Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora | wolves win

  • Daro Oh, I totally take your meaning! While I have fond memories aplenty of the game, which extend to making liberal use of grammar mistakes in place of making sense, it hits differently these days. As to your misgivings regarding Some People, I'd agree except we're just having a slow start in general. "look I'm being pseudo" ain't the deepest in your repertoire either.

    Someone summon Jan and I might stoop to debating GM (greatest moron) election criteria.

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • Ok, so far the most interesting thing in the game is, that LB swims:ugly:

    Not sure whether I like the topic, Leon and Ente started... I don't think so. Did Alexa have the same problem like me?

    I don't see the problem, but probably was just me explaining myself because I didn't get, why there is a Freemason in the setting before the game started xD

    I have a better solution to this problem: we sacrifice the furry god to the wolves and afterwards they should leave us alone...

    Oh mighty arctic wolf, will your hunger be satisfied if we sacrifice Alexa, the goddess of furries, to you?


  • Hey,

    I´m also happy to play with you for the first time Chunkshark and Xsi!

    VOTE: Alexa


    Stand HD-Wahl - Tag 0

    Alexa (1): Ling

    Verbleibende Zeit: 22:34:40
  • Oh mighty arctic wolf, will your hunger be satisfied if we sacrifice Alexa, the goddess of furries, to you? are asking yourself if you are full after you ate me? Keep up the monologue and maybe tell us the last two wolves...

    You know exactly who the god of furries is - and its not me!


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  • Jadio use Deepl, it works better than Google

    And yes Daro, I don't like the whole topic, but maybe only bc I'm not a huge fan of outing active - that Leongod still needs to be eliminated

    Chat GPT also provides some arguments


  • Not sure whether I like the topic, Leon and Ente started... I don't think so.

    What is it that you don’t like about the topic? I kind of agree with you that it’s not the best topic for the beginning but I also kind of already expected this topic to arise since it’s an outing active game

    Ok, so far the most interesting thing in the game is, that LB swims :ugly:

    Do you think it gets more interesting if I tell you that I’m not swimming in my free time? :ugly:

  • Do you think it gets more interesting if I tell you that I’m not swimming in my free time? :ugly:

    Would've been more interesting if you told me, that you also swim. Even more if you told me, that you swim together with LB (or even that you ever swam together with him).


  • Can we have the resident expert ( Ente ) weigh in his opinions? This is going less than swimmingly...

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • Helloooohoooooo everyone and good night!
    I am looking forward to an satisfying and joyful game!
    I don’t know whether you know that, but I really don’t like outing actives games so that I am kinda surprised that I am actually playinf here… I knew it before so we’ll make the best out of it. At least I am not a wolf! :love:

    By the way I totally don’t understand what we should do with a single mason here… is he then just like a vanilla townie?

    since this is kinda a game for Alexa, I suggest not to kill her too early. But that doesn’t mean that I already have an opinion on her.

    So far I have no suggestions for the mayor. it’s indeed really interesting that LB likes to swim. LB123 are you in a swim team or do you just sometimes, rather unregularly go swimming somewhere? 8o8o

  • Ah, greetings my fellow Villagers, united we stand against those pesky furries.

    Well said, fellow villager!

    Wow, I just convinced myself I'm a wolf talking like that :ugly:

    Okay, who is on the list for the GM and who's going to be the... Well, the other guy. The one with the power to.... Maybe I need to reread the description. Anyways, I vote for VOTE: Leon


    Stand HD-Wahl - Tag 0

    Alexa (1): Ling
    Leon (1): einhornlasagne

    Verbleibende Zeit: 20:37:12

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • Xsí what is your plan this Game with LB?


    Throw that "professional layman" back at his face whenever the opportunity presents itself, then throw him out?

    I briefly considered putting him up for GM, but the vote kept showing up as invalid & there'd be better times to display my own ignorance.

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • since this is kinda a game for Alexa, I suggest not to kill her too early.

    There is no need to hold back yourselves....since I'm a wolfshelper all the time I tend to survive till the end and then they eat me in the last night as "reward" for my help...

    And when I'm werewolf, I survive the game

    As a villager, I rarely get eaten during the game these days and it's been a while since I've been (wrongfully) lynched - so I'm fine


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  • Since when are assassins killing with their teeth?


    Diese Person spamt, trollt gern und ist oft zu direkt.
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  • since this is kinda a game for Alexa, I suggest not to kill her too early.

    There is no need to hold back yourselves....since I'm a wolfshelper all the time I tend to survive till the end and then they eat me in the last night as "reward" for my help...

    And when I'm werewolf, I survive the game

    As a villager, I rarely get eaten during the game these days and it's been a while since I've been (wrongfully) lynched - so I'm fine

    So we just have to wait how long you survive to see what you are? Would be tempting, but I don't want a wolf to survive.

    Also, since there is no helper, which way are you swimming this time?

    By the way I totally don’t understand what we should do with a single mason here… is he then just like a vanilla townie?

    I know what we should not do: hang them :ugly:

    Since when are assassins killing with their teeth?

    New role idea detected :ugly:

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • So we just have to wait how long you survive to see what you are? Would be tempting, but I don't want a wolf to survive.

    Also, since there is no helper, which way are you swimming this time?

    Well since you won't be able to tell it apart until it's already too late I wouldn't suggest you to wait....

    & there is a helper ig (sadly)


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  • Would've been more interesting if you told me, that you also swim. Even more if you told me, that you swim together with LB (or even that you ever swam together with him).

    Well I can’t tell you that. I can’t even tell you when I swam the last time

    since this is kinda a game for Alexa, I suggest not to kill her too early. But that doesn’t mean that I already have an opinion on her.

    I agree on that

    Btw I'm the assassin and I'll kill Alexa tonight

    Why do you want to kill Alexa?