Game 174 | Preparation for Mafia Championship | English Game by Alohomora | wolves win

  • But im not so sure about Duck. A wise person told me that Duck ist a ingenious wolf and the last village rounds he was really quiet.


    Who said that?

    Ling i have Bad Leon vibes

    Hmm yes, Leon is on my suspect list aswell, but i like Jadio and Alexa even less.

    I like ChunkShark and Duck so far.

    Adequate taste in animals. You're about where I'd place an activity based cutt-off for lynching, btw (ordered downwards Shark, Sunset, Book, Jadio & that guy). I wouldn't count on more than 1 wolf in that group, but with the other half of players, it's not smelling like consensus and on the contrary looking like we'll get plenty additional material for subsequent days.

    Wouldnt count on it neither, but right now i could imagine two aswell. Most of the players in the upper half are on a good way in my opinion.

    I nearly 100% agree with this post. Thats not enough to put Daro in my town yet, buti like him so far.

    Do you read anything into that?

    I know you didnt ask me but I do tbh. In his first wolf game it was exactly the same situation. He was somehow present and not inactive, but didnt give input at all. I mean last game as wolf, he tried with his lists, but with his game right now, i cant imagine to let him get into the lategame.

    VOTE: Jadio


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Leon (1): Alexa
    Jadio (1): Ling

    Stimme zurückgezogen: Xsí, Jadio

    Verbleibende Zeit: 06:55:07
  • Don't really see a team out of Alexa and Book atm.

    I don't see anything pointing in the opposite direction either

    My reason is what Alexa wrote when she analysed the HD votes

    Eh... She said she had Book as a wolf since yesterday but did not say anything yesterday. This is very out of the blue and she also doesn't act on it, she just throws it out there, randomly. But I can see where you're coming from.

    Hiss! I say: HISS!

  • All you do here is to say about some people that you don't trust them because they are sus. First that is not right and second that's not a reason.

    Well I do find them sus, just because you can't understand it it doesn't mean that it's wrong (at least for me it isn't)

    I don't understand what you want from me rn

    Wir suchen DICH...egal was du bist ^^

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  • For example the HD vote for Shark yesterday from Alexa

    Who else should I have voted? There was no better option

    From what i get here is that either you are a wolve and think that a newbie as HD is better for your group.

    Or you want to be nice and let my first game be a bit more special by give me a more special role....

    cant decide which is it yet

  • I never thought that you had a real chance of becoming mayor, this community usually doesn't give the title to newbies

    Yes, I could have chosen not to vote like everyone else, but I rather set a statement - if they want to kill me for that: their loss, idc at all

    Wir suchen DICH...egal was du bist ^^

    Du bist neu und kennst dich nicht aus? Meld dich bei den Mentoren!
    Du hast schon einige Runden gespielt aber möchtest dich verbessern? Hol dir einen Coach!
    Du hast schon einige Runden gespielt und möchtest dich nicht verbessern? Schande über dich Komm zu den Mentoren!
    Du bist alt und erfahren? Dann komm zu den Mentoren und Coaches!
    Du bist alt und unerfahren? How??? Spiel mehr!

    Achtung, diese Signatur enthält Werbung ✨

  • All you do here is to say about some people that you don't trust them because they are sus. First that is not right and second that's not a reason.

    Well I do find them sus, just because you can't understand it it doesn't mean that it's wrong (at least for me it isn't)

    I don't understand what you want from me rn

    We could start with some villagers.

    I never thought that you had a real chance of becoming mayor, this community usually doesn't give the title to newbies

    Yes, I could have chosen not to vote like everyone else, but I rather set a statement - if they want to kill me for that: their loss, idc at all

    I have allready seen that more than once. But these people wrote more than Shark at day 0

    Aktuell läuft die Abstimmung über den Anwalt (bis 10.09.): Umfragen - Testrollen

    Stimme gerne alle ab! ^^

  • I know you didnt ask me but I do tbh. In his first wolf game it was exactly the same situation. He was somehow present and not inactive, but didnt give input at all. I mean last game as wolf, he tried with his lists, but with his game right now, i cant imagine to let him get into the lategame.

    I get that point I just get the feeling that hes maybe a bit overwhelmed with this being an english speaking game and therefore doesnt post as much as in another game, thats why I dont like to vote him already but I agree with you that I dont see him in the late game (I dont see myself there either at the moment tbh :ugly:)

    I dont really get the gist of Alexas game at the moment. She just says she finds someone sus since yesterday where she didnt say anything about it and the proceeds to build a team on that impression as if that has to be the right solution

  • On record, I don't think trying to reason with Alexa is particularly indicative of alignment, even though I appreciate you guys taking up the mantle. (It's not what I'm going to pour my afternoon into.) In terms of post number, the highest numbered player I'm looking at remains Ling - that longer-ish post on the same page (#8) looks like he's going for activity and content, but it reads as an assortment of superficial reactions to the odd quote here and there that didn't add to my understanding of either Ling's or anyone else's perspective on the game. Voting Jadio feels cheap. Yeah, we're obviously going to kill him dead if he doesn't deliver on yesterday's teaser (and there's at least another reason to give his file the evil eye), but not giving him the chance to talk to us today feels plain conterproductive, or even like you're putting gratuitous amonts of pressure on a townie that might be about to talk themselves out of it.

    Anyone, that making sense so far? There's been a nefarious plot on my afternoon nap in favour of forum posting, I'd prefer to be exhausted in company then.

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • We could start with some villagers.

    It would be easier to tell you my suspects

    Okay well then, let's try

    I kinda liked that Ente saw that my gamestyle is different compared to last round, so I'm tempted to put him into my town

    I don't understand Einhorn, cause on the one hand she agrees with me that Buch is sus, on the other hand I'm sus bc I suspect Buch

    You are playing yourself a little bit more into town but ik that you are a good ww, so I won't fully trust you

    Ling could be bad

    And bc I'm missing some townies, I'll put Sharky and Sunny in my village as well

    Xsi & Leon could be a great team, but only bc of their interactions

    So IF Ente, Daro are townies, there is a good chance that Xsi and Leon are wolves

    IF Leon is good, Daro might be bad. IF Daro and Leon are good, Xsi or Ente (or Einhorn) must be bad

    Wir suchen DICH...egal was du bist ^^

    Du bist neu und kennst dich nicht aus? Meld dich bei den Mentoren!
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    Du hast schon einige Runden gespielt und möchtest dich nicht verbessern? Schande über dich Komm zu den Mentoren!
    Du bist alt und erfahren? Dann komm zu den Mentoren und Coaches!
    Du bist alt und unerfahren? How??? Spiel mehr!

    Achtung, diese Signatur enthält Werbung ✨

  • On record, I don't think trying to reason with Alexa is particularly indicative of alignment, even though I appreciate you guys taking up the mantle. (It's not what I'm going to pour my afternoon into.) In terms of post number, the highest numbered player I'm looking at remains Ling - that longer-ish post on the same page (#8) looks like he's going for activity and content, but it reads as an assortment of superficial reactions to the odd quote here and there that didn't add to my understanding of either Ling's or anyone else's perspective on the game. Voting Jadio feels cheap. Yeah, we're obviously going to kill him dead if he doesn't deliver on yesterday's teaser (and there's at least another reason to give his file the evil eye), but not giving him the chance to talk to us today feels plain conterproductive, or even like you're putting gratuitous amonts of pressure on a townie that might be about to talk themselves out of it.

    Anyone, that making sense so far? There's been a nefarious plot on my afternoon nap in favour of forum posting, I'd prefer to be exhausted in company then.

    But he had the chance and still has it.

    I see no problem in a cheap vote since there are a view people with only a few messages. Better Option than Alexa or Leon for me right now and i like him least from the others with low post numbers.

  • But he had the chance and still has it.

    See, that's kind of my point. You pick one line to make just the statement I gave you an obvious opening for, and that's all you deem neccessary.

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • I see no problem in a cheap vote since there are a view people with only a few messages. Better Option than Alexa or Leon for me right now and i like him least from the others with low post numbers.

    I personally dont like to vote someone just because he hasn`t contributed that much as others especially if its still the beginning of the game. Especially if theres other players that are more sus

  • For me is book a villager.

    Alexa which interactions between Leon and Xsi do you mean?

    Sunny as townie because you allready have so many wolves? Idk

    Aktuell läuft die Abstimmung über den Anwalt (bis 10.09.): Umfragen - Testrollen

    Stimme gerne alle ab! ^^

  • For me is book a villager.

    Alexa which interactions between Leon and Xsi do you mean?

    Sunny as townie because you allready have so many wolves? Idk

    That "oh I'm Freemason with Leon" "I saved Xsi tonight" stuff

    I don't think we are going to be on the same level anytime soon - can you explain why Buch is a townie?

    Let's imagine, that Buch, you and me are townies - where are the wolves then? Einhorn? Ente?

    Wir suchen DICH...egal was du bist ^^

    Du bist neu und kennst dich nicht aus? Meld dich bei den Mentoren!
    Du hast schon einige Runden gespielt aber möchtest dich verbessern? Hol dir einen Coach!
    Du hast schon einige Runden gespielt und möchtest dich nicht verbessern? Schande über dich Komm zu den Mentoren!
    Du bist alt und erfahren? Dann komm zu den Mentoren und Coaches!
    Du bist alt und unerfahren? How??? Spiel mehr!

    Achtung, diese Signatur enthält Werbung ✨

  • I never thought that you had a real chance of becoming mayor, this community usually doesn't give the title to newbies

    Yes, I could have chosen not to vote like everyone else, but I rather set a statement - if they want to kill me for that: their loss, idc at all

    I have allready seen that more than once. But these people wrote more than Shark at day 0

    yeah, i didnt think we would get 24h before anything happens at all, because you dont even have any realy information you can trust on Day 0, thought that all happens soon after the start of the game

    and on the following day i was busy baking poppy snails and teaching airheads :D

    ChunkShark do you allready have some villagers or people you want to lynch today?

    if i take a look at everyone:

    • our loud crew: i would think at least one furry in here
    • Daro (30) --Seems to prioritize rational thinking, gathers information from the quieter players. (townie)
    • Alexa (25) - chaos
    • Leon (19) - chaos and seems to follow alexa ?
    • Xsí (17) - voted Daro and not for chaos, but other then his newest posts they were full of nothing
    • --------------------
    • our medium crew:
    • Ente (14) - nothing realy sus, shooting for alexa, could be townie
    • einhornlasagne (12) - mistrusts alexa-leon, could be townie
    • Ling (8) - Lynching Jadio, who we realy have no information about, not sure about role
    • Buchzauber (7) - not much, but long posts, not sure about role
    • ChunkShark (6) - fellow townie ? who even dares to ask should be lynched
    • -------------------
    • silent crew:
    • LB123 (4) - few but long posts, shoots the same as others against alexa-leon, not sure about role
    • Jadio (4) - the only information is that we have no information...
    • Alohomora (4) - pretty sure wolf 1
    • Sunset (2) - same problem as with Jadio...
    • Bot (2) - pretty sure wolf 2

    so it looks like we have kinda a split of group Alexa, Leon, maybe even with either Ling and Buch, but that kinda looks to early to be outed as such, bcs most noise came from before the first night, and thats mostly a lot of BS

  • So, do you want to lynch someone (semi)active & hope to get better intel on the inactive ones tomorrow? Or is it just the reverse? ChunkShark

    Und wenn man versucht sich selbst dümmer zu machen als man ist, dann gelingt einem das blöderweise auch meistens. - C. S. Lewis

  • i actually hoped my vote will not make the difference xD but at least im sure that we shouldnt lynch someone random

    before we all need to Vote, i would also hope to hear more from LB, Jadio and Sunset, what their opinions are

    otherwise is think we either could take a risk with alexa-leon and give the silent crew some more time, before we lynch them for blood-information

    -> if there are no wolves there, we already have a big problem with a 3vs4(+3 silent)

    or silent people dont get extra time, bcs in RL games thats what happens if you ignore questions...

  • VOTE: Sunset


    Stand Lynchung - Tag 1

    Sunset (2): Daro*2
    Leon (1): Alexa
    Jadio (1): Ling

    Stimme zurückgezogen: Xsí, Jadio

    Verbleibende Zeit: 03:25:49

    Aktuell läuft die Abstimmung über den Anwalt (bis 10.09.): Umfragen - Testrollen

    Stimme gerne alle ab! ^^

  • also someone mentioned to solve this case with Math, and thats what i can help with :)

    there is actually a whole field only for that problem called Information-Theory, and we already got our first bits of entropy:

    no one died yet

    so there are three different bits of information available

    The wolves tried to eat the old man

    -> now they now which Person they should try to vote out (realy dangerous for the villagers)

    -> they dont now nothing about the healer

    The wolves tried to eat someone who got healed

    -> realy good for us, because they can't distinguish the healer from the old man

    -> the wolves know whoever got hit by the arctic wolve, now cant be the healer