Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora | wolves win

  • Am I the only one who thinks there were not a lot of votes yesterday? To continue Xsì's game

    Good job Leon! And good job ChunkShark , maths is cool no matter what kids think. Did you have the chance to read a bit in here and maybe form an opinion on any player?


  • Lol this is even more fun when you know there is just the healer in play.

    I protected Xsí tonight.

    What sane person would even admit this... this sounds like Donald Trump talking after he heard in the morning that no one died, and taking the fame for it....

  • Am I the only one who thinks there were not a lot of votes yesterday? To continue Xsì's game

    Good job Leon! And good job ChunkShark , maths is cool no matter what kids think. Did you have the chance to read a bit in here and maybe form an opinion on any player?

    Yes, winning with 2 Votes looks realy trustworthy, i think he may even be able to set the minister of finance, and control the whole coalition...

    I only learned that Alexa is realy loud xD

  • Leon actually there is an old man who as far as I know will be protected once aswell. But yes, it's a good start!

    Sorry for not being there, I am quite tired today and had sone things to do. I will have more time tomorrow during the day!

  • VOTE: Leon


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Leon (1): Alexa

    Verbleibende Zeit: 22:46:52


    Diese Person spamt, trollt gern und ist oft zu direkt.
    Sie ist aufgrund dieser Direktheit, dem Mangel an Zurückhaltung & Durchdenken der Wirkung von Beiträgen sehr oft unfreundlich zu Mitspielern. Die Person hat jedoch grundsätzlich alle Mitspieler gern und meint es keinesfalls böse. Sollte jemand empfindlich sein oder durch etwas, was diese Person von sich gegeben hat, verletzt werden, so soll sich diese Person bitte direkt im Thread oder via dm an sie wenden.

  • Couldn't have Daro get haumpfed N1, obviously.

    VOTE: LB123


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Leon (1): Alexa
    LB123 (1): Xsí

    Verbleibende Zeit: 22:43:09

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • Xsí i have a Deal for you. By the end of the day we discuss the LB Lynch again and think then about what to do.

    For now WE ignore him and sus Sunny bunny


  • Oh no, I should have looked at the times!

    I still have no idea who we should lynch.

    But of course I hope that we meet hit a wolf.

    Partien gespielt: 8

    Vielfalt: 6

    Achtung - Verrückter Spielstil im Anmarsch!

  • Xsí i have a Deal for you. By the end of the day we discuss the LB Lynch again and think then about what to do.

    For now WE ignore him and sus Sunny bunny

    I'll hold you to that.



    Comrade Squirrel, please report.


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Leon (1): Alexa

    Stimme zurückgezogen: Xsí

    Verbleibende Zeit: 22:34:25

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • I just want my name to be displayed in the stand, so UNVOTE

    An assessment will follow tomorrow.


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Leon (1): Alexa

    Stimme zurückgezogen: Xsí, Jadio

    Verbleibende Zeit: 22:32:33

    Partien gespielt: 8

    Vielfalt: 6

    Achtung - Verrückter Spielstil im Anmarsch!

  • Ling how would you discribe Jadios wolve Game?

    Im afraid you have to read his last game. I was convinced that he belonged to the village last game.

    In his first wolf game, it was a typical first time wolf game. You could notice, that he read, but wasnt able to write something and didnt give any input.

  • I like ChunkShark and Duck so far.

    But im not so sure about Duck. A wise person told me that Duck ist a ingenious wolf and the last village rounds he was really quiet.

    Daro  Leon what do you think about Duck atm?