Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora | wolves win

  • VOTE: Sunset


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Sunset (3): Daro*2, Ling
    Buchzauber (3): Leon, Alexa, ChunkShark
    Ling (2): Xsí, einhornlasagne
    Jadio (1): Ente

    Stimme zurückgezogen: Jadio

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:00:49
  • VOTE: Ling


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Ling (4): Xsí, einhornlasagne, Daro*2
    Buchzauber (3): Leon, Alexa, ChunkShark
    Jadio (1): Ente
    Sunset (1): Ling

    Stimme zurückgezogen: Jadio

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:00:28

    "Freiheit und Leben kann man uns nehmen - die Ehre nicht." - Otto Wels

  • VOTE: Buchzauber


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Buchzauber (4): Leon, Alexa, ChunkShark, Ling
    Ling (4): Xsí, einhornlasagne, Daro*2
    Jadio (1): Ente

    Stimme zurückgezogen: Jadio

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:00:15
  • VOTE: Ling


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Ling (5): Xsí, einhornlasagne, Daro*2, ChunkShark
    Buchzauber (3): Leon, Alexa, Ling
    Jadio (1): Ente

    Stimme zurückgezogen: Jadio

    Verbleibende Zeit: 00:00:12
  • You could vote Book too Lasagna, you said she's sus earlier today

    How do you feel about Leon voting book? Yesterday Daro voting for me was a deal-breaker, but Leon isn't?

    I won't try to assess Leon this round, I'll ignore him and lynch him if my teams don't make sense

    Wir suchen DICH...egal was du bist ^^

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  • Deadline abgelaufen

    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Ling (5): Xsí, einhornlasagne, Daro*2, ChunkShark
    Buchzauber (3): Leon, Alexa, Ling
    Jadio (1): Ente

    Stimme zurückgezogen: Jadio

    Verlauf Lynchung - Tag 1

    Spoiler anzeigen
    Alexa stimmt auf Leon (30. Apr 24 21:13)
    Xsí stimmt auf LB123 (30. Apr 24 21:16)
    Xsí stimmt auf niemanden (30. Apr 24 21:25)
    Jadio stimmt auf niemanden (30. Apr 24 21:27)
    Ling stimmt auf Jadio (1. May 24 13:04)
    Daro stimmt auf Sunset (1. May 24 16:34)
    Leon stimmt auf Buchzauber (1. May 24 16:57)
    Xsí stimmt auf Ling (1. May 24 17:16)
    Ente stimmt auf Jadio (1. May 24 18:25)
    Alexa stimmt auf Buchzauber (1. May 24 19:20)
    einhornlasagne stimmt auf Ling (1. May 24 19:39)
    ChunkShark stimmt auf Buchzauber (1. May 24 19:58)
    Ling stimmt auf Sunset (1. May 24 19:59)
    Daro stimmt auf Ling (1. May 24 19:59)
    Ling stimmt auf Buchzauber (1. May 24 19:59)
    ChunkShark stimmt auf Ling (1. May 24 19:59)
  • Woah what happened now xD

    Wir suchen DICH...egal was du bist ^^

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  • Day 1 result

    You lynch Ling, he was the healer.

    Verfallen wir nicht in den Fehler, bei jedem Andersmeinenden entweder an seinem Verstand oder an seinem guten Willen zu zweifeln.

    (Otto von Bismarck)

  • Night 2

    The werwolves ate Daro, he was vanilla town. Xsí is the new leader.

    Furthermore, werwolf LB123 was killed by the assassin.

    ---- Lynchung ----
    Tag 2 wurde gestartet. Deadline: 2. Mai 2024 um 20:00
    Der Stimmwert von Xsí wurde auf 2 gesetzt.

    Verfallen wir nicht in den Fehler, bei jedem Andersmeinenden entweder an seinem Verstand oder an seinem guten Willen zu zweifeln.

    (Otto von Bismarck)

  • Alohomora 1. Mai 2024 um 20:47

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora [12/12]“ zu „Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora [9/12]“ geändert.
  • VOTE: Leon


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 2

    Leon (1): Alexa

    Verbleibende Zeit: 23:08:44

    Wir suchen DICH...egal was du bist ^^

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  • Woah what happened now xD

    it started with me voting for Buchzauber, bcs i thought he was more sus then the other

    ->Sunset got only voted by Daro bcs he was afk, but since he started writing again, there was no reason on hitting on him

    then Ling voted on him, even there was no reason to do it, and fast switched to Buch, which was a realy sus to me

    and with Daro's Leaderroles on Ling, i switched to support Daro, since i trusted him, sadly we both failed hard on it.

    After knowing that he was healer, no wonder that he didnt care to throw a townie under the bus, the healer should survive...

    But without that knowledge he realy acted weird :(

  • Even as vanilla townie he would have tried to save himself. He's not that type that will sacrifice himself because the other one could be townie or have a better role than him

    Wir suchen DICH...egal was du bist ^^

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  • Since all special roles are spent, what do you think about outing?

    What about the old man?

    Wir suchen DICH...egal was du bist ^^

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    Du hast schon einige Runden gespielt und möchtest dich nicht verbessern? Schande über dich Komm zu den Mentoren!
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    Du bist alt und unerfahren? How??? Spiel mehr!

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  • I am really sorry!! Sounds weird but my internet connection outside didn't work. I actually wanted to discuss more but did not work. But to be honest, I guess I would have voted Ling, since I had that wrong gut feeling :/

    I just read the last posts, if Ling has healed someone it could be Book or Xsí. Well at least from that one Post he posted this evening. I will have a further look now what he wrote before. But I guess more likely is that he healed himself or maybe Daro?

    The votes could probably suggest that the wolves knew that Ling would be healer and want him dead, but I am actually not sure whether this conclusion is really possible since it was kinda Daro who deciced that LIng will be lynched and not myself or Book. And there is still the possiility that he healed wrong and the old man was the Werwolves night kill.

    Furthermore I am not sure whether the Lynch actually says something about myself or Book. Is it really more likely that one of us is a Wolf or could it also be three townies in Focus?

    At least we have a dead Wolf :love:Does someone remember something from last game, maybe Leon what LB said about his Wolfmates? Do you think we can draw some conclusions?

    Well I would like to promise more activity now but since real life plans changed already today and I will work tomorrow again... I will give my best :/