra, her introductions sounded really honest to me (that she has to find out how to judge people...) and I also like the rest of her Posts. So, a villager-vibe from there.

    Dinah, she seems really cute, and also defended me in a lovely way. But I fear, that she could be a wolf. It would be that typical kiss-arse-Wolf, you know what I mean? That lets defend a villager, go for the underdog, because I can do it, I have more Information. Also, Dinah is not with Pearl wolf.

    Ashley, at first, I thought that random vote on rusty was kinda shady, but I appreciate that she was to create some reactions and I also liked her other posts, so think there’s a villager behind.

    Ruhrgold I really liked, that he likes Electras Introduction and I really with him concerning that. Also, I liked the reactions he gave, as somebody questioned that decision.

    Rest didn’t really gave my enough so I could make up an opinion by that.

    Call me lazy, but I am not going to judge people because of that less amount of Posts.

    VOTE:Caboose followed by Jules.


    Stand Tag 2

    Caboose (1): Buffy

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Rusty (2): Ashley, Coco

    Verbleibende Zeit: 05:26:15

  • More than that i have so many team-exclusions that there is just no chance, that there is a wolf behind this character

    which ones do you have, that you got so many oO

    . Aaand if Joule wolf, Electra is one too, but that also is valid the other way round.

    on which interaction did you based this assumption? especially: how do you come to this even though you said you feel like electra is a villager but joule more wolf?

  • Since yesterday I have a big headache, so unfortunately I can't be that concentrated, but nevertheless I tried to read everything again and look for certain characteristic things.

    ? A good leader should always listen to the group and reflect his actions.

    why is being asked questions a nightmare for you?

    Captain Hook said, she doesn't like Google translator, so he is not the biggest fan of Greasball. Greasball is dead now. This is a little point for Pearl not beeing a werewolf, because that would be to obvious. I'm really unsure about the part, he is talking about telling my experiences. On the one hand, he thinks that it could be a wolf-sign, but he doesn't seem to be sure. For me this is a good sign because he is looking searching. On the other hand it could be something like: "I wanna tell you, but you shouldn't But I wanna tell you, that I first read the message of the players and react in some way, before reading my role message.In my opinion she gets more self-confident during the first day,and I love, that he talks so much to everyone and leaves comments to many things, that are going on there.

    A good leader should always listen to the group and reflect his actions.

    I totally agree with you, so I voted you vor the leader during the election day. Furthermore I agree with you, that everyone has his/her characteristic style which can be found out no matter if it is an annonymuous game or not and the language doesn't matter. At this moment, I would think, Pearl is not a wolve. He plays a lightly positive game.

    Thank you very much for all your votes! I really appreciate your support :imp:

    I hope you know, that this is a real point of responsibillity. For me a leader has to be very strong.

    Kakuzu Why don't you like unneccessary words? Why did you applay, if you hate musicals?
    Coco also didn't like Greaseball. For me a wolf would be verry bold if he said right in the beginning of his play, that his teammate is a wolf. (For me it is a sign to not be a wolf. Pearl and Coco have a huge amount of interactions. If one of them were a wolf, I sould think about a possible team.I also think, that he is to much interacting with other players for being a wolf.

    Jack Frost uses Google Translator,is sceptical about Pearl - but that wouldn't be a very bad agrument to kill someone, because he is sceptical to him, that could be obvious. -> dead as a normal villager.

    Obelix doesn't give me a feeling at all

    Rapunzel likes Greaseball, talks to many people. seems to be reflected, I think he is quite searching.likes Pearl as a leader,(another team possibilty, I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling.

    Wickie says many things, which has just a little to do with the game, a light negative game.

    Killua those walls of quote makes me thinking about a village game. For me it is a sign for someone in the village.

    Stella gives me a positive feeling, but nothing to make iut concrete.

    Yzma no feeling

    @Ashleyno feeling

    Quasimodo & Esmeralda to few, what he is thinking

    Kim Possible he wrote tu few to have an oppinion

    Mulan he wrote to few

    Kuzan it is to few, he wrote


    Personally, I think, that some of the men are werwolves because the word werwolf has its origin in the old English word were, which means man and the word wolf. Werewolf means manwolf.


    Stand Tag 2

    Caboose (2): Buffy, Turnov

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Rusty (2): Ashley, Coco

    Verbleibende Zeit: 04:45:41

  • Personally, I think, that some of the men are werwolves because the word werwolf has its origin in the old English word were, which means man and the word wolf. Werewolf means manwolf.

    Yes that has to be the solution to the game 8o:ugly:

  • why is being asked questions a nightmare for you?

    I think I never said that? I actually like questions, I am not sure whether I can answer them all but I will try to, so go on!

    I hope you know, that this is a real point of responsibillity. For me a leader has to be very strong.

    I will give my best, might just take another day to be strong. But concerning your werwolf male theory I guess I got lucky :D

    By the way: I hope you get well soon! Headaches are really bad. Turnov post seems a bit fuller with evaluations and thought that it acutally is which leaves a slightly bad feeling. Any opinions on Turnov @all?

    Yes that has to be the solution to the game 8o:ugly:

    Looks like it.... unfortunately my favourite suspect of the hour is a woman. Is that a sign now that buffy is innocent?

    I really have to say that reading Buffys Post made my feelings go up, down, up, down, up and so on. I don't know why but first impression was wolf, then I thought her arguments are not too bad but then I had the impression that her whole Post was pre written. Which I don't really understand. I really really don't know how to evaluate Buffys Post.

    Rapunzel  Kakuzu you seem quite critical in general, what do you think of Buffys Post?

  • Pearl and Coco have a huge amount of interactions. If one of them were a wolf, I sould think about a possible team.I also think, that he is to much interacting with other players for being a wolf.

    so youre basically saying as wolf you cannot have many interactions with others? i would say thats bullshit

    Turnov post seems a bit fuller with evaluations and thought that it acutally is which leaves a slightly bad feeling. Any opinions on Turnov @all?

    i thought the post was much words with not as much content, which left a negativ feeling.

    I really have to say that reading Buffys Post made my feelings go up, down, up, down, up and so on. I don't know why but first impression was wolf, then I thought her arguments are not too bad but then I had the impression that her whole Post was pre written. Which I don't really understand. I really really don't know how to evaluate Buffys Post.

    buffys post didnt make me feel one way ot the other

    Ok, Turnov might be a villager.


  • Dear diary,

    I don’t have much time during the day, but I would like to answer Pearl’s question since this occupies my head at the moment.


    I cannot believe some things others say. Why do they claim I didn’t like Greaseball? Basically the last thing before he died was exactly the opposite, if I remember correctly. However, I’m still struggling with finally arriving in the game, and it’s possible I mix up things still.

    I think I’ll write you again at around 7.

    I love you, my dear!




    Stand Tag 2

    Buffy (1): Coco

    Caboose (2): Buffy, Turnov

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Rusty (1): Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 03:51:34

  • Ok, Turnov might be a villager.

    What are the points, which let you thinking this?

    I personally liked the descriptions of Buffy, but I didn't have new perceptions from or about Turnov.
    (Apart from I never really understand why people write more than half of the other people they have no opinion to them.)

    I'm also not sure, whether I see the wolf by Joule, some people here seems to see.

    But it still feels like I'm often on line with Wrench.

  • I have to admit it really hard for me to get into the game, speaking english and more people roleplaying than in a "normal" game creates an emotional distance between myself and the game. Espacially because I know nothing about Starlight Express and have trouble telling jokes based on the musical and real conversations apart. I don't want you to stop doing that (because I think for everyone else it's a lot of fun), but maybe you could write jokes in cursive or so, just that I know you're joking and participate more easily.

    I also do not know a lot about it, but I read an entry about Dinah on a Starlight Express fanpage, that really helps to RP and maybe read a genereal entry to understand other's jokes. xD However, I still do not think it is inevitable in order to participate. :)

    Ashley rapid vote although he seems not having much information is villagers, but I'm uncertain.

    Interesting thought. Concering Ashleys latest posts, she seems to vote people quite often very fast, do you evaluate that in a specific way? Wouldn't a villager sometimes be more caution when voting someone else or is that just depending on the players type?

    I just think it's highly depending on the player's style of playing. However, isn't being cautious often more of a wolf-like attitude? It's not always like that at all, but I think that's a more realistic trend than the opposite. Although I didn't really like that vote and also do not see what kind of new knowledge they gained, I tend to evaluate that as villagery.

    But maybe it's only my view, but me personally helped day 0 still not really to find something.

    I agree on that. I feel like I have written so much without actually having more than some tendencies that can change quickly. Which is not good at all. It's only 5 pages, not really much for a day zero. I guess getting in the game is for most of us more difficult than usually. I would be happy if some more people participate.

    I believe not knowing who we play with is the main reason for it since it pulls the rug out from under our feet. Intriguingly, I don't feel it is actually that bad at the moment although I normally evaluate people individually, comparing to their usual style of playing.

    I just think it is important to not get intimidated by this missing information and to confide in your current feelings, that's what's most helpful for me at least, I mean not knowing about the people can actually be a chance instead of a limitation.

    First of all; Oh my god, why eating Greaseball? Was he too much of a consent-villager?

    That comment seems to be a little too contrived for my taste.

    Dinah, she seems really cute, and also defended me in a lovely way. But I fear, that she could be a wolf. It would be that typical kiss-arse-Wolf, you know what I mean? That lets defend a villager, go for the underdog, because I can do it, I have more Information. Also, Dinah is not with Pearl wolf.

    Which post are you referring to? I'm actually a little confused because I cannot remember defending you. xD Quite in contrary, I currently think you are more of a neutral under the radar type of player.

    ? A good leader should always listen to the group and reflect his actions.

    why is being asked questions a nightmare for you?

    That sounds manipulative in my opinion. Kinda supports my impression of a possible Coco/Turnov team.

  • Sorry, as usual I will have more time in the evening. For now, I'd like to express that

    VOTE: Electra is the most suspicious person to me at the moment, despite me changing back and forth on this yesterday. I also don't understand how Pearl finds his posts authentic.

    It's interesting to read what Buffy thinks about the game. There is not really much I would agree on, but at least her opinion seems quite original and I think it's likely that it originates from a villagers mind.

    Ashley is very motivated and her content is good, so I tend to trust her for now.

    I don't like that Coco votes for Buffy after that post. He seems either too self-centered (My feeling still doesn't say she's a wolf though, but since day 1, she has really disappointed me a little bit)

    I hope that I can read everything before the deadline and then make a good decision.


    Stand Tag 2

    Buffy (1): Coco

    Caboose (2): Buffy, Turnov

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Electra (1): Joule

    Rusty (1): Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 03:13:21

  • so youre basically saying as wolf you cannot have many interactions with others? i would say thats bullshit

    that is, what I think after playing many games. Many wolves are quite quiet so there are not many possiblities for looking for temas.

  • What about the others? :)

    Sorry too busy this weekend, I will express more about the others later on!

    for me it seemed like you also found her suspicious above (even though coco is more suspicious for you) so i kinda dont understand how shes then trustworthy for you?

    Yeah I forgot to analyze Pearl in detail, her speeches proved she's good. Actually I am not saying coco and Pearl must be bad for analyzing their words to Greaseball. Instead, I am saying just suggesting it is not smart and will attract doubts.
    The death of Greaseball is kind of saying coco and Pearl is not bad because it would be to clear otherwise. In my opinion, the wolves killed Greaseball to let us be more suspicious of those who were already contradicting to Greaseball.