Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora | wolves win

  • This was an reaction to Alexas posts, where she wrote about them... I guess it will be evening until Sunny is here.

    About Shark I know nothing. Maybe he will tell us some stories about his childhood or the wolfs cave.

    Sorry, I had to teach some kids how cool mathematics is, even though they had a different opinion on that topic.

  • Lol this is even more fun when you know there is just the healer in play.

    I protected Xsí tonight.

    What sane person would even admit this... this sounds like Donald Trump talking after he heard in the morning that no one died, and taking the fame for it....

  • Am I the only one who thinks there were not a lot of votes yesterday? To continue Xsì's game

    Good job Leon! And good job ChunkShark , maths is cool no matter what kids think. Did you have the chance to read a bit in here and maybe form an opinion on any player?

    Yes, winning with 2 Votes looks realy trustworthy, i think he may even be able to set the minister of finance, and control the whole coalition...

    I only learned that Alexa is realy loud xD

  • For example the HD vote for Shark yesterday from Alexa

    Who else should I have voted? There was no better option

    From what i get here is that either you are a wolve and think that a newbie as HD is better for your group.

    Or you want to be nice and let my first game be a bit more special by give me a more special role....

    cant decide which is it yet

  • I never thought that you had a real chance of becoming mayor, this community usually doesn't give the title to newbies

    Yes, I could have chosen not to vote like everyone else, but I rather set a statement - if they want to kill me for that: their loss, idc at all

    I have allready seen that more than once. But these people wrote more than Shark at day 0

    yeah, i didnt think we would get 24h before anything happens at all, because you dont even have any realy information you can trust on Day 0, thought that all happens soon after the start of the game

    and on the following day i was busy baking poppy snails and teaching airheads :D

    ChunkShark do you allready have some villagers or people you want to lynch today?

    if i take a look at everyone:

    • our loud crew: i would think at least one furry in here
    • Daro (30) --Seems to prioritize rational thinking, gathers information from the quieter players. (townie)
    • Alexa (25) - chaos
    • Leon (19) - chaos and seems to follow alexa ?
    • Xsí (17) - voted Daro and not for chaos, but other then his newest posts they were full of nothing
    • --------------------
    • our medium crew:
    • Ente (14) - nothing realy sus, shooting for alexa, could be townie
    • einhornlasagne (12) - mistrusts alexa-leon, could be townie
    • Ling (8) - Lynching Jadio, who we realy have no information about, not sure about role
    • Buchzauber (7) - not much, but long posts, not sure about role
    • ChunkShark (6) - fellow townie ? who even dares to ask should be lynched
    • -------------------
    • silent crew:
    • LB123 (4) - few but long posts, shoots the same as others against alexa-leon, not sure about role
    • Jadio (4) - the only information is that we have no information...
    • Alohomora (4) - pretty sure wolf 1
    • Sunset (2) - same problem as with Jadio...
    • Bot (2) - pretty sure wolf 2

    so it looks like we have kinda a split of group Alexa, Leon, maybe even with either Ling and Buch, but that kinda looks to early to be outed as such, bcs most noise came from before the first night, and thats mostly a lot of BS

  • i actually hoped my vote will not make the difference xD but at least im sure that we shouldnt lynch someone random

    before we all need to Vote, i would also hope to hear more from LB, Jadio and Sunset, what their opinions are

    otherwise is think we either could take a risk with alexa-leon and give the silent crew some more time, before we lynch them for blood-information

    -> if there are no wolves there, we already have a big problem with a 3vs4(+3 silent)

    or silent people dont get extra time, bcs in RL games thats what happens if you ignore questions...

  • also someone mentioned to solve this case with Math, and thats what i can help with :)

    there is actually a whole field only for that problem called Information-Theory, and we already got our first bits of entropy:

    no one died yet

    so there are three different bits of information available

    The wolves tried to eat the old man

    -> now they now which Person they should try to vote out (realy dangerous for the villagers)

    -> they dont now nothing about the healer

    The wolves tried to eat someone who got healed

    -> realy good for us, because they can't distinguish the healer from the old man

    -> the wolves know whoever got hit by the arctic wolve, now cant be the healer

  • If any advanced player is a wolf, there should be a 100% chance that they already using our public knowledge, WITH their knowledge who they targeted... open communication is always more important then hiding it, especially if there are furrys with us, that try to manipulate the information available...

  • The benefit of solving this puzzle right now is squarely on the wolf side. I don't see how prolonging the conversation right now is going to help, even though obviously at some point we'll want to do a role call.

    ok i get it, just wanted to write something we dont forget, bcs that often happens in the haste of play :(

    and i still dont think this gave the wolves anything they didnt already can calculate, but even in the later days i hope to help with this way of thinking :)

  • Leon actually there is an old man who as far as I know will be protected once aswell. But yes, it's a good start!

    Sorry for not being there, I am quite tired today and had sone things to do. I will have more time tomorrow during the day!

    Where is you?

    maybe it starved bcs it only found an old man for lunch :o

  • But yes, I should be more active… the weather is just so nice :/

    I mean, you could just sit naked in front of your pc like any normal person would with these temperatures.

    There is no reason to leave the screen on a holiday...

  • Let's make this interesting VOTE: Ling


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Jadio (2): Ling, Ente
    Sunset (2): Daro*2
    Buchzauber (2): Leon, Alexa
    Ling (2): Xsí, einhornlasagne

    Stimme zurückgezogen: Jadio

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:20:33

    thats realy not funny.... i said i dont want my vote to be a decision-maker ;(

  • VOTE: BuchzauberStand Lynchung - Tag 1


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Buchzauber (3): Leon, Alexa, ChunkShark
    Jadio (2): Ling, Ente
    Sunset (2): Daro*2
    Ling (2): Xsí, einhornlasagne

    Stimme zurückgezogen: Jadio

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:01:40