Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | victory: wolves

  • PS.: And the topic between Dinah and Ruhrgold was of all topics Greaseball's village standing. I wonder whether twi wolves would talk about their future target like that? However, this was yesterday morning, so it does not weight that much I admit.

    I also dont think that they alreday would have known their target at that time. At least it would be quite unusual.

    Coco I am not so sure, Electra can be a teammate but still he was the one confirming the lynch and he could have also voted caboose easily.

    Just for clarification: I already have been on Caboose, but later on switched to Ruhrgold after you have voted him.

    But to be honest: I think you were really quick with reading through Ruhrgold and writing your thoughts... maybe too quick? I am a bit doubting at the moment, you seem to be a villager, but are you really one?

    Hmm, I am still strongly doubting Coco, but Ruhrgold was not that much to read^^

    I noticed the same things like Coco, but wouldnt have drawn his conclusions. I am rather thinking that the early villager tendency from Ruhrgold towards Joule makes Joule in my eyes even more a villager (just a bit).

  • Dear diary,

    I fear I have to clarify my last entry:

    I mean IF there is a wolf among Joule and Electra - those were the only ones with an assessment made by Ruhrgold - I think the probability is higher that it's Electra compared to Joule. But this doesn't mean that I see a werwolf in him. This is because he withdrew his positive stance about Electra when in his own eyes an early lynch was more likely. And Joule was the very first assessment by Ruhrgold, I really doubt that this goes to a co-wolf.

    The vote situation was very unusual in my view since only 7-8 persons cast a vote. Neither do I exclude that all three candidates are wolves nor do I think that it makes Electra a villager because of his vote. He wanted to rescue himself, and that's a natural think, isn't it?

    I love you my dear!



  • Why should Electra vote Ruhrgold like that, if they're wolves together. The only way I could a imagine a scenario like that would be if Caboose's also a wolf and I think it would be a strange coincidence if all of the three who got the most votes are wolves..

    Yeah true

    I already have been on Caboose, but later on switched to Ruhrgold after you have voted him.

    I know, it was a tie and I might have switched if you wouldn't have. But then probably on caboose since I thought you might be a villager which seems now even more likely

  • The vote situation was very unusual in my view since only 7-8 persons cast a vote. Neither do I exclude that all three candidates are wolves nor do I think that it makes Electra a villager because of his vote. He wanted to rescue himself, and that's a natural think, isn't it?

    Yeah, of course. But I also could have just remained with my vote on Cabooes - at that moment it was Caboose (3), Electra (2) and Ruhrgold (3) -> then I switched from Caboose to Ruhrgold and made it 4-2-2.

  • I also did not find out a lot reading Ruhrgold, apart from the few bits Coco already pointed out. However, I do not share her conclusions.

    As I already explained, an Electra-wolf wouldn't make much sense after this lynch. Now we have a few options: Ruhrgold told the truth and all of his three evaluations are right, which would mean Joule and Electra are are villagers and he criticizes a mate, which would be quite a cheeky move to be honest, at least in this phase of the game. Therefore, I highly doubt that.

    That makes it more likely for Ashley to be a villager and it leaves a bad light on Joule. I mean, there is still the chance all of them are villagers, but that would mean Ruhrgold didn't even bother to evaluate any of their mates and I think of that as quite unlikely.

  • Könnt ich sagen, was ich fühl

    Wie die Welt sich um mich dreht

    Und um was es bei dieser schlecht gespielten Farce in Wahrheit geht

    Du darfst dein Leben leben und ich bin wie Stein

    Uns’re Welt ist nicht dieselbe

    Und gefährlich, wenn man träumt


  • Night 2 - Freight

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    Nothing happens tonight.

    Könnt ich sagen, was ich fühl

    Wie die Welt sich um mich dreht

    Und um was es bei dieser schlecht gespielten Farce in Wahrheit geht

    Du darfst dein Leben leben und ich bin wie Stein

    Uns’re Welt ist nicht dieselbe

    Und gefährlich, wenn man träumt


  • Leader vote

    Coco (3): Greaseball, Joule, Electra

    Joule (1): Coco

    Pearl (6): Pearl, Dinah, Wrench, Flat Top, Caboose, Turnov

    Lynch vote

    Caboose (2): Buffy, Turnov

    Coco (1): Dinah

    Electra (2): Joule, Coco

    Ruhrgold (4): Ashley, Pearl, Electra

    I just gathered the data here. Coco and Joule are quite 'outstanding'.

  • Dear diary,

    I have some questions, maybe you can help me and give me an answer?

    Why did Electra vote Volta although Ruhrgold was at an equal level and already had one vote? (in his large assessment post)

    Why did Dinah not change his vote although he states liking Electra and she was in moderate danger?

    I see Pearl, Joule in my village. Furthermore Ashley and Turnov and Wrench.

    Do you think it is worth to read what others said about Ruhrgold?

    Nächtlicher VOTE:Buffy

    I love you, my dear!



    PS: I recommend dict.cc since Google Translator is not the best place to go when having translation issues.

  • When I don't forget starting the bot I definitely deserve a nobel prize! :ugly:

    Es wird Tag

    Könnt ich sagen, was ich fühl

    Wie die Welt sich um mich dreht

    Und um was es bei dieser schlecht gespielten Farce in Wahrheit geht

    Du darfst dein Leben leben und ich bin wie Stein

    Uns’re Welt ist nicht dieselbe

    Und gefährlich, wenn man träumt


    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Jugolas (3. Mai 2020 um 21:41)

  • I mean, Electra is indeed less likely a werewolf after this lynch. Yes, coldly sacrificing a werewolf is indeed a valid strategy, but after already voting on Caboose this at least doesn't seem like a forced move for her.

    One possibility is that she wanted to simply make herself look better, but also this would be kind of risky since this move by no means guarantees that she will be able to sneak through the game as a safe villager.

    The last possibility is of course that Caboose is a werewolf as well, but this also seems highly unlikely. Before joining the conspiracy theorists, I'd rather assume that my impression on Electra was simply wrong and treat her as a villager from now on.

    Obviously, the lynch also makes Pearl even more trustworthy, although she was also pretty safe before. Reading Ruhrgold did not provide much insight for me. I think that his suspicious comment to Electra was the most outstanding thing. It fits to the image of Electra villager, since it was s pretty conspicuous statement which some wolves (and I would count Ruhrgold to that group given their content) tend to not make about their fellow wolf colleagues.

    Coco, why do you trust Wrench and Turnov? I don't really see a good reason.

  • Oh, yes! I'm happy we hit a werewolf in Ruhrgold.

    I dont like how Volta approaches questioning the cause of Greaseball's death. Seems a bit narrow-minded to me. And in my opinion as a wolf it would make sense to stir up some doubts about two active palyers.

    How do you now, after Ruhrgolds death think about a Vote wolf?

    I still like Electras way of playing, her opinions are familiar to me.

    wow wow, stop that. As I read this I had the feeling this wasn't true so I looked up my posts. And I was right. Yes, I only have very short posts. Yes they don't cover all aspects of this game, but evry single one is about the game. Could you please show me were the "many things not aboz the game" are bevore you vote me for something like that?

    This reaction seems for me not like Caboose is in a team with Turnov.

    Whats' an interesting point, because both of them are potentially candidates for me.

    Anyway, I am totally up to get involved into the game. Just poke me and try me to get interacted with someone.

    But for sure not the way Ashley intented, cuz first of all there are so many ways to get someone active than a random vote.

    In addition to that, its really suspect, you said, that you vote me because you think I am werewolf.

    Based on exactly what?

    And later you explain to several ppl, that you just want to get me more active. Ooookay?!

    I'm still not convinced from Rusty so far.

    Where have been a lot of possibilies to make a statement, but the opinions he had have been last and not individual so I felt. Also the way he didn't vote.

    In addition, I think that if Electra is wolf, then Rusty and Ashley are not. I am also very eager to know what Ashley learnt about the game?

    I don't really understand what you mean here.

    Speaking of Ashley: He caused frowns in saying that random votes are less useful at the start of the came compared to later. Maybe I can ask him why this is the case?

    you realized that I spoke about the leaders election there?

    Joule had some short messages on side 8 I liked. Also the way this posts came out, it felt like he develops his thought and that's something I personally do more like a villager. But I didn't see the point he wanted to say about Dinah

    The vote speaks strongly for Pearl, especially when the other candidates in that moment (Caboose and Electra) are villagers.

    I think Ruhrgold is pretty much the definition of an uninteresting neutral lynch. Not so cool in ms opinion. However, it's understandable indeed.

    Hm, somebody who's lynching for informations instead of werewolves?

    I furthermore don't think Electra and Joule are a bad team.

    To be honest, I am a little disappointed that Pearl didn't vote until now although she is the leader.

    I also do not like Electra switching now, but I liked her other posts so far..

    I don't really think Dinah would write this in a moment shortly before her cowerewolf dies.

    I am still a bit unsure about Joule, but also think that it is rather unlikely that she played it like that as a wolf?

    yeah, i think it would be a untypical play for a werewolf.

    Obelix why haven't you vote? I'm a little bit surprised.

    Does this lynch makes Caboose more confortable?

    Hm, you didn't vote in both of this elections. Who would be your best candidate yesterday and who would you vote now if you now would be to vote a final vote?

    Coco, why do you trust Wrench and Turnov? I don't really see a good reason.

    yes, the same and I'm also rethinking my opinion about Buffy.

    But at the moment I would again VOTE:Rusty and this it's neither a motivation or an inactive vote.


    Stand Tag 3

    Rusty (1): Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 20:58:17

  • Dear diary,

    I was thinking about all my new impressions back and forth, but I think I don't have to say much at the moment.

    I remember this conversation:

    Spiel 49 | Spezialspiel | Jugolas | Anonymous Game | Starlight Express | 13/15

    In Dinah's post, Joule gets a villagery touch and an exclusion with Buffy, why is he not in the village list?

    I'm still not convinced about a Dinah villager! I know this doesn't let me sleep tonight.

    Turnov didn't vote me as a leader. When I assess his personality right, I would expect him being wolf to do exactly this because I seem to be the only one protecting him.

    Ashley asked some things I fear I didn't clarify and specify:

    What did he learn from his vote on Rusty?

    Why does he needs to express that a random vote at the day of leader election is useless but not later?

    I'm really into not trusting the voting situation yesterday a a classical one!

    Electra was in a situation of observing a tie between her opponents. So it does not mean much. How would the others talk about her if she just would have been quiet?

    Pearl voted very late, so the Ruhrgold dead was very lately foreseeable, therefore the wolves weren't able to react.

    I'll change my plans right now.


    I love you my dear!




    Stand Tag 3

    Dinah (1): Coco

    Rusty (1): Ashley

    Verbleibende Zeit: 20:38:14

  • PS.: I remembered that Caboose was the one with the emotional distancing issue, which I think is quite villagery (he is, thus, missing in my village earlier tonight).

    What would a wolf Electra do when there's a tie between village Caboose and co-wolf Ruhrgold? Especially since his explicit signal was only to rescue himself? After all, he was rescued anyway, except that others come and vote (5 min before deadline).

    I think I need some sleep to think this through more extensively. Or more dead people.

  • Okay Ashley, you want to do a thing out of it.

    First of all, why were you voting me, then you said yourself, there are also plenty other canidates, who are inactive. so, why did you especially pick me out of all of them? huh?

    And then you still ignore the fact, that I said, you ignored a question of pearl. Instead of asking which question and so on you rather vote me again.


    Regarding of my sassy comments now, I still dont think you are on the bad side, since you also voted the werewolf. I mean, you could have stayed on me and start an easy lynchtrain. But you didnt.

    But just dont vote so early again on some "easy" lynch, yea I am feeling myself like that, I have admit that.

  • Dear diary,

    whoooo... this post of Rusty was quite wolfy!


    Good night, my dear!




    Stand Tag 3

    Rusty (2): Ashley, Coco

    Verbleibende Zeit: 19:26:15

  • im sorry that im online so late :/

    Coco: -

    how did this come?

    It also occured to me that Wrench has a pretty special position in this game. She seems much more in the questioning mode. The comments are usually quite good in my opinion, but I would wish for more opinions.

    you can always ask if you wanna hear a certain opinion

    I didn't really like Rusty's post. His criticism towards Buffy is completely justified, and his opinion about Pearl and Coco is something I share. Nevertheless I would have hoped for more insight into his thoughts. As of now, it all seems a bit shallow, and also I got the impression that the question to Buffy about Turnov is a bit out of place. I had the thought that Rusty might be wolf with either Turnov or Buffy and tried to create either mindgames (If Turnov) or interaction (If Buffy) with one of his furry friends.

    i thought this was a good thought. villager-like from joule here imo

    I think Ruhrgold is pretty much the definition of an uninteresting neutral lynch. Not so cool in ms opinion. However, it's understandable indeed.

    i didnt liked this sentence bc Joule didn made any "advertising" for another lynch but calls this one uncool

    . Perhaps all of them are villager or electra is a wolf, I don't know.

    i think the dynamic speaks for electra and carboose as villagers

    Pearl not a wolf either, I assume.

    I am still a bit unsure about Joule, but also think that it is rather unlikely that she played it like that as a wolf?

    i dont see why she couldnt play this as a wolf there.

    Furthermore, he says he likes Joule, Electra (but can change and it did eventually) and dislikes Ashley voting Rusty. My thoughts: Electra is rather wolf than Joule; and Ashley and Rusty are not wolves together.

    i fell kinda unsure about this. feels a bit like definitly want to read sth. out of ruhrgold.

    does somebody else got the feeling coco wasnt as strong as yesterday?

    Do you think it is worth to read what others said about Ruhrgold?

    i think its worthier than analysing his posts

    This reaction seems for me not like Caboose is in a team with Turnov.

    Whats' an interesting point, because both of them are potentially candidates for me.

    i agree on that.

    would you say Caboose over turnov or the other way round?

    Wrench why haven't you vote? I'm a little bit surprised.

    honestly i didnt make it on till now, i will try to be there the next votings

    yes, the same and I'm also rethinking my opinion about Buffy.

    why are you doing so even though there was no new input from buffy?

    whoooo... this post of Rusty was quite wolfy!

    i also thought so! still hanging on that ashley thing and the argument for her beeing villager was a way to easy way of thinking.

    i must also admit that i liked electra the last posts/during the lynch and before

    im going to bed now:sleeping:

  • Why did Electra vote Volta although Ruhrgold was at an equal level and already had one vote? (in his large assessment post)

    Because racoon :D (stomach)

    How do you now, after Ruhrgolds death think about a Vote wolf?

    You mean Volta I guess.

    I still dont know yet, but she is definitely not one of the persons towards I have a positice tendency.

    How do you think about that?

    Does this lynch makes Caboose more confortable?

    Thats a very good question.

    I still need to think about this, but at the moment I dont think so. In my opinion the wolves either have already voted or havent been online at the lynch. Otherwise they could have also voted me for example to save Ruhrgold.

    How do you think about that and why did you aks that question in the first place?

    What would a wolf Electra do when there's a tie between village Caboose and co-wolf Ruhrgold? Especially since his explicit signal was only to rescue himself?

    The vote against Caboose was indeed to rescue myself. But the vote on Ruhgold not, as I mentioned already.

    What exactly are you accusing me or in other words: What should I have done at the lynch that you would find at least that aspect of my game rather villagery?

    I think I am going to reconsider my slightly negative tendency regarding Coco. I dont think that a wolf would currently put that much effort into trying to make my lynch vote look bad?

    whoooo... this post of Rusty was quite wolfy!

    I agree on that.

    This also feels more like a village Coco to me. But I still need to think about that.

    does somebody else got the feeling coco wasnt as strong as yesterday?

    Yes, thats true imo and was also the reason for my slightly negative tendency.

  • I don't know whether I agree to you all that Rusty's complaint is suspicious. When I read it for the first time, it seemed more likely to me that he was an annoyed villager, but now I have to say that the post really seems artificial.

    Obelix: What's your opinion on Buffy, Dinah and Turnov again? Who would you vote if you had to decide now and for what reason? Who do you think you would have voted yesterday?

    Also, why should I actively advertise for a different lynch? The Ruhrgold votes were really understandable (and in fact I even think I would have switched to save Caboose if Electra hadn't done anything), but in the worst case, we just lose a villager and don't even gain information, because voting Ruhrgold in this situation is completely sensible in each role. So I was rather criticising the tactics behind the move and I still stand behind that. I can't imagine that every person that was in a similar position as Ruhrgold (say, Rusty, Volta, maybe Flat Top, Buffy, Turnov) is a werewolf, so Pearl was pretty lucky to pick the right person, but obviously that's not clear before the lynch.

    On my radar today are mainly Turnov, Buffy and Rusty, maybe Dinah. I definitely want to read more from Volta, Flat Top and also Caboose.

  • How do you now, after Ruhrgolds death think about a Vote wolf?

    why do you think theres a connection between the lynch and her Volta assessment

    I think I am going to reconsider my slightly negative tendency regarding Coco. I dont think that a wolf would currently put that much effort into trying to make my lynch vote look bad?

    i also see mre of a villager in a tunnel with his analysis there rather than a wolf

    I don't know whether I agree to you all that Rusty's complaint is suspicious. When I read it for the first time, it seemed more likely to me that he was an annoyed villager, but now I have to say that the post really seems artificial.

    if you think its artificial, what does it says about ashley then?

    Wrench : What's your opinion on Buffy, Dinah and Turnov again? Who would you vote if you had to decide now and for what reason? Who do you think you would have voted yesterday?

    i like dinah. i think her questioning is villager like and i also liked her especially in interaction with coco Day 0. Her reaction to the lynch also seemed authentic.

    i didnt liked turnovs longer post yesterday as i expressed and i think in his reaction to my question/statement hes thinking to easy imo.

    i dont think i have a real opinion about buffy yet. i wasnt a fan off the big post yesterday but this is rather based on feelings and im still waiting for some reactions from him to the questions to evaluate him.

    Im unsure who i would have voted yesterday, but honestly probably electra over ruhrgold.

    if i had to vote now i would vote turnov i think bc from the ones i dont feel like beeing a villager hes the one with the most/strongest things i disliked. as mentioned above mostly bc his longer post.

    Also, why should I actively advertise for a different lynch? The Ruhrgold votes were really understandable (and in fact I even think I would have switched to save Caboose if Electra hadn't done anything), but in the worst case, we just lose a villager and don't even gain information, because voting Ruhrgold in this situation is completely sensible in each role. So I was rather criticising the tactics behind the move and I still stand behind that. I can't imagine that every person that was in a similar position as Ruhrgold (say, Rusty, Volta, maybe Flat Top, Buffy, Turnov) is a werewolf, so Pearl was pretty lucky to pick the right person, but obviously that's not clear before the lynch.

    i just thought when you state the lynch as uninteresting neutral lynch you would rather have someone else and was wondering why you dont do sth. against it then ^^

    so if its completly understandable in both roles, do you think we can even get informations from the votes?