Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora | wolves win

  • Preparation for Mafia Championship
    A standard game by Alohomora


    We wanna prepare for the Mafia Championship. Anyone is welcome to support our representative Alexa, we don't care how good you think your English is. I would love to see some players to help English losers becoming better :D


    Begin: 29.04.24
    HD election: 30.04.24; 20:00 Uhr (if tie: random)
    Lynch: 20:00 Uhr
    Night actions: 20:30 Uhr
    Night post: afterwards

    During nights it is not allowed to post in the thread.

    Game properties:

    Game version: Standard game
    Lynch version: Democracy (variant: luck)
    End of game: Overrun
    Outing: active
    Vote constraint: inactive
    Lynch constraint: active
    Eating constraint: active
    Posting constraint: active, at least 15 posts/day [kidding... 1 is enough]

    We play with a known setting. However, unlike in the MU Championship, we won't use a matrix system. Instead, i will tell you the roles that are in the game:

    • Arctic wolf (Polarwolf)
    • 2 werewolves


    • Healer (Heiler)
    • Assassin (Meuchelmörder)
    • Freemason (Freimaurer)
    • Old man (Alter)
    • 5 vanilla townies (Dorfbewohner)

    List of players (12/12)

    1. Alexa
    2. Buchzauber
    3. ChunkShark
    4. Daro
    5. einhornlasagne
    6. Ente
    7. Jadio
    8. LB123
    9. Leon
    10. Ling
    11. Sunset
    12. Xsí

    Waiting list (1)

    1. Fayks


    ---- HD-Wahl/Lynchung ----
    Neue Wahl „HD-Wahl/Lynchung“ mit Deadline 30. April 2024 um 20:00 erstellt.

    Verfallen wir nicht in den Fehler, bei jedem Andersmeinenden entweder an seinem Verstand oder an seinem guten Willen zu zweifeln.

    (Otto von Bismarck)

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Alohomora (29. April 2024 um 16:01)

  • Spielerliste

    1. Alexa - Vanilla town, NK 4
    2. Buchzauber - Vanilla town, overrun
    3. ChunkShark - Werwolf, survived
    4. Daro - HD - Vanilla town, NK 2
    5. einhornlasagne - Freemason, overrun
    6. Ente - Assassin, NK 3
    7. Jadio - Vanilla town, Lynch 2
    8. LB123 - Werwolf, assassin kill N2
    9. Leon - Vanilla town, Lynch 3
    10. Ling - Healer, Lynch 1
    11. Sunset - Old man, Lynch 4
    12. Xsí - HD 2 - Arctic wolf, survived

    19 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Alohomora (4. Mai 2024 um 20:04) aus folgendem Grund: automatische Aktualisierung

  • If your are ready for the preparation for the Championship, you are allowed to post now.

    Have fun all!

    Verfallen wir nicht in den Fehler, bei jedem Andersmeinenden entweder an seinem Verstand oder an seinem guten Willen zu zweifeln.

    (Otto von Bismarck)

  • I'm the freemason, don't @ me, bro. Leon But have you seen any furries around yet? I hear we're supposed to be on the lookout.

    Ach, wie im Fluge vergehen die Jahre...! Asche macht alle gleich. (nach Privatraum)

  • Xsi and Leon are scummy

    Wir suchen DICH...egal was du bist ^^

    Du bist neu und kennst dich nicht aus? Meld dich bei den Mentoren!
    Du hast schon einige Runden gespielt aber möchtest dich verbessern? Hol dir einen Coach!
    Du hast schon einige Runden gespielt und möchtest dich nicht verbessern? Schande über dich Komm zu den Mentoren!
    Du bist alt und erfahren? Dann komm zu den Mentoren und Coaches!
    Du bist alt und unerfahren? How??? Spiel mehr!

    Achtung, diese Signatur enthält Werbung

  • I'm willing to settle of any other profession that might to the uninitiated be misconstrued as Egyptian, but it's rather private information for such an early hour. We're not even surrounded by corpses, though I commend Alexa for starting to look around for volunteers already. Never too early to start with that.

    Ach, wie im Fluge vergehen die Jahre...! Asche macht alle gleich. (nach Privatraum)

  • I remember the game where Nyth also had a similar role and let someone else claim it.

    Now please include the point you're trying to make for the present game, sir Duck.

    Ach, wie im Fluge vergehen die Jahre...! Asche macht alle gleich. (nach Privatraum)

  • No I am Spartacus!!

    And so is your mom. Is this already about determining the greatest moron present? Those special election powers aren't anything to scoff at, though personally, I think I'll pass.

    Ach, wie im Fluge vergehen die Jahre...! Asche macht alle gleich. (nach Privatraum)

  • Hi, I'm 24-year-old , and after finishing my studies I'll be profesisonal layman. During my free time I love to run and swim.

    The setting seems to be interesting.

    I wanna question the Freemansons outings so far. But it seems to me as if it is the normal Day0-joking.

    Somehow I don't even believe her that she's the freemason xD but fun role in an outing active game

    but I do not understand what it should help. There is no pair that can confirm each other to be villiager.

  • I have a better solution to this problem: we sacrifice the furry god to the wolves and afterwards they should leave us alone...

    Wir suchen DICH...egal was du bist ^^

    Du bist neu und kennst dich nicht aus? Meld dich bei den Mentoren!
    Du hast schon einige Runden gespielt aber möchtest dich verbessern? Hol dir einen Coach!
    Du hast schon einige Runden gespielt und möchtest dich nicht verbessern? Schande über dich Komm zu den Mentoren!
    Du bist alt und erfahren? Dann komm zu den Mentoren und Coaches!
    Du bist alt und unerfahren? How??? Spiel mehr!

    Achtung, diese Signatur enthält Werbung

  • Hey guys, I'm glad to play with you all ^^

    I'm happy to play with Xsí the first time while and that Sunny doesn't suspected me so far.

    Also it's cool to play with ChunkShark. He seems to be promising.

    To all the others guys: It's interesting to know that LB is also swimming, I didn't so far.

    Not sure whether I like the topic, Leon and Ente started... I don't think so. Did Alexa have the same problem like me?

    I'm excited to play an english game the first time from a village point of view. I know pseudo and so, but it is what it is ^^

    I wish everybody a pleasant game!

    "Freiheit und Leben kann man uns nehmen - die Ehre nicht." - Otto Wels

  • Hi, I'm 24-year-old , and after finishing my studies I'll be profesisonal layman. During my free time I love to run and swim

    Wait, what? You swim in your free time?

    I'm a little bit tense because I've never played an Outing active game.

    Notice: My English isn't very good and some words like "tense" or "notice" are from Google Translator.

    Partien gespielt: 8

    Vielfalt: 6

    Achtung - Verrückter Spielstil im Anmarsch!

  • Jadio use Deepl, it works better than Google

    And yes Daro, I don't like the whole topic, but maybe only bc I'm not a huge fan of outing active - that Leongod still needs to be eliminated

    Wir suchen DICH...egal was du bist ^^

    Du bist neu und kennst dich nicht aus? Meld dich bei den Mentoren!
    Du hast schon einige Runden gespielt aber möchtest dich verbessern? Hol dir einen Coach!
    Du hast schon einige Runden gespielt und möchtest dich nicht verbessern? Schande über dich Komm zu den Mentoren!
    Du bist alt und erfahren? Dann komm zu den Mentoren und Coaches!
    Du bist alt und unerfahren? How??? Spiel mehr!

    Achtung, diese Signatur enthält Werbung